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Here’s a crazy idea, but could it be Reiny? Granted, she only graduated two months ago and the rumor is that she’s heading for a corpo, but maybe it’s Idol Corp?


Might want to cheche out >!Bonnie Barkswell!<


Wow! I did not recognize her at all! I’ve been getting her in algorithm lately thanks to a certain racing giraffe.


Kiwi kiwivolt?


Who also happens to be >!Shizukou!<


_What the fu-_


And here I was hoping that she might eventually return to that super-sexy model she commissioned from K Pring.


She did mention on discord that persona she made was kinda taxing for her


That'd be her.


That's surprising, but maybe I was already expecting her after seeing her best friend debut just before


Who is her best friend?


That certain racing Giraffe Kiri Kilovolt, formerly >!Shizukou!<


Oh, so that's where she is. Thanks!


how did i not recognize her...




oh shit - no wonder why i keep seeing her get retweeted a lot


is this a fact? are you sure? Cos I've seen her debut and I did feel that energy but I don't have anything conclusive. If that is who she is then I'm gonna cry!


It's very obvious if you continued to watch her. She's live now, listen in for yourself.


Ah that’s what happened to her. We used to chat a bit in Prismcord from time to time. I knew >!Bonnie!< sounded familiar but couldn’t place it. Now it makes sense.


Might be Soyapoya or Yuniiho. Those are the only 2 that recently graduated that were not part of the recent Globie set.


Considering one of the IdolES talents only haitus'd her PL 5 mins before her idol debut, it could be literally anyone.


It could be you! It could be me! It could even--


What? It's obvious! He's the new Idol talent! Watch, he'll upload his debut any minute now!


is there a thread about who the PL of IdolES are?


Yes, that was on this sub. I believe it was the talent introduction post. I don't have the link for it, but it should be easily found


That makes sense on the high-profile announcement side of things and the fact that Idol has no problem bringing on Euros, but... somehow, I'm struggling to see Soya in that environment. Could definitely be Yunii. Honestly, the first person that the silhouette reminded me of was Inami Yoki, but she's probably not related to any of this.


Talking about Globie... is that one y'know a certain Panda that retired some months ago?


Everyone has that graduated talent in their hearts they hope for. May many be blessed. Personally I’m hoping for a cat warrior/ninja


>!You might want to look at the PixelLink gen 2 teasers. Very early but one of them has written a message that starts "Hi Hi. Are you ready..."!<




Glad to see you see the hints too


Also “have fun together”


Also: literally everyone was calling her honorary PixelLink before shit went down


I followed during her ninja days. Only learned about her warrior days the final week. Hopped into chat and she seemed to remember me. Still brought a smile to my face hearing that voice.




where are the teasers? I cannot seem to find them


It's the pinned tweet on the agencies twitter account. They set up a slot machine type thing that has handwritten messages from the pre-debut talents and a countdown timer for next weekend. People have posted all the outcomes in the replies.


>Personally I’m hoping for a cat warrior/ninja Same


Reveal on tomorrow Idol [Alert](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzAaveDySkk) feels like someone i've seen already but i don't have a name


 Was ky0resu accepted back?/s  If no, loremasters, I summon ye, can you please tell us who might it be?   


Actually this got me interested, was there at any point precedent of agency hiring graduated talent again?


Sana has done some artwork for councilrys


Yeah but Sana graduated for health related issues


art career\*


[Sasaki Saku from Nijisanji JP](https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Sasaki_Saku) graduated and then came back again a couple months later.


Ok, let's hope it will be better than the last time.


Riro Ron is coming back! 


Damn Aviel really is cooking. He sent a very cryptic tweet yesterday saying it's only the beginning of May. I'm glad I can catch idol alert after work in the morning


idol announced that they're debuting with a new name and model as Enya Ignis on May 11th. Their identity will be revealed in that stream. The same debut stream will also announce the 2 other VTubers of this new gen, who will keep their name and get a new model/outfit. They will also debut on May 11th.




On a Monday? Yuck...


Well, the reveal, i think the proper debut will be on the weekend. Also laughs in EU, both advent and council had debuts on monday (1am) eu time, which is also monday jst


I used to be hugely into Holo, but I've stopped watching entirely now. It used to be all I watched and listened to, but I ended up unsubscribing from all the channels and the subreddit after about four years. There was only one of them who regularly streamed during European friendly times, and when others wanted to they were actively discouraged (Vesper had his standard stream time at 7pm CEST and management told him not to do that). When they hire three aussies and no Europe based talents, the message is pretty clear. Edit: People got REAL defensive here lol


I understand your dissatisfaction with Cover's stance on the EU region. However, your irrational hatred of everything Hololive seems excessive, especially considering you've stopped watching and listening to their content altogether. You could still casually watch their clips and listen to their banger songs, which aren't timezone-exclusive, but you've chosen to take an extreme approach.


Who said I hate everything Holo? You're reading too much between the lines, bud. I still listen to their songs on occasion (I'm not a big music guy). I realised recently that I hadn't watched a single stream or vod in months, so I unsubscribed. I like to keep my sub list clean and remove channels I don't watch. If I'm not watching the content, I don't really have a reason to be in the subreddits. I also had some issues with /r/hololive, but that was the userbase and not hololive itself. I stopped watching most clips maybe a year or so ago. I found it impossible to discern quality clips from crap. Something that especially bothered me is that a lot of clip channels would title their videos as if something happened on stream, but then it's just one of the involved members recounting the event. I felt clickbaited by this quite often. Now I pretty much only watch clips from first parties, because those are usually quality. But they are not very common.


They're a Japanese based company, they all operate on that time frame with a few exceptions. Stop the complaining and just watch the vods or videos in your own time rather than get salty about the streams not aligning or with EU times.


It's absolutely a legitimate complaint. It's crazy that after such a long time there's not even bread crumbs coming the way of EU holoviewers. Also vods will *never* be the same as watching live, it's called livestreaming for a reason.


Im sorry someone not in YOUR timezone cant stay up and stream for *you*.


That's not even remotely what this comes down to and you know that. They easily could have debuted another EU talent by now, but it's beyond obvious that the only reason Kiara got in is because she happened to live in JP at the time. And plenty of (well known) indies from Europe have applied at other times and have been unequivocally rejected. Even more proof for that is how Vesper had to fight to be even be allowed to stream during EU friendly hours and only settled with management when he did 2 streams on those days.


and it's not even about staying up, on the contrary for the NA talents it would be more like waking up ""early"".


That too, EU and NA streamers in general frequently collab and it's not a problem for either party.


Indeed. 19:00 CEST is 11:00 Pacific / 13:00 Eastern. Having NA based talents streaming for a Europe based audience would actually allow for a "normal" work day where you wake up.around 8am, start working around 9, and then you clock off at 6pm.


No it's not quit your crying. I'm from Canada, I have to remember that most folks don't share my timezone. I hate timezones like everyone else, but at the same time, me rambling on doesn't solve or fix it. I want to watch a car race at Le Mans, guess what time it starts at? I want to watch an NLS race in Germany, guess what time it starts at for me? Instead of acting like a child who doesn't understand, go on their vods and be like "Sorry XYZ streamer for missing your stream, I wish we could share the same or similar timezones so I could watch and interact during the stream but it was XYZ time here in XYZ country. Here's a like and love the content nonetheless." But nooooOOOOoooo. You are here crying on reddit about it.... Feel better yet? My god another first world problem ehh? Like stop while you can please. You look silly. There's plenty of NA streamers I've found, plus a few in the UK. As many in JP or thereabouts? Of course not, not my problem, I can't live in all 200 countries on this planet to have even a remote chance of seeing one stream or the other, but that doesn't bother me one bit.


Right, but those races are during inconvenient times for you because of their locale. I don't know what they race at Le Mans, but I'll continue your metaphor with F1. The Australian Grand Prix is on during Australian daytime because it's in Australia. The European Grand Prix is on during European daytime because it's in Europe. The US Grand Prix is on during NA daytime because it's in the US. That makes sense. However when it comes to Hololive, there is no.European Grand Prix. Nobody is asking the drivers to race in the middle of the night, that would be unreasonable. We're simply asking the F1 commission to run a few races in Europe, not even a full Grand Prix (which would be a full generation). Your third paragraph reads as HEAVILY parasocial. As if the viewer owes the streamer something. Why would you apologise to the streamer for missing their stream? Unless you're ACTUALLY their friend and said you would watch, you don't owe them your time. You're also acting as I made some big exit post where I lambasted Hololive for their apparent hatred of Europeans or something. I didn't. I realised I hadn't watched anything in months, so I simply unsubscribed. Your final paragraph doesn't make much sense. You seem to think I want all of Hololive to stream during times more convenient to me? At no point did I say that. That would be unreasonable. You mention that there are plenty of NA streamers to watch, and a few UK based ones you can't watch. That sucks, but at least you have those NA ones, right? European Hololive fans have Kiara, and that's it.


They're actually not "that" bad for start times, a 4 am start for me just means I have to plan my sleep and grab a few extra hours the night before green flag to keep myself going. But I'm not sitting around on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and youtube/twitch crying my ass of because the event planners can't be "a wee bit better people and have said race at a certain time or I cry on reddit and wah wah wah..." ya know? Anyways. As per P3, I don't owe them shit, you're finally correct on something. However, I do owe them a view for making content I enjoy. Sure I miss streams, I can't also watch the I figure 500 plus VTubers I watch and follow all at once. (I wish I could however.) Lastly, you do sound like it. You unfollowed because you never caught their streams, you're not a real fan. PERIOD! I'm not asking you to sit and moan and groan about it. You don't have time, for the 10 seconds to go out of your way to "drop in" and like the video and at least give the poor streamer 2 to 10 seconds of a heartfelt message? I try and not sound like a broken record player here, but I have to at least ask, do most streamers care? Probably not, but I do have to ask myself, do I think they care at least a wee little bit to see a comment stemming from someone wayyyyyyyyyyyy outside their timezone and language to see a comment from me (or anyone else for any matter) saying sorry XYZ streamer, I missed the stream. You think they wouldn't understand that one of their fans, the fucking 10000s if not 100000s of fans cared enough? We care, you however do not. Parasocial? Lol, I'd take that as an insult if I didn't know better. But I do, unlike you. I try, I try my hardest to keep up with as much as I can, I have to enjoy things in life as life is too short. but I try my hardest to be at least human in nature to say "thanks for the stream" if I catch it, or post a "sorry I missed the stream" because at the end of the day, they probably read that and go "aw shucks". Whether they reply or pin/like the comment I don't care, just hoping they see it matters the most. But at the end of they day, if they don't, you're not seeing me on Reddit crying like a child about it. Apparently I share a birthday with Holo's Hiodoshi Ao, so I tweeted a happy fellow birthday to her. Does she reply... no, but at least I can be a fellow human and say it... right? Oh sorry, that makes me "parasocial" (your words, not mine btw) and a loony. Tokino Sora made a post about something saying she was going to miss a stream, I told her in google translate, "don't feel bad and wish an early birthday from your Canadian viewers and fans!". Oh sorry, that also makes me a lonny and a parasocial (again, your words, not mine). We're done here. Don't bother replying anymore, don't bother up or downvoting this comment or the other ones calling out the fake fans and the cry babies. I don't care. I should block you, but I won't unless you reply. You act like a child who doesn't understand timezones, therefore you should stay away from anyone outside of "your" timezone. For any streamers out there that see this. Don't feel bad if we miss a stream, we try and watch every one of them but as timezones and schedules permit, we miss the odd one(s). Just know we care about you. Ignore all the babies. Parasocial my \*\*\*, eff'ing \*\*\*\*\*\*\*s... my god.


It's not often you read absolute drivel like your post, congratulations on that, someone should present you with an award


How many talents do they have altogether now? At this point they could easily throw in a few streams to be convenient for the EU fans.


1. If EU hours are an issue, why are they allowing JP members to stream well past midnight? 2. The entire point is that it's holo*live*. If I'm going to watch a video on demand, I'd rather something that's well produced. >Stop complaining and just watch the vods or videos in your own time You forgot the option of not watching at all, which is what I chose to do. This is a discussion forum and the topic of Hololive and European hours was brought up. It was relevant.




"Quitting while ahead" does not apply here as a saying. I don't think it's unreasonable to wish for an organisation the size of Hololive to cover the hours where you can watch them. Your use of quotation marks around "fake fan" in that sentence implies that I called someone a fake fan, which I didn't. How am I a fake fan, exactly?


Honestly, its a legit complaint. I know many EU bros that stopped watching when their Scotland trip turned out to be nothing. Most cant even be bothered to list UTC times.


True. I haven't stopped watching Holo myself (I mostly watch the JP/ID girls/EN Stars nowadays), but whereas I've seen people tout Advent as 'the group that reinvigorated the EN branch!', they were the opposite for me. To me, it was a clear sign Cover wasn't gonna hire any EU-friendly Holo's (because it was another group of NA people who streamed at 3 AM) so I went and looked elsewhere (like Phase Connect, whose spread is way better) for my entertainment. To this day I've barely watched Advent. So people can try to excuse it all they want, but EU viewers have reason to be frustrated or move on. I've lost hype for any future EN gens myself tbh.


First world problems ehh? Not a fun time for me either, but I'll catch the vod when I see it.