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The only time I keep boxes is if I'm using them to store parts. If the box has no use as a parts store, it's thrown into the recycling as soon as I have finished building the mini. 40k isn't really a hobby where keeping boxes is worth it, unless you're specifically keeping an old kit unbuilt and new-in-box. If you've already built the mini then keeping the box adds no value.


For sure, I think we’ve just had them on the shelf looking all cool it’s weird seeing it empty and binned. They’re so bright and vibrant! I kept my console boxes for waaaay too long too. I think I’m just like that. My husband was like, yay room on the shelf!


God no, i smash them and recycle them. They're just boxes lol


They’re smashed :’c lol


I don't know why but I have a closet dedicated to boxes. And not just 40k boxes. If a box came with something I own it's probably in that closet.


Yes! I’m the same way, console boxes, some appliances, and other stuff I just collect.


I may have bought a shelf for the same purpose...


I want to do that, just don't have the space for a shelf like that


Nah that’s evidence lol 😂


They are boxes. Unless they are being used to hold other items, they go into the recycling bin.


I’m holding on to a few of the trays from inside just to keep a project all together. The rest is out though! I think they’re marketing designs must stick with me pretty hard, I like the boxes!


What you could do is cut out the front of the box and keep them flat in a folder or something. I did that with Lego boxes to keep track of the various sets that should be scattered in the various boxes.


Nah Fam. I destroy and put into the recycle bin Asap. A cluttered hobby room leads to no-Hobby space


Ever since I was a kid I loved looking at box art. I keep them and decorate my game room with them


Couldn’t you just carefully cut out the cover to use it like a poster?


I get rid off them sneaky in the dark so my wife has no idea how much stuff I’ve bought already.


Yup and I don’t know why


Beyond the grave!


You think I'm made of space??


Yep! Right above the shelf that holds my copy of the HP Lovecraft book you also have! Love those Barnes and Nobles hardbacks. Edit: my box collecting habit came from PC building, y’all wanna talk about a pile of shame….


Not unless theyre used as storage. if you really wanna keep em but space is an issue, unfold em and flatten them, you can probably get all of them to take up the space of one box, or cut the cover off each one and keep as "posters" for the new place.


I'm thinking of keeping the christmas boxes, they just look cool.


I’m imagining using my boxes to put clothes in for my son’s Christmas gifts and watch disappointment hit harder and harder with each opening.


Love that, some of the boxes are so super cool I get it for sure!


I need shelf space for models, not boxes haha


I keep all the boxes from the army I'm painting In a pile and I love to watch it grow with each new purchase.


I always keep the boxes. I tell myself that I’m going to use them for terrain or something but idk if that’s ever gonna happen


I generally keep the box until I've finished painting the model or unit. Helps to keep them feeling exciting and new. ​ But once the project is done I toss the box. My models and paints already take up so much space, I just don't have room to hang onto the boxes.


Of course! Where else would I store the empty sprues?


No I'm not a degenerate horder it's garbage I throw it out after build the model's.


I keep the large ones. The big ones. The ones with removable lids mostly. I have a stack that's now taller than I am, and with the upcoming Leviathan box set I'm planning to get 2 of, it might near the ceiling. Currently it consists of Indomitus x2 Dominion x2 Kill Team Octarius Kill Team Moroch Kill Team Starter set Tau vs Reivers x2 Speed Freeks Cursed City Age of Darkness Kill Team Pariah Nexus Beast Snagga box Dark Vengeance Dark Imperium Eldritch Omens Prophecy of the Wolf Space Marines Apocalypse Battalion Detachment Orks Apocaplyse Spearhead Detachment Warhammer Slaves to Darkness box (the one with the Demon Prince) 2 gorkanaut boxes, 2 Imperial Knight boxes Kill Team Flashgits box and an older Baneblade box, the one that was wide and not thicc. I keep these because I like the aesthetic of the tower of boxes, but also they do actually hold things. One of the boxes contains all my little cardboard battlefields, the fold up ones that usually come in starter boxes or special boxes. I've got a bunch now. Another box contains all my kill team tokens and cards. Another one has all my D&D stuff, character sheet, some dice, a few tokens and the mini etc. I'll also often use them to transport models if I'm going somewhere. I don't own a professional carry case and these are still pretty useful/nice to carry models in as needed.


Only if I’m using it as a priming box or if it’s a launch/big deal box which I can use to store stuff in.


The large boxes? Yes to store minis and such as I’m trying to prime and paint stuff. The smaller boxes I tend to save to reuse to cut our terrain and such if it’s sturdy enough.


I'm thinking about doing a collage type thing




No, I'm not a hoarder. And too many boxes around reminds my wife that I have too much plastic, and I don't need that in my life.


I keep my boxes and receipts. Warhammer models can hold a decent amount of value.


Sadly yes. I want to throw them away but cannot. My wife hate me for this.


I tell myself the front and back are useful if in doubt when I'm painting, so I keep those and recycle the rest to save space.


Aww heeeellll naaah. If I'd kept all of the boxes my stuff came in, there'd be no room left in the house for people.


Both me and my wife are hobbyists, if we kept our boxes we would have a fort of boxes covering our entire living room, which is like 75% of our apartment 😅


Gonna be honest I don’t have a pallet for paint to I actually use them not only to store spare parts but I tear pieces off and use that piece as a pallet. The only time I keep the boxes and not use them for that is if the box has really cool artwork on it like the Horus Heresy sets.


I have a display for the ones that look nice. The rest get recycled if they aren't holding things.