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Uninstall that malware and get Yugioh Omega or Projectignis : Edopro.


first things first. Dawn of a New Era is straight up dead and I'm like 99% sure it is malware so I would clean that up and make sure you don't have any thing compromised. For official simulators, Yugioh Master Duel is currently king since it is the closest to a TCG/OCG experience (its best of 1 with a different banlist but it is being updated every month) For Unofficial Simulators, you have two paths: Automatic and Manual Simulator (Automatic is where the sim will tell you what you can do kinda like Runeterra or Hearthstone while Manual makes you do everything manually and is supposed to simulate actually playing IRL) For auto sims: I'd recommend Edopro or YGO Omega For manual sims: I'd recommend duelingbook ​ If you are looking for strictly the most popular: Master Duel since that is where new players are funneled and that is where the audience is so the content creators are forced to be there.


This is a complete answer!


Edopro and dueling nexus are good choices


My go to game is always going to be Master Duels it is just the cleanest of all the dueling sims in my opinion, plus I am 100% free to play and built Earth Machine, Sacred Beast, Galaxy-Eyes, Purrley, Thunder Dragons, Resonator, Gem-Knight, and Gaia/BLS all without spending a dollar.


You have good taste in deck choices


master duel isnt a bad option either


Do any of the others make you earn cards? I don't mind either way, but I like MD for how it "just works". It was easy enough to build the deck I wanted


i believe that md is the only one where you earn cards. the others are just card simulators where you have access to every card at any time


Master Duel is an interesting meta because you can craft the URs, so it's very easy to craft at least 1 full power deck list with exactly what you want after a while. The issue though is all the staples like pretty much everyone has crafted 3 Max C etc.. The issue is some decks are ludicrously expensive, like the most expensive deck is likely Heroes, and they're not a tier 1 meta deck. My main concern with Master duel is the BO1 format is really annoying for some decks to take advantage of that any sideboarding would handle. Like it's always a great feeling when you top deck Max C against Floo. But to be fair Floo has to be a running joke at Konami offices in Master duel because for no damn reason I can tell every banlist somehow hits Floo again. And those little birds are still showing up in like tier 3 status after all the ridiculous hits that were never in the TCG/OCG.


havent seen floo above rogue in a while. to be fair tho, the only deck i have seen get hit as consistently is fluffal.


nope. the most expensive deck is definitely not heroes. you can build a good hero deck immediately with the starter gems. at this exact moment dinomorphia is one of the most expensive with almost every other needed card being ur with no secret pack


EDOPro and YGO Omega. DuelingNexus is okay too.


Ygo omega is the best. All cards unlocked for free and there is animation anf online mode


Cant go wrong with World Championship '06. Solid game right there.


Nobody answer tag force series make me really sad


Yugioh master duel. You can play solo or with people online. There are competitons and many people to play with. I play it almost every day on pc and my phone.


From my understanding, Dawn isn't malware per se but they got hacked a few years ago and the hacker put a Bitcoin miner in the installer for a bit and their reputation hasn't recovered since. Either way since it's dead now so best to use a different one with more players. I use YGO Omega, Dueling Nexus, Edopro, and of course Master Duel, the official one. I think Master Duel is the best overall but it doesn't have TCG format and you have to earn the cards so the others are useful for testing TCG decks before purchasing them irl. Hope this helps!


Oh boy, take a seat and let us introduce you to MASTER duel! Definitely chek it out


Master Duel's solo mode! There are a lot of duels there that help you learning lots of different archetypes


Masterduel or legacy of the duelist link evolution. Also dueling book for online simulators