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I get paid 15 but live in California and it really is nothing. Really sucks


I lived in socal for a year and I had a steady job with decent growth opportunity, full benefits, and amazing teammates and leaders. The sad part was they only paid me $16 an hour. As you know, there is absolutely nothing affordable with that wage. My only option was to find roommates so now I am back to making $10 an hour and living with my parents in the bible belt ); I fucking hate my life at times.


That last part seems to define the last 20 years.


where the fuck. i just quit my legal assistant job. in five years i went from $15-$17 an hour


Bro... quit. Im making $12 at Wendy's in nowhere Tennessee. Let the cheap jobs die painfully. Bonus points if you take another job across street for dollar more then go back for 2 more. Fuck these user companies




I do this as well. This can also be used to your benefit in shitty jobs. Management will think you're fucking amazing compared to your peers, and then you can get away with so much more. I take like 8 breaks a day because I have made myself almost irreplaceable.




I'm paid $18/hr. It's a dream for people in states where state MW = fed MW, but here it's fucking peanuts. Also the employer is abusive and will dump extra shifts onto us frontliners if anyone else calls out sick or quits. Fuck hotels.


Same argument for minimum wage. "Why should paramedics get paid as much as a 17 year old McDonalds employee?" "Good question, let's pay paramedics more too then."


Quit karma farming, [your comment is an exact copy of this one,] (https://old.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/sv6zyf/of_course_this_is_subjective/hxen28m/) which is about 2 hours older than yours.




The point is that this is evidence of botting.


Tbf McDonald's is a harder job. Do i want to be screamed at while tying up a methhead in the back of a van or busting my ass filling orders at McDonald's. Give me the methhead in a van any day!


Just want to let you know that one of the most dangerous jobs in the country is EMTs. People commonly attack workers to steal drugs from the vans. All for a roundabouts salary of 35-45k. I know that direct service jobs are hell, but getting knocked out while chilling out so people can steal fries isn't nearly as prevalent as folks cold clocking paramedics for drugs in the van.


Yes. Everything in the USA is an absolute joke. I work with 2 convicted pedophiles for $12 because workers can't be found. They could pay more but rather have a 16yo near two guys that raped their daughters


Restaurants seem to be even worse about this lately. My job hired 2 meth heads back to back. We just fired one. For the 3rd time. We kept giving him his job back because my company refuses to list pay ranges for *any* position and therefore: no one is applying except people like that. Then they pull the "nobody wants to work here!!" card.


Lmao they get what they deserve.


It's not a pissing contest I guess but delivery drivers have it worse. So I'd rather be an EMT than a delivery driver I guess.


Convenient store clerks. 24hr liqueur store. That is where the crazy go before the emt is called. $ 10hr. Just like a cop you wonder if you will have to shoot someone or get shot for a pack of swishers. No pension, no health care and all the danger of unpredictable violent people. Give me a example of a worse pay v.s. risk job.


Except anybody can put frozen patties on a broiler (I worked at Burger King, it isn't hard lol). The highest gig food prep was was like.. sandwich maker and 90% of the time it isn't a work of art lol. Paramedics on the other hand can literally have somebody's life in their hands, and they're necessary. You won't die without fastfood, you will die when you don't ha e somebody to revive you when your dead.


Same adjust this chart for cali standards


Yeah location makes a massive difference




Plus health insurance?


No but I mean, I'm Canadian so don't really care about that.


California seems like the absolute worst state to live in.


its pretty nice here, but i've never lived in Mississippi, maybe thats way nicer.


It’s not. You’re not missing a damn thing.


Additionally, It's real bad simply because Reagan ran that shit. Literally the dumbest, worst president we've ever had. Did you know that California state colleges were free before him? Did you know that he ruined higher education across the whole US? https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/free-college-was-once-the-norm-all-over-america/


[https://www.nytimes.com/1982/12/28/science/california-weighs-end-of-free-college-education.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1982/12/28/science/california-weighs-end-of-free-college-education.html) Just to throw in some stuff from the Grey Lady. Bring money into a thing started with love and watch it crumble.


It’s expensive, but damn the beach and mountains are nice to visit since myself and most others aren’t far from both


It's not. But just like every blue area, the real estate industry has presented itself as "on the side of the small landowner" but has lobbied (and won) for the past 40 years for laws that benefit the landholder. One of the strongest things that people on the right have is the possibility of brutal violence. Liberal politeness cannot combat the disgusting greed of US hedge fund real estate domination.


It is.


I make 24 and I cried when I got the job


Been there. I miss disposable income 😪


Waiting for that day.


Doesn't it kinda feel like you'll never even achieve that? It does to me. Like I honestly can't imagine myself ever landing a job with decent pay, and definitely not in a healthy environment.


I used to make $8-9/hour. I now make $16-17/hour (midwest, not even using my degree. Pretty good work environment). Never even thought I'd get here, so I'm holding out hope that I can make the leap again at some point.


Honestly, I would too. I've been in the workforce as an adult for more than 10 years, I've never been able to feasibly afford an independent life.


For real. I'm a state worker, certified by weights & measures, I make ~18 an hour after 12 years service. Yes, killer benefits, an okay pension system, but I'm 32 living at my parents still. Rent for an apartment here is around 1400 a month, I take home a little under 2000, between gas/food/electric, insurances, and all the other wonderful adult life stuff I wouldn't have a dime to spare (that's an optimistic projection too lol)


That's insane. I'm currently bargaining a job up from $15. (I'm an early member of the kitchen diaspora, 10 years in that and now I'm switching.) That's double their industry (ick, but yay) and it's still not even enough to get a rental agent to even look at you. And apts in my area are about $900 for a 1-2bdrm. Didn't expect to be having to fight for crumbs (again) in my 30s. Didn't wanna be rich, just not this. Edit: added some context of my work history, I guess.


Oh I hear yuh, I don't need to be loaded. Like, my hobbies are weed and video games (an 8th lasts me almost a month so I'm not some dude smoking an ounce a week lol). Just wanna be able to have a nice home (nothing extravagant) and enough money to live comfortably. I wanna be able to not go broke if I need to get my brakes done lol




I actually like my job, but you know, there's just limits to what a person is capable of. You take someone who is mentality, emotionally, and physically exhausted and tell them to preform well, it ain't happening, even if you want to. If I made enough to rest (or perhaps more accurately if the cost of living weren't absolutely bonkers obscene) it would be different, but no one has unlimited stamina.


Restaurants would like to talk to you


“Minimum effort” at a restaurant is equal to being the king or working at every other job


Can we all agree that 10 dollars is the new 1 dollar?


p much everything costs at least 100 dollars so yes


I’m in California. I’m not leaving my bed for less than $25.


The rest of this country reads that as a Linda Evangelista misquote, California. Lol


No idea who that is but almost identical quote on Google. LOL. $10,000 a day! Now that’s self worth.


The most beautiful of all the 90s supermodels. She famously said that.


And now she's disfigured because of coolsculpting.


I wouldn’t leave my job less than $40 an hour


This comment has been deleted due to failed Reddit leadership.


Bed isn’t going anywhere. $25 is bare minimum. That only gets me out of bed, and warm body at the job. Productivity costs more.


No it dosent lol. Push comes to shove and you will work for less or end up homeless.


in california you can work for $25/hr *and* end up homeless so fuck off


THANK YOU. Somebody gets it.


Which is a problem with your housing market and not the workmarket. Its not companies worth that chinese billionares are buying up all the land and raising living costs. Whats your brilliant plan on keeping companies afloat when everyone is paid 5x more than they deserve (and that just to show up and half ass their work as you guys put it) cmon, prove to me im not talking to a bunch of naive 14 year olds.


The housing market isn’t inflated because of Chinese billionaires. It’s low supply, extremely high demand. California is an incredible state to live in and housing can’t be built fast enough. As far as the companies, it’s just as you say push comes to shove. If they can’t survive paying a livable wage in the state then they can relocate to another state that more fits their shit hole ethics. If McDonald’s wants to operate in this state then they should pay a living wage, otherwise no one will work there. Which is happening now, every low end service job is short staffed and hiring. Is McDonald’s staying afloat?


You are talking to a bunch of naive 14 year olds with a few bitter and lazy 30 somethings mixed in.


I’m glad that someone finally said it, lol. Holy shit, these people are delusional if they think that $25 an hour is the appropriate minimum wage for anywhere other than the most expensive cities. I make the equivalent of a couple dollars more than that in my Midwest city, and it’s *more* than enough to live *very* comfortably.


Sounds cliche but it's a mix of entitlement and cluelessness. People want to live in midtown manhattan and wear the crap their favorite instagram model wears and they want to do it while working as a cashier at walmart. Social media and echo chambers like this sub are to blame in part. The response to what you said would be "but I don't *wanna* live in the midwest".


Looks like someone already made the point. $25/hr with a family is practically homeless. I would never take less than I make at that time, it’s unethical to move your wage downward.


No 25 per hour is not minimum wage nor even close to being homeless, thats a middle class salary in most of America. If the housing is so bad in your area that you need a surgeons salary to live in a flat then thats an issue you need to take up with your government, not hate the local walmart manager for. This is what i meant by naive 14 year olds. You think companies make money out of thin air? If they increase spending on employees they need to increase the cost of products to compensate, when every company does it then suddnely your great wage isnt so great anymore. Also what gave you the impression that flipping burgers in McDonalds brings work worth 50 dollar an hour to the table? Trust me, it dosent, especially when you all want to halfass even that. Do you understand why a brain surgeon owns more than a toilet cleaner? Because his expertise, knowledge and worth of work means he brings that value to the table. Thats why can live on 900k dollars a year. If you want a greater wage, bring more to the table, stop working in walmart and learn a trade, become an electrician instead, anything. Dont just expect your wage to quadruple for nothing.


Same argument for minimum wage. "Why should paramedics get paid as much as a 17 year old McDonalds employee?" "Good question, let's pay paramedics more too then."


The paramedic pay is so crazy to me, like how is that even justified? Like anything else in the medical field that takes similar training and expertise pays at least 25 an hour starting.


That compared to the amount of fucking money we give to 21 year old GED cops shows you exactly where the US's priorities are


Depending on where you live, cops aren’t paid that well typically either. I think low pay for certain positions is often a predictor of poor quality performance. Like if we paid cops, teachers,CNA’s, etc better wages, you’d have higher quality candidates. I was a pretty good math tutor in college, and considered switching to education from finance, but I didn’t want to be poor, so I didn’t do it. And I know a ton of people that have left teaching because they can get better pay doing literally anything else. You don’t hear too much about cops leaving en masse because I think the low pay isn’t a deterrent to a lot of the crazies that want to be cops.


Yeah that makes perfect sense. The only thing we need to do to get cops to stop killing people at a rate 33 times higher than the average citizen is to pay them even more than we already do. Are you serious? Paramedics are competent and do the job they were hired to, despite being payed like shit. Low pay is not an excuse for the moronic shit tier cops we have. The problem is in selecting psychopaths that are "willing to kill" and then drilling it into them that every little movement *could* be reaching for a gun and is therefore a forfeiture of the victims right to life.


If I'm paying out the ass for that metal box on wheels I want the folks who are inside, trained to save my life, to get that money, not some douche nozzle in a suit


I had an ambulance, without lights/sirens on, swerve into my lane (oncoming traffic) and almost hit me head on yesterday, just to swerve back into their lane and slowly putter along like normal. I assume it's lack of sleep, lack of qualified individuals due to low wages, or some combination of both. Honestly, if they're so overworked they're a danger on the road even when it's not an emergency, that's so fucked up.


The answer to that question will always be the same even though people don't like it because it sounds mean: because there's too many people stupid enough to become one - despite *knowing* how shitty the pay and the general conditions are - so that the wages never have to go up in order to attract more people. It's the same in pretty much every job where you work (closely) with people: babies, children, old people, sick/injured people. Those don't generate a lot of profits so the work is valued less so the pay is lower. The only way (besides subsidizing or increasing the wages by law) to increase the wages is a shortage of people willing to do the job. And I'm not talking one or two people per place, I'm talking "we don't have a single person to work in that area so you're fucked" levels of shortage. Only then will the pressure increase enough to where salaries have to rise in order to attract new workers. It shouldn't be like that but it won't ever change as long as there are idiots that finish school and think to themselves "yup, I should become a nurse/I should become a paramedic/I should become a teacher/etc".


We started the fight for $15/hr paying that seems ridiculous today. $30/hr is what it should be today.


“… the wages of a decent life.” I’m in San Jose. Wages should start at $50/hr and I mean entry level, need to be taught how to do anything jobs.


That’s my point. $30/hr is poor wages. 15 is a joke.


$30/hr is a good job in the Midwest…wages should be tied to cost of living and inflation regionally. I bet I’d need to make $120K to live in SoCal the way I do on $70K in MN.


This is why I never argue about the federal minimum wage. I’ll use specific cities/counties. Overall US is *way* too diverse to allow for a single livable minimum wage. It just *really* sucks that, while most have their own local minimum wage, even the most expensive places to live in the US still have them set ridiculously low.


Wisconsin has this neat thing where city's can't set a min wage above the state wage. Which is the same as the fed min wage, because why should we deserve better right?


I didn't know that, isn't it higher in Madison?


The point of federal minimum wage is to establish a baseline. I would say $25 should be minimum with regions and industries being higher.


Idk $25 is an absurd amount of money near me, I really don't need that much, I could comfortably live on $20


That's not the point. The idea is you can support a family at minimum. Even Adam Smith said minimum wage should be 2x the cost of living so you can support a family. If you don't want a family, then you can save the money and create a business or invest in a business you believe in.


Oof my mistake I didn't see what sub I'm on. I'mma dip out lol


Exactly. Hell my shit ass $18/hr pays the bills and let's me tread water with saving(like enough to fix my 16 yr old car when it breaks, not enough to buy a different car though) and a family in Ohio. Of course it helps that I can volunteer up to 60 hours from 36, and overtime is paid out at 1.5-2x depending on the time of year.


I make $30 an hour in NYC and I make it here just fine. I don’t think you need $120k to make it anywhere. You might not get to live in Manhattan, but that’s not something anyone is entitled to anyway


Yeah I'm in a union job and have to be here another year and a half to see 30/hr + cost of living increases each year. I'm at 18/hr right now and that combined with where I live would solve almost all my problems immediately, lol.


$30/hour is actually a lot lol




Totally agree. It’s degrading that anyone is even asking for that little, yet the mega corps are raking in billions in profits each year. At this point, I just want to see it all crumble.


I'm surprised people haven't started burning the banks down yet.


Same here and I will be one of the first to join in when we decide to do it.


I see an angry mob heading that direction, I'm joining them. Bankers, landlords, anyone stopping the rest of us from actually living... I'm killing my mind as is from the stress, eating them would be worth the prions.


And we need to remember that there is more to a "not-shitty" job than the dollars per hour, as well. Like, you gotta triple these numbers if you're not giving me a set shift, for example. And my break time (which happens no less often than every two hours) starts *when I sit down*, not when I leave my work station. And I get a minimum of sixteen hours between shifts, none of this "Closing tonight and opening tomorrow morning" crap that y'all like to pull. And if I have to work with customers, you'd better put on four times as much staff as you think you need. Either that, or I get treat customers *exactly* as they treat me. Your call.


Completely agreed. I’d add mandatory paid maternity and paternity leave. Detaching healthcare from work which is complete conflict of interest cause company will do anything to reduce their out of pocket expenses from firing people (cause despite the privacy laws in a smaller company it’s not that hard to figure out who gets sick a lot costing the company a lot of money) or making people work right below full time employees so they can avoid paying them benefits. Your health care should not be based on whether you can work or not. Young people who age out of their parents insurance but don’t just yet have a good job enough to have insurance, people who are sick, old or disabled. That’s why people get in so much debt because of healthcare being dependent on having a full time job with a company that gives decent coverage isn’t feasible for everybody.


I make 15 a hour and can't afford to live in or around the city I work in. That doesn't make sense


I make about 1.5x that and barely qualify for a 1 bedroom apartment.


Anything under a living wage is minimum effort. And even so, anything without PTO is also minimum effort to preserve your energy without a break lol


I live in NYC so $15.50 is mere crumbs


Here let me fix that for you: **$10/hr** \- FU. **$10-$12/hr** \- Hell nawh **$13-$14** \- Have you seen the rent prices lately? Yeah...that's what I thought. **$15-$17.50** \- Guess what? Prices went up, rent prices increased, everything went up, so no. **$17.50-$20** \- eh\~ maybe, but did you forget the prices went up? **$25-$35** \- You have my attention.


I laugh at offers below 27ish dollars an hour. Literally laugh in the recruiters face on the phone. When my dick gets hard, higher than my current wage, I'll start giving a fuck again.


I'm in the last one and that pretty much sums up my day.


I somehow convinced my boss to give me 19.50 and I fuck around all day. There are a few machines that no one else knows how to operate so they would be fucked if I quit, but there’s little work in my department so I have to find ways to pad my hours. I’ll find whatever excuse I can to walk across the warehouse in as many trips as possible, I go on more breaks than I’m technically permitted and I take a lot of bathroom breaks. I’ll also do the really basic work that I used to get paid minimum wage to do. My manager knows I’m fucking around and the boss probably does too but they can’t really do anything about it. It’s their own fault though because their mismanagement resulted in 90% of the company’s experienced workers quitting over the summer. I have nowhere near as much experience as any of the people who left but I get paid more than most of them ever did. I saw an opportunity coming up as people were quitting so I really made sure I had solidified my niche and learned a bunch of tricks from the people leaving. It feels like this is the only way you can get a raise these days.


I'm doing something similar. I have worked in a kitchen for 20+ years and can do two people's jobs with ease. So I look like a God compared to everyone else and they cant keep anyone for more than a month. So I'm just going through the motions and writing this while everyone struggles. 🤘🤘🤘🤘




Me too


As someone who currently makes $15/hr, yeah this is pretty accurate


Vote for politicians who support unions. Union wages help lift up non union wages too


This is my opinion granted but the solution lies in large scale strikes. I’m talking on a scale not seen in a long time. The working class is literally the majority of people in the world at this point. We hold the key to our freedom but our corporate overlords dangle the key to our food and shelter over our heads.


What does $25/hr get?


I’ll put in full effort and do a little more when asked. Because I wish I made $25 an hour.


So it sounds like $25/hr is some magical number. What about if I threw in 10 days of PTO the first year, 4% 401k match, 9 paid holidays (no work on holidays), and supervisors who are not allowed to yell at or belittle people?


Sounds like a positive work environment.


It is. There are lots of jobs like this around. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but they are there. Service industry and retail jobs suck. Don’t look for those jobs. Look toward manufacturing, trades, etc. people often overlook these industries because they don’t seem appealing, however they pay better, you don’t need to deal with the public, and you will be trained in a skill you can take with you if you move on. I’m not saying it’s perfect. I’m believe $50k a year should be minimum wage to be honest, but it’s not. Company I work for starts untrained, entry level operators at $18/hr. There are 6 levels of machine operator. 18/hr is lvl. 1. It takes about a year (if you apply yourself) to get to lvl 6. That pays $28/hr.


Trades work fucks up your body long term


401K is fucking ass. Pension or gtfo


I’m content with a Roth at this point lol.


You’re hired.


Show up on time and usually sober. Do a decent job (not great, I save real effort for my hobbies and other more enjoyable activities, but still competent) and maybe stay a few minutes late if everyone is having a hard time. Will not actually give a shit about the job, but people will definitely believe that I do.


You’re hired.


Same dude


This should be the minimum wage, at least. In a utopia, $25 would be scraps. In (my) reality, I’d be kissing so much ass and sucking whoever’s smelly cock whenever and wherever needed to keep that job.




NYC. Anything less than $20 is fucking garbage. But also less than $20 anywhere in this hellhole country is garbage.


$17.50 in California is like making $10. Doesn't really do shit.


Facts. $17 is shit. Even full time is ass.


32 and some change, I have one of the top 10 dangerous jobs, so for 30 dollars an hour I stay Alive. The other 2 dollars I do a descent job.


Don’t descent too deep or you’ll be in water.


Let's not forget that the $15 debate has been going on for so long that it's now ~$24 IIRC.


My job is flat rate for the days work (£85,$116) so it's in my best interest to work hard, work fast, and be accurate (bonus payments for accuracy) I can usually get my work done in less than 5 hours most days, after which I can go home. I get over £510/$695 a week and work less than 30 hours. Best job I've ever had.


15 is half what it costs for a 1 bedroom apartment with a car in most of the nation. That's not worth any significant effort on my behalf. Since they're always playing shenanigans with numbers and prices, I'll keep it simple: When I can easily afford a one bedroom apartment with a car and afford to take my dog to the vet when she's sick, I'll begin to care. And thats asking for barest fucking minimum. That now starts at 25 an hour in most places. If they want perfect obedience, attendance, always staying busy, and for me to actually have a consistently good attitude: they need to pay enough that I can afford a house. The kind of wages America had from its inception up until 2000, before business owners decided all workers need is a broom closet and a bicycle. We've been arguing for $15 for 30 years now and in the meantime purchasing power became a third of what it once was. They can afford, not just a living wage, but a prosperous wage like our parents received. The kind of money where a guy can afford a house, a car that works, and a family.


Nah, where I'm at $15/hr gets you a warm body capable of following directions. It's got to be at least $16 to have enough energy left over to even pretend to give a damn


$50-$60/hr - Sure I can do that, you want a hand job while I am here?


$35 and I’ll show up and not explain to your other employees how I did it. $50 an hr I’ll be a great employee, make others around me better and consistently shoot down any attempt at putting me on salary. For 17.50 and below I will sell drugs to your employees and explain to them why quitting your job is the quickest way to give yourself a raise.


I make about 2k every month in Canada and am a single mom of 2kids. My rent and bills is equal to about 1500. I saw an article that said the standard 3-4person family needs about 5k to live comfortably and have money left over for emergencies. Hmm I wonder why at min wage we are all so fucked. No idea mom.


I wish I could find anything above 15


You can see if a company offers C.O.L.A. (Cost of living adjustment.) I got hired at my job and I didn’t know they offered it till a month in when I got an email that stated because cost of living in my city is higher than the average of the rest of the employees across the country I will get paid $1 more. My buddy got hired last month and he lives in a more expensive city than I do so he making $17/hr. I really don’t know why they don’t advertise it.


Honestly at 17.50/hr, after tax and with the current cost of living it’s still probably not worth it and will be late and reliably stoned. Not reliable, but you can count on the fact that I’ll be high as fuck.


$47ish/hr (legal assistant) with lots of bennies. I'm no fool!


$37 an hour as a freaking graphic designer 😂


where the fuck. i just quit my legal assistant job. in five years i went from $15-$17 an hour


It's one of those fields where experience is more valuable than a degree, in what sector, size and specialty of the firm. I do auto accident defense for a major insurance company.


It's taken me over a decade of jobs and skill learning to finally make 20/hr.... now mcdonalds is offering that much some places.... wtf???? If min. Wage will be that high, my wages better jump equally.


I'm just curious what jobs and skillsets have taken you 10+ years to get to $20/hr.


One of the reasons I left social work was low wages. Masters degree and only $17. Wasn't until I was a supervisor I was making over $20 and then I was salary and on call. Director regularly threw in our face that we were lucky to have jobs and that we made more money than some directors in different departments when we frequently discussed wages being the reason we couldn't keep people. At a certain point I figured out why that was never going to get any better. Taught myself different skills that didn't require $80k+ college debt and make more money freelancing.


We're having a massive mental health crisis in the US and turning out tons of social work graduates. And yet most of them are making what you were making. I don't work in social work but in child safety and we have the same problem. We're in an utter crisis. My organization just increased their base salary by almost 15K in the past 2 years and it's not even keeping up with rising housing costs because wages have been depressed for so long. I got out of direct service because I just couldn't afford to pay my bills.


it also doesnt take more than a decade to be a social worker.


I made about 20/HR once you figured the number of hours vs how much I got paid each week. I averaged 70k per year over 3 years on a commision only job. I also averaged 60 to 70 hours a week for 2 of those 3 years.. So about 20 bucks an hour, closer to 15 if you want to consider overtime. But I was commission. So I was stuck there whether we made sales or not...some weeks I averaged 50/hr. Others 10/hr. Forget about budgeting when your weekly income can vary by 500 percent and is not guaranteed to rebound when it drops...


If /u/RogueNeighShun had been hopping jobs within the industry every 3-4 years in that time, it's a virtual guarantee they'd be making twice that *at least*. The biggest wage increases you'll get in your life are the ones you get when you take initiative and move from a good, comfortable job into a better one. When things are going well and working smoothly, that's when you should be looking for new jobs. Not waiting for things to get worse. That's putting yourself into a position where you'll endure shitty conditions because you need the work. It's an age old problem -- "I've been here for 5 years and the guy they just hired that I have to train already makes $2.50 an hour more than I do". That's because you're letting them buy you off with cheap raises. Loyalty isn't irrelevant, but it also doesn't matter until it's tested both ways: You tell your boss "Thanks for the opportunities but I've been offered a better deal somewhere else. Unless you can offer [10% more than you've confirmed elsewhere] I gotta look out for me". I know that this sub might have trouble believing they exist, but good employers will do what they can to keep you around if you're a valuable asset.


Veterinary (NOT a Vet)


tf is a veterinary not vet


Any veterinary staff that isn't a doctor...


Sorry just trying to get a sense here. What veterinary staff job can you work at for 10 years without breaking $20/hr?


I've done almost everything. Started as an assistant. Made my way up to lead tech In general practice. Then made my move to a specialty clinic, mainly working internal medicine but assisting the entire building. Then moved to radiology and did CT scans. Now I'm finally "out" of the field and working insurance. Had to take a pay cut initially but im now slightly above where I was in radiology.


probably a vet tech


Assistants make very little money most of the time and Techs don’t make much better. Depending on region that’s completely plausible.


You're telling me a gat dang hamster flipper makes $20/hour? And I'm here with *real* skills and decades of experience only making $22/hour? This is outrageous.


...that's the goal.


That's the issue. If they pay burger flippers 25 an hour, someone with actual skills will make significantly more. Welders would need twice that. And then the prices go up to offset the massive wage increases.


Prices are going up anyway. Corporations taking in disgusting amounts of money, golden parachutes everywhere. We are getting fucked regardless, may as well get a little Vaseline along the way


That's true *but* prices wouldn't be going up by an equal amount. If you had $400 a week more and everything you bought or consumed a month was even $300-400 more expensive in total you'd still end up with over $1000 a month more. That's $12k a year you can put towards retirement or a mortage. Even if it's half of that that's still a significant amount of money.


That scale should go further :D


I might frame this for home, or laminate it to hand out at interviews 🤔


Sounds about right


I have been applying to places all over that advertise $24+ and keep being told it's 21+ night diff + hazard pay depending on position, or minimum + commission, or just straight up lies. I've secured a position that pays $22.75 and I'll show up and do the work when the time comes but I really need $26.32 to make ends meet with the medical bills associated with a heart transplant and being 4 months behind on every bill. Fuck.


My personal levels **<$10/hr** - Perish. **$10-12/hr** - Hahaha no, wouldn’t take it unless I was extremely desperate. Good luck getting me to cover other’s shifts and taking extra hours. **$13-14/hr** - Nah, only with substantial benefits. Don’t expect me to be loyal. Probably won’t put in a lot of effort either. **$15-17/hr** - Meh, maybe if there’s nothing better nearby. I’ll do the job without complaining too much, but don’t expect me to be very happy. **$17-20/hr** - Ok, we’re getting somewhere. I’ll put in a decent amount of effort. **$21-25/hr** - Good wages, you have my attention now. Maybe I’ll put in a few additional hours and help out a little bit more than usual. **>$25/hr** - Amazing, I’ll put in a lot of effort and I’ll be pretty loyal - likely won’t switch to another job. ~~I might actually pay attention to any meetings and attend team building workshops.~~


~50k a year is where you think loyalty and extra effort is warranted?


That's actually quite a bit.


Not really.


So what should I be making if I show up for work stoned all the time, but have a better work ethic than all but the general manager? Cause I'm only making $12.75 now.


I’m in Maryland and minimum wage went up roughly 7% this January. Cant wait to see what my performance based increase is


$15/hr-FUCK OFF This is how I've been reliably negotiating for $17+ $25 would not be enough *You CANNOT pay me enough*




Think of how profitable all that service economy you soak up buying gas, convince food, fast entertainment like movies/video games/booze/drugs. Plus the companies can charge money to repair the cars with h increased use, and cities can justify higher taxes for road repairs that never come. Basically, money.


$24/hr, the minimum wage should it have followed the trends: 100% Effort


Sub 20 an hour jobs are all shit. I mean doordash literally pays like 20 an hour and requires zero skills other than driving . So how can I take any job that makes me come in for an interview or expects me to put on effort seriously lol.




Realistically nowadays anything below $30/hr should be fuck off.


17.50 in many states is poverty wages.


We should all post this on indeed lol


Of course this is how you paint workers that want fair compensation for their work.


For $75/hr you’ll get me working on my couch and I’ll wear a tshirt appropriate for video calls. I may not wear pants. Rates double before 10am, or if you specify work hours. If you want me in the office, wearing real pants, you should just sign a blank check and go cry.


I get $19.10 CAD an hour and there is nothing affordable in the town I live in (not a city, a town, a small one at that). Even with my wife's income added our options are super limited. Recently we went and looked at an appartment that we had to pass on, because it only had a 5 foot 9 inch ceiling. I'm 6 foot 3 inches tall, and living there would destroy my back. It's also super rare to find anything pet friendly which also is killing us.


Where do I find a job that pays 17.50???


$18/ is starting pay for untrained, no experience operator where I work.


This is soooo entitled, I'm all for increasing min wag a couple dollars but I'd be grateful for all those except $10 especially for starting wage.


$15-$17.50 was good like 20 years ago. It's not anymore and hasn't been for a while. Plus inflation...it should be $25-$27.50 now instead.


I make a lot more than is listed and can confirm job still blows, boss is still a piece of shit, I still show up stoned.


$25/hr: minimum rate to give a fuck. Only the one, though.


$15-$19 might show up if I'm free $20-25 I will be on time and pretend to care $25-$30 Might do some actual work


17.50 would is in my <$10. Min wage should be $25 an hour. Profits are theft.


The comment that follows the 15- 17.50. That comment right there is where your go off the rails. If you are in the service industry that is a fair wage. I have years of management experience but all with educated people. Even at that level I would be quick to show you the door. I guess when your parents still support you you can be picky.


If you expect to be paid more than $10-$14/hr you need to have a better work ethic and actual job skills. Employers are not going to hire you if you have such high expectations, especially if the job requires a certain level of education or job experience.


Do you guys look for hand outs?