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That is a Patagonian cavy (Mara) definitely not native and most likely someone’s escaped pet


Interesting. We had definitely never seen one in 20 years of living in the area, so that makes sense. Are they common pets??


Can’t really speak to them as popular pets. If they’re hand raised maybe it would work out but naturally they’re incredibly skittish.


It’s reaction to humans makes me think it’s escaped from a zoo or something. A wild animal would run, this one has clearly spent time around people.


Yes, I saw one of these cycling through Patagonia and it bolted so fast that it scared the shit out of me. This one is definitely tame, and rare to see even in its native land.


They can use bicycles too?


Cavy, Cavy, give me your answer do...


I'm half crazy over the love of you!


It won’t be a stylish marriage - I can’t afford a carriage


Sounds like they can go fast too!


I lived in the Patagonia of Argentina for 2 years, and you saw these all the time. Like everyone has said they bolt when you approach them


If they're raised by people, they're normally bottle fed by humans because the adults will eat the baby's ears off, in captivity.


Wait, what? Why?


I don't know why? It's weird, though. It would happen every time we didn't pull one soon enough.


I have worked with more than a few who never harmed their offspring while caring for them. If they are eating or harming their offspring, that's more than likely due to stress.


I'm not sure why they would have been stressed because we had like 20 on an acre of land. They had enrichment and everything they needed. We (my parents) were a USDA licensed rescue. We did rescues with the government (rescuing a lot of exotics) and had a LOT of random inspections. I know the USDA doesn't always do what's best, but we really tried to make all the rescues healthy and happy. My mom was an exotic vet tech, and I am a retired small animal vet tech.


Could be stressed from stuff that happened before you guys got them. It takes animals a good long while to know they're safe, some are always wary after.


Sometimes they eat their babies because of bad genes, any sort of mutations and or handicaps usually contributes to being eaten, this happens everywhere in the animal kingdom, lots of different species do this, it's just nature's way of "Gene editing"


You never seen a baby so cute you wanted to bite it?


animals aren't meant to be in captivity and most zoos do a poor job of imitating natural habitats. there are many animals that act strangely or will adapt poorly to captivity. killer whales are a common example of this. every captive killer whale has a limp dorsal fin that has never been seen in a wild whale since they are forced to spend so much time in shallow waters. Edit- read comments before you write yours. odds are whatever you think is an important correction has already been discussed. Reddit nerds are so cringe they see a perceived mistake and start jerking off immediately. So if you responded or are thinking of responding with what you think is a gotcha and the post has been out for more than 30 mins, you can just shut up lol


Many animals wouldn't exist without zoos. Most do incredible research and conservation. Not all of course. There is a species of a highly adapted frog in Tanzania that wouldn't exist without the Bronx zoo. They reintroduced them back into the wild once the zoo population was adequate enough.


And the Red Wolves of North Carolina would’ve been extinct in the wild if it weren’t for breeding programs of zoos across America.


You're right, it's not normal for their dorsal fins to be limp but I saw a video a few days ago with a pod of wild killer whales that have collapsed dorsal fins. It's presumed they are that way from lack of calcium bc they feed mostly on sharks. It's bs to keep them in captivity.


Zoos that have these are few and far between nowadays so you hardly ever see them because these guys can jump about a dozen and three quarters (at least) feet high so they have to keep the walls at least that high plus a little extra, with an electric fence (just a shock, nothing crazy) on top between the parapets cuz these guys are jumpers and runners and they also aren't as dumb as they look, they know exactly what they're doing, and they even know what you're doing most of the time, especially in a zoo scenario where things are on a schedule and the officials are usually always the same people.


They have a few at the SD Zoo in the same closure as anteaters. The enclosure has really high walls and sunken below the walk way. I told my daughter it was a jackelope. Bad daddy…


There’s so many animals that you can find in neighborhoods or near trails that are not afraid of people. Why would they be? Hikers are normally respectful and not attacking them. Sometimes they have food. Mountain goats at 12,000 ft will walk up to hikers.


I had a porcupine in a state park trundle up to me where I was sitting. It was early spring, so i pulled some shoots down for him (is it feeding the wildlife if you're handing them natural food that's right there?) Yes I pet him. And yes it was worth it.


If I were a porcupine I would not be afraid of a single damn fool on this planet. I am also incredibly jealous of your dangerous animal Snow White-ism.


Porcupines have awesome personalities! They’re very playful, curious, and not afraid of much. One of my favorite animals to encounter!


All the porcupines I've interacted with have the personality of Archie Bunker.




Ohhhhhh Awwwwwwchie!


Most of the other ones i've seen have been pretty skittish and ran up a tree the second they heard me. Maybe they adapt to parks quickly?


They lose their ppl shyness pretty quickly. If there’s one that’s frequently around your home, they’ll get accustomed to you. So I bet they also habituate to parks - especially if people feed them. Which is why we shouldn’t feed them.


They make the cutest sounds too!


They do! They squeak and whuffle.


A few years ago I was in a beautiful clearing on the Llano River near Junction, TX with my back against a century-old pecan tree, smoking a bowl and having a peaceful evening. A light grey porcupine snuck up behind me and I didn't see it until it was about 10 feet away. If you're not ready for it, a big porky is maybe the most terrifying and ghastly thing that you can possibly encounter in the woods! After we startled each other, we parted peacefully.


Did he make those adorable porcupine sounds? That is definitely someone’s pet… Any way you can go back and get it? It won’t stand a chance against predators!


They’re just brave


We have donkeys here. There are specific areas where you can find ones that'll accept a pet, but definitely don't just go up to every donkey in the state you see and think they're good with it.


That said, I love the donkeys who end up with personalities of a dog. I have seen some that start calling when the see or hear their favorite human and run up like a dog.


They are so curious fun protective and mean if you make them angry


Ooh where do you live that you have donkeys?




Mtn goats will eat your shirt for the salt.


This happened before and a local wildlife sanctuary had lost him.


Was it this post from Oregon? https://www.reddit.com/r/animalid/s/sgVOOf1XLq


Yeah, I made a comment about two incidents, but it got buried in the comments section.


Absolutely not a common pet, no.


You used to be able to buy them at a local pet store here before it closed bc the owner was caught trading a monkey for the services of a prostitute. Wild fucking store that was.


That's a story I need the lore on lol


Here ya go https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna561031


Hold up. You buried the part where he paid with a monkey AND stolen Girl Scout cookie money! Holy shit!




Don't forget the laptop computer! Sounds like she made out pretty nice


I don’t think I’ve seen those words put together before


Phew I needed that I thought he was prostituting a monkey 🐒 lol


Pet stores are so evil


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Homie…..that’s no monkey….


Yea I forgot what kind of primate it was


All things considered, this has to be one of the wildest stories (or at least premise for a story) that I’ve seen in my 10+ years on Reddit. **“An Oregon man is accused of tipping a prostitute with an exotic primate swiped from his own pet store along with stolen Girl Scout cookie money and a laptop computer.”** Edit: the premise for the guys arrest (a meth DUI in the parking lot of a Police building) are equally wild but, somehow, unrelated "McClain was ‘observed exiting the adult porn shop next door and he appeared to be under the influence of methamphetamine,’ the police said.”


Damn looks like the store closed. I was kind of hoping they were still going after that.


They relocated briefly and then closed for good. They were not a good pet store.


No, but they were certainly an interesting one! Call Netflix. I think we may have just found the sequel to Tiger King.


"The amount of Girl Scout cookie money was not disclosed." "... state police apprehended him outside one of their office building parking lots..... the suspect exited a porn shop next door... high on methamphetamine." "The prostitute... who was found with the primate... was cooperative with detectives." I wanna move to Oregon and write news articles.


That would make an interesting story


My grandfather had a chimp in the 70s. He lived in Lake Stevens Washington, a logging town NE of Seattle. Hated that thing, I was scared of it.


Rightfully so! Don't watch Nope.


"Wild fucking store" So there's a chance the monkey was also a prostitute? I'm asking for a friend of course. We wouldn't want another like epidemic right ? I mean who would want to make sweet love for ona monkey anyways. That would be cool asy right ,?.uh I mean who would want meaningless sex with a monkey right. That's what it would be I mean. Ya know what I'm gonna ... Yeah thanks never mind ....


You're the one who started COVID aren't you?


Every batpig needs love !


I live here and remember that, wow it was insane.


I'd probably suck a dick for a monkey and I'm straight as shit.


Monkey here: Go on...


I ain't getting tricked by no goddamn possum again.


If it's still there, consider contacting a wildlife place or the pipsqueakery in Indiana. They have a herd of patagonians.


Yes indeed. It is a rodent indigenous to southern Argentina. Sharing a great resemblance to Capybara. I agree It must have gotten loose. It seems familiar with people. I hope they find it quick. That region has eagles and coyotes among other things for such a creature to last long out there. Unless it masters the art of hiding.


Ok, because I'm from the general area and I have ever seen anything like that. It does act like a lost dog though.


I was gonna say Jackalope, but I think you might be right


I'm so glad to see I wasn't the only one. I saw this and pulled a DiCaprio pointing at the screen 🤣 Jackalope was my first thought despite knowing they aren't real.


Come on, don't get silly... Jackalopes have antlers! 


We had one that escaped and got hit by a car. The guy that hit it actually stopped and called the Game Warden. When the Game Warden didn't know what it was (they actually thought it was a Jackalope lol), they called my mom. She was like, "I know exactly what it is! It's my Patagonian Cavy!" 😕


Looks alot like a hare


More likely let loose after owners realized wild animals do not behave like pets and are a lot more work to deal with.


That thing should not be there 🤔


Could be part of the international wildlife exchange program


Summer abroad program.


Comes home with an accent and strong opinions about how bad America’s train system is


Rumspringa rodent


Oh yeah my bad, you’ve caught me speaking before thinking again


It belongs in a museum!


Thanks for all the info. I may send this video in to the local park service or news anchor. Sounds like it shouldn’t be here. In any case we will report the sighting to the authorities.


Update: the local park rangers returned our email and told us that it seems someone released one in the nearby area. It was spotted by a ranger as well.


So strange, haha. Was there nothing to be done about it? The rangers were just like "Yupe, we saw it too!" ??


They told us to keep an eye out! I’m assuming they plan to catch it? A little sparse on information that’s for sure.


wouldnt be surprised if its a dumped pet


Why are people so cruel and stupid?


Because with 8 billion people, 4 billion will be below average in terms of intelligence. 3 billion will need to think hard to wipe their ass . Whom ever let this critter out was one of them .


7% of American ADULTS think chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Think about that.


What about coffee milk ?


Lightly roasted cows


Dark brown cows, obviously


Considering that 54% of Americans read below a sixth grade level, I am surprised this statistic is not higher.


This is how trump was elected


They likely are able to put out traps, but just chasing it down like a dog chaser in a cartoon isn't something they're gonna do. If they can figure out it's sighted locations, they can improve on where they attempt to trap it.


Poor baby. I hope they find it and get it to a sanctuary.


Lol to a news anchor News anchor: This was seen today. I have no further info.


Honestly if you sent this to Kyle Clark it would undoubtedly end up on NEXT


"So, Patagonian Mara, just to be clear, are you apologizing for blocking the mountain biking trail or for being in the completely wrong part of the world?"


I commented on another comment higher up, but I live in the same town in Washington State someone found a kinkajou at a rest stop last week. Authorities came and got it and it's now at a zoo near Tacoma


OP, did you guys call the wildlife office in the area? They will want to go out and get this little guy. Poor thing looks like it doesn't know how to be wild. I hope it's still alive!


We are contacting local offices and wildlife sanctuaries right now. This was seen only a couple of hours ago, so hopefully there is time.


Excellent! You all rock! This will not only likely save this poor little dude's life but also protect your local ecosystem! The way it was acting, it definitely seems used to humans


Yay! Thanks!


There have been a few posts of escaped Patagonian cavy/Maras: [Tennessee](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalid/s/FHvKs1bsTp) [Washington state](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalid/s/3lICiVDj8D) See if a zoo or sanctuary near you is missing one!


Thanks for the information! We’ll see if there are local reserves


Escape artists 🤔


I remember the Washington state one, the owner was a redditor, I thought we were taking this ride again!


Poor little sweetheart, he looks so lost. I am glad you called someone to help this little dude. I have 3 guinea pigs and have a soft spot for their long legged cousins who want to be deer.


> looks so lost is Argentina this way, or


Only place I can find nearby with cavies is the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Maybe notify them that you saw one just in case? Plus if it is an escaped/abandoned pet they could take the little one in


That’s at least an hour plus drive. If it escaped from there, that’s an impressive walk!


Being obviously a prey animal and not afraid of your approach shows pretty much that it's someone's escaped pet


Sad, I hope his owner finds him. Report all sightings is what I would suggest.


That's a Mara and it shouldn't be there


When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie.. That's a mara


Maybe it’s got a permit.


"I can go where I want" -Patagonian Mara


“Whateva Whateva I do what I want!!” Patagonian Mara on Maury Povich. Spoken to embarrassed keeper.


I was going to joke that it's a jackalope... but the "cavy" seems more likely (and I would assume it's somebody's escaped pet or livestock.)


I had to scroll too far to find Jackalope….


It’s a Patagonian Mara, and not good pets. They chew through walls in homes and dig through or under gates. I volunteer at a sanctuary where we have them.


A big rodent, looks like a Patagonian mara *Dolichotis patagonum*... not native to Colorado.


Poor animal


Please report it to Colorado Parks and Wildlife.


Some kind of Cavy. Definitely not a "wild" animal. I hope someone gets it to safety-they're a prey animal and it won't live long without intervention.


As other people have pointed out, it is a mara. They are free-range at the Buenos Aires zoo.


That’s a Patagonian Mara. Either an escapee or someone let it run when they got tired of taking care of it.


That is a Mara! What the heck is it doing in Colorado?


The highly elusive Jackelope.


A juvenile (no horns, yet)


It's a Patagonian mara


Looks like a capybara jack rabbit deer


Almost looks like a capybara face


Uhhh thats a patagonian cavy… why on earth os it there!


Patagonian mara, native to central & southern Argentina. It’s a large rodent.


As u/indymama21 said, this is a Patagonian mara. I’m wondering if it’s an escaped zoo animal like u/treynoldsCO proposed, or someone’s escaped or lost exotic pet, as u/Slalom_Smack suggested.


That is so sad that some jerkoff thought he could have a ‘cool pet’ then tossed him to the wild when he didn’t expire in his time frame. This poor animal looks scared and like he’d welcome a hand like the one that’s fed him for so long. Such a bummer. I’m sad for this lil dude.


That’s a Patagonian Mara.


Patagonian cavy imo


Poor thing some Ahole dumps it …probably doesn’t know how to get food for itself …so sad




Poor thing.


Might have been an illegal exotic pet? Kind of fits the description of a Chevrotain or a Mara? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrotain https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/patagonian-mara#:~:text=Patagonian%20maras%20are%20long%2Dlegged,around%20the%20flanks%20and%20head.


Patagonia rabbit. Likely a lost pet. If you can catch it and put up flyers that may help the owner. Or call parks and rec and see if they have any interest in catching it.


100% a hornless Jackalope.






good work! - it is definitely a Mara maybe broke out of a wildlife park, someone’s “pet” It sure seems comfortable around humans ..


Looks like a Patagonian Mara, The Patagonian mara is a relatively large rodent in the mara genus Dolichotis. It is also known as the Patagonian cavy, Patagonian hare, or dillaby. This herbivorous, somewhat rabbit-like animal is found in open and semiopen habitats in Argentina, including large parts of Patagonia.


If this is truly in Colorado you should report it. Introducing non-native species to wild habitats can be disastrous. Not only cruel on the animal itself but very very cruel to the environment and native species. Depending on where you're at, I'd look at the following options, in order: Contact a nearby zoo if there is one and ask if they have an escaped Patagonian mara, and tell them the coordinates where you saw it if so. Contact Colorado Parks and Wildlife and tell them you spotted a non-native species in the wild. And ask them if they intend to do anything about it, then tell them you're going to call animal control if not. Animal control will probably be the ones to deal with the animal regardless, so you could theoretically just contact them and give them the coordinates. But I'd want to let the zoo know just in case, and let CPW know because they could be dealing with an infestation and it'd be good to have a first report on record of when it occurred and where, so as to make controlling its spread much easier. These are rodents. They produce several litters every year and can be impregnated by 6 months.


Thanks for the tips. Last night after I posted this, I was actually dmed through Reddit by a Colorado wildlife officer, who told me that a search was beginning in the area for the Mara. So thankfully I think they intend to find it!


It’s why it sat there wondering if you’d help it


It looked like it was fine with humans. Did it want to gravitate towards you? Or was that just filmed from a long distance?


Report it to DNR


That's wild!


It’s adorable!


This is the first time I have ever heard of a Patagonian Cavy, amazing video thank you!!


I think the Denver Zoo better do an inventory check


Which trail?! I live just up the hill and want my daughter to see this crazy looking thing!


The elusive jackalope


We've got a big time invasive species problem because of dumbasses. A lot of them work in our government. Witness the Chinese carp infestation and the Burmese pythons running wild in Florida. The carp were actually introduced on purpose, the pythons escaped during hurricane Andrew. Both are devastating to the ecosystem.


That’s a kangadeer baby.


Some kind of greyhound bunny deer horse looking thing.


Patagonian Mara I searched capybara looking deer and it came up straight away 😂


It’s a rabbit kangaroo dog


Did you walk through an old man's wardrobe and end up in a beautiful forest?


Female jackalope


As some have posted, a Patagonian Mara. Confirmed by reverse image search.


Lived here my entire life and never seen anything like that. But it looks like a rabbit, deer and goat got together and had a threesome.


Whatever it is, it has a nice skirt


Patagonian mara


Omg that’s a Mara!


Looks like a Jackalope after shedding.


Your dog?


I feel like this is the spawn of a kangaroo and a rabbit




Looks like a Patagonian mara


Thats Mountain Lion food for sure.


Should be in South America I think.


She needs to pull her skirt down a little bit in back


It's a jackalope. I've seen them in Nevada when horseback riding several times.


It is a Patagonia-Mara https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/patagonian-mara


Its a jackalope


A jackalope that just shed his horns


Send the video to Denver stations - this is absolutely wild.