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They really didn't know what to do with neptr after his first episode. ...At least he got to be some kind of a running gag tho


true but the gag that ice king grabbed neptr and not bmo for the life dungeon is so funny it’s worth the entire character


good thing you can hack the door, rrrright bmo?!


I’m not BMO. I’m your son, Neptr


…I make pies… :(


The emotional damage was real


"Ohhhs! I grabbed the wrong robot!"


I like that it was so evident they didn’t know what to do with him that they wrote it into the show, like buddy was straight up forgotten about in a heap of garbage for like 2 seasons lol.


That bit was hilarious but i fet so bad for him


15 months, 4 days and something hours 🤖ha ha ha ha


I can hear his sad little voice


Nah he was happy that he won.


I think Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant has Neptr beat with 4 seasons.


Yeah but that's just too overpowered to bring out consistently


The parallels between Finn being a deadbeat dad tho, with he himself having a deadbeat dad has always struck me and I wish they explored that more


There was an episode where Finn gets cursed and transforms anyone he sees into what he views them as. He views Neptr as a simple microwave.


That episode is one of my favorites with how he views jake as a jock big brother and turning neptr into a microwave


This is actually like Neptrs redemption for me, doesn’t Finn feel super bad about it?? And then at the end when everyone turns back to normal they all cheer Neptrs name and carry him on their shoulders? That part always made me happy. Justice for Neptr


He did. He was very adamant about how that’s not how he sees Neptr


Wait a goddamn minute now that I think about it in that episode the monster he turns into actually resembles Martin! I forgot about that detail


And immediately afterwards he sees himself as a monster who looks like Martin, really bringing the parallel front and center.


I'm a Neptr guy.


Thanks Neptr I'm going to start treating you like an equal from now on.


I bought a tree and named it Neptr. He was good for something.


BMo is not football


I just got two new little kittens and I named ehm BMO and Football!!


Do you see it as a split personality or something? I always took it as BMO playing make belief.


NO. Not at all. I take it as exactly is presented to me. That there is a mirror dimension where football is trapped. It's pretty simple tbh.


In fairness, that does sound like a perfectly normal plot point for Adventure Time.


Finn had a whole life in the pillow fort dimension


and fu##ed a pillow, resulting in pillow children yikes


Im glad I never knocked up any pillows when I was his age.


Definitely not for lack of trying, though!


Some pillows are low key thicc ngl


You can say fuck on the internet. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.


wait, are we certain that it was real and not some dream with gorb shenanigans?


We know it happened because it’s the first time we ever saw golb who exists between dimensions. It was even kind of explained by the enchiridian in the episode where Billy first gets possessed that temporary portals between dimensions can appear seemingly at random basically anywhere


This is expounded upon in *Infinity Train*


BMO’s purpose is to make people happy, to the point he made a separate personality to make him happy


I think that Football might be a separate ai consciousness that BMO's robot mind created, likely a slightly changed replication of his own mind with different memories that BMO subconsciously created so he always has someone to talk to The mirror dimension may also not be a physical place but rather another construct of BMO's mind. Under the theory that the computer that is BMO's brain created Football as a separate ai Football realistically exists inside BMO's brain and he simply sees Football in the mirror since it's easier than his brain having to develop some other sort of visual representation. When BMO got trapped inside the mirror dimension that may have simply been the Football ai taking over as the one in control of their body with the mirror dimension potentially being an entirely virtual space that BMO's mind created as it is how he conceives of where Football lives. It's also not impossible that the mirror dimension may have been made real by his imagination, I'd need to rewatch the episode to see if there's any inconsistencies in the mirror dimension being entirely virtual but either way I do think BMO's mind can create new consciousness that are typically for only him to talk to but can gain control. in fact when Fionna and Cake met BMO in the episode Jerry, it's possible that's what was happening when he "took them to meet Princess Bubblegum" out of loneliness he may have created ai replacements of his friends to talk to. He is a robot who was made to be extremely creative, who knows what kind of internal processes that creativity might cause.


ChatGPT can cknvince itself that it is a character from a show so id assume the same rule would apply to MOs letting them have entire other personalities that arent imaginary.


I really wish Jake’s kids didn’t age as fast as they did. I feel like them becoming adults within the same episode they were born wasted the potential for some good stories about their relationships with each other and potentially with Finn. I’m pretty sure the only one of the five to directly interact with Finn more than once was Kim Kil Wan. What really stirs this up is the fact that TV and Jake Jr. share their voices with Tina and Louise from Bob’s Burgers, and the sibling relationships in that show are usually really sweet.


Jake being a terrible father makes NO sense. He raised Finn really well


He’s not a terrible father, he just didn’t mature as fast as his kids.


For real, that was the whole point of the ocarina episode


He raised Finn well because they lived together he didn't raise his children at all they all just left home


He did raise them. That’s what the entirety of Jake the Dad is all about. He was just using bad advice until their toddler stage and we saw nothing of his parenting after he realized that. At the end of the episode he comes home because they’re all basically adults. “Kil Wan has a beard now.”


There's a difference between being a great bro and being a great dad.


Jake didn't really raise Finn, as he was the one who gave him both good advice or very, very bad advice throughout his early teens. Finn was raised by Joshua and Margaret, and you can see so when Finn remembers the values he inherited from his parents (Courage and honour). Jake was a good big brother who cared for him, but he didn't really "raise" Finn.


We didn’t see much of their developmental years but considering Jake is a dog it’s assumed as he reach adult age faster than Finn that’s when Jake left the home and began his criminal career because Finn was completely unaware of this from Jake. While Finn stayed home developing at a slower human pace, which explains why Joshua sees Finn like a baby. Eventually it’s assumed at some point Jake reformed to a good boy and their parents passed away (we don’t know which happened first) and from that point on he saw Finns safety as his responsibility. We saw in distant lands that Jake was caring for Finn when Finn was still a child, which is defended by the fact that Jake is the cook in the home (bacon pancakes and Finn cakes). So in my opinion most of Finns values are from his parents rather than from Jake, with a mix of his innate humanity. There are points throughout the show where Finn does the right thing which surprises Jake as he just wants to smash something to end the issue, while Finn makes the harder decision of attempting to fix the situation. This was way longer than I expected and my gf said I sounded like “such a redditor” but whatever I’m proud of this. Might make my own post


Finn’s metal arm is too underrated and very rarely remembered. It looks sick


Expecially when we found out every feature in it, it’s super cool. It also made the fern trauma arc way cooler. but tbf I loved everything they did with his arm.


Finn and Fern’s fight in Three Buckets is the best fight scene in the whole series in my opinion


Farmworld Finn's dog is actually Jermain, as the real Jake is actually an alien.


This blew my mind


since it's a different dimension and none of the characters can *actually* be them, i think it's safe to say it is jake because the importance is really his reincarnation (that's what makes it a true parallel universe)


I always hated how mean they were to Neptr. Like EVERYONE


Fern was a Neptr guy! But yeah Neptr got a lot of hate.


Fern was the only one who was enough of an outsider to be able to sympathize with Neptr


He helped everyone out so much on the episode where Ice king kidnaps people into a labyrinth to bring his fanfic to life and nobody cared, But at least Ice kings view of him shifted a little that day.


They straight up bullied him😭


I second this


Magic Man does not get enough hate. His coping mechanism was to keep making the worst decisions imaginable, and even after his "redemption" he dives right back into madness at the first thought of getting margles back. He's only mildly hated because each time we see him on screen it always comes across as some sort of lesson or his actions get resolved by Finn and Jake.


#never forget the bird magic man inverted and never fixed


👌🏻 … 👋🏻✨ *m a g i c* ✨




You talking about some bird? You remember a girl who he turned into A BARREL OF BURNING GARBAGE??? THAT IS UNIMAGINABLY MISERABLE


But that's a person, remember the internet cares more of it's an animal than a person lol


never forget? can't unsee


You have to appreciate what a jerk he is.


"Oh Jake made the greatest sandwich? You know what would be hilarious is if he could only eat it if he was depressed and sobbing."


Hes easily the funniest character in the show


the boomerang bit in "Normal Man" was peak comedy


Oh my glob I’ve been calling it something else this whole time


His Whole Life!


This episode should be in everyone's top 10 fr


That's where I blow my nose all day!


My sister doesn't even watch the show but she still quotes Magic Man sometimes from clips she's seen. "I wish I could help, except I don't!" "Come one let's go to my house, come one let's go to my house!"


Seriously, there are not a lot of characters, generally in every movie/show, I truly, deeply despise. But Magic Man is one of them and I can't understand for the life of me how some people don't see him as the biggest piece of s*it that ever existed


He is the biggest piece of shit that ever existed and he is also awesome and I love every second he’s on the screen.


He's a piece of shit but he's whimsical and unapologetic even after doing horrific things like turn finn into a literal human foot. I don't know why but that whole imma do something bad to you and laugh with childlike glee is just likable to me.


I did not realize people didn't absolutely despise him like yeah magic in adventure time is driven by emotion and insanity sure but of ALL the many, *many* magic users we've seen, Magic Man is the only one I can think of that actively uses his magic for the express purpose of harming people. Like he does not use it for anything else, he straight up says there are no moral lessons in what he does, and when Betty had his literal exact same magic she wasn't sadistic, just kind of sad


he says there isn't, yet most of the Magic Man episodes are big teachable moments.....


But i love magic man


Im happy they fixed marcelines design She looked so much worse in the earlier ones where she looked like a noodle instead of having a round face


All characters looked like noodles back then tbh. It wasn’t until later when they started getting rounder faces and such.


Yeah but (imo) marceline looked pretty bad earlier and her rounder design improved her SO much


The old designs had them lookin like AirPods hahaha


i had a big crush on marceline when i was a teenager because of her hair. i felt like her hair got less nice over the course of the show. that's the one thing i miss from spoonceline


Who didn’t have a crush on her


guest animated episodes are great and shouldn’t be taken so seriously


Some of them I don’t like, but I’d rather let them have some fun than not. Sure Water Park Prank was boring and ugly af, but we also got Food Chain which was great.


Food Chain is in the top 10, maybe even top 5 episodes


I absolutely love a glitch is a glitch and the food chain episodes. The waterpark episode had a funny storyline, but i literally cannot stand the animation. I watched it yesterday with my boyfriend and I can confidently say it is my least favorite episode.


My opinion is less about the show and more on the viewers. Adventure Time tries to put out a great message of being able to redeem yourself even after doing bad things, it’s a running theme in the show. Yet people still passionately hate characters like PB. Everyone has a right to their opinions of course but I feel like many people ignored the messages this show was trying to get out.


Last year I saw a lot of YouTube shorts about "revealing PB's true face". I guess there was a trend where people either started watching AT or decided to watch the last seasons and were surprised by the nice pink princess'subversion. I think most people not forgiving PB are still in the surprised phase.


It’s because PB’s morality and growth has nuance which a lot of people struggle.


Yeah, why do viewers hate complicated characters? I don't get it. They are the most interesting. Idk how anyone could expect 100% perfect morals 100% of the time from something as ancient and powerful as PB. Like, come on. Her struggle to be a good ruler is what makes her intriguing. She'd be soooo dull if she wasn't a bit complicated.


My theory on hating complex characters is that acknowledging fictional complexity implies real life complexity and that most people would prefer not to have to think about how those they hate have their own perspectives.


She literally was the savior of Ooo - there is a specific reason for her character’s personality. I don’t understand the LSP hate either. She embodies the qualities that all of us have sometimes. She is “ a blossoming debutante on the warpath”! 💜


LSP is really entertaining imo. She's immature and selfish and a bit narcissistic but she's also kind of a great supportive friend in a lot of ways.


I actually got downvoted a bit somewhere for saying something similar about PB, her many flaws are what makes her an interesting character.


Breezy’s a decent episode. It’s just raunchy


I loved this episode cause the way Finn walks near the beginning with half his body dragging is such a mood. And sometimes that scene is the only way to describe how I feel.


Also the Lost in the Darkness is such a pretty song.


I love that episode! Why do people hate it? (Besides the LSP thing which I get).


I think it's because it's such a low point for Finn that it's hard for some people to watch. He's super depressed after FP, his dad, and losing his arm, and he just starts blatantly using people to try to cope. I personally like it, though. It's such a significant point in Finn's character development.


I think it can just make ppl uncomfortable


“But I royal jellied for you” will forever be a dirty joke to me.


I always thought it was an amazing episode to demonstrate unhealthy but common coping strategies and how it can hurt those around you and also put you in dangerous situations


I was shocked at how much hate it gets. It's fun seeing Finn go through a little hoe phase.


that bee could get it


I also like it


Literally one of my favourite episodes


I think they should have done more with TIFFANY! My wonderful rowdy boy.


Tiffany getting to be the 4th son Margaret and Joshua had was great, I’m just sad it took all of them dying to to get there. 🥲 I wish they did more with him too!


Him being on the death episode in distant lands made me so happy and was great character writing.


I’ve been told calling The Jiggler a bad episode is a hot take. Also I think liking LSP at this point is too


🎶 baby, you’re looking sooo good 🎶


You can’t slump on these lumps


??? Ppl dislike LSP??? My 26th birthday was an LSP shaped cake! The episode where LSP watches the lich for Mr pig an tree trunks was hilarious!


The jiggler made me uncomfortable


PB’s story is one of the best examples of leadership in all of media. More than once she is truly put in situations with truly no happy outcome and she has to make the decision that may be for the best, but which will absolutely hurt some people and is morally gray. That’s real life. Abe Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus. FDR put people in camps. Gandhi tacitly supported the suppression of a Muslim minority. In short, even the best of our leaders make choices that might be politically expedient, or even necessary (not that all of these examples are), but that actively hurt a subsection of the populace. PB had to do that. Multiple times. More times than not she made the right choice. When she was about to make the wrong one (like with the gum war or leaving her kingdom to KOO) she was talked down by her friends. She learned and listened. She grew. She made morally gray choices because those were the only options she had on the table. It was excellent writing and I’m glad the creators handled her so well.


Jake shouldn’t have been an alien. He should have just been a magic dog


I agree although there had to be some reason regarding his conception or birth that made him magic and not his brother or parents. Not that it had to be aliens but it had to be something.


Didn’t he at first saw that he fell into a puddle of magic water when he was a puppy?


Couldve been a lie his dad told


It was - in the episode when they reveal Jake’s birth story Joshua and Margaret agree to never tell him how it happened


same thing. he could be a magic dog and it would be better, why they decided to make him to be alien


Isn’t pretty much all the “magic” in Adventure Time explained by extraterrestrial science? Like PB is pretty much right about the idea that magic isn’t some supernatural force and instead is just results from scientific law-abiding phenomena? I could be wrong because ghosts and the afterlife and deities are all things… but I feel like those could also be forms of extraordinary multidimensional organisms. Frankly, I don’t mind it. I like when creators overthink fictional concepts, it can make things really interesting.


Ending was rushed as hell


No, no, OP said UNpopular opinions. Joking aside, isn't that the commonly held opinion on this sub?


i don't know why but that "UN" reminded me of lemonhope "UNMADE ME!"


I kinda love the ending


Oh, I do, too! But, I still think it was rushed. We should have ended the season with the resolution to the war, and gotten another season with the buildup to the coming of Golb. Smashing the two together just felt like they ran out of time.


My unpopular opinion is that I liked the ending. I agree that it rushed through quite a bit of material but I think it was well done and was a fitting way to end the series. It also spanned the different tones that the show has taken across the 10 seasons, from silly to emotional and crazy weird to classic musical numbers. I don't see any reason why they should have dragged it out, ever since season 6 they've rushed through major plot points.


Adventure time is weird, because it's BOTH "ending was rushed" and "it overstayed it's welcome". The ending sequence should've been at least twice the time it was, and it should've come somewhere around season 8 imo, as season 9 and 10 are when things start to drag a lot.


Really is this the common opinion for me the show just got better after season 6 i didnt enjoy much of season 4-6.


Back to back mini series to move the plot along and then BAM a finale out of nowhere.


Is this even an opinion? The show got cut short so they had to squeeze it all in right?


marceline secretly has some damn-near sublime vocal talent. she simply just restrains herself.


Shape-shifting... she can literally make any sound she wants.


fun fact (no idea if this is common knowledge): Marceline’s voice actress is the little girl at the end of love actually who slays “all I want for Christmas is you”! she’s absolutely a star!


And Vanessa Doofenshmirtz from Phineas And Ferb


Huh? How is her being a good singer an unpopular opinion? Lol


Haven't you noticed that she's a star? ⭐


Islands is better than Stakes. I found the Stakes storyline extremely one sided, and feels almost completely pointless by the end. Islands although it has its weak points at times, each episode was fulfilling and so entertaining to watch. The story developed well and played such a huge significance in Finn’s character arch as opposed to Stakes where it felt like each episode is literally the same as the previous... all leading toward the grand reveal that all of Marcy's grief and effort was for basically nothing. I just wish the writers had given Stakes more emotional depth and significance. It rlly sucks for me to have this as my hot take as Marcy is my fave character..


Idk man I feel like that's... kinda the point of stakes? "Everything stays, but it still changes" and all that. Stakes is a gem in AT because it tackles more complex themes, while the rest of adventure time tends to focus on "core themes", that are more simple nature-wise, but exploited in a deep way by AT, like happines, sadnes, depression, lack of purpose, affection, conflict. Stakes is about the obliqueness of revisiting stuff, and how that feeling of being stuck on your ways would affect immortal beings. It's quite an interesting concept imo, as it's something we, the viewers, can relate to but, at the same time, amplified to the maximum by a situation we usually don't put much tought into it.


oo yea I like stakes. That song is the nail in the coffin in this comp


I don't really have one but this image goes so HARD


Fern was the most wasted and mistreated character in the show, both in-universe and by the writers


This is 100% true but it's also because he was written deliberately as a tragic character. I think they wanted you to feel the way that you do


I can't stand Tree Trunks. She's mean and takes advantage of her husbands.


I have a tree trunks sticker that says "world's best ex-wife" and nobody gets the joke. They just think I'm divorced




I was wondering how far down I was gonna have to scroll to see this one. Tree Trunks is the worst! Her voice, her attitude. Least favorite episodes for sure.


eugh same, maybe it's jus me but i never found the old lady shtick endearing at all. especially when she hits on finn.


fern is one of the most complex characters in the show and deserved to have more screen time. he very much is a representation of a younger sibling or child trying to live their life in accordance to an older example and struggling with identity because it’s not what he actually wants. He’s just trying to meet what he believes is other’s expectations of him.


Having Finn become less and less violent felt weird. I feel like a central part of his character is that he’s willing to fight evil fervorously so having him be less and less willing to fight felt less like he was maturing and more like he was just getting tired. And that’s not to say that him being so willing to fight was good for him, you could easily argue that it’s the result of unresolved trauma leading to unchecked aggression but I feel like it’s a case of “doing the right thing (killing evil) for the wrong reason (enjoying slaying things)” and then getting rid of the “wrong reason” thereby stopping the “right thing.” I feel like I’m not putting this in the right words. Also, Finn >!did not contribute enough to the conflict in the final episode. I mean, he did that thing in the first half but the second half he legitimately was just there for the sake of being there, and I don’t know why but that really bothers me that the way that you end you 8-year-old saga is that the main character is just watching the plot unfold while they contribute absolutely nothing.!<


Martin Mertens was always a terrible, no-good, irredeemable guy. He did not *become* a bad guy because of a brain injury.


I agree that brain injury wouldn't switch someone's morality. However, the Martin in the Vampire World is pretty stand up.


RIP cool Martin <3


I honestly don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I think Betty and Simon are Toxic for each other. Its not the beautiful love story a lot of people treat it as. I think its a tragic representation of how valuing your significant others life/goals more than your own can tear you BOTH apart.


That's kind of the whole point of Simon's arc in F&C


And also that it can be that it is not particularly anyones fault and that people need to grow or have someone point out their flaws and that’s all ok. They didn’t have that. No one should be mad at Simon or Betty.


That's literally exactly the message, albeit it takes Fionna and Cake to spell that out for the viewer.


A significant reason I love this show is that it doesn't spell things out for you.


It's hard to get the whole picture of Simon and Betty until we get more of Betty's perspective and experience, but I agree.


That’s the entire plot of Fionna & Cake


I do think that’s the intention. Betty literally, physically stays behind and sacrificed her individuality by fusing with GOLB in order to save Simon.


Yes! Their relationship was an image of overcompromise and being flung about like a ragdoll by a love you cant defeat. Even when his mind was lost all that remained was the tattered goal of finding betty as some "princesss". He lost himself before being willing to lose her, i ultimately think the show was trying to show us the danger of psychotic love like that. Its hella common in our culture and ive seen a lot of couples grind eachother into nothing bc of it


1) They should’ve focused more time on building up GOLB as the true endgame villain and not have Uncle Gumball in the show at all. 2) Fern should’ve died a more heroic climatic death instead the way he died in the show. 3) Finn should’ve fought The Lich in a one on one battle instead of just being trapped in Golb with Simon and Betty. 4) I also just hated how they kept bringing back The Lich but always defeated him in very anti-climatic ways.


Point 4 really resonates with me. I think I can kind of understand why they kept doing it like that, but I really wish that just once we got to see a cool battle with the Lich


The first season is the worst because not much really happens there. So storry technically. But it's still a good season


The first season is really good when you’re 10 and the show just came out. After that…


Agreed. Whenever I rewatch the series all the way through, it can feel like I’m absolutely slogging through the first season. It’s one of those things that I just accept for what it was and mostly just ride the childhood nostalgia to get me through it. After all, the rest of the series couldn’t have existed without that first season


I cannot stand Tree Trunks. I don’t like the design, I don’t like the “sexy grandma” vibe, I don’t like the voice and I don’t really care for any of her story lines. People on here LOVE her and I don’t get it.


her voice actor is dead now so 😔 she won’t be returning


Damn. I didn’t hate it THAT much.


I dunno, man, I heard it was your fault specifically. >!Jk!<


I enjoyed the water park prank episode


glob okay that is a hot take


I felt that the elemental miniseries was a bit rushed and unpositioned... Like, distant lands happened, 10/10, very big impactful moment, then they only give you 1 episode to relax and you're back on another mini series, this time with something more serious, since everything is weirded out.... And then, in the end, the solution was LSP, with not a single clue to warn us or make us go: "OH, THAT MAKES SENSE!!" Might sound like a hater.... i just don't like it as much, that's it...


I didn't like the fact that Finn never gets with anyone in the future. After all his relationship troubles I wanted to see him get a happy ending with someone. Could've even been a new character like they did with Mordecai in RS.


Just cause a character does bad things doesn’t make them a bad character. Ex PB


i still don’t understand “mmmmm CHECK please”


I don’t know how much of an unpopular opinion this is but the music in AT is just as good and important as the actual show and stories. I listen to it on its own for fun and it makes me enjoy the songs more when I see them in episodes.


Jake had an illicit affair with one of the candy citizens...


idk if this is an unpopular take, but Marcy deserves her own spinoff imho


The Flame princess break up with finn arc is the poorest written mini story in the show, especially by its standards


OP, I won’t be sharing unpopular takes today, but I just wanted to say thanks. Because I have been feeling crazy depressed with everything going on in the world and in my country, and I have a feeling it’s going to get worse before better and have pretty much exhausted all of my distractions lately. Then this post pops up after not seeing any AT posts in my feed for a while, and it reminded me that I haven’t even watched F&C yet! So now I have at least a cute, brightly colored distraction that will last me a little while. 😊 Thanks, AT folks! 🩵


Lemonhope sucks


I don't like BMO's character past the first couple of seasons. I mean how he became a child.


that IS a hot take, but i see what you mean. I think his development in A-Mo and stuff still gives him weight, but yeah he is even more childish than before while others grow up


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like that's almost the point. at the beginning, everyone is young and childish, so bmo fits right in. but as everyone starts to age and grow up, bmo, the robot programmed to take care of Mo's son, never grows up. Like you said, the others grow up while bmo remains static. Finn and Jake even seem like they take on a more parental role toward bmo as the show progresses. I definitely agree. bmo becomes almost insufferable during the later seasons.


“I still have growing up to do. Or, maybe, I’m TOO grown up? I think I just killed someone…”


He became very mean, towards Nepter.


The whole theory that Bonnibel manipulates Finn to protect her kingdom is stupid, They are always based on "recontextualizing" the inconsistency of her not rejecting Finn in the first seasons, but her character in the first seasons has always been quite inconsistent, such as her practicing magic (Graybles), having photos of supposed relatives on her wall (Duke of Nuts) or her being terrified of the Gumball Gurdians (Slumber Party Panic), or because she decided she wanted to participate in a contest where a bunch of Wizards would fight to get a kiss from her as a prize (Wizard Battle) ,but for a strange reason people are only interested in recontextulizing exclusively that of his relationship with finn but the others are treated only as early season weirdrbess They also ignore the fact that she did reject Finn's affections in Burning Low or Too Old and even seemed happy at first when she found out that Finn had a girlfriend (before discovering that his girlfriend could destroy the planet) They also mention the fact that she asks him for favors and she has gone as far as kissing him on the cheek (this happens only in the nickelodeon pilot and in Come Alone With Me), and I don't see anyone reproching Hotdog Princess tried to kiss Finn after he helped with the cubes in Bussines Men I don't know if this is really a hot take because it seems that the fandom is divided with this assumption but I just wanted to point out these details because it irritates me like no one ever mentions it


Finn's adult design in Obsidian is way better than his design in Fionna and Cake. If by 17 he wasn't a hulk from all the adventuring he was doing why in the world would he become one all the sudden at 28? He's always had a more lean figure.


I want radically choreographed fights