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Please alert your wildlife and fishery department. This bear needs help.


yes, please do OP, it makes me sad poor guy has a poorly paw.


dont they kill them I mean euthanize them?


Yes, I came to say it's right front paw seems to be injured.


Yep it has an injured front paw. That might make it hard to hunt for food, and also really crabby if it's near people.


Yep - I coincidentally got charged by a black bear and encountered a porcupine on the same day while climbing up in the northern sierras once. The optimist in me hopes this fella just got into it with a porcupine or something like that, as their bodies eventually push the barbed quills through and/or dissolve them and recover, but they limp like this for a while.


I called but a shirtless guy with long blonde hair scared him away. People have electric fences around doors and windows to keep bears away, he might’ve touched one of those.


Lol what do you think they’re gonna do? They’re probably gonna kill it.


There's something called wildlife rehabilitation numnuts


Haven’t heard that word in years.🤣😂


Because it's NUMB nuts lol numbnuts


An injured bear in a residential area is a very dangerous situation. No shortage of black bears in California. Rehab is expensive. Again, I bet they kill it. But go ahead, call them.


You’re right, it is very dangerous, that’s exactly why wildlife department should be called… so it can either be rehabilitated, or put down as you said, both better than the bear dying a long shitty death from a paw infection and starving and possibly having mauled people along the way.


Even if they have to put it down that is a decision that a rehab should make. They know what’s best for both it’s quality of life and for public safety.


Better for it to be out of pain then being a nuisance and danger to humans because it can't forage it's own.


Brown-phase black bear. The long ears and lack of a shoulder hump are common distinctions for a black bear, plus the location. California's last grizzly was killed in 1922. The only grizz in our state are the ones on our flag nowadays.


My aunt and uncle live in Tahoe and last time I visited them I was sitting on the couch looking out the window and there was a freaking bear pressing its face against the glass. I had to do a double take because the first time I mistook it for a St. Bernard because the fur was so light.


Thought my roommates burnese mountain dog ran up to my car in Colorado, got out to pet it Nope. Young black bear. Damn near shat myself, but luckily so did the bear.


"Oh a truck, id better check out that tray for anything tasty." "Better get to it bef-AHH A FUCKING HUMAN! Nah i and messing around with that!"


Spirit bears https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kermode_bear


Spirit bears only live on the central coast of BC. Quite a ways from Tahoe


The brown blonde cinnamon color morphs are more common in the west for the American black bear.


He kinda looks like he's got a shoulder hump, and his front legs have that more wide bodybuilder looking stance of a grizz, but I think both are just cus he's hurt. Everything about head shape and the rest of the body says black bear to me, but I admit the shoulders/aparant hump did throw me for a bit.


Yeah I think the hump is just their one shoulder being higher than the other due to their injury.


This is 100% a large black bear.


I have very small rays of hope that isn’t true. I’m a pretty extreme solo hiker /camper. I’ve come across a handful of people like myself who will swear they’ve seen them along the northeastern border of CA. I’ve been in that area plenty and personally never seen one or any signs of one, but the couple stories I’ve been told give me hope, even if they were just a more realistic version of a campfire scary story. I’ve seen them in the wild a few times in Montana and Canada and the feeling is indescribable. To know that we have these majestic animals and that we are well on our way to killing them off breaks my heart. Guess that’s true for so many animals though.


The closest grizzly population to California is in Montana, there’s no way one would accidentally wander all the way to California. But rewilding them to their old habitat wouldn’t be a bad idea


Wyoming is closer to California than Montana, and we definitely have grizzly’s. Idaho has some too, I believe.


Idaho has a handful of sightings on the border with Canada. The closest ones to California are in Yellowstone on the Wyoming and Montana side. A bear would have to cross the Great Basin desert of nevada and all the highways and then the Sierra to get to California. Maybe not impossible but highly highly improbable.


Agreed. I think that it would be a good idea to rewild jaguars in California and some of the other sputhwestern states. The last jaguar in California was killed in 1847 only about an hour away from where I live


I saw a bear while in Mammoth. Looked really big for a black bear and had a golden brown color. Spoke to folks there who said the bears are just huge. In the southern california mountains, near where i live, they seem much smaller (from many photos). So could be local variations of the same species, growing bigger to fill the niche the grizzlies used to fill further north.


I know cougars are in states they say they aren’t but I don’t know if Grizzlies could pull that off. No offense to black bears but grizzlies are so much more fucking majestic and cool to look at. But I grew up with watching black bears eating garbage monthly and didn’t see grizzlies until after college. I’ve seen them dozens of times and I still stop and watch if I can where as black bears I wouldn’t roll over in the side of bed to catch a glance.


Yeah, I don’t have much faith either, but it’s nice to imagine. As far as mountain lions go, they 100% exist in many states where they officially do not. I personally have seen them on multiple occasions in: Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. To be fair, up until a few years ago, I spent roughly 120 days of every year camping alone in the wilderness of this country, so I’ve had much more of a chance at seeing them.


I live in western NC, and we definitely have mountain lions here. There's one large female that passes through my property every year with her cubs. I've heard her "scream" and found her tracks, as well as the tracks of her babies, and scat. Just hearing her is enough to raise the hairs on your arms! My neighbor saw her in a tree a couple of years ago, and since there were several small children between several of us, he went to get his gun to scare her off, but she was gone when he got back. (And before anyone says something about the gun, he has rock salt loads just for situations like this, so no, he wasn't going to kill it)


I saw them all the time in western NC. I lived in Charlotte for 9 years and any chance I got to go up near Boone or Asheville to camp, I did so. Seen them in the flesh and seen multiple paw prints there. For what it’s worth, I’ve camped for long periods of time in just about every US state and Canadian province, and there are so many places whose beauty has left me in awe, but if you didn’t realize it, western NC is a wonderful slice of heaven y’all got. Hauntingly beautiful and just about any scene you could hope for in nature exists there. I have a friend who has a cabin that “doesn’t exist” for legal purposes that is near Asheville. It is next to the start of a natural underground spring and right beside a beautiful waterfall that no one knows about. You can sit by this waterfall and look straight down and see the lights of Asheville on a chilly fall night and for a moment, you just feel really great to be alive and like all is right in the world


I hear ya! I love it here. I'm about 100 miles south west of Asheville, down in the tip, right on the Tennessee line. Been here my whole life, give or take 5 years when I lived in Greensboro. City life just wasn't for me, moved back here, and here's where I'll stay! Like you said, you can see and experience nature here in ways most people can't even imagine. The beauty of the mountains is absolutely breathtaking, and never gets old. There's an abundance of fishing opportunities, and some great hunting. Hidden swimming holes, trails, literally, from here to Maine! (The Appalachian trail cuts right through my county). There's so much to enjoy here, and I couldn't imagine raising my kids, or living anywhere else. I've really been blessed to be able to call these mountains home.


Love hearing your positivity about it. Western NC is in the short list of three places I’ll move once my son gets older and goes off to start college or whatever starting point his adult life will be. My buddy with the cabin near Asheville also owns property up near Mt. Mitchell and I’ll likely buy some of it from him soon, if nothing else, just for a place to camp.


Right on! Gorgeous country up that way. My oldest daughter is a junior at Warren Wilson, in Swannanoa, so we're in Asheville quite often. You could always build a little cabin, or park a camper there permanently. That's what my first cousin does. He has about 1100 acres out on little snowbird, and he built a camp, parked his fifth wheel, built covered porch onto it, built a pavilion like structure for when his family gets together at the camp. Then last year he built a cabin out there. Since he's retired now, he spends quite a bit of time out there in the woods, no one around for miles. Its very peaceful. There's a stream that runs right in front of his camp, so you can sit on the porch, and just listen to the birds, the bugs, and the babble!!! Lol!


That’s heaven man, truly.


Oh ya, it’s 100% fact cougars are in states they still they aren’t. Honestly there’s a decent amount of them. Cougars can go entirely unnoticed their whole life time. Grizzlies not so much. I was a city boy who got a job as a forest firefighter after college and spent the next 3-4 years living in the bush of western Canada and travelling in the off season a bit across the states. Up north British Colombia is one of the most beautiful, lush and undisturbed areas you can find in North America


It’s gorgeous. The US and Canada have some of the most breath taking nature to ever exist.


they are in Louisiana to lol. They continue to say "they are just passing through." Ok where to the east even further lol?


Yeah, it’s very weird how every “eastern” state just refuses to admit they’re there. lol. I don’t know what’s to gain from it. Like, there are thousands of us (at least) that have seen them and there’s multiple pictures of them, especially on trail and game cameras, yet they refuse to acknowledge them.


a city worker even told me they had to trap one once lol. its just wild life and fisheries saying they arent here. I guess so people dont go trying to get them a trophy kill.


I remember when they killed one running around Chicago. Sad outcome but Chicago cops are known to be a little trigger happy unfortunately. You can see the cougar running at 1:40 [cougar in Chicago](https://youtu.be/anKLDP7GOPA?si=XVmdR1JRM9XFXSy3)


I was friends with a biologist in a southeastern state who told me that they were definitely around. They didn't officially recognize their presence because to do so would get every redneck in the area out hunting them.


We have cougars in the KCMO Metro. They supposedly only come around every great once and a while, but there are more *credible* sightings than the official records report.


Cinnamon black 🐻


Poor dudes got a bad paw. Idk the color


need to call state wildlife asap to get this big guy some medical attention 😢


Poor guys probably ready to do what it takes to get some grub with that hurt paw. Everyone would be better off if he got some medical attention and could hunt for the majority of his/her food.




You first


That is cocaine bear.


Someone send this bear positive vibes






Oof looks not great...good luck, bear!


I think it's blue...or maybe gold?


Brown. Black bears ears are more pointy. And yes he has a hurt fucking paw and he’s freaked out by it. For the love of fuck stay inside and do not approach that bear.


Absolutely not a brown bear. No hump, muzzle is different color than the rest of him. Just a decent size ursus americanus


100% black bear. Not a chance it's a brown bear.


If there is a Brown bear in California that is huge news. They have been considered Extirpated for around a century.


Ahh it’s Cali? Hmmmm still an injured bear though


Injured black bear, though I’m guessing it’s recent; he still looks well-fed. Flanks clearly higher than shoulders = black bear. Stay well clear of this dude: black bears are usually pretty timid, but an injured bear is unpredictable.


Dudes probably pretty hungry too


Oh no his paw!!


100% a black bear. Tan muzzle, and butt higher than the shoulders are a good tell. Poor dude is raiding houses because he is injured. If OP lives here please call fish and game to help him out.


Looks like it’s paw may be broken. I’m not sure if any rehabilitators could heal the bear, but you can try finding one on https://ahnow.org/mobile/


This is a black bear. There are no grizzlies in Nor Cal. It’s a black bear with brownish fur- the color of their coats can vary. Pretty cool to see one, but it looks like it’s paw is injured and it’s in an area more frequented by people, which makes me think it is in search of trash/human food for easy sustenance. It may be becoming habituated to people, and people food, which is not good. It is still a wild and unpredictable animal. Remember folks, a fed bear is a dead bear.


Black Bears can be Black, Brown, White, Blonde, Cinnamon, Tan and more


what does the last part mean?


It’s a slogan- similar to “if you’re cold, they’re cold, bring them inside” (referring to pets in the winter). Bears are scavengers, and when people leave out garbage, or things like bird feeders, bears will find them. If they get too used to humans and dependent on them, it’s dangerous for all involved. For humans- a bear not scared of us is obviously a big issue. For the bear, if it becomes a ‘problem’ bear then the only thing that can be done is put it down, for public safety. Problem bears can literally break into houses and cars in search of food.


Looks like he’s in some pain. Please let us know if you were able to contact wildlife services. ETA - Source: he’s walking a little like me and I’m in pain.


Yo OP. Call your local fish and game. If you call soon, bear won’t get far in their current shape. You have a good chance to help this animal


Yup. If nothing else because an injured apex predator is unpredictable and could go after unusual food sources if it can’t hunt normally. But also because it’s hurt and needs help, poor thing.


Injured black bear. Keep your distance. Sick/injured bears can be less predictable. Higher risk of attack.


I hope someone can help this guy out. Poor thing


oh he is injured, gosh that makes me feel so sad :( I'm not sure what colour the bear is tho, as don't have bears in the UK but please call for some help for him if you can!


Poor guy.


Good lord that bear’s wrist is destroyed 😢 Poor thing..


Black. Looks like it had an injured paw. Brown bears are bigger and have big pitbull looking heads. Black bears have narrower heads. I think lol


Brown-colored, black bear. Black bears can be various colors. Please contact the authorities and let them know about this injured bear.


That bear is entirely too cute. The scamper gets me. 10/10 would try to pet.


10/10 chance of losing an arm…but i get it. They are cute and cuddly. Lol


The ears. The *ears*. ❤️


Poor baby


Also there hasn’t been a wild brown (Grizzly) bear here in CA since 1924. At least far as anybody knows.


is this in mammoth lakes? i was literally watching a tv show today about some dude who is on call 24 hours a day to take care of bear problems in mammoth lakes CA and all the houses looked like that


I think they said Northern CA; growing up in CA, never really thought of Mammoth as Northern CA, more central, but maybe OP does? Either way, lots of houses in mountainous areas of CA look like this, especially the roof style being A-frame, as it helps with heavy snow in winter.


Most likely black bear. It doesn’t have the pronounced shoulder hump and dished face characteristic of brown bears (also known as grizzly bears). This is also more consistent with currently known ranges. In the continental US, brown/grizzly bears are presently known to reside almost exclusively in Montana and Wyoming.


No known Grizzlies exist in CA to my knowledge. Plus no hump and those are Black bear ears.


Based on location alone it’s a black bear


Brown phase black bear


Ursus Americanus Roman shaped nose.


Black bears come in a large variety of colors. Black, blonde, red, cinnamon, brown. But the shape of the Grizz and the black bear are widely different. This OP. Is a black bear


It don’t matter the color, injured animal is gonna be defensive


Black bear black bear what do you see? I see people recording me… People people what do you see? Ohhh shiiitttt!


Black bear you can tell based on the size and like of hump


*Ursa americanus*


It’s just a bear! Why does color have to brought into it? Are you racist? Sorry couldn’t help myself. I know nothing about bears except they can kill me. Lol


That’s a big boy


This exact video was posted in here just a few days ago. It's a black bear.


Black bear beets battlestar galactica.


Black bear 100%




Bears. Beets. Battle Star galactica


It's a black bear. Black bears have a "Roman nose" that slopes from above the eyes.


This is a black bear




And he’s hurt for sure




Black bear that needs help!


He’s limping. Holding right front paw up while running.


Injured bear sad


I need to move it’s beautiful there


Black bear bc theres no shoulder hump. Black Hair bleached from the sun. Help him.


Near Lake Tahoe?


That’s a (relatively large) black bear. 🐻 but importantly, it’s a relatively large black bear with an injured forepaw.


Very much a black bear


Black bear without question


Classic OP, posts an injured animal and doesn’t respond to a single person.


Piss poor camera work lmao


Big black bear for sure. That muzzle is tell tale black bear. Poor baby is hurt though :(


No grizzlies in CA so black bear. Grizzlies have a little bit of a hump at their shoulders.


A wounded black bear will eat you your child and a pet! Call authorities right away a very dangerous situation


THAT is literally the house street from the house we’ve rented multiple years. Right outside Tahoe City….also that or a cousin of that bear has been terrorizing the neighborhood for some time.


It’s an injured black bear. Contact wild life services near you please.


oh this poor baby needs help :((


That poor thing. Hope it gets some help.


Black bear but injured and needs help


​ https://preview.redd.it/f3frp5y3l9qb1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=229758755845a809e20fada5edb406619de3f108


My dude. You’re in California. That fact = black bear


Black bear.


Black bear


Cinnamon bear


We saw it near someone’s house trying to get in before I started recording, and the houses where we were at had electric fences around doors and windows. Most likely it got electrocuted trying to get into someone’s house.


Did u call a rehabber?




It's absolutely not a grizzly. A, the ears and snout are a dead giveaway, B, there's no grizzlies within hundreds of miles of this area. Black bear come in lots of different colors.


Definitely looks like a brown bear that is hurt I would call local wildlife and let them know especially since it’s so close to people homes!


Looks blowck to me


Brown. Hurt paw.


Brown bear. Get Wildlife involved!


He looks brown to me.


“Black” bears do come in brown. Brown bears (aka grizzly bears) are larger and have other distinguishing features.


Who cares? Is bear. Run!


Looks brown to me


Bro that is the color brown


Looks like a grizzly.


Looks like a grizzly to me.


Not in NorCal. The last California grizz was killed in 1922. This is a brown-phase black bear, very common in California. Most of our black bears aren't black.


Black bear.


Looks like a black bear to me


Dude! You need to get the hell outta there and research this later! 🤣


Feed it some coke and find out


Bear bear yup.


Tall ears = black bear, small ears = brown bear


It looks like a cinnamon bear , seen 1 in Jasper national park as well as 5 grizzlies in June this year




Well it’s definitely a bear


I'm watching cocaine Bear right now!


Get him a vet please


Wanna pet that doggggg


Why don't you ask him


This is baby


Well it looks brown to me honestly


seems to be a shade of brown


Aww his paw hurts


I think it's white


Poor baby stubbed his paw plz call for help for him




Death machine.


That’s a black bear


It's a brown black bear


Black Bear species, brown phase. These bears can be Jet Black all the way to blonde or red.


Lmao worst camera man ever, how do I avoid the b pillar, damn thing is always in the way


Wow I know exactly where this street is


black bear. Needs help


Black bear, no hump, please call wildlife officers to get him/her some help with that paw!


Who gives a shit about the color? This bear needs medical attention.


It is a black bear some range to this brown coloor


It’s most definitely brown call wildlife asap though


Black bear that looks injured


So did you get him help?