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I use adult Tylenol as needed for emotionally difficult days. Maybe once or twice a month. It was recommended by a professional as well. It works amazing. I have ADHD and probably GAD, C-PTSD. I've been doing the Tylenol thing for about two years now and it's really improved my baseline.


I have some generic Midol and I’m thinking of just using a pill cutter to half the dose and take a half tablet as needed during my luetal phase, see how it affects me over time. This is interesting stuff 🤔


If painkillers are normally effective for you, then I would guess you'll notice relief as soon as you start to metabolize it. It lets you get on with your day and be productive. Over time that can definitely improve your quality of life. And I think it's a compounding effect for me because anxiety and trauma are so hard on the body. With this treatment I have gotten a chance to actually heal.


Yeah, I can usually take ibuprofen or Tylenol on a normal pain day and it makes a difference for me. I’ll have to play around with the dose and see if I can get away with taking it as needed if it helps!


[Oh yeah](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/12/04/567762087/tylenol-may-help-ease-the-pain-of-hurt-feelings), there are real [scientific studies](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6455058/) showing that Tylenol helps lessen emotional pain just like physical pain. (Not a ton of data, and small studies mostly, but there is some tangible evidence.) One of the theories of why it works is that emotional pain’s brain circuitry is very similar to physical pain. Which tends to get me all angry again thinking about how people always dismissed my emotional pain, that I’m being “too sensitive” and I’m lucky not to be in physical pain (the “I’ll give you something to cry about” parent special lol). TBH, if I had to choose, I’d choose physical pain! I’ve got that anyway, at least people (sometimes) take it more seriously 🙃




Hi, just an update, my NP actually told me to take baby aspirin, but my brain heard children's tylenol. She did say that any OTC pain killer would work though.


Oh, that sucks. I learned last month that I’m allergic to aspirin. I’m fine with Tylenol though.


Well then I would suggest trying the childrens tylenol, it did work for me.


I’m so interested to hear if this works for you or not. What a great coincidence.


Hey Aimee, sorry to be creepy, tried to reply to a reply you left me on a comment in r/adhd. But comments were locked by the time I went to post my reply, so I just sent you a DM with the information you were looking for! 🙂


A former professor at my school did several studies on this. It's for real for real!!!


JFC imagine how powerful and dangerous we’d be if our medical needs got as much attention and research money as erectile dysfunction.


The study you linked talks about ibuprofen (advil). Did your doctor explain why childrens tylenol? Is it childrens tylenol instead of adult Tylenol, or instead of advil?


I've heard of Tylenol blunting emotional pain before. I can't remember the source (because my brain went "hmmm that's interesting. Into the random info box!") . I've not tried it myself because I didn't link it to being a potential benefit of taking Tylenol, just an interesting side effect


I do get the idea of pain meds overall! Just was following up with OP because their study specified ibuprofen but they were talking about acetaminophen, and their doctor was saying the childrens tylenol specifically which I believe is just a low dose of tylenol in a different form that’s more expensive


I might have made a mistake, the NP might have said baby aspirin and I somehow heard children's tylenol. I'm emailing her to find out!


My NP said any pain killer can work to numb emotional pain. She recommended me the children's tylenol instead of the ibuprofen because children's tylenol is already recommended for long-term use (for people at risk of strokes) and long-term use of ibuprofen can lead to addiction (I have addicts in my family.) Also I'm very sensitive to medications and their side-effects, so ibuprofen is too strong for me to take regularly and still be functional.


Are you sure it’s tylenol(acetaminophen)? Because it’s a baby aspirin that a lot of cardiac patients take to reduce stroke risk. I couldn’t find anything (in my quick Google) about acetaminophen impacting stroke risk.


Shit, I might have fucked up - maybe she said baby aspirin and instead my ADHD brain heard children's tylenol, hahaha. Now I have to email her to ask.


She could have fucked up too, for all we know! Would be good to confirm, both for yourself and for people reading this post.


Hey, just an update I got an email back from my NP - you're right she recommended baby aspirin, lol. She did say that any OTC pain killer should work at numbing emotional pain, but that baby aspirin is best if you're going to take it long-term. Thank goodness I wrote this post, honestly children's tylenol is nasty (could only get the chewable tablets) hopefully the baby aspirin will be easier to take, haha!


Glad you got it sorted out!


advil isn’t addictive but it can be hard on your stomach if used too much, same goes for tylenol (acetaminophen) and the liver so taking a child dose is a good idea because the lowest dose you can use to still have effective treatment would be easiest on your liver long term so if you get relief from a childrens dose that’s the way to go (looks like a childrens chewable is 160mg and an adult is 500mg per pill)


Got it - but any reason why childrens tylenol instead of adult tylenol? Both are acetaminophen but I’m not sure if you’re saying that there is any other difference (except dose and cost)


I think the reason for the children's tylenol is because my NP was recommending I take it long-term, and long-term use of tylenol isn't recommended because it can hurt your liver. It all just comes down to the dose.


This is potentially dangerous and can do liver damage over long term use.


As long as you keep below the recommended dosage, you should be fine. Jabbing said that, NEVER EXCEED THE DAILY RECOMMENDED DOSAGE OF TYLENOL, IT WILL KILL YOUR LIVER.




Interesting! Would this gene also make you metabolize other drugs faster? My stimulants always wear off pretty quickly. I’ve always needed the highest recommended dose of pretty much any prescription med I’ve taken.




Thank you so much!


I suspect I’m an ultra rapid metabolizer. Is there a specific gene test you would point me to that also does the whole genealogy thing?


I seem to remember noticing the caffeine metabolism thing when I was using a third-party site to look at my 23andme data. I'd never given much thought to the fact that acetaminophen doesn't really work for me. Insert caveats about the possibility of results from direct to consumer genetic testing being incorrect, and not explicitly looking for things like copy number changes...


There’s also a lot of anecdotal evidence that famotidine (antihistamine in Pepcid) treats PMDD


Very interesting, thank you for the tip - I will try next month. I'm kind of annoyed that no one has told me any of this, I've been looking for help with my PMDD for years!


I wonder if it’s similar to Hydroxyzine which is an antihistamine used for anxiety. Google here I come




Haha yeah I had hydroxyzine prescribed initially for anxiety but I ended up asking my psych to keep prescribing it for my insomnia. I felt it lost its potency after using it for a while. Grogginess the next day was an issue for me with it as well at times but not every time. I have super bad allergies and most antihistamines make me feel that way unfortunately.


Oh yeah it knocks me out too. I have even halved them and slept for 12 hours and woke up groggy.


I was prescribed this for a case of hives that lasted 8 weeks. It’s like a giant benedryl. When I picked it up from the pharmacy they told me it was commonly prescribed as an anti anxiety medication. I also found that it really helped with insomnia.


Oh interesting. Maybe it is


Wait, is that why Midol works on multiple symptoms? Acetaminophen + caffeine + antihistamine? Mind = blown


Oh wow I didn’t even know that’s what’s in midol haha


I pay attention because my cramps are so bad I need to alternate with something else and don’t want to end up with liver failure or a trip to the hospital. Man, medicine and the human body are fascinating!


I know this is old, but I was recently diagnosed with MCAS (I have ADHD & PMDD) and began treatment to stabilize the mast cells. Famotidine 20mg 2x day is one of my new meds (xolair, zyzal, singular) and I just finished my first cycle with a 90% reduction in PMDD symptoms. It’s still very early in my treatment so I’m finding it hard to believe how well the month went because it was SO MUCH better. I was diagnosed by an allergist/immunologist.


As a mom to a teething baby - there is a Tylenol shortage right now, please don’t take the liquid stuff!! I legit had to go to three stores to find it and when I did it was limit one per customer.


This needs to be bumped higher for visibility, even though OP has corrected to aspirin, in case folks are going to take Tylenol. Take the children tablets or cut adult doses, save the liquid for the little ones who need it


It’s in stock on Amazon right now, in case you need more!


This [stuff](https://www.betteryourhealth.com/naturalvitality/calm-sleep?utm_partner=omd&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=RNL%7CGoogle%7CCPC%7CX%7CX%7CX%7CX%7CX%7CX%7CX%7CX%7CX%7CX&utm_content=&utm_term=&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=NAV%7CGeneric%7CST%7CP%7CPMAX%7CPowder%7CBroad%7CEnglish%7CENKW-ENBR&utm_content=&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAjw_MqgBhAGEiwAnYOAetslQf8TJmZSXFvHuKsCoIiFcJA_djUUOUVNIHElW3RKiDty6_aYjRoCKIgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) helps me the most. There are different formulas but the “Sleep” version with L-Theanine, Gaba, melatonin and magnesium helps soften the edges of the severity of life and feels like floating away on a gentle cloud. Helps ya poop have good poops too.


I LOVE those! Works great with my kids too. The best brand we have found.


What brand is this? Sorry I can’t see it in your comment


No prob Natural Vitality / Calm: try clicking on the word “stuff” in my post.


Oh right! Lol I didn’t know to do that; so thank you :)


Every day is a school day!


On the topic of periods and painkillers having drastically improved my life and left me outraged that I suffered for 16 years for no reason: My entire life I've had period cramps so bad I would pass out, throw up, fever etc - my mum said childbirth contractions were no different to her period pain. I was told by Doctors to take painkillers the day of my period and it did nothing. Went on the pill but the side effects were awful but I was on them for 10 years cause what other option was there? But after some research into period pain I found out it doesnt work like that - NSAIDS work on menstrual cramps by inhibiting the enzyme that produces the Prostaglandin hormone in the uterus that causes the contractions/pain, so it needs to be taken the day before to KO the enzyme that starts the chain of events. So I take NSAID painkillers x3 doses(with meals) the day BEFORE my period AND the day of, and I now get ZERO cramps. ZERO. So yeah taking NSAIDS (eg ibuprofen, mefenemic acid, aspirin) the day before your period can completely eliminate menstrual cramps in some people!


Uhg, why don’t doctors who are trained on medication use and methods of acting actually know anything about any of this and how it relates to periods?!? Oh right, patriarchy. Gods damn it.


For what it's worth, naproxen has a longer duration of action than ibuprofen, so that's what I used to take preemptively. I've found that magnesium reduces cramping for me, even though I'm theoretically already eating enough magnesium-rich foods. NSAIDs can also reduce bleeding. I used to take them for that reason if I couldn't get my hands on tranexamic acid, which is more effective (before going on the combined pill). Insert disclaimer about talking to your pharmacist, etc.


Dang, why was I never told this?? Thank you for sharing, I'm gonna try this this month! 😄


Are you me??? Well damn. I guess I’m going to start thinking about children’s Tylenol.


Hey, just an update, I talked with my NP again and she actually recommended baby aspirin, or the low dose aspirin that is made for people at risk for stroke. Sorry, she said baby aspirin but my brain heard kids tylenol, haha.


Ooo okay I appreciate that you replied and let me know! I’ll make sure I talk to my doctor before trying anything too


Oh yes! Very interesting stuff! Apparently the same pathways in the brain responsible for identifying physical pain also are responsible for emotional pain. People who are emotionally sensitive tend to feel more physical pain as well.


Interesting. I’m on duloxetine for anxiety/depression and migraine prevention. I know it’s also used for chronic pain.


I usually need to take tylenol, for knee/leg pain, and/or headaches, but I've also noticed that it can help emotionally, and have used it that way a few times. I take Zzzquil+ to sleep, if I really need it.


Years ago I discovered this as a way to get back to sleep when I wake up at 3 am and can’t get my brain to stop, my Mum told me about it and does it too;it helps us to relax. For years I was told it was psychosomatic, but it works so it doesn’t matter. The research that announced what we call paracetamol impacted emotional pain was vindication. Although I had never thought of it as emotional pain till then.


I can't wait to read up on this! My PMDD can be brutal, and to think I might be able to help myself with the emotional pain with an easy to find OTC med is exciting!


I find it a little odd they’re recommending Tylenol when the study (at least the one you linked) used ibuprofen, as they’ve got different mechanisms. But that’s an interesting thing I might need to test!


I imagine it’s because of mechanism of action they think Tylenol would be better?


I don’t know. They behave totally differently, with ibuprofen being anti-inflammatory and Tylenol being an analgesic with no inflammation effect. So yes, they both impact pain, but the kinds and causes of pain they address are different. The other factor may be the organ that processes it and is effected most by the drug. Ibuprofen overuse can cause damage to the stomach lining with hyperacidity, something our stimulants can cause on their own. Tylenol, on the other hand, is processed by the liver. Overuse of acetaminophen can cause liver damage on the scale and frequency that pros have said if we’d discovered it in modern times, it’d be prescription-only. I’d be curious if other things that help with inflammation or pain - ginger, capsaicin, mint, and such - would also be effective.


I appreciate the response. I’ve been in medicine for 25 plus years, but I’m absolutely sure the explanation would help others without a medical background reading this post. I know that ibuprofen has reached a similar point with criticism in some circles - the studies that are critical are indicating that we’re doing more harm by blocking inflammatory processes in non acute pathology (I.e. I worked out and now I’m sore), and where it was recommended for endurance athletes, now even that is coming under scrutiny. Even ice baths are now coming under scrutiny. I suspect that Tylenol acting in the brain to blunt the perception of pain, vs preventing inflammation is why OP’s dr recommended it if emotional pain and physical pain are structurally similar in their process in humans. Your last paragraph about other, natural, anti inflammatory treatment opens a door worth exploring - how was emotional pain managed in non modern medicine (not the barbaric chainsaw days, but in indigenous societies).


That would make sense, and I wonder if the advice would change for pts with atypical inflammation profiles (I also have hEDS, and I’m showing some odd inflammatory responses) vs otherwise typical pts. Thanks for the patience with my response - a good chunk of that was sort of thinking “out loud” so if there’s a point where my thinking is wrong, then someone can point that out. ^.=.^ And yeah, I like to use food as medicine where I can, and multi-use treatments are a favorite approach for me, because there are times where I feel like I consume more meds than food. I’ve figure out over the years that ginger is basically an all-around tonic for me - migraines, nausea, reflux, circulatory issues - so it’s a good thing I like it! I’m on the sensitive side to most meds, so if I can find something herbal or food-based that has a similar effect but maybe more adjustable, I’m a fan. I’m tempted every once in a while to go find a science-based herbalism course for my own benefit with all my drug allergies! I found one, but it’s that thing of maintaining effort on it, y’know?


The best conversations on Reddit come from patience. And I can always learn more. Thanks for thinking out loud with me.


I’m replying just a heads up, OP updated with a correction - NP said/meant children’s aspirin (the low dose one people take to prevent strokes etc).


Have you tried drinking ginger tea or taking ginger supplements? I have found that consuming ginger tea, using L-Theanine supplements, and taking cold showers help reduce the severity of my PMS-related discomfort.


I hear Botox can do that too. For PMD try Serenol by Bonafide. Daily meditation for 30 minutes is great too, just focus on your breath and when you get thoughts come back to your breath.


Wow!! I’m going to try this!


That's crazy I've never heard of that! I'm always super weary of taking acetaminophen due to its effects on the liver. Did she recommend taking a children's dose for that reason?


Replying just to point you to OP’s edit- not Tylenol, Aspirin




Hey, so update my NP actually recommended baby aspirin/ low dose aspirin, but for some reason my brain heard children's tylenol. The reason she recommended the baby aspirin is because it's a dose designed for long-term regular use.


I'm allergic to aspirin and tylenol. Would ibuprofen work? This is amazing news though. Edit: yes, ibuprofen will work. (No worries on od-ing, my siblings are nurses and I'm a nursing assistant for almost couple decades who has gone through the pre-nursing classes, so we all know all about the pharmacology)


I remember hearing a radio story or reading the emotional numbing thing about Tylenol a long time ago but can't recall the source. Interesting that Asprin works also. I thought it was only Tylenol... I'm pretty sure they said anti-inflammatory stuff like ibuprofen doesn't do this though.


Even if you misremembered it, Tylenol has been found to have a lot of strange effects on the brain. My psychophysiology textbook mentioned the same thing as well for Tylenol in particular, and a lot of psychology labs also request that participants do not take Tylenol that day before coming in to participate in cognitive psychology experiments.


What exactly do you mean by emotional pain? Just negative emotions right?