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Looking really great. What helmet are you going to use?


I have made a skull head and i will attempt to sculpt the helmet...if it fails i have a chaos helmet


Looks nice, BUT the axe is too small


I know 🥲, would two axes fix that?


Do you have new chaos warriors? I would use 2 of their helbards to make an axe worthy of Krell. Also, really want to see what you cane up with for the helmet


... I sadly dont , i mainly collect 40k and dont have anything fitting... , for the helmet i currently only have the skull , i will attempt to sculpt the helmet .... Pray for me ...if that doesn't work i will have to violate the helmet this guy came with ... , another question would you put the skull trophies he has on his back ? Or they too much?


I like the skull trophies belt, sculpting the head will be tricky, good luck with that


Thanks , my main concern is the head crest he has ....


Yeah, i would recommend trying to find some stormcast head bits on ebay and cut take the crest from them, specifically prosecutors, fulminators, or celestant on dracoth,


Thanks i will check it . So no one the back trophies?


If you are going to give him his trophy pack, i would remove skulls on the belt, it will be too much imo


Ok , no back trophies . For the arm i am trying to find or make an arm holding some heads ... But atm i cant find anything to match , and my other options are : another ace or a shield , which one would fit better?


Have you considered picking up a recast of the OG model and using his head? TBH I did that when making a Pedro Kantor Primaris conversion, I can't justify buying an expensive out of print model just to take a couple of bits.


Ye....no am not committing war crimes... especially on my boy.i get the thinking tho


I think the current axe is perfect. It doesnt need to be an anime sized weapon


Are you trying to make Krell, before he died?! That’s awesome!


Ee....no ...i am trying to make him dead...i just took some artistic freedom...i will add damage to the armour later


Ah ok…look forward to see him finished! Also, is this for AoS or ToW?


I cant find any square bases atm so Aos , But if until i Finish him i find some , then he becoming ToW , i like square bases ..


You can get magnet bases and metal movement trays from Shogunminiatures. He does custom sizes, and it’s really affordable.


Looks quite good. I'd say you might want to add a second blade to that axe if you can get it from a similar/the same miniature. As well, if it was me, I'd probably get some small pieces of modelling chain or a bit of twisted wire to act as a rope and make it seem like those skulls are dangling and held in place by something. :) Other than that, add some batwinged skulls and a horsehair-crested skull helmet with horns and you'll have a Krell!