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Logan is going to get another L. Coffeezilla did his homework on this. He wasn’t the one that scammed people with a shit NFT and then refuse to refund them.


Exactly, it was all based in verifiable facts. There’s basically no way Logan can win this.


it’s not about winning and losing, logan just likes to throw these SLAPP suits so he can drain people who aren’t as rich as him and just make them miserable during the trial period. watch this drag out for fuck knows how long so logan can put coffee to shit just for the lolz edited grammar


Coffee has a pretty good track record with SLAPP suits because the first thing he and his lawyer do is file a full discovery motion. Usually when the person realizes they'll have to disclose everything with the project in a public forum they drop it because things are even more fucked behind the scenes. Same thing happened with that YouTube ad guru guy Tai Lopez.


And a lot of Anti-SLAPP laws help deal with shit like this.


the point still stands tho, logan (and jake for that matter) is a nut job of a person. thank fuck coffee isn’t someone who will shy away from the situation and is taking measures to make sure logan sticks the suit up his ass


where does coffee talk about his lawyer and slapp suits?


Eh I'm sure if coffee needs money for this he will have people lining up to help.


Coffeezilla is also based in Texas which has some pretty strict Anti-SLAPP laws so that will probably be a big factor going forward.


I completely agree


There is a clown in the replies to this comment demanding evidence but refusing to actually watch the video. Just in case anyone else is wondering about what evidence Coffeezilla used, I should clarify that his video series on Cryptozoo is still on his channel. And contains interviews with programmers who worked on it, interviews with victims of the scam, a bunch of publicly available financial documents, and thanks to a whistleblower loads of texts and emails between Logan and his team that really spell out how greedy they got. Plus all of the public statements made about it at the time. The video shows all the receipts for its conclusions and is extremely well researched and should be watched by anyone interested. The fact so many people went on the record and supplied all this evidence because of how bad it was speaks volumes. But the point is, this lawsuit has no legs because everything in the video is sourced, with the evidence included.


I wonder (and hope) if this will make the WWE finally drop thos narc loser. He's a ticking liability no one should want him around


I’d love for that to be the case, but I think once Coffeezilla moves to take this to trial and starts requesting discovery with his Lawyers. Logan will drop this suit almost immediately as he absolutely doesn’t want the documents relating to Cryptozoo going public. Then it’ll all just wash away like it always does.


To be fair anybody who bought an NFT is an idiot


While this is true, it doesn't mean we shouldn't go after scumbags who exploited those dummies.


Exactly right. Idiots are people too.


Could very well be he doesn't care about taking the L but just wants to drag him through court and waste his money? Isn't that a common tactic amongst the rich, as I imagine coffeezilla doesn't have the same net worth as Logan.


Oh come on, coffeezilla has a studio worth 10 million dollars. He's loaded.


Does he? Genuinely had no idea, I just assumed he wasn't too big as I had only ever heard of him when he started calling out Logan for the NFT scam.


Joke bro. He calls his CGI studio 10 million dollar studio.


I mean if let yourself get scammed with NFT anything you absolutely deserved it and I have no sympathy for you. Anyone with half a brain cell could tell NFTs were scams


This 100%. The "victims" highlighted in the video were all 40 year old men dropping thousands of dollars into a half baked children's game hoping to strike it rich. These people absolutely deserved to lose their money.


The one guy who said he trusted in Logan's brand and word only to find out it was a scam 🤣🤣 All those dweebs were just angry they didn't cash out before the rug pull.


Well, it's a known fact the Logan brothers are scummy personalities that are willing to do all sorts of crap for cash... Don't let the good image of Logan Paul - the wrestler - fool you...


The Logan brothers? Like the Mario brothers?


Logan Paul and Logan Jakuigi


Oh thought it was Logan Paul and Logan Logan


Wait Paul Logan, is that Crocodile Dundee?


It’s Paul Logan and Jake Logan


Kid, you’re clearly too young to have ever seen the Super Mario bros movie


[reminder that THIS was a Goomba](https://i.insider.com/61576424b414c10018636eda?width=1136&format=jpeg)


Nah, don't do that. Mario Mario and Luigi Mario are good people.


Logan BROTHER *Hulkster voice*


>Don't let the good image of Logan Paul - the wrestler - fool you... In kayfabe he's a complete scumbag too though. He's just talented but fuck that dude with 100 flaming dicks.


Add more 0s to that. He deserves more than 100 flaming dicks


500 flaming vibrators at once.


Here i am thinking u were talking about an actual guy with 100 flaming dicks i was curious how the hell you learn this power


Not from a Jedi, that's for sure.


Scummy is an understatement. They are cunts that even screw over their fanbase. Which is why i would have never let him join the WWE, cause it might just be him finding new fans to screw over


If you're a fan of his you deserve to be scammed


Problem is a *lot* of them are kids that don’t know better


The kids being scammed by this clown, adults being grifted by trump. Something went wrong with the eduction of these people


Kayfabe Logan Paul is a cheating asshole with an incredibly inflated ego who couldn't care less about professionalism or respecting his peers and audience... and is still a better human being than real life Logan Paul.


Exactly. They are also public figures. There is no way he will be able to prove the evidentiary standard required for defamation.


The legal i mean justice system is flawed to say the least. Guilty with lawyers she innocent with no lawyer to gain money because they poor and stay poor while hogan Paul keeps being a scumbag brother


He's not doing it for cash he's doing it for heel heat.


Yeah, this suit's gonna fail.


Imagine trusting a dude who filmed a dead body in a forest with your money, and expecting him to be a decent person.




It's not that he just filmed the body. He filmed the body of someone who committed suicide and uploaded it so he could make money. I would imagine most people who find a dead body wouldn't film their reactions to it and monetise it.




You're cooked if you think those two things are the same


It was more that he laughed and sensationalized it for click bait. He showed no respect for the dead whatsoever


I watched it all before it even got deleted from his channel. Literally probably within minutes of the upload. People around him were cracking jokes not about the body but about where they were and the surprise of it all. He shouldn’t have gone there, he should have been more respectful to the Japanese on that trip as-well. But he wasn’t making fun of the guy who hung himself.


I didn't say he made fun of it or laughed AT it. I just said he laughed and didn't show respect


The best thing that could happen is Logan Paul dies early and everyone forgets about him except the occasional "one of those social media assholea"




Sure, I laughed during my grandma's funeral several times, when family members made jokes during speeches. I didn't make a silly vlog about finding her dead body, though, so its a different situation.


I am sure there are a lot of things you don't understand like basic human decency and respect.


What Paul did is in no way analogous no staring at car crashes. People stare at car crashes because you don't expect to come across them. This man *crossed an ocean* to deliberately visit a place called "the suicide forest", famed for people committing suicide there, with the sole intention of filming the remains of people who had killed themselves. What he did was actually closer to filming and distributing child porn than gawking at car crashes.


Because he actually MADE A CAREER OFF OF IT. Any other snuff video online of a dead body never got them the viral attention that Logan got.


The timing of this is weird. I wonder if something else is at play, like an endorser won't make a PRIME sponsorship deal unless he clears the air with the CryptoZoo stuff. That said, I don't think the lawsuit has much to stand on given how stringent the requirements for a defamation suit are in the US.


Well Prime is in it own trouble with the forever chemicals lawsuit


They were nearly 15 euro when they first came out, now they are being sold for less that a euro. Tried 2 and I wouldn’t buy again, they just taste like chemicals


I remember Gordon Ramsay trying one, and he immediately said, "It tastes like I'm drinking perfume."


I would compare it to old vitamin C tablet mix


If WWE who is owned by an even bigger media entity doesn’t mind doing business with him I don’t see what endorser would care enough.


I'm not talking about TKO or any of its subsidiaries, just speculating if he has any potential deals in the works with other companies, content creators, etc that feel a bit uncomfortable on his past cryptocurrency projects, and if he is using this lawsuit as a SLAPP to ensure silence until these deals are finalized.


TKO as a company would have a way higher tolerance to this type of stuff compared to most normal companies.


Why is the timing weird?


Mostly on why is he choosing to do this almost a year and a half after Coffeezilla put out his videos on him, followed by the fact Logan issued an apology to him on top of that. I can't help but think this is a SLAPP since he filed in *federal* court instead of state-level. The only difference is that Texas (Coffeezilla's resident state) and California (Logan's resident state) both have anti-SLAPP legislation, whereas federal courts do not. I think the timing is odd because I can think of no reason why Logan would sue *now* of all times. The only thing I can think of is that he has some sort of business deal in the works where his reputation can harm said deal, and so silencing his strongest critics would make sense since he can afford to do so, while Coffeezilla may not and could concede due to attritional costs.


Wrestling fans in shock to find out Logan Paul being a POS isn't just a work


I'm glad Cornette finally realized it


he did?


Once he saw the photo of him and Trump he went full "fuck you Logan". He hates Trump almost but not as much as he hates Russo.


That's the one thing I will give Cornette credit for. Idgaf if you Republican or Democrat, I fucking HATE Donald Trump with a burning passion.


Cornette is left of Democrats in ideology. He's just an old southern man so people assume he's conservative. The things he's been accused of "racism" over were either keyfabe moments, or out of context, or just straight up southern sayings (he has a billion) that are outdated. He occasionally drops one, his co host tells him why he can't use that one anymore, they laugh and he moves on. Kinda reminds me of my dad. My dad's "racism" is culturally inherited and not malicious. When told why he shouldn't say something he grew up saying, he apologized, learns and moves on. That's all you can really ask of old people Funny thing is, the loudest critics and people who call him racist and right wing, are AEW fans, who support people like Jericho who donated over $50k to Trump, and who's wife was at the Jan 6 insurrection. And the young bucks, right wing Bible belt conservatives.


Coffeezilla is pretty much bulletproof on this. All this does is bring up what he did to the people who didn't get what that whole crypto scam thing was about. I'm betting they're gonna move the title soon if this gets enough bad press.


I think they are going to pass the belt on to LA Knight anyway, considering his trajectory. The lawsuit could also be a way of trying to muzzle Coffeezilla as well in order to keep his sponsorship deal with WWE alive, at least for a few months. Nevertheless, I imagine the larger YouTubers like Charlie (MoistCritikal/penguinz0) and Mutahar (SomeOrdinaryGamers) will talk about this again and will no doubt paint Logan in a negative light.


Yeah Logan just gave himself the Streisand effect.


I’d say this is actually worse for Logan as it will bring the subject to people who weren’t even aware of it


We'll see a US title change soon.


Doesn't he have to show up and actually wrestle to lose the belt. Lol


Technically no


u/Helo7606 Rhea vacated it her's because of an injury, not because of a loss in a match. Creative could come up with something if they truly deemed it necesary


In kayfabe there is the 30 day rule, where you need to defend your title at least once in every 30 day period, and if you are not able to do that then the title is stripped from you. We need Jack Tunney to come out and lay down the law. This lawsuit will clearly make it impossible for Logan Paul to meet his title defence obligations.


If that was actually enforced, LOGAN WOULD'VE LOST THAT TITLE LOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG ago. But ever since 2014 when Lesnar won the WWE Title, they haven't treated that 30 Day Defense Rule seriously unless it's convenient for them to put it on a Part Timer (like Logan Paul) to then NOT enforce it...


While the rule has never been explained in detail (like most wrestling rules). I would imagine the rule is a bit like: the general manager may require any champion to defend his title every 30 days. If the wrestler isn't able or willing to defend their title at the request of the gm, they are allowed to strip the title and declare it vacant. Any time titles havent been stripped it could just be explained that the gm didnt want, or feel the need to take the title.


Who's talking about Rhea? This is a post about Logan Paul. Lol


He could get stripped of it if it gets too heated for WWE.


One could only hope.


As talented as Logan Paul is as a wrestler he has a lot of baggage. Don’t be surprised if he ends up burning the WWE bridge somehow.


dude was a bigger scumbag before this. he fine


It’s WWE, they’ve always harbored awful people.


And how many of them were known by the masses to be well known pieces of shit before joining said company? 


Ooohhh, “Coffeezilla” has the right amount of syllables to put between five claps!


I need this to happen right now, my shining light in the dark if this happens in Smackdown


SD is in New York tonight. There’s no way a NY crowd is not going to fucking rinse him with this tonight. 


Logan is fucked. He should want to keep cryptozoo as far away from courts as possible. Hopefully this frivolous lawsuit causes the government to actually prosecute him for scamming so many people out of millions of dollars


This is probably going to piss off a lot of Crypto scammers as, if precedents are set here then it could ruin a few shit bags easy money making scams.


Lets go LA Knight summerslam


Sucks cause I won't watch the match. I won't watch anything that has Logan Paul in it. I'll enjoy hearing he won but I won't watch it


Literally was gonna watch Wrestlemania 40... *Until they announced a FUCKING PRIME LOGO would be in the middle of the ring for ALL PLES from now on*


Logan Paul vs Coffeezilla, WM41 Finish. The. Refund.


All this does is remind people of Logan's scam.


Or even make them aware of it. A STUPID amount of Wrestling fans don't know because some of them don't even know about his YouTube career...


Exactly. It's the Striesland effect. Happy cake day.


"How dare he cover my blatantly scummy practices."


I want people to chant Coffeezilla whenever Paul is on camera.


It'll likely get edited out in post considering how the WWE has the Prime sponsorship deal in place


No no no, easy mistake This is Logan Paul. You’re thinking of Logan Paul.


Coffeezilla is a Top 10 most intelligent YouTuber. He will shit all over Paul in this case. I guess art imitates life for Logan...


wouldnt say that after the ksi one tho


I wanted to see his brother get knocked out by Mike Tyson, but my brain says Tyson was too old to do that anyways. It's really annoying when these guys obviously have good genetics, ability to train hard, have to be fairly intelligent, yet felt the need to take shortcuts in life to make money.


Entitlement. These dudes spent their entire life with a golden spoon in their mouth.


The entitlement that comes with managing to shit out a golden egg then somehow fall upwards in life…


Isn't he fighting Mike Perry as Tyson was not cleared to fight


I believe it just got postponed


Dude makes me ill every time he appears, screw Logan Paul.


Isn’t this old news? Or is this a new one after he dropped the first?


It's new, he just filed today/yesterday I believe


New case


he isnt mad he scammed ppl. he is mad someone reported on his scams


We get distracted some times from his Wrestling abilities,but I think it’s important for most people to know that both of them-Jake and Logan- are certified pieces of shit


Honestly, I would have Coffeezilla accompany LA Knight to punish Logan for doing this while under contract...


Logan would 100% take his ball and go home if they presented him that and it'd be hilarious.


He did this BEFORE as well.


How dare he call me out for scamming people. The nerve!


I hope Coffee destroys that loser.


Again… let me guess he’s going to back out again


I thought he tried to sue him, and then backed out, made an apology video and hopefully moved on. I guess not, and when it came out that he was trying to get his backers to sign an agreement form. It got even worse for him.


It's like suing Websters dictionary over the spelling of a word.


Oh u all forgotten logan Paul is a scumbag? I want to see him vs Damien priest and Damien leaning heavy on how Paul scammed Puerto Rico


Now LA Knight should definitely have Cofeezilla in his corner at Summerslam. 💯


Logan Paul's a piece of shit. Jake, Paul is a bigger piece of shit. Haven't really followed wrestling much throughout the years as I've been a little bit too busy But once I found out Logan was in the WWE at first I thought it was a joke. I thought he was just like some guest star who would appear there pretty often. But once I saw that he was actually in, it blew my mind. If y'all haven't seen the CoffeeZilla video of him breaking things down he caught Logan in 4k the block chain doesn't lie. If coffee never made his video Logan wouldn't have back tracked and would have scammed more of his fans.


Hope Logan loses. Shifty ass person he is.


Logan is attempting to use the legal system to silence legitimate criticism.  He’s a scumbag of the highest order.  


Logan Paul should have never been able to bounce back from almost the Japan shit he did, or the shit he used to do to his fan


He deserves to lose US Title to LA Knight! r/Wrasslin


Please don't highlight I was scamming people.


That's not gonna go well for Paul.


If Logan loses this case, he'll deck Stephen with the brass knucks when the judge isn't looking.


Fuck Logan Paul


Coffeezilla v Logan book it Triple H


Good luck lol coffee is the Goat


honestly hope this somehow leads to wwe severing ties with logan


Coffee is gonna fucking *wreck* Paul. Ohh, this justice boner will be able to knock down buildings.


Dudes rich. Should’ve just paid off the failure and moved on but he’s made it so much worse and continues to do so. Love him in the ring, learning and getting better. The person Logan Paul? Trash.


Tell us about Japan, Logan


Logan Paul is a legit piece of shit. I'm really annoyed at WWE for giving him airtime. I actively avoid his matches and segments and any ppv or event that main events him. Oh he's a good wrestler? Polanski is a good director, still a piece of shit and I avoid his work


I find it fascinating of the amounts of mental hoops wrestling fans are willing to jump through to justify his presence. It’s like a reverse of the “starving kids in Africa” fallacy. “Oh, there is and has been worse people in the wrestling industry than Paul, so stop moaning about him! He do good Buckshot Lariat!” Every fucking time. 


I always find it funny how people LEGITIMATELY THINK his Buckshot is better than Hangman's. Maybe the flip, but that Lariat SUCKS ASSSSSSSS


I wouldn't know cause I have never and will never see him wrestle. I used to love Chloe Bennet (actress who played quake in agents of shield) but lost all respect for her, and desire to watch her work, when I found out she was dating Logan Paul. If that's who you date, I don't wanna be your fan.


"Hey, stop telling people I'm a scammer"


Be curious what his plan is. Because now everybody is talking about the Cryptozoo scam.


most relevant news of 2024


Let’s not forget about Prime forever chemicals. https://www.law.com/therecorder/2023/08/04/prime-sports-drink-hit-with-consumer-class-action-over-allegations-the-drink-contains-toxic-chemicals-harmful-additives/


Hey guys if any of you go to any live event where he shows up. Can you start a Coffeezilla chant? Its quite a chantable name and it would be realy funny. Would try myself but unfortunetaly im kinda on the other side of the world....


Coffeezilla has had him by the balls with that one. I just wish logan would refund the people he defrauded instead of spending that money on lawyers


I really can't wait til he just gets off tv


The US Champ IS a giant piece of shit, so, that tracks.


Didn’t think logan could be anymore unlikeable


It's very strange that no one is WWE has brought this in their promo till now.


Yeah let’s bring this back out for the public to chew on. Good move, Logan. God I hate this guy is from my state.


Oh this won’t end well for Logan


Bye bye belt i guess


Let them settle it in a Punjabi Prison match


Cage match?


logan is back at it again to remind us that he is a scumbag


Logan ain’t got a chance in hell to win the case since nothing Coffeezilla said was a lie as it can be easily verified(and has been). Crypto bros forget that one of the things about decentralized markets and crypto, it’s not difficult to cite the sources since anyone who knows what they are doing can get any of that information.


“working yourself into a shoot there brother” HH to LP (probably)


Jim and Brian won’t be impressed


They're aware of, and fans of, Coffeezilla already for his previous work.


Yes, that’s why they won’t be impressed with Mr. Paul


I believe, Colin Thompson sued Coffeezilla, too.


Wealthy people use lawsuits as weapons on those "lesser" than them.


Isn't this old news? Coffeezilla did multiple videos exposing the lawsuit too I think


It’s a new case filed yesterday from Logan.


Oooh ...cant wait for coffeezilla rippin a new one


Logan Paul is a real life heel in this one.




Will his title be on the line?


their wrestlemania match is going to be legendary


Anyone wanna bet this lawsuit is being bankrolled by WWE like they did Chris Amann? Otherwise I think Logan would have sued him way sooner. Hopefully Coffeezilla has an excuse to counter sue him and at least get his legal paid for.


Im still confused on how it was supposed to be a game, wait why is this in a wrestling sub


Ah yes, there's the Paul brothers slime I know. Still an absolute shit ball of a person to the core.


Will likely fail to pass Summary Judgment.


Oh lordy I can't wait for discovery! LFG!


Oh I hope this gets the Streiand effect


NFTs will be back. They aren't scams, you just didn't buy the right one.


Isn't this old news?


Logan Paul threatened to Sue Coffeezilla, but didn't go thru with it. But NOW he is going thru with it, so it is an update.


What are these words.


This is like years old news, what timeline are you living in?


No it's not. Logan threatened to Sue, but then didn't. But NOW he has officially went thru with Sueing Coffeezilla.