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Hey, I really applaud your accountability and ability to be self aware about this. I know that can feel gut wrenching. I strongly recommend trying to get to a place where you’re comfortable enough confiding in someone close to you, you deserve a support system. A therapist well versed in addiction and/or ADHD could be a good option as well. In the meantime, please reach out to your doctor for guidance on how to get through this as safe as possible. If you have a primary care provider, there might be a nurse hotline you can call for immediate advice. As a healthcare worker, we aren’t here to judge you.


Thank you for your encouragement! And you’ve motivated me to also open up to someone close to me that can be supportive. I needed to hear that because otherwise, I was not going to do that. I appreciate your kinds words, and thank you again for taking the time to write <3


Firstly, you are very brave. Second this month is going to be very tough. But please remember how bad this feels if you go back you are only dooming yourself to repeat this step again over and over. Stay the course it gets better. I promise. But you are going to change into someone who is better than the person you were before. It’s uncomfortable and painful and cruel and unfair but your path is laid out in front of you for recovery and your story is going to be someone else’s survival guide in time. Last and most importantly you need to take some dissolvable magnesium it is going to really help with the zaps, twitches and any nervous system trauma you are experiencing.


Thank you very much! I was really moved by what you wrote about my experience potentially being helpful to someone else in time. That was very encouraging to hear to keep me going. I am also taking your advice and will purchase magnesium to help my neurological symptoms. (Please let me know if there is a certain magnesium I should be buying, btw!) Thank you for your guidance <3


Mag365 Magnesium Citrate. It’s amazing!


Can confirm this does work extremely well. I'm not prescribed... Took Vyvanse until I would hit the ceiling and be forced to take the long way down (which was absolutely shitty). You'll actually manage to sleep using these. IF PRESCRIBED- Ask your doc for some Hydroxyzine


Are you going through this under the care of a doctor?


I am not seeing a doctor about this. I am apprehensive to go and be potentially labeled a “drug addict” (I do not use that term in a rude/judgmental manner). I’ve felt saddened by how I have heard people talk about those with addictions. So, that alone gives me anxiety.


Could you be half-honest with the doctor, say you need to stop taking adderall because it’s making your feel uncomfortable in your body. You could list the negative physical and mental side effects you’ve been experiencing without mentioning addiction?


I think personally, confiding that information is a double edged sword. I think it’s an amazing idea if you are serious and taking the accountability to quit. I say this in meaning as we all know, telling your primary care doctor how you feel you are a different person on adderoll and you don’t like that person. They will mark that in your chart and you can’t get it anymore. So when I was on day 1 of stopping and feeling brave… I called and reviewed all these negatives for me taking the medicine and that she needed to write this in my medical file. Basically, no turning back now even if I wanted to. I’m day 30 and I feel I’m a lazy and underperforming everyday. Keep strong… knock on wood


Hey there! How are you doing now?


How are you? Have you beaten the addiction? I hate how Adderall makes me feel in the long-term, but I can't seem to stop taking it everyday.


I am still struggling a lot unfortunately, but I appreciate you asking! I know how it is and it’s crazy how you can go from living life not knowing what it would be like to use adderall/other stimulants, to then trying and experiencing the effects and how it all goes downhill from there.


I'm experiencing the same as you right now. It's super hard to stop. I've been an on and off addict (ritalin, Vyvanse, Adderall) since I was taken off due to a heart murmur. I am a very awkward person and this stuff makes me feel like I can socialize with absolutely anyone. On my 3rd day of my 4th relapse in 4-5yrs, 7 20mg XRs left and I am trying to mentally prepare for the withdrawal. Cant buy more until the 26th, which I already know I am going to because I am an idiot. Anyways, have a good night. I really hope you can break free from this soon.


It's been 7 months for me, and I'm still fatigued on a daily basis, and I just don't get the things done that I used to, Even before I took it. How's life going for you?


Sorry know this is old but saw your comment. Wow 7 months and still chronic fatigue? Thats discouraging. I don’t have the option of not functioning unfortunately. Wish I could just take two years off and let my whole reward system recover. Are you feeling any better at all?


I'm sorry to hear that. I think you can get there. Give yourself some grace and keep pushing.


Worst comes to worst, I will try doing this. Thank you for the suggestion!


As someone who has worked in a mental health pharmacy, I've seen all sorts of people who you would never think would have addictions. People who look well put together secretly struggle with all sorts of problems. Please don't feel alone and afraid to ask for help. Addiction is a lonely battle to fight.


Indeed it is a lonely battle to fight :/ another fear of mine is I will be blacklisted from ever receiving a prescription for stimulants. When I was using adderall correctly, it helped me immensely and made a positive impact on my life in many aspects.


This is my fear as well. Then I get this overwhelming sense of I’ll never get anything done, won’t be able to go to work, and be homeless. It used to work so well but this stuff is just toxic. Some people need it yes but it is playing with fire. I will never touch another drug that impacts my reward basically your entire life system. It’s a vicious battle.


I couldn’t agree anymore with what you said!! If you ever need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to reach out. Hang in there.


Very true.


Make sure you are getting enough protein, vitamin C and vitamin D to encourage neurotransmitter synthesis in your brain. Exercise if you can manage it. Even 10 mins of random dancing or whatever. Go easy on yourself.


Thank you for the tips! I plan to see a nutritionist at some point because I really have a hard time knowing what I should eat/what foods to buy, but I will be conscious to introduce more vitamin C & D into my diet as I go through this. I appreciate your help <3


This is a good point. I recently read something that said if you have no transmitters that meds won’t work properly? I didn’t understand it as I thought meds pump the neurotransmitters but I guess you have to have them at baseline? But that’s why people take adhd meds and antidepressants bc they are low on the feel good chemicals?


I am addicted off label and have anorexia from when I WAS still prescribed... Really shitty situation. Now I'm 3 days into a bender with 7 left trying to prepare to hold out until the 26th.


Let me know more of your thoughts on this.


Im around 3 weeks no adderall… I felt exhausted the first week, tired the next week. The last week my energy is coming back. I am also taking Wellbutrin which I think helps a LOT.


I’ve been on Wellbutrin before! That really helps so it won’t be a hassle to have a new prescription written. I was extremely tired for the past 4 days and slept way more than I knew I was capable of lol.


You already have four days off of it? That’s awesome! Be proud of yourself, you’ve already done the hardest part. Kudos!


I did not find Wellbutrin helpful. As someone who was overusing Adderall, I found that the stimulant qualities of Wellbutrin made my cravings and irritability much greater because it kept me "wanting." Everyone is different, bit that was my experience. 3 weeks was how long it took before I started having days when I realized at like 9pm that I had a "normal" day without being preoccupied thinking about my withdrawal. Lastly, I quit drinking 7 years ago and had to really take it seriously, do a 12 step, treatment center, etc. There's a concept in AA that planning to refrain is a plan to fail. I recommend a routine that leads you to a destination. It's much more effective to actively do something than to sit around and wait for the fight to come to you.


I truly appreciate your advice. Thank you for sharing! I have a very very addictive personality. I have not taken Wellbutrin in so many years that I can’t even remember whether or not it gave me a stimulant type of feeling. You’re awesome, though for kicking your bad habits…it really takes a strong person.


You are in the throes of withdrawal but your attitude is on point. You will be on the other side of this verrrry soon. And you are gonna feel GREAT!


Thank you for the encouragement! It means a lot <3


How were you feeling today? Any better?


It’s honestly just a mental battle i feel like I’m losing because of my cravings and this empty feeling I have because life doesn’t feel enjoyable and as if I have no purpose. :/


Dont believe that. Remember you are changing your body's chemical make up. Someone once told me while I going through withdrawals that every time I got a craving I should do some light, quick exercise. Like 20 squats, for example. It will change your state and release endorphins which will ultimately reduce stress levels and calm you down.


This is really solid advice, thank you I appreciate you sharing your knowledge. I feel like that’s teaching your brain to associate the craving with exercise and not the drug. I am an extremely habitual person by nature and I think this may be my saving grace. Thank you!! <3


Yay!! 💚 And ya get fit! Two birds ;)


Hello, I work with people all the time with withdraw. Fish oil for brain zaps. Magnesium for relaxation Vitamin b6 and b12 to replace energy levels. And vitamin D for minor depression side effects.


You are an ANGEL, thank you so much for sharing!!! The brain zaps are what cause me to relapse and I am going to buy fish oil now to try. I appreciate it <3


I think you're a month or two ahead of me in your journey to overcome Adderall withdrawal. Could I bum some hot tips? I'm feeling pretty rough, and I was wondering which of these suggestions have had the greatest impact.


Hey there, I will dm you sometime soon!


Hello! I was wondering if you could also message me, I am about to go through some serious withdraw and I’m nervous.


I have been through Ritalin withdrawal so I know how it feels. It is going to be tough for a while but you got this :) stay strong. Everytime you feel out of place mentally remember it's your brain chemistry trying to adjust to how it was before you were on drugs so this feeling will pass. I recommend speaking to a psychiatrist if it gets too bad. Again, you got this 🫶


That actually gave me a sense of relief like there is a light at the end of the tunnel, phew. It’s scary not knowing what “normal” feels like anymore and missing my former self. I’ve grieved over this a lot. Thank you! <3


Hi Friend! I am experiencing this same exact thing with no support system😞. Can I ask how you are doing? Did you ever quit?


Hey there! I’d like to be fully transparent and say I’ve had my fair share of quitting and relapsing. I’ve recently relapsed, but have been actively weaning off. I follow a schedule where I will decrease my daily dosage by about 20 mg each week until I reach the desired dosage. I do this without the supervision of a doctor, so please don’t take this as professional advice to follow if you are interested in a schedule to decrease your dosage! I won’t lie to you, it’ll suck. Especially the first week. But after that first week, you will start to feel normal-ish again. It is definitely not for the weak to get off of any sort of stimulant. But, it definitely gets easier and better after day 4. Like I said in my post above, the tv static feeling in my brain is the worst withdrawal symptom I experience personally. It will somewhat radiate throughout my whole body (moving around, such as lifting my arm or walking/any sort of body movement will induce the feeling) and it feels tortuous. I have gotten great advice and recommendations on my post, though that can really mitigate this symptom. I still have yet to try some of the supplements I have been recommended and I’ll blame that on my horrible procrastination. But eating healthy and nutritious foods will naturally have whatever your body needs and makes a difference when withdrawing. Just know that no matter what, you are more than capable of doing it. If you are anything like me and have the “I can’t go without it/I need it everyday or else”’mindset, you will be surprised to know that you CAN live without it and your life will not end by not being on adderall. I am going to contradict myself (somewhat) here, and say that I don’t believe adderall is a drug that has no benefits or is all bad. It’s only a bad thing when you begin to abuse/misuse it, and or heavily rely on adderall/ any other kind of stimulant (to the point you are not taking any sort of break within your week from it). Some of us genuinely need it to sustain and function at our best. Conversely, I am an example of abusing adderall and taking too much of a good thing so much so it turns into a horrible thing. It has its consequences that can be detrimental and it’s so important to not take more than what is prescribed. Sorry for the lengthy answer lol! Let me know if you would like to chat about your individual experience and if you would like a friend to support you. I’d be more than happy to help and talk! Hang in there, it’s possible to have better days and live the life you thought you couldn’t without stimulants. <3


Thank you so much for this. Seriously. Thank you. And stay strong. We all make mistakes but like you said each day that we improve is the most important thing!


How are you doing with this? I have been off and on trying to quit since last June. The problem with my addiction is that I now associate alcohol with adderall, because I would use that to wind me down at the end of the day. I run out of my script tomorrow and I want to just be done with it but I feel like I never follow through and it's so frustrating to not be able to trust yourself 😔


Hey sorry I know this old or I’m late but did we ever DM? My mind is complete crap. Sorry.


DM’ing you


I know this is an old comment but can you dm me to by chance. I’m struggling in the same light and could use any help I could get


Hi…was this comment to me?


DM me is so😊


Hi, yes 😊 will do!


There has been a lot of solid advice on supplements already- I agree with vitamin d and vitamin c. I also suggest a B vitamin in the morning and magnesium at night. And as weird as it sounds, EXERCISE. Studies have shown short bursts of intense exercise can really help with this specific withdrawal. Jumping jacks, for example. You are going to be TIRED and have some emotional volatility, but you can absolutely do this! Take it a day at a time.


I am trying to force myself to just get up out of bed and at least do some sit-ups or just get fresh air and sunlight hoping it’ll motivate me. To no surprise, I have not managed to do either or yet. I’ve been outside for brief moments of time but I get extremely anxious and paranoid. I have no idea why and it’s really strange to me lol. Thank you!! <3


I can only emphasize what others have said, reach out for medical and social support. With that, something to remember that may help is that your brain and body are incredibly adaptable! The symptoms of withdrawal are your body believing that Adderall is “normal/necessary”, it’s what your body adapted to. It’s so adaptable, it can and will adapt back. Every symptom is evidence that your body is reprogramming itself. It’s progress. Be kind to yourself, continue being brave!


Thank you for the reassurance!! It makes me feel a lot better to know I will get to feeling like the old version of myself again and it’s worth the agonizing withdrawal period. I’ve been thinking I permanently screwed myself up and I will never know what “normal me” will feel like ever again. It’s made me hate myself in a way. Thank u for taking the time to write <3


I really needed to read this today. I got addicted to adderall after being prescribed by a physician. I am so, so ashamed and also have not told anyone because I don’t really relate to the label of being an addict (I’ve been on it for less than 6 months). I knew pain pills were dangerous, but I didn’t realize this was. I’m currently at the 48 hour mark and feel absolutely god awful. I’d be up for chatting if you think it would help to do this with someone else.


My friend, I don’t think it is a coincidence that you posted this 30 minutes ago, and I, too, am on day 2 of realizing I need to stop and I have a problem. I have been abusing adderall almost daily the last couple months. I do not feel like myself anymore. I want to be happy and motivated again without depending on the drug like I used to be able to do. I just want to be my genuine self and feel genuine, raw happiness again. I decided two days ago that I needed to stop and to feel happiness again without needing to abuse a drug. I woke up today with such a broken heart and soul. I feel so hopeless and sad and disappointed in myself for letting myself get this bad. I never thought I would be an addict. I’m a young and healthy college student-athlete! But I am so broken with this addiction. But I was just scrolling through this thread, looking for motivation, although the only other most recent reply was 63 days ago. so I think it’s miraculous that I came across your post, and we are at the EXACT same point. 48 hours in and today I am struggling to see any light in life. But this is not s coincidence. We are in this together. If you can do it, I can do it, and vice-versa. I believe in you. We can do this. Think of how satisfying it will be when we are back to our normal selves. when we can be happy again without having to pop a pill!! We just have to stay strong and be kind to ourselves this next little while. It won’t feel like this forever. We got this. I got you!


Thank you. ❤️ Fate works in mysterious ways. We got this and I’m so looking forward to the other side.


2024 will be our year!


I have experienced all of this down to a T. One of the most motivating and relieving things I needed to hear was your brain is so resilient and is much more powerful than you think. It has the potential and capacity to repair and return itself to “normal”. Of course it’ll take time, but it is nice to know things will not always be as bad as they are now. Hang in there and feel free to send me a message if you would like to chat :)


I certainly needed to hear this. "it is nice to know things will not always be as bad as they are now". That is what is getting me through today. I appreciate you and you inspire me.


“This too shall pass” (one of my favorite quotes) <3 You’ve also equally brought joy to my day with your kind words! Thank you :) you will be rewarded for your positive attitude and have a very successful recovery.


Please reach out to me! You’re not alone. Nothing honestly feels worse than suffering in silence and going through the emotional agony and withdrawal of stimulants. You already accomplished one of the hardest steps, which is admitting to yourself and accepting you have a problem. Not only that, but wanting to get help is such a huge accomplishment in and of itself. We can go through this journey together and I would be happy to support you. :)


Activities:HIIT cardio walking meditation hydration nature regulating circadian rhythm structure habits and routines second brain task management and calendar usage Supplements- cerebrolysin- this one helped me more than anything healed my brain I believe Micro dosing psilocybin L tyrosine Magnesium Vitamin d I used modafinil on days when I couldn't move from exhaustion but has stuff to do Have patience and understanding for yourself, if you aren't as productive as u were on Adderall that's ok you are enough as you are and nothing will change that :) you can do this I know how hard it is it is but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


Thank you sooo much for all of this helpful advice!!! I appreciate your encouragement, and I will be looking into these supplements. It is hard especially because I like how productive and happy I am when I take stimulants. I just feel like a shell of a person without them and it sucks. Thanks so much again. <3


Hi there. I am a recovering opiate addict (June 21,2021) and I relapsed on adderall (I used to love it back in high school) in January 2023 and I have no stopped since. I work 50 hours a week in a law firm and go to school full time. I am absolutely terrified to come down off adderall, and it is increasingly becoming more necessary that I get clean. I do not live in the same city anymore as my friends/family, therefore I’ll be rocking this out solo. Any support is appreciated, and tips!!! Do you think I’ll still be able to work and do school while coming down? Or should I request like a week of PTO?


Did you end up taking off from work? I hope you are doing better and it’s been surprising to me how many others are going through this. Suffering and mentally battling yourself along with all the effects this causes really sucks. I am trying to wean off by decreasing my dosages every week and I’m going to be trying the supplements recommended by others on my post.


I've read that natural supplementation like saffron can help with ADHD symptoms. This may not alleviate everything youre experiencing but if you can minimize the impact of symptoms that wouldn't hurt. L theanine can also be helpful. Best of luck


And fish oil! Lots and lots of fish oil :)


I know this is an old post, but I am going through the same thing right now. I was doing great with Vyvanse. It was working exactly the way it was supposed to and I felt like I was finally functioning properly. Long story short, my psychiatrist cut me off of it because I tested positive for marijuana (and I didn’t realize it would completely jeapordize my medication because it is legal in my state). So to cope with the loss of Vyvanse, I started buying adderall from someone I know. I’m now horribly addicted to it and I feel like my life is falling apart. I keep playing my last appointment with my psychiatrist over and over in my mind and I literally want to k*ll myself for how bad I’ve fucked my life up. I’m also on Prozac which makes me EXTREMELY fatigued and hungry. I begged him to switch me to a different antidepressant and he just won’t. He treats me like a drug addict now. I tried to stop taking the Prozac and I fell into a really dark depression so I started taking it again. I feel like I’m drowning and the people that are supposed to help me absolutely refuse to. My advice to anyone reading this: Do not disclose your addiction problems to doctors. It will stay on your health records forever and always affect you. Some doctors may be understanding, but most aren’t. Your support system is the people around you that love you, not your healthcare provider. They are not a safe outlet to vent to if you ever want to be prescribed medications that could potentially be addictive. I took Vyvanse for years, no issue. But now that I’m taking adderall my life has completely fallen apart. Outside of smoking weed, I have never done any drugs in my life. Yet my psychiatrist now treats me like a drug addict because I LEGALLY consumed an edible one week before my appointment with him. Today is the first day of quitting adderall. I’m doing it alone. I have a surgery next week and need to be off of any stimulants anyway so this is the perfect time to quit… Wish me luck. And good luck to any of you facing the same issue.


Wow I’m so so very sorry to hear this. You’re not alone, my messages are always open and you have a friend now to talk to. You don’t need to go through this alone I am struggling so hard myself and we can bond over our struggles. You are so strong. Good luck with everything. <3


I contacted my new doctor today and asked if I could make an appointment to discuss possibly putting me on Wellbutrin (I took it several years ago before being switched to Vyvanse) and she said yes! I’ll update you on how that goes. I read that it can help adhd symptoms as well as help people to stop smoking and abusing opioids.


I bet that’s a huge relief! I’m happy to hear that after reading your struggles with your previous doctor who sounds very unempathetic (and I truly don’t understand what weed would have to do with your stimulant prescription). I seriously need to get it together and see my doctor again. I was taking Wellbutrin years and years ago and I shouldn’t have stopped! Ugh. Prescription medications create such a vicious cycle, I wish I never touched any.


Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️ same to you as well!


For weed? I’m sorry. That sucks. So ridiculous


How are you doing? Still hanging in there? Hope you’re feeling better.


Thank you for checking up on me, it means a lot <3 I’m fighting my urges to the best of my ability and life feels like hell on earth. I’ve been pretty sad, too. Asking myself how I ended up here. But I know I’ll make myself proud for this one day.


Good to hear! Keep going!


Hello! I do not have the best tips for u as I find myself not being able to stick to my word, but I’ve found that food is helpful for withdrawal I know this makes it a prime time to gain weight, but I see it as gaining any type of nutrition after taking a suppressant for so long You can do this friend, im so proud of you for admitting to it. Not that u need to admit, I feel like i sound condescending but I’m being very genuine.


Thank you so much!! <3 I made a lot of excuses up instead of just admitting it. Then one day I looked at myself in the mirror, and cried because the moment of realization hit me and I stopped denying it to myself that I have an addiction problem. I’m also very scared to gain weight. It’s a really stressful area of concern and anxiety for me :(


If you feel the craving for food (when I withdrawal I crave food badly to get the dopamine from eating lolol) but I learned drinking a protein shake makes it go away and been better than carbs n sugary snacks I was eating!


Oooh good suggestion. Thank you for the advice!!


Lots of b vitamins and just know it wont feel like this forever.


I’m late, but thank you for your words of encouragement! Just hearing that it won’t last forever has been so important for me. It really gets me through the days at times. I’ve currently relapsed so I don’t want to sound like a hypocrite, but hearing something so simple like “it won’t feel like this forever”, lets me rest and eases my anxiety to know that I can and will feel normal again some day. It’ll be a struggle to get there, but I’ll get there. Thank you <3


Damn really?? Sounds like opiate withdrawal.. I'm on methadone 150mg a day and I binge on Adderall sometimes but have never had withdrawal from it... I usually never take Adderall more than 4 or 5 days in a row.. from my own experience, I become physically dependent on most opiates after just 5 or 6 days...


how much adderall did you take when you were “binging”


How are you all doing? I hope well!


I'm 2 days into my first bender as we speak... I am super confident and efficient at work on these whereas sober tend to lock up, say the wrong s--- or do something else to make myself look like an idiot. Coming down and feel like s---. Addictive as f---. That's all I have to say. Appreciate you guys sharing your experiences here. Edit: Welp I'm not a woman, didn't even see the sub. Just searched how to cope with Adderall withdrawal lol


Quiting Adderall is tough and withdrawal can be difficult, especially in the first 2 weeks. It hits dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin reuptake receptors hard, and so you get apathy, fatigue, and extremely low reward Center motivation when stopping. Due to the supply chain shortage debacle we are experiencing presently, many are going through withdrawal “kindling”, where they are on 3 weeks, off 1 week and so on over and over, making each withdrawal worse than the last on a repeated basis. The solution…take less than your prescribed, stockpile the rest you’re not taking… if you take 40mg a day, cut back to 30mg and stockpile the other half or 1/3 of the pill, this way you can avoid this pain altogether. It’s the only way right now.


Trying to wean off as we speak. Great advice, thanks for sharing!


Honestly to get through the fatigue I use caffeine and epinephrine stack the primatine tablets sold at pharmacy s with ID the 2 combined will at least stop the horrible chronic tiredness and sleeping especially while working .When I played football they gave us Dexedrine no questions asked which had a way more euphoric feeling than Adderall but running out was HELL.l We used the epinephrine till our next script to get buy .


I’ve slept so much over the course of the past few days, it’s insane how tired I am! Thank you for your suggestions :)


Trying this today, fingers crossed I find some energy. I’ve been asleep more than I’ve been awake the last 3 days and I have to go back to work this afternoon…


Hi all, this is my first time posting on Reddit, but I wanted to share my story, thank everyone for their comments thus far, and ask for advice. I went to the doctor after years of what I thought was ADHD. I asked to see a therapist, but due to my insurance and the lack of availability of therapy in my area, my doctor prescribed me Adderall. 10mg was too much for me I reduced to 5mg, but maybe due to my weekend breaks from it, I started an eye twitch and my left eye and something in my head that felt like an involuntary movement in the back of my head and neck that would come and go for an instant which I assume id the brain zaps that everyone is talking about. I don't think it's noticeable to the human eye, but it keeps happening throughout my day. I stopped taking it, and those symptoms got worse. My doctor stopped my prescription and never heard of these symptoms, so I've been freaking out. It's been about a month since I've stopped taking the Adderall all together but as soon as I wake up, within a few minutes I get a brain zap, I feel just this pressure in my head, and feel slightly dizzy/foggy throughout my day. I've been starting to worry that my life will be like this forever. How long did it take for you all to start having some sort of normalcy again?


How long were you on adderall? Like how many weeks/months were you taking it on a regular basis? The last time I had enough willpower to stop, it took about a week and a half to two weeks to feel like 60% “normal”. And it’s years for me that I’ve taken adderall and stimulants. The longer it has been that they have been out of your system the more better you’ll feel. This doesn’t really surprising me, what you’re experiencing (although I’m not anyone qualified to really say).


I can also tell you that it won’t feel like this forever. Your brain and system just need sufficient time to readjust! Don’t overthink it. I’d also recommend potentially getting a second opinion about your symptoms and how uncomfortable they have been.


I have an appointment with a neurologist but it's not until July. I figured this will give me a few months to maybe get better before then. I was on it for around five months. It was just crazy that a month later these symptoms are still so prominent and a lot worse than when I first came off of it. And thanks, I keep hoping one day I'm going to wake up and feel fine. It's just been so disheartening.


I really do feel for you and I want you to succeed and be healthy. we will recover one day <3


Any updates ?


Man I’m new here. I’ve kicked man drugs in my day. However I’m on about 200mg roughly a day of adderall and I’m on probably (between capsules teas and tinctures) 5ounces of Kratom a day. I have to take it or I will withdrawal pretty bad . Not as bad as heroin but rough feeling. I’ve never come off adderall in anyway tbh I always made sure to have more then enough. I’m going to detox tomorrow. What should I be expecting for the adderall withdrawals I’ve spent hours trying to find anything and I can’t find a fucking thing.


Youll be good. Especially if you're going to detox. You're just going to want to sleep and eat and be irritable. Worst is over in a week. IME the kratom will be more difficult to stop.


Hoping to not scare you but adderall withdrawal is a living hell. I also get an uncommon symptom that most people don’t experience which are brain zaps and it makes the comedown 10x worse. During withdrawal I’m extremely tired, have no interest in anything, no motivation, and uncontrollably cry for no specific reason. And the cravings are intense that I experience.


I can’t compare the withdrawal to anything because it’s the only drug I’ve formed an addiction and dependence with. The amount you’re taking is basically what I was taking on a daily basis. I would suggest weaning off instead of cold turkey. Anytime I’ve abruptly stopped had only caused me to binge and spiral.


Hey their I know this is kinda old but I was just reading through some adderall withdrawl stuff and have been hooked on your story and scenario because it sounds the same as mine I've been addicted for about a year now on 200mg or more a day to the point i Have such a high tolerance for it that it barely even does anything for me anymore and especially no eauphoria anymore even though I was always looking all over the internet of things to add to it to get it to work still with a tolerance so I Just wanted to ask u if you have a tolerance too and how that works and makes u feel? I feel dumb like i just waste my perscription because by the 3rd day I already have a high tolerance and don't even notice anymore that eauphoric feeling so I get mad at myself for taking all of my meds in like 4 to 5 days even though the tolerance is high so I basically just waste them is that a issue you have too??


I was doing the same exact thing at one point, scouring the internet for anything to potentiate the adderall so I’d actually feel it again. I gave up after a while once I realized anything I tried didn’t seem to help. My tolerance is through the roof, and for me personally I’ll feel the effects for a couple hours and then it’s gone.. but even then the feeling doesn’t come close to what it was like before I started down this dark path of addiction. I also find myself taking way too many and running out way before I should. With that said, I 100% know what you mean when you say you get mad at yourself for taking so many. In the moment you just don’t care about the consequences even though you know it’s a waste. It’s just as equally frustrating when you don’t have enough to take because you wasted them. It’s a bad cycle


Oh my how I can relate to everything u just said! I just took the last of mine today and can't get anymore so I'm dreading the outcome again I dont know why I keep doing this to myself but then again like u said it's addiction and that's why sadly


Oh yes I know the dreaded feeling all too well.. what’s even more discouraging is, from what I’ve read, there is no medication treatment for stimulant addiction if you wanted to get professional help (like how there’s certain drugs for ppl addicted to alcohol or opioids). But, apparently Wellbutrin can help and I plan to try and see if I can be re-prescribed because I had a prescription for it many years ago to treat depression/anxiety


Hmmm I have a perscription of that lots of it because I never took it like I was supposed to I'll have to jump on trying that when the withdrawal kicks it nothing really bothers me too bad with it I mean I've been through opiod withdrawal and that's 100 times worse it's the tiredness ans fatigue that i can't do or handle because I can't take time off and sleep so I have to be up the depression kinda sucks but I can get through all that