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I feel like I could have written this. I literally cried in the pharmacy last month. I called, they said they had it, I get there, they don’t have it. Call back the next day, they say it will be ready at 2, I get there at 230, and IT’S NOT READY. She asks me if I want to wait or come back, I tell her Im going to wait because I’ve already been told it would be ready at 2, I wait an hour, quietly angry crying to myself in frustration. It was literally the same situation the month before. It’s fucking exhausting. Im exhausted. Im sending you love.


Oh my god I’ve had this exact same situation happen too. So many other random pharmacy-specific or insurance-specific blunders have gotten in the way when medication was actually in stock. And it takes so much energy to continue to keep at it while everything falls through your fingers. Hugs to you 💙 I hope we get out of this soon.


Sending hugs. The last time I had to refill with my normal pharmacy being out I called 17 pharmacies to try to find someone. If they bothered to answer then it was always to tell me no. I have an IUD (Liletta/Mirena) because I couldn’t deal with the side effects of the Pill. Bonus is that it stopped my period entirely (and now I’m sterilized - salpingectomy - so I don’t have to fear an accidental pregnancy). So I 100% feel you on that. I know you’re doing everything you can and I’m in no way trying to suggest otherwise - legitimate question - is there a reason you do 30 and not 60 or 90 at a time? I didn’t even know 90 was an option until asking my doctor offhand and she immediately agreed to it. It’s obviously entirely possible that you can’t (insurance, doctor, pharmacy, whatever) but I know it’s made a huge difference for me. This time I had to do 30 instead of 90 because the pharmacy couldn’t get them but usually it’s okay. I have to go to one that’s not super convenient for me but it’s worth it at this point. Again, sending hugs. It sucks. A lot. You’re not alone!


Thank you 💙 my psychiatrist can write three scripts for three months at a time, but I haven’t been able to access 90 days at a time before. Basically she can send all three to the pharmacist but I still have to wait until a month has elapsed before accessing the next month’s. However, my insurance company does have a program where I can access 90 days of prescriptions at a time through a specific pharmacy delivery program. I called them and that program does not have my medication in stock. So I suppose it could work, I just haven’t found the right mechanisms yet. I’ll ask my psychiatrist about it when we meet next. Thanks for bringing it up. And I wish I could just do an IUD! I had one for a while but it caused permanent pain and I had to get it removed.


I’m not sure of the demographic of the city you live in, but if it’s in a metro area it is 100% worth it to call up pharmacies on the outskirts even if they’re 45 minutes away. I’ve found the more small the town, the better chance of finding my medication.


To piggyback off this, I have found that when I fill my script at a pharmacy in an area of town where (sadly) parents are more likely to be ADHD deniers it’s in stock more often than if I go to the pharmacy closer to my house.


My mom works as a pharmacy tech (thank GOD because that’s the only way I can get my meds). She told me to have my doctor write a diagnosis on the prescription (paper or electronic, doesn’t matter) and 9 times out of 10, a 90 day script will be approved by insurance. Good luck 🍀


CVS fills my 90-day prescriptions (Texas) when I had previously been restricted to 30-days at other local pharmacies. If you have access to cvs, it may be worth looking into.


Hey! I'm sorry you're struggling. Life is kinda dumpster-fire difficult at the best of times, and these are far from the best of times. One thing that may help is trying a different type of IUD. It's possible the pain you had was related to the type of IUD you had. I recently had to get my Paragard IUD removed because it caused me constant pain. My doc replaced it with a Liletta IUD, which I fortunately don't feel pain with. However, this might not be a thing for you, and I totally get it if you don't want to risk it regardless.


Totally, I know a lot of people who have found success. I still have pain from the IUD that was taken out several years ago, maybe 4 years? I can’t remember exactly. But I still feel pain in that exact spot sometimes randomly or when I’m having sex. So I’m too scared to try another one, haha! But open to other ideas.


have you ever tried the ring? i’ve been using it like 20 years its awesome!! i just pop one in and pull it out 3 weeks later. they give me several months at a time. i don’t feel it at all.


Doing 90 at a time was so helpful for me…now I only have to go through the bullshit every 3 months.


this and explaining to the prescriber during your appointment how the shortage is affecting you to see if they can double the mg so that you only have to take half. idk if it's federal but there is a maximum mg they can prescribe and last time i checked it was 50


Depends on what medication it is. Elvanse (vyvanse) can go up to 70mg maybe more. I'm on 60mg


I sobbed on the phone today because I can’t get my meds. The doctors offices aren’t doing their jobs and the pharmacy isn’t communicating with the doctors office. I’m doing the legwork, but that work required a mental focus that I don’t have without my meds. I hate this.


It’s awful — I wish I at least could hold in my tears when I’m speaking with these people. It makes it so much worse.


It’s literally so exhausting. And people don’t understand. Like oh just drink an energy drink like HEFFA I DRANK AND ENERGY DRINK AND A PANERA CHARGER AND IT WAS A SLIGHT TICKLE FOR AN HOUR! 😂 sometimes all u can do is laugh to not cry and just be nice to yourself. When I’m out my energy and productivity is minimal it’s like I shut my brain off to avoid the overwhelming chaos lol


I don't know WTF is going on down there (in the US) but not ONCE has there ever been any whisper of a Vyvanse shortage up here (Canada). Sounds awfully fishy to me. (I'm so sorry about everything, OP 😥)


Right? Nor Adderall. I just had a talk with my NP about the fact the PSHCP is only covering dispensing fees on any given med 5x a year and asked if she could switch my scripts to 90 days. No issues, and PocketPills delivered the 90 day supply in 48 hours. The only annoying bit is I have to be home or go get it at the post office because I have to show ID for it. DF is going on down there?


Hello, fellow PSHCP victim. It has been a gong show since the plan changes and CL taking over on July 1st. What saved my sanity is that I had already met my pharmacare deductible here in Manitoba as of July 1st this year, so I haven't had to deal with them for my Vyvanse, since my doctor is still adjusting my dose. Other claims have been a nightmare. At least you can get through to them on the phone now, lol


We’ve been very lucky- none of my claims have been rejected or underpaid, other than I realized my adderall had “gone up” because they weren’t covering the dispensing fee anymore. But we got my son’s psych-ed covered without issue, all my therapy appointments have been covered without issue, and all my meds. The biggest problem I’ve got is that it has my husband’s middle name as his first name for some reason- but that doesn’t seem to be impacting anything luckily. And I can’t log into MSH so I need to figure that out. But it’s been a nightmare for some!


Good to hear. My therapy appointments have been paid quickly, which I was shocked at. I'm on another very expensive med, but thankfully it doesn't have a generic, so I don't have to fight that battle. I do dread when generic Vyvanse comes to Canada, as I have heard mixed reviews on it. Also, I'm on Syntroid and have heard that the generics have too much variation due to the small dosing of it, but that is a battle for next year, lol


Get your doc to fill out the no generic form right away when it does. Or hell, do it now knowing how slow they are. Also get a free Innovicares card- it covers a lot of what PSHCP won’t. My older son’s on a med he can’t have the generic for and Innovicares covers more than PSHCP does even with an exemption on file. I really hope they short this shit out soon. There’s zero reason this should be such a gong show.


Yeah, I'll get it filled out. I've just had a bunch of other medical paperwork to have filled out for Veterans Affairs, so I'm pacing myself, lol I have the Innovicares card already, as I wanted to make sure that I had it. January 1st is when the Treasury Board can start adding penalties, so hopefully, that motivates CL.


One would hope but given we’re 2 weeks from that I don’t have much hope!


I did get through on the phone yesterday with minimal hold time, and the person was able to answer my question? I was shocked.


Congratulations! Maybe there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.


The USA limits the amount of stimulants that can be produced per year. There are also limits on the amount of a controlled substance a pharmacy is allowed to dispense per period (and often, neither the amount nor the time period is made clear, so they have no real way of knowing if they’re close to the limit).


Different suppliers and insurance causes a cluster fuck also because some brands are not covered AT ALL which causes alot of out of stocks


it’s because of DEA restrictions, so it’s only affecting the US unfortunately


Not true, I'm in the UK and it's affecting us too and there are people in the comments from Australia that are having the same problems.


it’s a different issue for y’all that i can’t speak to. the shortage in the US is specifically caused by DEA limitations. DEA limits don’t effect you.


We're being told it's a worldwide shortage so idk how it could be specifically to do with the DEA


This is the first I’m hearing of a worldwide shortage, so I don’t know anything about it, and can’t speak to that. a quick google search yielded very little other than recent manufacturing issues with 2 specific brands. but that seems like a relatively new issue. The initial post i responded to commented that they weren’t haven’t issues in Canada and didn’t know why so many people in the US were. In the US we have had increased demand for several years now that cannot be filled very specifically because the DEA has put restrictions on how much US manufactures can produce and how much US pharmacies can fill. which doesn’t line up with how many prescriptions are written. we also have federal regulations about the way these prescriptions can be transferred if a pharmacy is out and laws about being able to find out which pharmacies DO have stock to prevent robberies which makes it incredibly cumbersome to fill a prescription. If other countries are now having issues, they are unrelated to our reasons -which are essentially purely bureaucratic nonsense placed by our government to make it hard on purpose (and not only placed on ADHD meds, but several federally regulated medications such as pain meds and anxiety meds) and have been going on since covid lockdown. ETA- according to google the shortage in the UK is expected to be resolved by the end of this month. only 4 medications are affected if you wanted to ask your Dr for an alternative this month. not ideal but at least there are some options.


In Australia there's supply shortages of 30s, 50s, and from Monday the supply of 60s are anticipated to be in emergency stock only until April.


I'm in the UK and there is a med shortage here. I've been finding it really hard to get Elvanse (vyvanse). I was told it was a worldwide shortage so now I'm confused as to why Canada isn't affected


No clue-- it doesn't make sense, does it? I wonder where it's produced? Could it have to do with our relatively low population?


Right? I get 90 days supply each time no problems.


I’m trying so hard to get a diagnosis and it’s incredibly disheartening to know that even with that, it’s still a nightmare trying to get meds. I feel like just giving up most of the time. I hate this country.


Seriously, fuck this backwards country.


That made me hesitate to get diagnosed as well but if you can find the right doctor and pharmacy it is worth it!! In some places the struggle isn’t as bad, bigger cities it’s worse. If you’re in a big city try pharmacies out of town in smaller towns. If you’re in a smaller town you might be fine getting refills. I would also suggest getting on a refill pattern of mid-month rather than the beginning or end of the month.


i told my psych i needed an extra bump in the afternoon because my meds stopped working, which is partly true, so now im able to pick up both my 20mg adderall XR and my 10mg instant release at the same time. but i usually only take my 20mg so i have a bunch of the 10mg leftover to navigate the hell that is getting ADHD meds in the US. feeling for you OP, it sucks and is so frustrating


I have a similar dosing setup and I sometimes forget to take my afternoon “bump” dose because, ya know, I have adhd. I squirrel them away for the times when I can’t get my refills timely. It’s ridiculous that I’ve been doing this for like 18 months now.


that’s exactly what i do LOL


Sending hugs, sweetheart. My heart hurts for you reading this, and if I can ever be of any assistance, let me know. I also struggle with PTSD (I wasn't diagnosed ADHD until 29 and also went through domestic violence, hence the PTSD) and I know what those racing thoughts feel like. Your feelings are valid, always. Please don't forget that. 💜 I've had luck with hometown pharmacies versus chains like Walgreens or CVS. I also have the mirena and while it's done wonders for my pain and physical symptoms of PMDD it hasn't helped with the emotional/psychological symptoms. It's almost worse when my hormones start raging. Last month I swear I cried everyday for two weeks straight and hated everything and everyone (and that's not like me at ALL.) Now I'm just rambling. But I just wanted you to know you're not alone, and are heard. 💜


Thank you 💜 feeling heard here honestly makes the world of difference right now. I see and hear you too, friend.


Yes! My pharmacy is so tiny there are only two employees, the owner/pharmacist and one other. They are so helpful and even though they may not be able to get a certain MG in stock, they help me work with my Dr to get a script they can fill and insurance will approve. It has been a mess but having a small local pharmacy has made a huge difference. I take IR so I have some flexibility in halving a larger mg dose or double a smaller mg. I call and he tells me what he has in stock. He holds enough for my Rx bc he knows my Dr will be sending it within a day or so. No online services of course but 100% better than the chains for this situation. Good luck.


And then people pop on here: “can I take my friend’s meds? / Can I give my shit to a friend?” I hope you get a respite soon. With the winter holidays and kids being off school for 2 weeks, hopefully the pharmacies will get a chance to restock. ❤️ It is enough to make you crazy! Plus the feelings like you’re a drug seeker… I’m sorry you’re having a hard time. I’ll cross my fingers for you!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


sending hugs and getting your med vibes. i’ve only ever used a small local pharmacy to me but have never had an issue getting meds and fortunately them and my psychiatrist have a good relationship/communication. i’m thankful for the care i get but i super sympathize with you.


Not a single month has gone by where I don’t have to make *at least* 4 calls, be bitched at by every single person I talk to, and am led to tears trying to get my meds. I have one pill left- pharmacy is out of stock. Trying to decide which day is most important to be a productive human.


My god the rationing every month. And it’s like the meds don’t just make me more productive, they help me have a clearer head — they cut down on all the thought trains running in different directions. They make my emotions more stable. So without them I feel insane.


I felt this post in my soul. I’m sorry you’re going through this and you most definitely aren’t alone. ADHD and crippling CPTSD here. Even though I have my Adhd meds, they aren’t working properly for whatever reason. They effect me like sugar pills it’s ridiculous. Because of that, i didn’t refill my Lexapro and the hurdles i have to go through with the doctors and pharmacies are making it impossible for me to function enough to even get my medication. I had to reschedule my appointment because i’m withdrawing and feeling deathly sick from withdrawals.. in response my doctor denied my prescription that i’ve been on for 5+ years until i make it in for my appointment in January 😐 Like ok. i guess i’ll just die until then. This shit is awful and i hate that others struggle in that way too. It makes me feel less alone but also like shit that this is our reality


Hugs to you friend. I’m sorry you’re struggling too. It all feels so unnecessary — like a manufacture le crisis — which feels like the worst part.


My home Walgreens hasn’t been able to fill the prescription I requested from my doctor the week of Thanksgiving (US) and last week told me they didn’t expect to get 60 mg Vyvanse or generic before the end of the year. I drove to my parents’ in another state yesterday and today tried to go to the local Walgreens to have the prescription transferred since it’s all electronic and I’ve done this before at this exact location several times. The tech told me they can’t transfer it because it’s a C2 and when I pointed out I’ve done it before, more than once, she said they’ve never been able to transfer controlled scripts and that shouldn’t have happened. I asked what I need to do then. She said I’d have to have the doctor send it directly to the pharmacy. I log into MyChart to request a new prescription but I can’t request a new script until 12/22 because, even though I haven’t actually managed to fill the one they wrote 11/22, I still have to wait the full 30 days. I made it the five minute drive to my parents’ house before finally bursting into angry tears and losing it. Why is this so fucking difficult?!?!?!


It’s like a cruel game. I’m so sorry


Same to you. I literally came on the sub to post a rant and your post was at the top. It’s comforting to know we’re not alone but gosh does it make me so angry that we are all suffering so much. I hope you are able to get your meds and that we can all stop this fucking merry-go-round soon♥️


I’m sorry and I hate this so much for you. Our healthcare system is so messed up here in the US, that I have resorted to self-maintenance methods to try to avoid any scary withdrawals, mood swings or stress associated with being unable to access my meds. For me, this means cutting down doses when I’m able and saving them for emergencies. I know it’s not ideal and probably considered “self medicating” at some point, but I absolutely will not be derailed and let my life fall apart by having an episode due to not having my meds for an extended period of time. Do with that what you will and sending you support and good energy xx


I wish you the most luck my dear x


Completely 100% feel you on this. It’s horrible having to deal with this each and every single goddamn month. Hugs to you, friend ❤️


Hugs right back to you too 💙


This is what is putting me off trying medication. I think there is a shortage in the UK too. I am frightened of the side effects but I'm also afraid of starting something, feeling like a normal person then someone taking that feeling away. It sucks.


Honestly part of me did think I wish I didn’t know how good it was with medication. I was diagnosed 3-4 years ago so it’s still pretty new to me.


So, so tired.


I’m so sorry OP. My pharmacy was constantly out of Vyvanse but I recently started getting it without issue at Meijer. Have you looked into grocery store pharmacies? Sometimes they have more stock.


Can we file a class action lawsuit? This is ridiculous.


you’re not alone




So this isn't just Adderall or Vyvanse. I'm on Strattera. This last month it took nearly 6 weeks - and ate all of my hidden cushion - to get my prescription because of shortages and just general BS. I've been on it for years. It's not even a stimulant. And yet. Shortages and issues getting it. I even had the pharmacy lie to me about whether they had the prescription in their system and it was a lot of back and forth with my doctor's office. It's absolute and total BS. And literally no one cares! That's the part I am most angry about. It doesn't affect them so why care about it?!


I’ve had pharmacies lie to me too! Or at least they are somehow very confused on what they do or do not have (prescriptions and/or medications). The fact that it feels like no one cares is awful.


This is me exactly and I feel so very heard


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Because we’re unmedicated 😭 but really, we should.


It’s so hard to deal with. Sending hugs 💚 you’re not alone. I have found that if I can speak to someone on the phone at a pharmacy who will treat me as if I were any other person asking about a medication, and even try to help me figure out a solution, then I will try to use that pharmacy. I feel lucky that both the Costcos near where I live employ very kind and helpful pharmacists and pharmacy techs. They’ve given me suggestions on what to ask my doctor for if I can’t get Vyvanse. It doesn’t help that my insurance sucks though and I couldn’t get the name brand chewables for under $300, but I was paying that every month before the generic came out because adderall wasn’t in stock anywhere when I first became medicated. Now it seems as though “Vyvanse is the new adderall”. It’s so frustrating and demeaning.


I want to cry that you're going through that. It's insane. It's stupid. It's needless. The States and ADHD meds are a dumb combo, and I hate that my peeps are suffering like I did for 40+ years, when they should just *sell you your f&king meds* Since abortion is no longer accessible in the States (what the literal *f&ck is going on down there?!?!) Make sure to use at least 2 types of control, or look into tubal ligation. Condoms with spermicide, sponge, cervical cap or diaphragm are all non hormonal! I mean, I'm allergic to spermicide, which sucks, but happens. There's so many ways to choose from. But they all take planning. Ugh. I bet there's more, but those are the old, trusty methods. Also. Why The hell do you go off meds for a certain time every month? I don't understand. I take mine every day. Day in day out. Would you help me understand? My very best days are pms with Vyvanse. I get so much done Yikes. Sorry for the infodump and novella. I'm not pms quite yet, as you can see.


Thank you 💙 And I don’t go off my meds on purpose every month. The pharmacy won’t let me pick up my prescription early because it’s a controlled substance and that’s the rule around it. So in theory, I wouldn’t have to go any days without my medication if A. I am able to go to the pharmacy that day, and B. The medication is in stock. The problem is it’s never in stock, so then the clock begins for how many days I’ll go without until I can find a pharmacy that has it.


What if you picked a random day here and there to go without when you have less on your plate, that way when your pharmacy is on hold, you'll have a bit of back stock to tide you over? It sucks that it still means going without for a few days, but maybe it'd be easier if they didn't have to be *consecutive* days, and you'd have control over which days you were off.


I used to do this, and I still try to do what I can, but going through this process every month means that I never have more than a few stashed away, and those go pretty quick. It also means I’m intentionally not medicating myself for several days that month which is something both my doctor and I agree is not best practice for me. But it doesn’t really matter at this point since I’m going without them for several days every month anyway.


I think some people don’t take their ADHD meds every day for health reasons like potential cardiovascular issues. Personally, I take them every day because I’m guaranteed to have a migraine or other issue if I don’t. > what the literal *f&ck is going on down there?!?! Fascism.


This is why I'm not seeking treatment. I just don't see the point. The cards were already stacked against us and now we're truly being set up to fail. I just don't see the point to anything anymore.


I’m so sorry. I remember feeling this way for almost an entire year until I was finally able to get a 90-day sub. And now I’ve realized I need a higher dose and I’m worried it’ll start the process all over again.


I am not sure if this would be an option for you... but I was in your shoes until I changed these things... 1. Switch everything to mail pharmacy. My state lets me get my adderall in a 90-day supply from the mail pharmacy. The mail pharmacy is *never* out. I can ALSO "preorder" all of my meds to autoship. I can't get more than a 30-day supply from the regular pharmacy... but for some reason, it's different with the mail pharmacy. Also, fuck Walgreens. 2. I only go to doctors I can schedule and pay bills online with. That way, if I remember at 2am am that I need to make an appointment... no problem. I also try to schedule multiple appointments out so I don't have to remember to do so many. 3. I don't take my meds every day (this may not work for you) and I take those many days worth of pills and add them to my "emergency" backup supply I keep elsewhere. This way, if I screw up or I run into delays, I'm not screwed. 4. I set SO MANY calendar reminders and alarms to get to appointments. If I am feeling shitty, I take an Uber instead of driving there. That way I feel less overwhelmed.


Would recommend if noncontrolled substance meds didn't work for you as a kid trying them as an adult. They work way better for me now. Not diminishing Op or others suffering on here.


Which ones, out of curiosity? I did try Wellbutrin and that did not work for me.


Straterra and zoloft.


My doc and i were talking about this at my checkup. I’ve been lucky the last three months and my pharmacy easily had my adderall in stock. This month however no. So she sent it to another and I’m on a partial fill of brand name (which holy shit I’m going to figure out how my doc needs to write my scripts because the extra $30 to the copay is fucking worth it - it’s SO much better with my system) and will have to have her send another script to fill in 18 days for the last bit. It’s so frustrating. It shouldn’t be this hard to fill necessary medication. I’m so sorry, but you’re not alone. It’s ridiculous.


i have to go in and sign papers every 3 months for my adhd meds and gabapentin, which is the only thing that takes away my debilitating nerve pain. fine, i get it, protocol. then the pharmacy will forget to fill them. or run out of pills. and i am confined to my couch for a week. it’s really not a good combo having both adhd and chronic illness, because my meds also take away a good portion of my pain and allow me to actually do things like shower and feed myself. ugh. i’m so sorry, i completely understand this feeling and i hate it so much.


My god, the compounding pain of ADHD and chronic illness. I’m so sorry. That’s what I mean, like it’s not that this is just affecting my ADHD. I deal with lots of issues and my ADHD medication just starts a cascading effect that touches everything else. Hugs to you friend.


For the birth control thing, I’d recommend an IUD or the implant. Something long term. I haven’t had a period in a decade and have basically the opposite problem because no one knows when to give me shit. But I think they could be good possibilities. My OB also told me last appointment that they’re extending the implant to 5 years soon, they just passed all the testing and everything. For the medicine shortage, I can totally relate. I’m unmedicated for adhd but medicated for anxiety/depression, but my ex is medicated for adhd and also feeling the effects of the same shit. He ended up going an entire month without it and it was a bad time for all of us. I would recommend, trying to work with your doctor to see if they can recommend an interim med so you don’t have to go without. It might take more work, but it could be extremely helpful.


This is why I haven't bothered going through the labyrinth that is getting diagnosed/medicated. I'd rather just deal with it than fight pharmacies every month for meds and dealing with withdrawal. Stay strong 🙏




Lol I’m in therapy, several kinds of therapy actually. My sister killed herself last year and I was there and this all started happening at the same time. I used to be better, but everything is crumbling and I’ll be honest that I’ve given up hope. One day maybe I’ll be able to take accountability and be responsible again. Or maybe I’ll just leave this all behind because it’s not worth it. We all have our breaking points and I’m at mine.


If you or someone that you know is considering suicide, please don't hesitate to reach out to a crisis hotline for immediate help, or a warmline just to talk to someone. If you're in the US you can...\ Text CHAT to Crisis Text Line at 741741\ Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or 1(800)273-8255(TALK) \ Chat online at: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat\ Call the Trans Lifeline at 1(877)565-8860 If you’re elsewhere, you can find international resources below:\ https://www.supportiv.com/tools/international-resources-crisis-and-warmlines#Czech\ https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


^ these kind of posts never actually help me, so if anyone else experiences this ideation, feel free to reach out, and we can always talk to each other.