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##### ###### #### > # [Debris field found on sea floor during search for missing Titanic sub, Coast Guard says](https://www.wcvb.com/article/titanic-oceangate-submersible-search-update-june-22/675) > > > > A debris field was discovered by a remotely operated vehicle in the area crews are searching for a submersible that vanished Sunday while taking five people down to view the wreck of the Titanic hundreds of miles off the coast of Massachusetts.The debris was discovered Thursday by the Horizon Arctic’s ROV on the sea floor near the Titanic hours after the search for the Titan passed the critical 96-hour mark when breathable air was expected to run out. "Experts within the unified command are evaluating the information," the U.S. Coast Guard said in a tweet just before noon.The submersible had about a four-day supply of breathable air when it launched Sunday morning in the North Atlantic. The estimate could be extended if the men inside the sub have taken measures to conserve breathable air, experts said.An undersea robot sent by a Canadian ship reached the sea floor Thursday and began looking for the sub. A French research institute said a deep-diving robot with cameras, lights and arms also joined the operation.“With all of its cameras and things, we’re capable of finding things really well in an area 20 to 30 meters (yards) around,” said Olivier Lefort, the fleet director at the French ocean research institute Ifremer. He added that if the Titan is found, Victor 6000 could help attach cables to the submersible in an effort to raise it.Teams from the United States, Canada, France and Great Britain have searched thousands of miles in an area about 900 miles east of Cape Cod -- an area that is about twice the size of Connecticut and reaches depths of up to 2.5 miles."This is an incredibly complex search operation requiring both surface and subsurface elements. Our unified approach is critical," said U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Jamie Frederick. Video: 'You always have hope' USCG says about search for missing sub Airplanes, ships, and remote-operated underwater vehicles concentrated the search in areas where banging sounds were detected Tuesday and Wednesday. "The ocean is a very complex place. Obviously, human sounds, nature sounds, and it's very difficult to discern what the source of those noises are at times," said Carl Hartsfield, of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. "But I can tell you that this team has multiple sensors. They're in the area. They're sending data back expeditiously to the best people in the world to analyze that data." Frederick said authorities were still holding out hope of saving the five passengers onboard. “This is a search-and-rescue mission, 100%,” he said Wednesday.The submersible was reported overdue Sunday night about 435 miles south of St. John’s, Newfoundland, according to Canada's Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia.The Coast Guard said that contact with the sub was lost about 1 hour and 45 minutes into the dive. The carbon-fiber vessel, named Titan, is operated by OceanGate Expeditions, a privately-owned Washington-based company that operates a fleet of submersibles.Video: Coast Guard's update on search for 5 missing peopleTitan is capable of diving 4,000 meters or 13,120 feet “with a comfortable safety margin,” OceanGate said in a court filing. According to the Coast Guard, the submarine has 96 hours of oxygen onboard. It is estimated that oxygen will run out Thursday morning. OceanGate’s expeditions to the Titanic wreck site include archaeologists and marine biologists. The company also brings people who pay to come along, known as “mission specialists.” They take turns operating sonar equipment and performing other tasks in the five-person submersible. The Coast Guard said Monday that there was one pilot and four “mission specialists” aboard.U.K. businessman Hamish Harding is one of the mission specialists, according to Action Aviation, a company for which Harding serves as chairman. OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, former French navy officer and Titanic expert Paul-Henry Nargeolet and Shahzada and Suleman Dawood, a father and son from one of Pakistan's most prominent families, were the other four people aboard the small submersible.The Titanic struck an iceberg and sank in the frigid North Atlantic in April 1912. About 1,500 people died during the giant ocean liner's maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City. Its wreckage was discovered in 1985. In February, to mark the 25th anniversary of the movie, "Titanic," WHOI released rare and never-before-publicly-seen footage from a 1986 dive. (Video below) In 2021, OceanGate Expeditions began an annual expedition to chronicle the deterioration of the iconic ocean liner, which has slowly been succumbing to metal-eating bacteria. The initial group of tourists in 2021 spent $100,000 to $150,000 each to participate. The company reported that 28 people visited the wreck site last year.In a May 2021 court filing, OceanGate said the Titan had an “unparalleled safety feature” that assesses the integrity of the hull throughout every dive. During its expedition in 2022, OceanGate reported that the submersible had a battery issue on its first dive and had to be manually attached to its lifting platform, according to a November court filing.“In the high sea state, the submersible sustained modest damage to its external components and OceanGate decided to cancel the second mission for repairs and operational enhancements,” the filing stated.OceanGate’s 2023 expedition was the company's third to the site of the sunken ocean liner to document its deterioration and sea life.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The Associated Press contributed to this report. > > **BOSTON —** > > A debris field was discovered by a remotely operated vehicle in the area crews are searching for a submersible that vanished Sunday while taking five people down to view the wreck of the Titanic hundreds of miles off the coast of Massachusetts. > > The debris was discovered Thursday by the Horizon Arctic’s ROV on the sea floor near the Titanic hours after the search for the Titan passed the critical 96-hour mark when breathable air was expected to run out. > > "Experts within the unified command are evaluating the information," the U.S. Coast Guard said in a tweet just before noon. > > The submersible had about a four-day supply of breathable air when it launched Sunday morning in the North Atlantic. The estimate could be extended if the men inside the sub have taken measures to conserve breathable air, experts said. > > An undersea robot sent by a Canadian ship reached the sea floor Thursday and began looking for the sub. A French research institute said a deep-diving robot with cameras, lights and arms also joined the operation. > > “With all of its cameras and things, we’re capable of finding things really well in an area 20 to 30 meters (yards) around,” said Olivier Lefort, the fleet director at the French ocean research institute Ifremer. He added that if the Titan is found, Victor 6000 could help attach cables to the submersible in an effort to raise it. > > Teams from the United States, Canada, France and Great Britain have searched thousands of miles in an area about 900 miles east of Cape Cod -- an area that is about twice the size of Connecticut and reaches depths of up to 2.5 miles. > > "This is an incredibly complex search operation requiring both surface and subsurface elements. Our unified approach is critical," said U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Jamie Frederick. > > **Video: 'You always have hope' USCG says about search for missing sub** > > Airplanes, ships, and remote-operated underwater vehicles concentrated the search in areas where banging sounds were detected Tuesday and Wednesday. > > "The ocean is a very complex place. Obviously, human sounds, nature sounds, and it's very difficult to discern what the source of those noises are at times," said Carl Hartsfield, of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. "But I can tell you that this team has multiple sensors. They're in the area. They're sending data back expeditiously to the best people in the world to analyze that data." > > ***(continues in next comment)***


Truly a shocking turn of events none could have forseen. ... /s


So… it imploded?


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