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I just stay on the opposite side till things settle down. It’s not worth getting semi crushed to save a couple dozen spots in line, by that point the wait is minimal anyway.


Seriously. What do you even save? Like 5 minutes? In the grand scheme of things, who cares just enjoy yourself!


Not even 5 min. There's maybe 2 full trains worth of people in that room, and with the dual loading station, you're literally talking about 1 or 2 minutes.


2 trains is 40 people. I’ve never counted but I’m pretty sure there are more than 40 people in the preshow room when it’s full. I usually stand towards the doors (but don’t push); however on a few occasions intentionally went to the opposite side to watch the cosmic generator disappear (my husband wants to figure out how it’s done). There was a considerable difference in wait time (15ish min, maybe a bit more) between standing near the doors and standing on the other side of the room.


SPOILERS FOR THE EFFECT BELOW >!The cosmic generator prop is actually only half of a prop, with a mirror behind it to make it look like a full, freestanding object. The inside of the housing is brightly illuminated compared to the room you're standing in, so the windows in it act like one-way mirrors (if seen from the inside, from the prop's perspective). That's why you don't notice the mirror: it's not reflecting an image of the outside room, but rather reflecting the half-prop's own reflection in the glass, completing the 3D full prop image.!< >!This half-prop and mirror is mounted on a high speed turntable that can spin a half revolution too quickly for you to see. It takes only a split second of darkness or blinding flash to hide the spin. [Edit: I'm apparently mistaken about the turntable, but the rest of the effect is correct. Apparently it's a drop.] Then, the back side is simply a mirror, again reflecting the inside of the glass. It gives the illusion of an empty space that appears to account for the full interior volume of the housing, but really what you're seeing is *half* that volume, doubled by mirrors.!< It's actually a very old trick. You can find things that use this effect in any magic shop. I had a little coin bank as a kid that used this illusion.


You can hide spoiler text by wrapping it with `>!` and `!<`. You’ll get this effect: >!Spoiler text!<


Thanks. Can't get it to work for some reason.


Weird! Thanks for trying!


Oh wait! It’s because you have different paragraphs. Each paragraph needs to be wrapped independently.


I read this, I understand what you are saying, but my eyes will not let me believe it. This will always be the most mindbending pre ride show for me.


For me the best illusion in the parks is the mirror doorway in Enchanted Tales with Belle. Like I know how it works and it just blows my mind each time.


The beast transformation on Tokyo Disney (just got back) is completely mind bending. I went into the ride cold and was blown away by it.


And the walls.... Just (poof) gone. And we have transported. It is amazing. I love this pre ride.


If you look up after the teleport effect the walls go up into the ceiling. It’s why they want people to stay off the walls. The movement could injure people. In flight of passage the wall in front of you rotates over your head when it starts. In both effects they flash a light on you just before it happens so you don’t see the motion. If you close your eyes until that flash and open them immediately after you can see the walls move. When Star Trek the experience was still around they used the same trick to beam people up to the enterprise.


I'm aware of how it happens. It's still amazing. I know the cosmic generator effect as well. Doesn't change the fact it still amazes me.


One thing slightly wrong, the prop is actually pulled down, not on a turn table.


Oh. I wonder why bother with mirrors then? Or is it an angled mirror that bisects the prop vertically?


Idk about the angle, but it definetly bisects the prop vertically. Decent video about how the entire ride works here: https://youtu.be/ffdEtbBQY6M?si=GumFu5uRM213GaEr


Thanks! We’d figured out the mirrors. I suspected this was the rest of it but I wasn’t sure about how fast a turntable could be.


Another example of this effect is the disappearing butterfly on Figment


It’s not 15+ minutes from front to back of the pre-show room. It’s not even (usually) 15+ minutes from pre-show to ride, and that includes at least one pre-show group in front of you. Unless something has gone wrong (delay in boarding, one of the tracks is down), you’re saving *maybe* 5 minutes by pushing toward the front. On my last ride, folks pushed through the doors before the pre-show was over, and the folks that led that pack ended up boarding while we (who waited until we were told) were coming down the ramp.


This was my theory a few weeks ago. Problem was, the hallway was full and the next group came barreling in forcing their way in front of us. Took all of my energy not to go off, this queue brings out the worst in people.


One thing I realized is that even if you're out the door first doesn't mean you'll ride first. A lot of people behind me got om earlier ride than I did on times I have been out the door first. After realizing that I just stopped caring.


Exactly this.


Me too. I stay as far to the left as possible now after having an anxiety attack being in that crowd. same with the haunted mansion stretching room.


Same. People take off almost running into a hallway that eventually narrows. The amount of people moving from the room to that point isn’t anywhere near enough to cause a crush of any,one but if someone at the front of the pack trips it could cause some injuries. A line a few feet from the door plus a CM in the room and another in the hall would help tremendously.


That is 100% true but also Disney setting a customer culture of pushing everyone forward to fill in all available space probably is the mindset of a lot of people waiting in line so they just do it out of habit to not hear the cast members loudly say all that lol


Y'all need to go experience the glory that is Tokyo Disneyland Resort. I have never seen theme park guests so orderly in my life.


ive never been able to look at boarding subways/trains and riding escalators the same since i went to japan......


That’s a product of a collectivist society. America is individualist. Personally, I still view Disney as one of the “happiest place(s) on earth” and can’t understand guests that abandon decency and social norms. We’re all there for a good time and while some might be bored with the pre-show, the odds are that someone else is experiencing it for the first time and that sort of selfishness ruins the magic for others.


Those same people are that way whether at Disney or in normal life sadly


Others have said this but I think it's the amount of money spent forces families or individuals to want to 'get mine'. Everything at the park is under the pressure of your green being burnt by the minute juxtaposed with you having to be as happy as possible ends up making folk miserable.


Not so much collectivist as [communitarian.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communitarianism?wprov=sfti1). But yeah, some basic regard for fellow humans goes a long way…


Ppl are slowly learning this is becoming our undoing


China is the most selfish poorly mannered society in the world and their theme parks are still orderly and civil. Because there are consequences to stepping out of line. If Disney enforced standards behavior would improve. People who push, people who shove, people who cut in line, people who litter, (adult) people who have tantrums or are rude, people who are out-of-control drunk, people who harass characters/staff, people who smoke or take drugs, people who have inappropriate clothing (including obscene or divisive words on shirts). They should be kicked out for the day (by security force if necessary) and depending on the severity of the offense or repeat offenses be banned for a period or even life. Some of these Disney actually does if it gets bad enough, but others like people pushing or rushing go completely ignored. Also I don't think they react harshly enough to rude/argumentative guests.


At this point I'm done with the "collectivist vs. individualist" dichotomy. It's responsible vs. irresponsible. It's caring about others vs. selfishness. It's adulthood vs. infantilism. "Individualist" is just the Western spin to make us feel like we're better.


High trust society.


Enforced sitting and standing for parades. No kids on shoulders. Staffed and enforced line management. It's a dream. My favourite TDL memory is one time I saw some tourists pull out a selfie stick and start swinging it about. This cast member just appeared out of nowhere and said in the most crisp, official sounding English "Good morning. The use of selfie sticks is prohibited within Tokyo Disney Resort Parks. Thank you." and then just stared pleasantly at them until they put it away. And then just melted back into the scenery as fast as she came.


Omg yes, I went opening day from Nemo & Friends SeaRider, It was the calmest and chilliest experience I've had on a opening day for a ride!


While it is nice and orderly, the lines and crowds are insane compared to Orlando. Not just rides, but getting food, any food, [was often 1-2 hour wait.](https://i.imgur.com/mJLzvvr.jpg) [DisneySea itself is gorgeous](https://i.imgur.com/OqGHJ0W.jpg) and well worth a visit, but honestly I would take Orlando crowds over Japan simply because they are smaller, if unorderly.


Yeah. A regular frickin’ weekday had 2-3 hour waits within the first hour for a half dozen rides, lol. Building a park next to 20 million people has EFFECTS.


I went on a weekday and never waited more than an hour for anything. I also avoided holiday weeks.


Oh I only waited more than an hour once. I just avoided those longer lines lol. But the lines were there most of the day. DisneySea was way less busy, at least (safe for Toy Story)


A friend of mine just visited DisneySea and said they had to get there at 430am and were in line waiting already with hundreds of people 😳 and like you said the standby waits were crazy everywhere…food, rides, etc


I guess it highly depends on when you go? I went last September and we never waited more than 45m for anything we rode. Maybe waited 5-10 minutes for food. The crowds were honestly great.


When tickets are ~$50 you don't feel that bad spending ~$15 to buy a premier access pass.


Does the premier pass work like G+ or is it actually good


I wanna go so BAD!


Folks there collectively sit down when CMs ask them, during parades and fireworks... It was amazing. I miss those parks (SEA is the best theme park in the entire world).


This is exactly why I say the only other Disney I want to visit is Tokyo. Just to experience it with the people there!


You didnt experience the hell that was Disneyland Paris. 


We know this. They are the ones who followed Covid rules. Asian culture is cut throat tho.


When I was in Japan and I saw staff in a department store now before they left the show floor and entered a back room, I knew I was in a Country of respect and order. They did the same on trains, even though all passengers were facing the opposite direction. They bow to an empty room. We need more of that in the world as a whole.


I hate rides that shuffle everyone into a large room mid queue like this. Then leaves it up to the guest to get back in an orderly line. It’s always chaos.


They're literally the worst but seem to be increasingly popular with newer rides... 😬


I think it’s because from a capacity viewpoint, it is much better so that you can hold more people in the queue.


It also breaks up the experience of being in a line. It also gives you a chance to avoid some unpleasant line mates you've had for a while so there's at least a small benefit.


They've been doing it since Haunted Mansion.


Wait, they manually opened the doors and pushed through? I’m drawing a blank on when the doors actually open during the pre show.




Ok I was wondering why they have the doors open during the Pre-Show. Don't they still have to wait for the group in next room to leave?


I accidentally did this one time, I was pushed toward the doors by a very large man (not the one we chase on the ride tho lol) and I stumbled into the door which then opened and I almost got trampled by the crowds.


No they open automatically, but in an emergency they can be manually opened. One time that pre show broke/glitched/they skipped it and the doors opened before they even called the Guardians. This was late night after hours Epcot so everyone had done it multiple times and after we were confused for a moment everyone skipped to the boarding shuttles. The doors didn’t open but the lock had disengaged so we had to open them ourselves.


I’m sorry you’re saying people literally push the doors open on their own while the pre-show is going on? WTF.


Yep. It happened to the wife and me last week while we were there too. A group of 8 teens pushed through the door as soon as the lights came on and a bunch of people followed. We stayed in the room and enjoyed the pre-show and then promptly caught back up to those people in the next hallway. You don't have any time by pushing through. There is still another line in the next hallway.


That happened a few weeks ago when I was there. The doors started closing again, but people pushed past it. I feel like no matter how many times I see the pre-show, skipping it wouldn't feel right.


I mean, I was there for after hours a month ago and seeing the pre-show 8 times in a row really starts to drag


Wow, in the old days of Disney, the doors opened towards the standing audience, which makes more sense now seeing this.


It depends on the facility and where people are in terms of egress. Doors ALWAYS swing outwards in the direction of egress, as its easier to push a door than to pull it, especially when it has no handles. For example, taking Philharmagic, the doors to the theater open outwards because that's the most inner point of the facility, you can only go out from there. The easiest way to quickly clear a theater is by using both the exit and entry doors. People wouldn't be blocking the entry doors in an emergency, because everyone waiting will also be clearing the room through the queue or emergency exits.


Ok, Mr. Safety Man (This was actually really interesting and useful information, thank you.)


It's called a crowd surge. If people are pushing towards pull doors, there's no way to open them and it's a huge hazard.


It's not that it's easier to push than pull, it's because it's fire code after a club fire where people were crushed up against the doors, preventing their escape because the doors physically couldn't open up at all.


Yep that's what I mean. It's easier to get a group of people out of an exit when the doors push open versus pull open. But yes, now that you mention it, I do remember that club disaster that occured many years ago.


Man, I wish Australia thought thru things a clearly as this instead of having doors open in to each other


Unfortunately that in of itself is dangerous. If there were a real emergency, people would panic and try to push those doors open, followed by being crushed by a stampede. We've seen things like that before. It's why doors to the outside open to outside in public buildings now.


The first time we rode this experience we had somehow gotten loading group 1 for the day. We were literally some of the first people on the ride. We were walking at a regular pace through all the ramps, not slow but certainly not fast, in an effort to see the things they had put into the lines to enjoy while you wait. There was a group of 6 teenagers behind us who were literally walking on my wife's heels because we were going too slow. I just motioned them to move past where they then started sprinting up the ramps to get there first. I just smiled and waved when we ended up in the pre-show room together. I just couldn't understand it.


That’s exactly how i respond to people who just *have* to race around everyone and cut people off to hurry up and get to the same red light


I’ll never understand why Disney designs certain queues this way…it’s an accident waiting to happen when someone gets trampled by the idiots trying to save 2 minutes. They should just keep people in some sort of line formation (like MMRR does inside)


They could simply have someone stand there. People do this because there’s nothing stopping them


Exactly. They should do this sooner rather than later. Someone is going to get hurt/trampled there eventually.


Bingo. I starting thinking of other rides with pre-shows where this never happens, and those shows (Tower, Haunted Mansion, Mission Space, Flight of Passage, Rise) always have a cast member in the room with people by the door. This is the result of cheap staffing.


People are so lame


It makes no sense to me. You WILL get on the ride. No need to rush. You won’t be forgotten and left behind. Just enjoy the pre-show and relax and take your time leaving the room. Pushing through the doors doesn’t make things go any faster and doesn’t save anyone any time.


>You won’t be forgotten and left behind. Well except for that one person who never left the stretching room in HM.


Ha! Clever


With you on this, but man people feel like they are missing out if they don't rush. I place blame on "hack the world" videos that tell people to do stuff like this. I respect that some people have one day, and one day only in the park so they are trying to maximize their days, but I miss when we could just enjoy something without having to watch a pre-trip video like homework.


Yeah, it's part this, it's part the hype about having to "get the most" out of your day, when they limit "the most" to include only rides and some popular food choices.


These are likely the same people that swerve in and out of traffic to “get ahead” only to end up at the same red light as everybody else. I hate drivers like that and these goons on Guardians.


So long as Disney keeps overselling the park, people will continue to act like this. Natural by-product of crowding.


>You WILL get on the ride Ehhh. I've literally gotten to the loading bays, had the next train pull up, and have had the ride shut down


I’ve been next to get on some rides, it breaks down, and since it’s “temporary” the cast members wouldn’t issue a lighting lane if I willingly left the line after 30 minutes. They probably dumped the que 5 minutes after and gave everyone remaining a lightning lane


Way too many people nowadays are always thinking that they'll save so much time by doing some BS like this, and probably feel super clever and probably some post this as super pro tips, and I hate it. Rides where you'll see this BS: * All of the ones with group pre-show: Haunted mansion, MMRR, RotR * Soarin - IMO this is the worst because is where the game screens are, when is not too crowded you need to walk all these wide hallways and shitty people will want to breathe on your neck or think that they can just walk pass you because they can run/walk faster * Star Tours - same as above but they do it on the LL line, when is a 5min wait in anyway


I once had a guy and his girlfriend butt past me in line at Soarin and then try to police my place in line once we got divided off into our concourses. It was kind of sad.


Also if I hear one more person shout "alcoholics" during the waiting area of Guardians... It is so cringe that I get second hand embarrassment every time.


That's just as bad as people screaming during Haunted Mansion and Tower of Terrors pre show. Or saying this elevator travels directly to.... The gift shop. So stupid and cringe.


I agree. My 6yr old daughter said, "PEOPLE!" and it was so innocent and adorable. (While I heard at least 4 times someone saying "Alcoholics" in the 6-7 times we rode in 2 weeks)


All you need is a queue system of barriers that wind through that open space. People can still enjoy screen as usual.


I've never understood why they herd the queue into these rooms. As a non-confrontational person, I always end up being one of the last to exit, even when I am one of the first to enter the room in the first place. I know it doesn't add much time, but it's just one of those mildly infuriating situations where the obnoxious people of the world are rewarded for their behavior.


Omg. My husband and I were talking about this last week during After Hours. It was horrible!


We were there too, and my wife and I just stood over at the Cosmic generator shaking our heads.


There was one couple that nearly pushed everyone down. And then high - fived after they got to the front. 😂


My wife and I noticed there was a massive uptick in Disney A-holes (not sure if I can swear in this sub) this past trip.


My friend works for Disney, they call the jerk Disney adults “Assholders” 😂


Universal did this with Hagrids. They put a barrier that created a "U" kinda helped


Depends how they feel like running Hagrids for the day, I’ve observed. Sometimes they run the full video, sometimes you bypass the room entirely, sometimes the room is used for queue space.


Yeah but when they run the video, they have the barrier. That prevents the people from crowding the exit door. I see Disney doing this with Gaurdians


No way I’m skipping seeing my crush (Glenn Close) for even a second.


I didn’t know what I was getting into when I stood in that long line… but ho ly sh*t, it blew my mind. I had never laughed so much on any amusement park ride in my life. Incredible feat of engineering. Don’t miss it


I felt the same way and laughed with happy tears the entire time! The entire thing was such a massive rush of dopamine for me. It was the best ride I have ever experienced!


Could not agree more! I went in blind my first time last year because I wanted to avoid spoilers and I'm so grateful I did. I went back to WDW in May just to go to Epcot after hours event and ride it over and over again. It's the very best!


Lots to unpack really here. I think it's many factors TBH. 1. I'm tried, I just care about me / my party I just need to get this over to get on the next ride 2. I need to be first! I NEED TO BE FRIST!!!!! 3. Disney has made "Time is money" mentality 4. Kinda part of one, but to an extreme... some people have 0 shame With all that, the idea of "enjoying the ride" beyond people probably in this sub is kinda dead? Honestly I hope I'm wrong but being in the parks a bunch its people in a rush, heads down booking the next ride and a small subset just enjoying the day. Not to go too much farther on this, I know the more complex a point the more downvoted you get but we just had a beautiful baby boy so we went with him and obviously beyond small world and a few others not many rides, we just enjoyed the park. Had some great food and it was kind of a game changer. That said, we go a lot so I get people from out of state, country trying to pack everything in. If you from the UK flights are not cheap (were from Canada so still not cheap but less that that!). Anyhow sorry for the long rant, just a thought and or observation.


I think the biggest issue isn’t necessarily the people but the design. Fact is, Cosmic Rewind is a poorly designed attraction (operationally speaking). The building has barely any indoor queue space, but also has two massive preshow rooms with way too high capacity. Then they immediately filter you down to a small line. Never mind the fact that Disney didn’t make the preshow good, so people are less interested for taking it in. I’m not condoning the behavior in the video, but Disney brought this upon themselves.


> Never mind the fact that Disney didn’t make the preshow good counterpoint: the teleportation trick is one of the best preshows Disney has ever done


That is cool. But everything before and after that is boring and mildly annoying (in my opinion). The clip shown is well after that point.


I actually really enjoyed the preshow the times I saw it! I agree the filtering to the smaller line is a terrible design but I don't think the quality of a preshow will change impatient people's behaviors.


That being said, it’s not exactly “new or unique.” Universal’s Poseidon’s Fury attraction had been doing that for decades, and it’s not entirely unlikely that they’ll be using it again (Floo Powder) for the Ministry attraction in Epic Universe.


it was good on Poseidon's Fury too! (when it worked right and maintained haha)


I think it's a fair point, but you see the same mentality w/ Haunted too at the doorway albeit a very hot queue and in the stretching room but with less capacity (to your point) the mentality is still there. I think for the first ride, you want to see it all, but after that it's just a "get me to the ride". Could be wrong of course, I enjoy the discussion.


Which part of the Haunted Mansion are you talking about that isn’t the stretching room? If you’re referring to the outdoor part before you enter the mansion, the workers do a good job keeping people together between the end of the single file line and doorway. Plus, that space isn’t very large. For the stretching room part, it is a bit of an issue, but the smaller capacity that matches the door size makes it better. Of course, we may have different experiences because no crowd is the same.


People crush at the door as the doors swing outward. Yes agree workers do but it’s not like for GOTG they couldn’t do the same. Or in Laugh Floor where the do the same with a VERY big capacity. My point is it’s a combination of things for this ride specifically. Maybe also older age ride vs haunted and laugh floor.


I had not thought of the pre-show rooms being too large contributing to the problem, but I think you're right.


I wonder how much the gamification of the parks that has resulted from Disney trying to micromanage their guests plays into actions like this.


I rode this for the first time back in February and the rush to the doors/pushing them open prematurely happened and I genuinely thought the preshow was over because of everyone else's behavior & pushed through as well. I felt so bad when the CMs nudged us back inside and I realized I wasn't supposed to do that yet. :( I've given it some thought as to why I think this happens, but doesn't in the queue at Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout (formerly Tower of Terror) over at DCA, which has the same "everyone gets blobbed into a room for the preshow then filters out into a new line" mechanic and same theme. First, I guess I don't understand why the doors can be pushed open, as opposed to the typical "automagically" opening doors in most other queues? Is it that they are the same, guests just push them open anyways? In that case, I think putting CMs in the preshow room by the doors could be helpful, or something like the theater in Runaway Railway, where a CM has to manually open a gate to let guests through the open doors. My major suggestion, though, genuinely, would be to add an animatronic. There's always a few people that rush to the back of the Mission Breakout waiting room, but most people genuinely do seem to stand and watch the preshow (even if they've seen it before) and I think it's partially because the Rocket animatronic is physical and that's engaging. Cosmic Rewind's preshow does have a neat effect, but I think getting a facetime from the Guardians is just not engaging enough to begin with & guests don't care enough to watch it, especially a second time.


I agree, it's pretty weird that everyone is doing this now, instead of enjoying the preshow.


Some people are probably tired of watching the same exact show 10+ times


I am not a fan of room dumps.


Like all the situations where Disney decides to put a group of people in a room with no crowd control and then expects them to act civilized. I just wait on the other side of the room until it’s all clear. They (Disney) don’t understand the anxiety and anger these situations cause. Haunted Mansion is my favorite attraction but same situation. Door opens and it’s bulls on parade. Then they want you to move all the way forward filling in all the dead space. People pushing past people. Groups get split. Hate it! Do better Disney


I guess they could put standing markers on the floor (via FOP or ROTR Detention area) in rows and then a cast member would dismiss each row in sequence, but as much as they crowd this room during peak hours it wouldn’t hold as many; also, it would take longer to line up and the queue would move even slower. So I’m not sure what the answer is. Interesting I see some folks do this for ROTR transport ship or Haunted Mansion, but not normally the whole group, only a few individuals.


I've done this ride once and I was completely confused by the queue. This "red room" made no sense and I thought something was broken since everyone exited to the right before the "show" started. What a weird experience.


I have seen people bullrush the door as soon as the preshow starts. There is a huge safety concern there, I really hate those types of queues.


They need a switch back queue inside this room... Keep people inside the safety area for the transportation effect to work, and a CM there to open the gate to allow people to filter out and into the ramp area.


People are crazy with lines like these. I hate how it’s just a free for all frenzy. It isn’t even just rides with pre shows either! I went to ride living with the land last tuesday. There was a 5 min wait with literally no one in line. A mom speed-walked past me at the literal line entrance then kept looking back at her son who was a ways behind me and my bf. The son was walking at a normal pace, but the mom kept waving to him and motioning to hurry, so my bf and I just stopped on the spot until he passed us. They were sat on the row behind us. And they talked the entire ride. The mom read every single sign out loud and then said it all looked fake to her.


They miss the best part of Rocket breathing on the camera anyway. Their loss🤷‍♀️


You would think new rides wouldn't do this because of how horrible it is from a guest experience point of view...


I also witnessed this exact thing multiple times during my latest visit, not only do they all bum rush the area with the doors, but some people barge through them. I’ve never seen this on any ride in Disney to this scale before. My main question is this “how did this start? This has to be a learned behavior.” Is there some TikTok out there telling people “Do this Disney Hack to get on Guardians faster!” Or something?


Nah. Let them be. Just stay back and let them trample each other.


Couldn’t they just put in stanchions to form lines in that room?


People would just go over/under the chains or even unclip the chains. You can't stop stupid/rude.


Probably, it works perfectly fine at Soarin, FoP, Test Track, and some others


As my parents always said to me and my siblings growing up…just because you can does not mean you should.


I thought you just meant people moving more towards the right side of the room to be first out, but they’re pushing the doors open themselves? That’s insane.


It was honestly worse on Runaway Railway for me than this ride. We got lapped by about 40 people


I find it funny that people push to get out here, and I rise of the resistance they become doorstop looking out in "space"


I just hang back and interact with the preshow. Somebody has to let the crowd of people slammed against the door that the Cosmic Generator is gone.


I’ve done the ride 3 times. First time, not knowing what happens I stayed in the middle. Second time, thinking we were clever we went to the right. We decided that was a mistake because of the crowd and decided to stay off to the left for now on.


Was this at about 8:45 last night? I don’t see myself in your video as I generally stay to the left but the scene looks exactly like what I witnessed


It’s hilarious. Like people weaving in through traffic they think those seconds they’re winning are meaningful. I always hang back. The person at the front and the person at the rear are separated by literally minutes.


Forced line separation. There, fixed it.


Only way to fix this is to get rid of the open room concept and literally put everyone back in a query line you can still watch the show from your assigned spot and a line just can't be trusted sadly.


I hate this stuff so much. The anxiety I feel is awful. Being in a wheelchair, I’m surrounded by people taller than me. Often people don’t notice me and run into me or the do notice me and cut super close. I’m so afraid they’ll fall in my lap or something. For context, I have osteoporosis and Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome, so a very large human falling on me could be catastrophic in breaking my bones and/or dislocating a lot of my joints. People do this stuff to me in normal crowds along Disney streets and I get anxious. I can’t stop as fast as a normal person. I am in an electric wheelchair so you’re looking at my reaction time which can be slower than a normal person and then add my chair stopping. So when a person decides to cut right in front of me in a crowd to just get a tiny bit ahead in that moving crowd the risk of me hitting them is huge. I don’t go on rough rides like Space mountain or Dinosaur or ones that put too much pressure on me like Everest. But things like Haunted Mansion and honestly even guardians is super smooth and doesn’t put pressure on me like a rollercoaster like Everest would. When I was younger I used to love super big roller coasters and I miss that. I don’t wanna have to miss out on the entire theme park experience because some jerkomalerko decides he wants to save a minute and ends up on my lap and further disables me in perpetuity.


See also: Drivers weaving in and out of lanes putting others in danger so they can be 20 feet further ahead of traffic. Many people are not very intelligent and have monkey brains.


Every person that went through that door should have been exited from the park. It would end really quickly.




Agreed! I am claustrophobic and that makes me feel like crap! I always stand back and let everyone go first but whoever thought that a cattle gate would be easy and organized was clearly mistaken. It is awful! And this is my favorite ride at Disney.


I think a super easy fix is to carry the dots from the outside all the way through. Make people line up on the dots on the ground. Even if everyone semi ignores them there would definitely be more order. And then add one more set of cast members to release people in waves from the dots in the cosmic room.


Yep happens nearly every time I ride Guardians. Doesn’t speed up anything. Makes no sense. We just wait and let it clear before we go.


Yeah I’m just chilling until the congestion lightens. You’re basically at a 5 minute wait at that point at worst.


Agreed. On our first ride on this earlier this year, we found ourselves over by these doors. When they did open, my daughter was knocked over by a group of rowdy teens ( I hate to stereotype, she’s 15 herself) and her dad had to yell loudly for people to avoid her. She was absolutely terrified. We mentioned it to a cast member on the way out who apologised but that was it. We’ll be waiting at the other side of the room next time.


this has happened every time i’ve ridden guardians except for the first time (cast member family preview so ofc everyone was respectful + engaged) i usually brush off obnoxious guests in the parks at this point but i have to admit this is the one thing that makes me viscerally angry


I 1000% agree.


this happened when i went to the after hours event last month 🤦🏻


Well in this case they opened the doors before they were supposed to. I went every day summer of 22 and have gone as much as I could since, probably around 100 rides. I wish I had counted. But how the crowd behaves in this room is so hit or miss. It’s pretty interesting for me to see. It doesn’t affect my enjoyment and if you’re a first timer it probably won’t either unless you’re unfortunate though to organically find yourself towards the right side in a group that more than half have ridden before. I’m almost always the last one in and out of that room because the wait after it is so smooth and the wait to get IN to that room is brutal, but occasionally I’ll find myself in position to go right even when I enter last and I take my shot. As long as the final queue isn’t backed up to the narrow hallways it’s great. But I either want to bypass it entirely by being first, or just hang in the back and 90% of the time I’m through that hallway before the next group is in.


People are so selfish. Doing this really takes the shine off the experience for anyone doing the attraction for the first time. Just act like adults and stand in the middle and be quiet for a couple of minutes.


I was there two weeks ago and I can confirm the same thing happened then, too.


This has been happening since like a month after it opened. I just stand back and let all the idiots fight to get on the ride 2 minutes faster.😭


Last time this happened CMs were on the other side and closed the doors back. I feel sorry for them this time of year. People are so rude and unruly


I love waiting until the end and just being the last one out. It’s so much more relaxing and makes maybe a 5 minute difference in getting on the ride. Waiting to the end is a piece of cake


Why don't they have the doors on a timer until their supposed to open? Or just remove the doors at this point. They must be aware people are doing this. It's all very weird.


Due to fire safety regulations, they can be closed BUT not locked.


They can't be the only exit though right? There's the entrance, and also a side door on opposing wall unless I'm thinking of the proceeding room(?) They could put a member of staff there but that'd cost I guess.


Actually looks pretty cordial in your video. The pre show is torture, but I understand why it’s there. Same with flight of passage. But whatever, just wish guardians would blast some AC in the first waiting room you go in.


Nearly ran my niece over when I went last month. I was ready to start fighting people, I had no idea they started doing that.


I hate this. It’s a problem in rides like Haunted Mansion too. This is behavior I wouldn’t even expect at Six Flags.


I just start screaming as loud as I can.


These are the same people that speed to red lights.


While I never push or crowd I always stand toward the right now because once you’ve seen the pre show like twice it becomes tedious. Im not a Florida resident or annual pass holder or anything I’ve ridden like 4 times but the ride itself is SO good sometimes the pre show seems endless.


I actually really enjoy this. I get to hangout with my friends on the left side, plenty of room enjoying the show.


room is max 140 takes like 5 minutes to get through that many people


I mean y’all are doing what needs to be done, just hang back and let the selfish folks fight each other




Would be ugly, but they should just have a couple of lines snake through this area, would fix the issue


There's nothing you can do. The doors need to remain operational in case of emergency.


People who do this are nuts. It saves you five minutes tops and is just anxiety inducing. I’m always the last person through that door.


Honestly all of Disney is kind of like that last room at some point


I rode it twice about a week ago (two separate days) and didn't have this problem, either time. I feel like I was lucky, because I had heard this was a problem 😅


I wait to be the last person and just enjoy all the space to myself ha


We were just there this weekend and were lucky enough to get on it right after it was down so there was no wait, but people saying his speech word for word was super annoying and so rude to the people who haven’t experienced it before


Nah, let ‘em keep piling up. Makes getting in line after much less stressful for those of us who don’t care about being first in line.


I think it’s great on this ride because anyone who is pressed up against the door doesn’t get to see anything


Oh the giant stampede of death to run through the doors?


Why does it bother you?


Agreed. I told my husband last time we rode that it really ruins the experience.


I’ve been saying this since the ride opened. It ruins the preshow


I was there last week. Someone pushed the door open and a CM tried to run after them. Then asked ME if I saw who it was... I didn't. But it seems they are aware of the problem. It's just a really poor design and to be completely honest for anyone that's gone on the ride more than twice, the whole two rooms part is overkill. It is cool, but I understand why they push the doors despite it also being very annoying that they ruin the experience for others. Even if they made a way for ppl to option out and bypass the room, that wpuld mean all those people every time would be skipping ahead. I'd say if I were a local and impatient, i'd just stick in some headphones for a few minutes to not have to watch the same vids again.


wtf is going on


It is annoying. But after experiencing the hoards of people milling around aimlessly with nowhere to wait for their VQ for Tiana, this doesn't seem so bad.


I always say this same thing about the queue for Men In Black: Alien Attack over at Universal Studios, except it's worse there only because the lines begin to merge at some point, and because both lines are packed, skippers do get an advantage as opposed to those trying to just follow their spot in line. Similarly, Gringotts also has this issue. I feel like Disney and Universal don't think the queues through when they end up creating this situation:/


What blows my mind is this and the people that run to the trains. Like one your skipping the video so if you flew halfway around the world you fucked that up. Two if your running your legitimately getting there one minute faster than me. What’s the point it’s a quantity monitored ride. Your really not getting on much faster


We rode that with our vip and she was telling at people who pushed and she led us thru the chaotic crowd- it’s so crazy how people get


This is Disney saying it’s ok. All rides with a preshow have had this problem for years, but they decided to make a new ride and keep doing it. And they don’t do enough to prevent it. More workers costs money and they won’t do that either. I have to laugh at all the comments about Disney getting tougher on people. I find those that complain about others are usually the ones who only think others are the problem and never look at what they do. It’s good when others get told what to do, but when it’s what they think is fine, well now Disney is treating guests poorly. You see that every time the DAS get changed, and all the comments about how “my case is different” and the reasonable accommodations are just not good enough, because it takes something away from me. People need to worry about what they do and stop whining about everyone else.