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Refund from student loans company. Years. It's a phone call. Finishing repainting the bathroom. There's about an hour of work left to be done. I started new years day. I'll stop there or it'll just become my to do list 😂


My house is one, big unfinished project. Everything is *almost* done.


Testify. A house is ALWAYS almost done.


One of the things I find most annoying about ADHD is our ability to get 99.9% of a project done—often the hardest parts even—and then we quit *right* before it’s done.


No, not quit, just... Procrastinate... Indefinitely...


Yeah who’s saying I’m a quitter?! I’m just planning on doing it when I get around it to it! 😅


Yup, this is me.


I just redid my bathroom. It honestly looks amazing. A few people have seen it and told me it looks professional how good of a job I did. But let me tell you. I couldn’t find the right transition strip from Tile to LVP floor. So I have 3 tiles that still need to be placed for the transition. It’s almost like i did it on purpose to always have a slightly unfinished bathroom. I need to order the strip online because the stores don’t have what I want


Me dropping out of college with 12 credits left after spending 6 years in school.


Why is it so impossibly hard to make phone calls that will result in money? Like calling the insurance company when a doctor overbilled you. I don't know if it's just the pressure of bungling it or pure self destructiveness or what. I have an equally hard time bringing myself to list stuff for sale even if it's a lot of money and I'm broke.


Financial and social pressure added are the hardest ones. Knowing it's important is worse, too. Triple whammy. Good luck with your stuff!


How the heck do we handle taxes every year, they fit this description to a T


I have 3 years of extensions that have probably lapsed. When my W-2s automatically showed up in TurboTax, I managed well! When things got very slightly more complicated... 🫠


I have this problem. For me I think it’s an issue of vulnerability. I really need the money, but the company/insurance company/agency has the power to deny me.  I’ve been not believed a lot in my life. The risk of putting in the effort for them to say no feels scary and triggering.


Yes! You worded this so well. Huh. I wonder if this is like an autonomy thing.


I've got a small-ish refund (couple hundred dollars) due from the electricity company from my first college apartment. It's been over 20 years and I haven't even bothered calling. Right now I'm just procrastinating a phone call. If I call then I'm procrastinating trying to find the records needed, figuring out how to submit them, etc. :facepalm:


I'm still really proud of myself for heroically battling past this exact paralysis monster to get my post-JET tax refund from the Japanese government, before it could expire. There was paperwork! In two languages!! Aaaaauugghhhh!!! That money bridged the gap between finishing grad school and getting paid for my first post-school freelance work, and allowed me to stay current on my student loan payments. So so so so so grateful the stars and my desperation aligned on that one...


The bathroom! Exactly the same situation, but I started it a year ago lol. Impulsively decided I wanted it purple. Painted 90% of it. It feels purple now. The rest has disappeared into a blind spot


Don’t renovate your house by yourself. Don’t be me. Multiply that paint project by 10 billion and that’s where I am


I never sleep on getting my money lol.


Calling to make a doctor’s appointment. It’s been on my list for over a month. It’ll take 10 minutes…and I still haven’t done it. I **hate** making phone calls (in particular, making appointments).


Why can't drs have online appt portals!


I hate the fact that 75% of them don't answer emails sent through their website! I don't know if their contact form is just broken or what but why even offer it if you don't answer?


Mine has one. I requested an appointment for something (I don’t remember what anymore) because I hate phone calls. They proceeded to call me. I didn’t answer and I specifically clicked on the little check box that says I don’t want to be called, just message me! So they called me a few times, never responded to my message, and then sent me a letter about how they couldn’t contact me. I gave up on whatever the issue was. I think I just wanted a referral for mental health but now I found out I don’t need a referral.


I love that my optometrist’s office has online scheduling. You could select preferred person or take next available or put in a day and see who is free when.


A lot of them do! Unfortunately, then you have to go find a new doctor that had an online portal and that will go straight to the bottom of the list.


Right? It’s 2024 and the technology is clearly there!


My new doctor's office does and it's AMAZING. Bonus points: they are open Saturday.


My doctor makes sure on my way out I get it scheduled before leaving otherwise it will take me months. Their scheduling system is online. So, I don't even need to call.


I’m supposed to change my psychiatrist appointment because I haven’t had my meds for most of last month. I still haven’t gotten around to it. Work is kicking my butt so I don’t have the energy or desire to do work outside of work. I forget that I can email this office, but they seem to respond better to phone calls. I hate any doctor who refuses to schedule anything via online portals. We work all day and can’t just play phone tag!


The worst part of it is if anyone in my family needs a doctor's appointment I'll bend over backwards, find time and make that call. But not for myself, no ...


Text someone. Email someone. Wash bedding.


My mother would be so disgusted and horrified if she learned how infrequently I wash the bedding or the fact that my bathroom hasn't been mopped once in the 1.5 years I've been at my apartment 😖 there's just so many other things to clean and the stuff that isn't necessary always gets pushed to the back of the list


Funnily enough, the very day I planned to ACTUALLY FINALLY wash my bedding (last week), it rained. I’m hoping the weather will be better this week 😩


Mop schmop. I say no more. (But obviously I want to, because there's SO much more to say!)


I have textathons every now and then. Just go through my texts and return all at once, and read ones I dont even remember getting. Adding change sheets and pillowcases to my list... Good luck!


Currently laying on my bed doomscrolling, attempting to avoid washing my sheets


Last year in January I wrote down to call some psychologist for starting therapy. This year in January I called and everyone told me, I have to wait 9 to 12 months... Sisters, if I did it back then in January 2023 I could have started therapy by now 😭 Also I need to defrost my refrigerator... "Doing" this for months now. I hope it won't die 😖


I paid the ADHD refrigerator tax one time. Did a huge grocery run. Fridge died the next day while I was at work, was in denial about the problem until the next morning. Few hundred dollars worth of groceries and a new fridge later.. now I don’t ignore fridge issues 😭


You are not alone, sister. I finally got a doctor’s letter referral to an outside company for therapy. It was posted to an online portal, so I had to print it, which I did right away. ADHD PAUSE. So, then it was lost to one of the paper pile snowdrifts. Calling the outside company was added to my list, and I managed to reprint the letter 3-5 more times, but these brave letters were repeatedly lost to the paper pile snowdrifts. After a few months, I managed to call the company. They told me all I had to do was email them the letter to get things started. Soooooo, another couple months later, I went to email the letter, which I needed to print AGAIN but now it wasn’t on the online portal! Shit! The letter itself is good for one year, but it ends up medical letters are only posted to the portal for 6 months (haha “only”), so now I had to write my psychiatrist for a repost, which felt so embarrassing to admit I still hadn’t gotten the therapy like 7 months later (all the while, thinking to myself it was a “priority”) with the letter that I’d pleaded for. Of course, I put this off. FINALLY, after dreading the interaction, I wrote my psychiatrist and a rando office worker wrote me back (so no need to have been so worried!) and they reposted the letter online. For some reason, this time it was lifesavingly also electronically submitted to the outside company (hallelujah!) and so they called to schedule the intake call and I filled out a number of forms (BLERGH) over a few weeks or so. My first appointment with a therapist finally happened less than a month before the letter expired!!!! By then I needed to request a new letter. HOWEVER, I am pleased to report I have actually done this. 🎉💪🏆 OMG ADHD is so exhausting. 🤯 P.S. on the therapy: The therapist ended up being the type where if you look up “mediocre therapist” in the dictionary, it would just be a picture of her. Nice enough person, but she just nodded and said “uh huh” and “oh, that sounds hard” and then repeated. I wanted to give her a chance, so I went for several weeks, but after getting myself over worries I would hurt her feelings and realizing I need…MORE - I requested a transfer to a new therapist. First appointment is in a week. Fingers crossed!


My entire job 😂




Same. Also just so, so many things outside of work as well


Cancelling a subscription online.


Making my sons dr and dentist appointment. I finally called a few months ago and he has gone to them both by now. But it’s crazy how long I put off those calls that literally took me 2 minutes to make both. And I would remember I needed to do it, then just totally forget about it for weeks. And something so important too. I love getting things done but I hate that feeling after you do them, when you realize how ridiculous it is that you put it off to begin with. Like I can’t even be glad that I did it because of all that shame.


My daughter is 16. Over the years, her physical has gradually gotten later and later (originally I scheduled it right around her birthday). This year she is one full year off, but seen another way she is finally back on schedule.


Pay a $10 bill to my dermatologist. For whatever reason, it has to be taken in person. Oh, and also…get tax documents from H&R Block


I tried to be good and file my taxes back in February but when I ran it through and found out I wasn’t getting any money back and instead needed to pay 30 bucks to submit I got so upset that I closed it and ignored it for two months ☠️


Reminder to finish submitting your tax return when you see this notification! You could also set a remind me bot here on reddit or schedule a text message to yourself if now isn't a good time!


I did this last year except I filed an extension and paid and the totally forgot to file before the extension ran out and so I needed a legit tax accountant to do my taxes for me. ETA I need to do my 2023 taxes before the deadline this year because I’ll get a refund!!


Get my passport renewed and now I can’t go on our family summer trip to Guatemala and I am supposed to present at a conference in Mexico in four months sooooo 😬


You can get it expedited! It costs more but could be worth it, I had to do it once within like a month of leaving the country lmao


Ive gotten mine same day a couple times! Had to drive to the passport office in a major city and pay a premium, but it's doable


You might be able to pay a rush fee?


That’s probably what I’ll have to do because I can’t miss the conference, I just need to get my ass to the UPS store for a picture and I can’t make myself do it 🤦‍♀️


Expedite it. I had to back in December and got it under 3 weeks


This one is hard but fixable! I got mine expedited last month for under $200. The passport office turned it around in literally one day to meet my travel schedule. I'm in the car but I will happily DM you the exact steps to follow if it will help you. LMK!


I have a gigantic sticky note on my refrigerator at eye level that says RENEW LICENSE because mine is expired. it's been there since february when my license expires. still haven't done it. sigh.


I saw somewhere on here, I can’t remember where, a thing where you can video chat with people to co-work around tasks that you want to do. Or need to do but don’t really want to maybe. I am in debtors anonymous, and we do a thing there that we call book-ending. You have somebody in the program that you check in with either by phone or text before and after you do something that you have been putting off. Anyway, maybe I’m a little off-topic. Maybe the topic is just sharing the experience of stuff that doesn’t get done! And I have plenty of that.


Focusmate. I use it to take care of my “Procrastinations” list, including setting appointments and such. It’s great, I get so much done!


I have plenty more days to put off taxes…..


Also me! 🤣🤣🤣


Fix my college classes for the semester. At least today I actually came to college. Waiting for my dean to deal with this. Also, cut my hair. I look like a shih tzu dog with the weird hair updo so I can take the hair of my face, lmao.


Order new residents parking permit. Mine expired 6 months ago. I have overdue parking tickets because of it. But the parking fines are rare enough that it isn’t quite enough to get me to renew.


Oof watch out my apartment decided to tow everyone without a current parking permit with no warning a couple weeks ago. A lot of not happy campers after that




You are far from alone, my friend


I need to print out my car insurance card. It’s been on the to do list on my Apple Watch since Feb 9. So I literally see the reminder every time I look at my watch and just haven’t wanted to lol. It should have all the exact same info on it that last years does but I think you’re still supposed to have the current one and I don’t want to get in trouble if I get pulled over.


I hate that nobody mails you insurance cards of any kind anymore. A lot of people don't even own printers anymore!


Right? Like for bills and statements and things yeah, go paperless, but if it’s something I’m supposed to have physically in my wallet, just mail it to me! I only noticed because I got bored and started going through all the extra crap in my wallet while I was in the waiting room for my gyno appointment. Which actually I think is exactly how I remembered it last year too.


Calling to make eye appointments. Also need to call our insurance to fight about my kid's med coverage. But that one makes sense that it would be draining I guess.


Do you want a list? It's kinda long...


My taxes. Whoops.


Well I finally replaced the batteries in my Tiles after several months of them being dead. So yay! It was as simple as buying the batteries themselves. I ran out and just kept neglecting to put them on my shopping list.  The thing I forget very frequently that's a little more necessary is depositing my cash. I work as a barber and I'm lucky if I get to the bank once a month. I just deposited $1600 in cash this morning. 😬


Dentist appointment for work that needs to be completed. 😭


Getting my car registered in the state we’ve now lived in for 2.5 years lol


Calling the doctor and dentist.


I have a bin of home improvement materials for like...5ish small projects that are either not started yet (because buying the supplies was the dopamine rush apparently), or halfway done. I also have one more skim coat to put on my ceiling to then texture and paint after a plumbing leak. I have a bunch of light switches to swap out (to either LED dimmer switches or smart switches for lights that get left on a lot). There's an outlet and LED strip and diffuser to add at the bottom of my stairwell for stairway lighting to the basement. New weatherstripping for my front door... yeah I actually do love projects once I get going, but I'm currently overwhelming myself. Plus I started another job in January, so my spoons are super limited.


Anyone want to trade posts with me? Thinking it would be much more Interesting to do other ripples boring work. Lol


I’ve been driving around with a pair of my husbands shoes in the trunk for a solid month. They just need to be dropped off for repair, and it’s right along my usual route. Zero effort, still haven’t done it. Same with the kids donation pile in the trunk.


I got a new job in January. My boss asked me to write a thank you card to the donor who is paying my salary. I finally mailed it last week. 😂 I had to: Buy the card Type up my letter Practice writing it out because my handwriting is terrible Finally write it Get a stamp Mail it All these steps are simple, why did it take me 3 months?!?!


They might all be easy steps, but there are SO MANY of them 😂 I've noticed that the more steps a task takes, no matter how easy they are, the harder it is for me to do the task (though maybe that's just me). It's like my brain gets overwhelmed trying to hold more than two or three things in my head at once. So if a task takes more than two or three steps... it'll take an act of god for me to finish it lol


Yessss! That's exactly it. Why does my brain want to nitpick every step? Just do the damn thing! Ah well.


Focusmate. It’s the only way I get through my “Procrastinations” list, and it’s SO effective.


Calling a psychiatrist office to get an evaluation for ADHD diagnosis 😂 I have the clinic website pulled up that I'm going to go to but have never done anything with it


My taxes


A specific task that our accountant needs me to complete so he can do the business's taxes. This task does not affect our day to day operations and is simple data entry, so it continuously gets forgotten. It's April 1. I think I better get to it. It should take me about an hour to do if I set my mind to it.


Best of luck!


Put more air in my tires and get an oil change.


Oh I also have paint patches in both of my bathrooms and in my office that I have yet to cover with a paint color and it's been 10 years literally.


I love this post so much 😂


I'm feeling less alone!


Hand some wall art and clean the coffee maker. Literally 10 minute tasks lmao


Fafsa but I did like two days ago. Text someone back 💀 Reschedule ENT appt


I can’t remember ):


Clean my bathroom. Check the mail. Set up a hair appointment.


Going to the DMV to change my registration to the right state and mind you I incur fine for every month I wait. I work from home, and I have the flexibility to do it any given day of the week. I haven’t and it’s been a year. Sometimes I just avoid it because I hate it now and I just don’t want to ever do it


remember to change my sheets (they’re falling off my bed) but i just put a blanket over my bed instead


I actually cleared a few things off that list last week! Fund my IRA (After years of only funding it once a year I finally set up auto investing! Honestly I think I've lost a good bit of money by waiting until March or April every year to invest.) File taxes. I actually did most of the process early this year but didn't want to hit submit yet. Turns out I had $39 to report so now it's done! Call medical group and insurance about bills that should be covered by insurance. It was a bit of a pain, and had to get a conference call going, but at least the appeals process is starting now. Pending since about December when I first started getting the bills. Call daycare billing about an overpayment and dispute. Once I made the phone call they made it very easy and it was resolved to my satisfaction. Pending since Dec/Jan. I still have more things on the list but it feels amazing clearing these off the list!!


That's amazing! Definitely be proud


  Off the top of my head the following although I'm pretty sure there's at least 37 more things that should make this list - lol thanks OP for ~~tricking me~~ helping me to write a list of more or less the more important shit I need to-do!   * Call and start my PIP (Personal Independence Payment) claim which my old work coach advised me to do umm...way back in August last year * Finally order that Sari Solden book on Women with ADHD that my specialist recommended to me when I was officially diagnosed back in early February * Make a Vinted account so that I can finally start listing all the completely new in box 10ish pairs of almost indentical looking winter footwear I purchased in the Black Friday sales of 2022 and ofc did not manage to return in time * Listen & reply to my cousins voice notes that I've been ignoring ~~overwhelmed by~~ from over two weeks ago * Start using my adorable 2024 Totoro Planner which has been sitting pretty on my makeshift "desk" completely within my eye line since December 31st 2023... * Book all the various appointments I've had to cancel/postpone over the last couple of weeks due due to shitty health including blood tests, dentist check up and a much needed optician visit * Call the hospital to find out if it's okay to take my ADHD meds for my upcoming Holter Monitor test * Properly clean my hair brush...since I honestly don't even know when... * On that note finally book that much needed & severely overdue hair cut at the salon (I think it's been almost 2 years since my last cut...)  


What's the book called?


hang a piece of art that I hyper fixated on and ordered but has now been sitting in my dining room for 3 weeks


The number of art pieces that are stowed away in my walk in closet... I really love all of them. Some were gifts from my favourite current artist, got to choose one but couldn't so told him to surprise me with one of the four I love the most, he signed and sent all four. Haven't even opened the package. But then again I need to get frames for them as well, so might as well keep them safe in there...


I've been researching the best ways to hang large format artwork and pretending I'm making strides with it 😂


I am sure you are making many strides! The actual hanging part is probably my main issue. I plan to hang three of them evenly spaced next to each other, but we have brick walls, so there's a risk the walls won't accept the even spacing I have in mind. So why even try, right?! 🙃


It already looks perfect in your head, why let reality mess that up lol


My taxes 😭 I literally went through the trouble of entering the info into a refund calculator to see how much I'd get now that I have baby ($2,000!!!!) and I still keep telling myself I'll file tomorrow 🙃🙃🙃


My taxes 😭


Last year, I often found myself juggling tasks, sending emails, and similar activities. You know what really helped me? I started using CareClinic to jot down my most crucial daily tasks. It's been a lifesaver in helping me prioritize what needs to be done each day or over the next couple of days.


I'll look into this. Thanks


Call to confirm reservations, for this week. Schedule appointments for myself.


Making the call to set up my observation hours for my college program. It would take me twenty minutes. I’ve been putting it off since June…..


Contacting my insurance to get why they don’t refund adhd meds. But I told hubby I did and wait for their answer and I’m stuck cause I have to “pressure them” and I would but I even don’t know what I should ask. Hubby is in charge of invoices usually.


Renew my passport. It’s expired, but within the 5 years. My documents are just sitting on my desk…


Replacing light bulbs. I bought this house in September 2022 and STILL have not replaced the middle hallway light that was out when I bought this house.


I moved out of my parents' house and into the apartment I share with my now-husband five years ago, and every year around tax time my mom gives me a hard time because the tax document from my bank has once again been sent to the house, and I'm a married lady, I *shouldn't* still have my childhood home listed as my primary address with my bank, but it's something I keep forgetting to change.


Doing my schoolwork (last 2 online college courses and several weeks behind with about 6 weeks left to go.) Thankfully through Accessibility Services, I'm able to get extensions and the majority of the professors I've had through now have been kind and flexible with me. The guilt still eats me for not doing it when I think about it though. 🫠


I moved to a new state in October. I really need to find a dentist and I just keep putting it off.


Applying for life insurance


Both my children need dentist appointments. I also need to add luggage to an airline booking because it's twice the price if you do it at the airport. Ugh.


Scheduling my robot vacuum to run. Literally not a difficult task but it took me 9 months to get around to doing it and sticking with it


Invoicing clients. Ugh. I hate invoicing!!!


I have homework that I really don’t want to do


My taxes. Filling out the paperwork to get my medical record.


Hey man I didn't log in today to be called out like that in a post title 💀😂


Taking my camera to get it checked because it stopped doing pictures properly. It’s been four months.


Add double sided tape to the backs of the areas rugs in my kids’ rooms so they stop sliding around.


I've been meaning to replace my broken harp strings for like 8 months now. Was too depressed to play last year and I know it's time to start again but I just can't bring myself to do it and I hate myself for it. 


Call to activate a card, call the title department to ask a question I’m not sure how to word


Calling long distance friends :( I fear I'm going to lose them soon, if I haven't already


There’s a box that I need to bring into my craft room. It’s been sitting on the corner of my bed since January and I walk by every day, look at it, and then keep on walking lol


Walking. I need to start excersizing. And eating healthy


I'm right there with you


Get some negatives developed at the photo place two blocks away. 🙄😭


It took me four years to pick up my diploma from my high school. All I had to do was walk into the office and ask for a piece of paper.


Returning something to a store. They end up in a pile by the door and I go do it, at best, quarterly. Probably less. Went last week - 3 out of 4 stores just told me "no". Everyone apparently changed to max 30 days and not even store credit after. Returning items in-store is now dead to me, I can't meet those demands. I ended up donating 2 pairs of NWT pants bc I will also "plan" to sell them online indefinitely. And by donating I mean I put them in the perpetual bag of donations that my spouse will eventually take in.


Call the credit card company to see why I didn't get the refunds I processed after changing my cc number due to fraud.


Clean out my desk drawer.


Get a licence for my dog. I've had the dog for three years.


Call my grandma. She texted and asked me to call in January. My step-grandfather died last year and she has been quite lonely since. She practically raised me. She’s the only reason I’m an even remotely stable person now. I’m also her oldest grandkid and only female descendent, so there’s a unique pressure on me in particular to show up for her socially. I feel like hot soggy garbage everyday for not being able to.


I was sick and tired of my bathroom being a disaster of haircare, skincare, makeup, toiletries, and other miscellaneous junk, so I bought myself a vanity for the hair and makeup stuff back in OCTOBER. Someone tell me why the boxes are still sitting unopened in my office and my bathroom is still a nightmare of junk. I’m an engineer, I LOVE building stuff usually, and it would take an afternoon, max 🙃


Take pictures of the furniture I want to get rid of to put on Craigslist. It's been on my google task list since March 15... it will probably take like 20 min.


I've been meaning to schedule eye exams for me and my kids. For 21 weeks, as my Google tasks bar so helpfully reminds me.


Taxes 😭


Um….almost everything?


Get an oil change. It's been months of intending to do it. Maybe one day!


Get the title for my car from the dmv. I just need to drive over there and request it. It’s been almost 2 years. I also need to package & send out photos of my daughter to family. That’s been on my to do list since Christmas.


Make a dentist appointment Edit: haven’t been in 2 years so it’s been on the list awhile. I have the phone number saved too


Home work, learn how to make beats, clean my room, buy shelves and the supplies to decorate them, take a nap, call my dentist


Completing a transfer to my pension. It's a large amount, it's been 15 years, and it just takes setting up a three person phone call. I"m in absolute paralysis about this, because I have dyscalculia and numbers freak me out.


I have it, too. The panic that sets in when people start spouting numbers like you've supposed to understand them is a lot. If those people or someone you know is a math expert, could they help? I am rooting for you


I have someone who would help but I'm terrified to ask. It's been so long, the shame is deep, but also, holy god it's a lot. Honestly nauseous thinking of it.


Literally everything. Depression and burnout really sucks that.


Pay my credit card. Some months I’m on top of it and others I’m late by like an hour cuz for some reason I’m incapable to paying it first thing in the morning. And I would do autopay but I don’t pay the same amount every time 😅 Thankfully it’s not a huge habit for me to be an hour late but still, it’s so ridiculous smh


Change my phone plan. I could be saving $200 a month. But it takes a phone call. 🤦‍♀️


Empty the tiny trash can in my room. It’s been MONTHS


Omg are you me?!?! 🤯


Make a specific appointment for my daughter. Make ANY appointment for myself. I need a new GP, a new GYN, a new dentist, an endocrinologist, a dermatologist, and more probably. We’ve lived in this state 3 years now.


Contact the franchise tax board ... to get a refund.  It's been over a year. Help!


Send some shoes back (I’m a double wide now so I have special order and then return them when they don’t fit), go get stain to stain the playset we were supposed to stain last year so I can stain it this year, switch laundry over and put the finished laundry away, make an appointment that I was referred for like a month ago.


Posting anything in the mail. Can't do it won't do it.


Get rid of my dead plants. Because my hyperfixation got the best of me and I accumulated a lot of plants and then got bored and stopped watering them. They've been dead for at least 6 months.


Register my car. I can do it online. My temp tags expired 3 months ago. But I would have to dig out my title complete notice from the drawer. Do I haven’t done it.


My husband is desperate for me to pick out a couch. My parents even are going to pay for it for our birthdays (they said so last July / August). I still can’t manage to pick out my (free) couch


Take my eno hammock to the post office to send off for repairs because the eBay seller wasn’t honest about the condition. Update my spending tracker/budget template. Apply to jobs. Clean my bedroom and bathroom. Roll over my 401k (if anyone has any recs other than fidelity lmk). Take my Christmas decorations down to storage. Several other things I’m sure. I’ve just been focusing on gardening and acquiring new houseplants instead 🤣


It took me 3 months to clean up paint supplies from when I painted our bedroom walls. I put them in a bathroom we never really use but walk by daily and I finally cleaned everything up this past weekend. But even still, nothing actually made it to where it needs to go. It’s just not piled in the bathroom anymore.


Find out how to replace/request a missing birth certificate for my kid. Kid is 10 and I don’t remember ever having one.


Well, I read that as "Have to replace/request my missing kid. Kid is 10, and I don't remember having one. " So a missing birth certificate is a LOT better than that! 😅


It takes me forever to make health appointments: dentist, psychiatrist, OBGYN, primary doctor…. 


An assignment from a course I took in my first year of university — I’m at the end of my second year. It’s literally almost done too but I had to request department permission to submit it this late


Put away the Christmas tree and ornaments. And switch general practitioners.


Oh, hello wedding thank you notes! Thanks for coming to the 7 month anniversary of when you were supposed to be written! 😏 BUT, because a lot of us ladies are creative problem solvers, I reminded myself that writing them after the honeymoon with anecdotes from the honeymoon as part of the thank you card allows it to be this late😃 Our registry was a Honeyfund so the thank you notes would be in reference to honeymoon anyway...I'm a lazy little genius 😂


Good idea! I never sent my Thank You wedding cards at all 😭. I bought them and still have them but it's been 16 years...


You did what you were capable of at the time! I now implement ADHD friendly/realistic tasks for myself which leads to more success and less guilt and failure!


take my fucking computer into apple to get fixed 😭😭 it’s been like 6-7 MONTHS😭😭


the kicker is i’m not even paying for it and all i have to do is drop it off then leave. i’ve made a ton of appointments and have just never gone 😭😭😭


Calling the dentist and making an appt.


Check to see if a copy birth certificate is in my fold out binder. It’s in an easily accessible shelf in my bedroom. I need to see if I need to order a new one for my passport renewal appt next month.


Call the neurology clinic I made an appointment with several months ago to confirm they take my insurance. Hopefully they do because it's in a couple weeks. I don't want to cancel after waiting so long but I also don't want to have to pay out of pocket. Fingers crossed!


Updating my passport. Omg. So many steps. Where is my original birth certificate? I’m tired just thinking about all of it.


Paint like 6cm of a cupboard to officially finish painting it (I had to sand off and patch where the old handles were). It'll take exactly 30 seconds and one swipe of a brush.


30 seconds? I believe in you.


I DID IT!!!!


That's awesome! I'm so proud of you! I was actually wondering how you were doing with it, yesterday. I'm really happy that's not hanging over you anymore


Call the phone company to get a new router/hard reset the router. It’s on managed wifi….its like a 3 min call.


New smoke detectors are waiting to be installed for over a year. My current ones work but I got new ones with 10 year batteries just waiting. I forget about them, see them, think about putting them on a project list, and I need a system to get it done. Does anyone else start a project list and panic once there are more than 3 items on the list and get so overwhelmed that you need a break and then you forget about it? I did find a solution to something similar: paper related tasks. For Lent, I set a goal to work for 15 minutes on paper tasks. I used my time timer. I then wrote down what I worked on and how it felt. Omg that was not originally the plan but that emotional check in was so key! I learned to work through the range of emotions that usually overwhelmed me. I'm looking into how I can use this success in dealing with the house project list.


Usually things that involve a phone call are the hardest for me. It feels like I am about to touch and electric fence. I can’t take the anticipatory pain of it. Because a lot of the times one of the following happens: 1. They keep transferring me over and over with each representative being like “who told you to talk to me?! You actually need to talk to xy” then xy just says the same thing and ends up transferring me back and A, I feel scolded and ashamed B, I can’t take the suffocation frustration of putting so much time in to take care of this and being stuck and not getting anywhere 2. The person on the line is loud, obnoxious, intimidating 3. The person on the line asks me/says something unexpected that confuses me and I don’t know how to effectively navigate it on the spot and having regrets about how I handled it later 4. In general the fear of the unknown and not knowing what may come up on the call that will make me feel stupid, guilty, exposed 5. The hold music - shoot me now, it ruins my brain for the rest of the day I will take EMAIL over calls any day. My brain can process written info SO much better; & I can reread it and take my time to think and respond with intention. Plus that way I don’t have all the sensory nightmare of a person on the line who is too loud, talks too fast, is rude, confusing etc.


Taxes. I finally did them Sunday. Took less than an hour but it was SO FREAKING HARD to make myself sit down and do them


Was meaning to email someone to register for a conference. I did not. Now the conference is tomorrow, and half my coworkers will be there without me. It would have taken 30 seconds!


Take a package over to a house in our neighborhood that has almost the same address number on their house and we get their packages frequently. It's been sitting on my table since probably January. I'm sure Amazon has already refunded them their money. But it's still sitting on my table because I can't seem to either throw it away or take it to them.


I keep meaning to set up a meeting with my financial advisor to go over my investment/retirement account and sort some things out. It's been over a year... "I'll do it tonight!" And then I'm tired from work and just go to bed. "I'll do it in the morning!" And then I do other things that aren't as important but still need done. 🫠


Figuring out how to buy stuff on this app I downloaded and funded ages ago. OP this post made me finally do it, thank you.


Pay my registration fee on my car 🥴


Finish my taxes 😔


- Make a hair appointment (2 mins) - Pay bills before I pay another late fee (5 mins) - Book flights for upcoming trip (10 mins) - Send email for insurance for apartment (5 mins) … and the list goes on. It’s been months 😑