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Ehh, I somehow fully expected it to be 30 rings closing.




Ehhh hit 10 enemies with missile swarm idk. It rarely ever hits anyone to begin with.


Down someone and shoot him and hope it counts


Down somebody? Now we're opening a whole new can of worms!


Survive ring closing is always the last one to pop ngl.


It's truly painfully slow to do cause even if you win a game you usually only get 4'ish ring closings


Yeah it does take ages. Ranked does help as people don't hot drop as much. That or solo que and just make it a sitting in circle sim.


Pretty accurate


What I do for these “survive X rings” is load into no-fill duos and just rat. Easily Top2/3 with 4/5 rings depending on how fast other squads die.


At least with Valk you can use her ult to rotate. Maggie was brutal for the ring closings.


Im usually running with the ring on my heels when I played Maggie so her ult helped but with Valk no one wants to hop on? It makes no sense rn 😂😂


For the ring closes challenges I’ve just been no filling duos and (shamelessly) ratting. For the ult one, Control is probably gonna be the easiest way to get that done


This one is easier to cheese if u do no fill duos and just rat to the end while you scroll on your phone or something


True, but I want to actually play the game even if people get tunnel vision and only see a 1v1 when they hot drop with 4 teams 😭😭🤣


With the lte it's actually not bad


This does count btw, did it earlier today!


You can do this in mixtape in like 2 ganes


I've already got 2-3 hits in 3 strikes and one in ranked but mixtape is by far the easiest and fastest for it


Managed to find a random enemy valk in mixtape tdm, we teabagged in understanding, climbed a roof and spammed each other with missiles, easy challenge.


Just do a kamikaze attack and fly over a bunch of teams fighting and nuke everyone. Even if you get shot outta sky you still accomplished your mission lmfao


I feel like this one will be tough for me personally . Its awkward to use.




Thats my plan ya haha


Play team death match or control on the Thunder-dome. Can probably hit 10 in one or two matches in that middle area in the skull everyone goes.


I literally got half done in 1 game.


Ikr I always hit myself with them and never the enemies, how am I even supposed to do 1


True, I got hit by those for the first time today actually


I typically panic and hit myself. That's "anyone", isn't it?


play mixtape and you can do it in like 2 games


Go into mixtape it was so easy to complete it third party is king


you just dont know how to use em


I literally did it in one game


25 rings is actually fast with the new gamemode


What new game mode? It counts for that?


Three strikes is back. There's a good chance you'll survive until at least ring 2 closes and probably get a lot of end games.


It's probably no different.


Skyward jump ten teammates is gonna be annoying I swear every time I pop my ult the randoms just ignore it and or run away from it. XD


Fr my teammates just did this in 3 strikes my lifeline was too stubborn to fight a team up the hill instead of rotating around with me and lobs and I was gonna pop ult too also happened earlier today in ranked before the challenges came out I swear ppl are allergic to it and rather get beamed on evacs lol


No one trusts a Valk ngl. Because when you play with a random they only ult when they're alone or trying to gtfo of a situation alone😂😂 I swear Valk is the second pick if you can't be wraith sometimes now


Nah, I’d say revenant or horizon is before valk tbh


Horizon makes sense but ive seen alot more revs running lately ngl


Just tried and it can be the same teamates so it's pretty easy, unlike the thank 10 teamates as Madd maggie bs


Well, Loba needed squadmates to loot her black market but doing it yourself counted. So does Valk flying herself also count as doing 1 each time? Just need to do 10 solo


No I tried and also shooting spiders, dragons, or prowlers doesn't count as damage done for any of the challenges. God speed fellow solo player we are in for a ride.


they get out before match begins


Shit like this makes me glad I only ever play with friends. We discuss when to use my ult and I'm never left jumping on my own.


I swear dude. People are so salty that whenever i try completing a challenge (thank ppl one) they would literally STOP PINGING ITEMS.


I just followed teammates and waited for them to drop a random grenade for ammo


Explain to your teammates ahead of time that you want to ult and ping in the map where you want to land. IMO a lot of people don’t trust Valk’s not to just fly them into certain doom, so they think they have a better chance walking. Usually when I communicate with my randoms, they’re down.


So I actually have to trust teammates to not only not take her from me but also trust me enough to join my skyward jumps? This is gonna drag.


Three strikes is happening all the challenges aint that bad if challenges work there(havent tested yet)


or just play the ltm the missions count in there


No one's gonna get on my skyward jump. 25 ring closings not gonna happen if my co-players (not even gonna call the team mates) just want to drop, die and go back to lobby simulator.


Hell fuck... I see no good way to "farm" the 25 rings closing


Just land on the edge locations on the map and stock up on loot, play the long game for 5 times in a row. Just don’t rush. That one’s really easy. You could even by pathfinder and just keep scanning the next thing, and post up somewhere. It’s more boring, but so easy. Trying to get through all the Ring closes obviously increases your odds of winning the game.


Did this with loba 👍 just dropped solo and slowly manoeuvred each ring till the end worked a charm


Yep. Lobs is awesome for that since you can use your Tactical to escape and maneuver while everyone kills eachother off lol. Plus you can load up on Def items with the shop


Probably 9 games on average. Long and boring, but easy.


Dont play with a team because your gonna hot drop. I swear its gonna take 25 games to get 25 ring and that's if your lucky sometimes🤣🤣🤣


Two words: Three Strikes


Is 3 Strikes up right now ?




That is gonna be great for this, because isnt the ring fast In three strikes? (Unlike 5 minutes for single close in a normal game)


I believe so… don’t really pay much attention to how fast it comes in during the mode.


Solo Q in duos. Took me 6 matches lol


took 8 games for me, just play normally. this should be done faster than the 15 games played. the skyward dive requires your teammates to work with you, so it's gonna be the bottle neck.


3 strikes could help, fast zones!


Eh, just land in a non-hot drop spot when you have the controls. It's pretty common for me to get 2-3 ring closings per match (and that's not from hiding out in a corner).


yeah right until people go afk when you pick her since its life or death


I’ve had every game that people don’t get valk, they leave.


i feel you this happens even in ranked, apex is not a solo q game and god forbid they put in challenges where you have to rely on others, its beyond frustrating that i have to get flamed for playing something or doing something the devs intended or made available ill probably quit for the rest of the season since the experience has been this bad


Im guessing the skyward challenge only counts ONE teammate per game like Maggie's thank yous.




Thats 6k Damage bud. It's cut into 2 sections. Like the damage has 2 diamonds meaning it has 2 stages


That’s one game


Not for you or for most people. Even in three strikes.


Yeah not as bad as your picture


Ye my cam quality trash hehe😂


ye screenshots exist hehe 😂




When did this go live? I checked this morning and it wasn't there. What System?


It’s been live since 1 pm. EST. So 40 minutes


43 minutes ago, that's the time all updates drop


I think they go live Tuesdays by 1pm ET, that's when they launch new legends or updates


Ye it was live 12pm est for me I got on 17 min late


Eh time to rat 25 ring closings AGAIN.


living beyond ring 1 is now called "ratting" apparently.


Well I do manage to live beyond 4th ring if you know how to avoid fights and stay low.


Given how a lot of the time there's only 5 squads left by ring 2, yeah ratting is an appropriate term.


5 squads at ring 2 doesn't mean the game is over or that the game doesn't go to ring ~5. how would 5 squads left by ring 2 make it "ratting"?


Just win 🤷‍♂️


Who else thought 30 ring closings.


at least it's hit enemies with the missiles and not kill. ring closings still a pain in the ass with how fast my games always are


Even the devs are capable of realising that killing enemies with the missile swarm would be absolutely ridiculous.


I think it’s just hilarious. I got a few games in a row where valks just fly into out off bounds to get the tracker for games higher. Ratting to 25 rings, playing two games mixtape and then dying as fast as possible to get the flatline. They should do weapon challenges next time.


Survive 25 ring closing for fuck sake


For the ring closings maybe try ranked? For me it took 6-7 games with loba


I have done all except the ult, impossible with randoms


Getting that thanks mission with mad Maggie was the last I got. Man i got so frustrated


Her uniques aren’t difficult at all. Hitting enemies is easy done after some time. Can be forced in mixtape, carrying teammates will be done passively, it’s just those fucking ring closes artificially boosting player counts


The “survive ring closing” challenges have been the worst part of doing these challenges week in and week out. It’s so fucking hard to survive 25 fucking rings when you’re playing with randoms. MOST RANDOMS CANT EVEN SURVIVE ONE RING CLOSING. THEYRE FUCKING BRAINDEAD.


Negative is if a teammate doesn’t get Valkyrie they quit…


Damn you guys will complain about anything. Valks is actually pretty easy




Easy peasy, just like 6-7 games and done. Sweet.


Again with the 25 ring closings eh? Looks like I'll be ratting in some solo games again to expedite the process...


I really wish her tactical was more reliable and accurate 😅.


No you don't. It used to be the most annoying thing in the world


Not as much as Ash’s 💁🏻‍♂️.


Fr that stun was scary ash if you get caught and the team is like 25m away from you you're cooked


3000 dmg for first diamond and then 6000 dmg for second diamond right?


I'm worried about getting mixtape teammates to sky jump.


Survive 25 rings again, most annoying by far.


Hit 10 enemies with missiles?? Bro i used to be a valk main for a season ,and i only hitted people Maybe once or twice , and i only got hit like 10 times with it in my 800 hours of playing , that's gonna be hard


This is super easy. Not a blocker.


Mixtape your best friend just play control on broken moon and go on top of that huge building and let it rain at b most of these will count outside of br my problem is skyward hopping ring closes fr


Problem is that there are no bot lobbies to do that, I mean if you have at least one functional brain cell, at the time of the game tell you "you will be hit it" you just move away from the swarm. those rockets are not fast enought to hit people easy.


25 ring closings makes me not want to play Apex


This is very easy.


Easy till you get ten plus rounds where your team hit drops to death before ring one even starts. I get I can solo queue but these challenges are supposed to be put with normal play in mind. Doing these just sucks because of how long they take.


If you no fill it can be alright, provided you can survive until endgame. I got 5 closings in a single match. Still lame though, I'd rather have a challenge I can do in the mixtape.


I understand that, but this game is meant to be centered around playing as a team at the base level, but its miserable to do this challenge with a team because most people just wanna fight, die, get into a new match over and over till they hit a miracle match.


For Mad Maggie and Loba I just landed somewhere in the middle of the map, went into a corner, and then went AFK and did something else lol


Ring closings is brutal. I would basically have to solo queue and camp it out. Still haven't finished loba's either.


That's what I have been doing. I get that all they care about is extending player engagement with the game but I don't think devs know how BORING ring closings are to do.


Yeah it's stupid too to push a 3k total damage and then make me bored out of my mind with 15 ring closings 


The 25 rings is definitely the worst part


25 rings... what a fucking stupid ass fucking stupid requirement. I now get to NOT play the game as I solo queue rat to get 25 ring closures. What a disgrace this requirement is.


Thank god the ring challenge hasn’t changed but if you have to directly avoid playing the game to farm a challenge it’s not the best challenge to begin with lol


Pretty sure the 3000 is a mistake. With the loba damage challenge mine originally said 3000 but after I passed 3000 it went to 6000. So likely the same thing with Valk, it's 6000 dmg.


Yeah it's multi-tiered.


Where can I find a potato like the one used here?


My breakout challenges for the first three legends are still reset. What should I do to get my progress back?????


I have already unlocked valk before but i got the challenges again


is there gonna be more free gifts after today because im only at 4 out of 6


Nope, you’re gonna have to buy people battle passes


I really want that wraith skin. But i hate being forced to play legends i don’t like or main just to complete the challenges. Its a hassle trying to learn some of these characters and actually be useful in a match/team


None of the challenges were bad.


My challenges are still 2/6. Seer, Fuse and Rampart never got fixed


The only bad thing is that i think she’s either the worst or second worst legend from the challenges


worst part of these challenges is everyone playing my main legend


Why do peoples kill me while i'm solo rating even without guns in the corners for zones? Why they don't give oportunity to complete this challenge faster? They see valk with white armor and no guns afk in corner and shoot. What wrong with them? I was always saved lifes for solo boys who trying to survive rings..but they dont.. why?..


For the same reason it's 25 Rings Survived: Exactly what you described. If you get taken out of the game at 1-2 Rings survived, that means more games you're queueing. You're filling out the Player Counts artificially. Since you got sniped early on, means you gotta play more.


Ez w


I hate survive ring closing challenges. Finally not here this time


That’s why that fkn idiot was doing that sh all ranked and landed it once


Me trying to not go insane while doing the ring closings challenge


Play duos to complete your challenges evey fucking kid was teaming I got my 3k badge from it


I only started a couple weeks ago and was looking forward to unlocking someone new. Looks like I won't be unlocking her since I don't want to be jumping my squad places. Dumb dumb dumb choices but it is EA.


Just do it in pubs, it ain't that deep lmao.


Been playing for hours and I have... 2 people hit with the middle swarm. Fkn hate it. It's so easy to avoid.


Took me around 4 hours...never doing this again


Leave it to Apex players to complain about having to play the game to get free content


All the quests were pretty easy


It makes you use the ult. No thanks. Evac tower is good than valk ult