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I see this dude a lot in game, he is ALWAYS playing.


The only way to get 10k kills ok a legend per season


He has 25k kills in a season. That's roughly 277 kills per day. Assuming he's killing it every game and getting 10 kills per game, 15 minutes per game, guy is playing nearly 7 hours EVERY SINGLE DAY on a video game. /r/outside would like to have a word with this guy.


That's true, he only got 10k 1st season Conduit was released though (was just warming up hahaha)


Hey gotta learn the legend abilities he was ahead of the curve


Give bro some time


I don’t understand how he plays 7hrs of apex daily. Definitely has no life


I would too if I could, and I play a lot already, but between work etc it's impossible. Maybe he streams?


Probably just 16 or some shit. Get home from school, play videogames.


Really 7 hrs straight ? Apex is super boring to me nowadays I don’t know I play like 2 hrs and take a long break


Oh yeah I could go for hours, well maybe with a snack break in the middle of the 7 hours lol


I mean. Some people just like to game. I work full time and am still on my computer for around 7-8 hours every single day gaming that entire time and on days off I game for the entire 16-18 hours that I’m awake. Gaming is life 🤷‍♂️ Generally speaking that’s what I do. Of course I do other things like go out to the bar with friends or go to lunch, but what I said above is how the majority of my time is spent and it’s a perfect life for me lol. Edit: and to add to that, some people just like to truly grind and go all in on one game. That’s how I am. Sure that one game changes around to different things here and there, but I can’t do casual gaming or swapping around to different games all of the time. I just enjoy tunneling on one game at a time and grinding the hell out of it haha.


Same here bro Gaming is one of the best hobbys in my.oppinion i hit the gym a lot and go out with the dogs etc. But 7 hours a day i am on my pc grinding my steam library too 🙏 as gamers know we don't die we respawn 🤘🏻


He probably drops 20 bombs daily like nothing


There's someone with 40k+ kills on horizon this season alone already lol


Crippling depression hits everybody differently this is how he copes I'm sure


This. Blasting Apex and a few other games for 10+ hours a day has gotten me through some dark times.


Don’t tell them about my super power


Imagine what his gaming area looks like


Tbh i think he is account sharing. Theres no way he's playing for that long. Ive seen some insane kill grinders, but this is ridiculous.


Isn't it season 21 now, how does someone get over 21,000 kills in 6 weeks?


500 kills a day


No fucking way! I can't even process that


Rookie numbers


I feel like these accounts have to have multiple people on them grinding kills.


Some, not all, xokaiz is number 1 or almost, it's just one person olaying


The last number 1 player was just cheating


Ok, not everyone good is cheating prob like 5-10% of these kill grinders are


He is cheating though lol


Xokaiz was just exposed on twitter a week or 2 ago about how he was sharing his account. Lol


XokaiZ the #1 Horizon was literally proved to be having multiple people playing on his account, as well as using a Zen


Take a few wild guesses


There are people with 40,000 kills in 6 weeks..


To feed their egos and make sure they keep playing


Chill, dude...you ONLY faced the 4th best conduit player. 4th, as in the number of months you've played the game. (Sarcasm)


It's funny you had to put sarcasm in brackets because some people won't get it lmao


You finally qualified to become fodder for these no lifers. Congrats!


I'm actually qualified to answer this, as I worked on Respawns MM for a short period of time. Happy to elaborate. Do you remember that really embarrassing thing you did in 8th grade? That thing you still think about sometimes at night? That is why.


Do you think it’s something that will ever be changed?




The grammar fkd me up here lol


This dude will just solo your squad even if your a 3 stack


I’m not saying these dudes aren’t amazingly nice, but yall act like these guys are invincible and 1v59 entire lobbies. They can get shot in the face too. I’m no where near pred and I’ve killed preds before.


But thats not the point , anyone can kill em for sure but if you're new and still learning there's no reason a fat virgin incel no lifer that has played for 1,700 days straight without going to the bathroom or taking a shower smelling like doritos and mountain dew who doesn't take breaks to even sleep except his daily ( 7 times ) break to masturbate to pictures of the girlfriends of succesful men should be your opponent ! Ever!


That was the point of the main post, but that wasn’t the point of the comment I responded to lol. Homie, said he would solo your 3 stack squad. I just disagreed that that would be a regular occurrence.


Lol I know homeslice I just wanted to get in my super trolly comment about fat virgis ;) And I agree one random fool regardless of skill and playtime is just not gonna solo your squad if you're squad is playing well ...AS A SQUAD. and rocking more than one neuron and at least double digit iqs . Problem is if your solo queuing and your teammates are trash which there's a 99% chance they are then you might see this fat incel destroy your teammates and turn it into an interesting 1v1 ... up to you if you don't suck to get the fat masturbator out of the lobby then 😉.. send him back to pornhub !




Ya if ur 3 bots


He’s top 4 for conduit with 25k kills this season Bruh has to be peeled off his couch at the end of the day. He probably super glide wall jumps at light speed with the hip fire pattern of every gun memorized


"But hipfire is random.." EXACTLY.


He super masturbates at light speed with the "plot" of every porn video on pornhub memorized is what he does ! Got em 🤪




You, are so right ...


This. And communication between team mates


Other than your first handful of matches at level 1 where you're playing against bots, I believe pubs throws everyone together without any sort of skill based matchmaking. This dude likely plays 24-7, so if you happen to queue up at the same time as him, he'll be in your lobby and will likely end up killing half the lobby, so there's a good chance you'll run into him. The game prioritizes fast matchmaking to get you into a lobby quicker, which means taking the first 60 players that queue up. Play ranked instead. If you're a newer player, you'll probably be in the bronze/silver ranks for awhile playing people at your same skill level. You'll have to deal with the occasional smurf playing on an alternative account and the occasional good player that's still climbing through the ranks because he hasn't played ranked in a while, but the experience should be better than what you find in pubs. The average skillset of pubs is probably close to the average skillset of the playerbase at large (i.e., people that can make it to gold/platinum in ranked), but you'll also encounter complete newbies and the best players in the world. You tend to run into better players more often though for obvious reasons: They survive longer than the newbies, and they play more often than the newbies.


You still get masters in every single lobby you're in. Even in ranked. Silver/Gold Lobbies have tons of them.


This isn't true since they reverted back to the old ranked schema a couple seasons ago. You might get prior masters in a silver or gold lobby, but you won't get current masters. I spent most of last season in gold/platinum. I didn't see a single person at even platinum until I hit Gold I, and even then, it was only Plat IV people. Zero people at diamond/masters/predator level in my ranked lobbies. Those people were in my pubs lobbies, but not ranked when I was in gold. As for ranked badges, you might see some people rocking masters badges from other seasons in your silver/gold lobby, but if they're in your silver/gold lobby, they're currently silver/gold too or maybe Plat IV at the higher end of gold lobbies. The game resets your rank on new seasons and season splits, so these people are likely good at the game but currently still silver/gold because they haven't played a ton yet. Also remember that it was super easy to hit masters in season 17: it was almost purely based on playtime. I'm normally a platinum player that has never hit diamond, but I hit both diamond and masters in season 17 playing the same way I always do.


Idk what mm you’re in but all of mine. It’s consisted of plat/diamond players when I’m only silver 🙃


Are you playing on a sparsely populated server or something? What you're describing is impossible during peak play times for well populated servers like those located throughout the US. At the legend select screen, look to the bottom right of your teammate's names and the champion squads names. If you're in silver, I guarantee each player on your squad and the champion squad will also be silver (or possibly bronze/gold). When you or your teammates kill someone, look to the kill feed at the top right. It'll show Name A killed Name B, and it'll show the ranks of those two players. If you're in silver, you'll mostly see silver ranks there with a handful of bronze/gold mixed in. I really think you're misinterpreting the other players in your matches. There might be previous season plat/diamond players in your silver lobbies, but there will not be current season plat/diamond players in your lobbies. The only exception I can think of is if you're playing on sparsely populated servers where they have to throw everyone into the same match just to get 60 people.


Proof? Unless you mean old diamond players


Pubs definitely has some sort of matchmaking, it will make me miss queue quite frequently. For example matchmaking will get to 47 players then start over at 3. That said it does seem to have been less strict these last 2 seasons tho. Pubs have actually been fun for me as a solo queuer.


Funny enough first serious ranked i played i got killed by a Predator, so yeah, matchmaking is fucked anyway


I just started playing the game again and me and my buddies, who are all in rookie 2 lower, got matched with a masters player.


Season 21... it sure came a long way. I miss seasons 2 and 3


25k season kills? How? How do they get the time?


Stop playing pubs. Ranked is more accurate at matching equal skill


That's what Apex calls balance. I quit because of it..... Game sucks because of it, you can't relax and have fun anymore, and they only way you will get through the corporate greed is by stop playing the game.


Im jealous. Man shit on someone so hard, that they googled his name and made a reddit post 🤣


How I'm trying to be, ngl 🙏


20.000 season kills must be a little kid or a streamer. whats the point.. no life uhu. And this is why apex is no fun anymore when you play casual.


29 tabs open tho👀


Easy to do on a phone when every link you click opens up a new tab.


I too use a phone dw I know how tabs work😌😂


lol I’m just saying it’s super easy. Most people aren’t manually closing tabs after every usage. They just swipe away the app.


It is very easy yes I just thought it was funny to have 29 tabs open 🤣🤣


lol I have 63 😂


I have 4🤣🤣🤣 y’all needa close your tabss😂


lol I don’t even notice I have a bunch until I randomly look at the number. Then it’s like “oh next time I’m in here imma close em out.” And then I go another month without realizing I never did.


I had 172. Now I use duckduckgo and I can just close all of them all at once.


I can close all mine out too it’s most 2 clicks in the menu settings, but ain’t nobody got time for that when i don’t even notice how many I have lol


Honestly tho. The amount of game rant pages I have open because of googles suggested page is insane lmao


That's kiddies play. Lol, I have 87 tabs on my phone Chrome, and 336 tabs on my home desktop Firefox 🤣


Man that’s wild close your tabs🥲😂


Because they need the grind to get more kills


Welcome to Apex, this a REALLY good matchmaking (sarcasm)


"skill based matchmaking" you are too good.


MBMM (money based matchmaking)


How many posts like this will we get a day


Until matchmaking no longer becomes shit


matchmaking no longer becomes shit = until matchmaking lets me win and feeds my fragile Apex ego you're gonna run into better players and die to them, get over it we dont need a post every day


bro OP is a level 56 playing against some of the best in the world lol.


bro OP is on a 8 day reddit account and has only posted about this with his profile conveniently left out i need to see proof that hes even lvl 57


He's admitted to it being a smurf in other comments in this thread.


lmao ofc


If I had saw this when matchmaking wasnt an issue I would either be "dam bro, tragic" or "are you actually level 57" at this point in time tho, its so often that I dont even need proof anymore. Im getting put in lobbies with actual level 20's who arent good at the game. The question is then, Why are they in my lobby?


> matchmaking no longer becomes shit = until matchmaking lets me win and feeds my fragile Apex ego olympic level mental gymnastics


For the records there is no SBMM in this game.






Imagine if he sank 1/3 of his time somewhere else and developed an actual skill or worked on himself. This much gameplay is sad. Aaaand here come the “do what makes you happy” downvotes


As someone who studies 3d/game graphics (the closest thing to gaming as a profession besides esports/streaming), this seems like actual torture. There is no mental stimulation at that level of play, just endlessly crushing other players into dust while in a state of fugue. I cannot imagine how he is going to feel when Apex inevitably closes and he realizes that his life is empty


> Aaaand here come the “do what makes you happy” 1 day you'll take this advice as well. If he's truly happy and not hurting anyone else, then he's much well off than anyone who is unhappy but doing anything else.


play ranked if you want rank based opponents


For a week because it'll fully reset again sooner than it needs to and sends everyone back down to the bottom where the nightmare repeats


Jesus I only had 800 kills on conduit in S19


Yeah I can... There's an algorithm deciding how much fun you get to have in the game you play, and it does NOT like you...


Top 1% player here. I myself get slapped hard all the time. Even if your a high level player, its still hard to win vs multiple mid level gamers.. A couple bad matches will lower your sbmm level becouse the game is rigged to be as addicting as possible. They do this by putting you in harder lobbies after you played well, and theyll putt you in easier lobbies if you do bad for a couple of games. Out of those 60 players in ur lobby, some of those will be high level players.


Because the algorithm thinks if you get ten kills in a bot lobby that means your Timmy 😆


Guessing your skill set is finally up there with the top 1000 player 🤣


this is how BRs work my man you are just chum for them to feed on. Matchmaking sucks in 6v6 games you think its going to be good in a 60 person lobby?


People who have that many kills on any legend blow my mind. I get too bored on just one. I'll main someone for a time but eventually I have to mix it up


He not that good. Just shoot him.


Cause Apex that's why !!!!!


I suggest sticking to ranked! I think new players are intimidated by ranked but honestly I think it gives you much better games than pubs. Youre pitted against comparable skill level, and your teammates for the most part are more likely to WANT to play seriously. Less likely to leave mid game, less likely to run off solo, less likely to be a complete arse. Pubs is a grab bag. You could be pitted against a lobby with full pre made pred teams, with a teammate who’s eating and decides to leave 1 minute in, and another who runs off solo as soon as you drop. I think it’s best you don’t worry about your ACTUAL rank, and play on ranked to start. The lobbies will be more tailored to you and you’ll get a better team set up.


Not true. I get nothing but diamond + players in every ranked match and I am a silver 4 player on a good day.


Trust me that's one of respawns best matchmaking


A brother of mine once told me " If you tried as hard in life as you do in video games, imagine where you could be. " I have a beautiful family, I'm a certified mechanic, I have a certification in EMS, and so on. Be a sweat lord in life, lads and ladies.


Welcome to apex legends universe


No Life , No Goals


You only get better by playing people above your skill set. And I say this as a very crappy player.


That is not, nor has it ever been a true statement, if you are dead before you even comprehend what is going on you are NOT going to improve.


Hidden mmr, at some point you played at the same or similar level to this guy, the game is now punishing you for your hubris


Now yall see why I stopped playing in like season 13


Prog a priv program on owned core that u can edit a file to have whatever u want and show what ever u want in game


People need lives this is pathetic


Th apex matchmaking system is designed to more or less have you get absolutely stomped for 20 matches then put you up against new players for a match so you get one really good match then keep chasing that high for the next 20 It’s legitimately fucking evil


Never use those quick result from Google search please, super lazy and it's not very accurate in generating those, this time is correct but not necessarily the case for other stuff


Grind moar, get better, slay him! This is the only way




Matchmaking has felt especially awful lately lol. Ever since the update I’m consistently being put up against or with preds with thousands of kills.


I saw a yourber make a video on losing pubs contiouslly until his lobbies got really bad to like bot levels and there was like a player that was quoted as the movement god in that lobbies so that player must be doing something like that or the apex matching sucks ass


New players are few and far between now. The average player count is at all time lows. They probably mix lobbies more often to make up for that. Being a new player in 2024 has gotta be rough id imagine.


If anything when you see this type of player you should pity them. They play 10 hrs a day every day for a number to go up that no ones cares about


There are too many people like this so at some poing you are going to meet all of them. Its sad ofc, impressive too in a wierd way. I wish there was a more casul friendly side of it but to be honest it qas to be expected since the begining cuz of the ability to have badges and counters


Apex legitimately has the worst matchmaking of any game I've ever played. They know though that their big money makers are the people who are putting that much time into the game so they need average players to feed them so they feel good and play/pay more for cosmetics.  I've got a 1.2 KD but I play maybe 5-10 hours a week. I go against people with more damage on one character than I've earned in my lifetime of the game. I don't even get upset when they win, they should they've put 10,000 more hours into the game they've earned it but why should I even be in their lobby to begin with? It would be like if you started playing OW you're like yeah I'm gold working my way to plat and then you're just getting OWL players randomly in your games consistently. That would be awful and not fun. That's what Apex does constantly. 


This is just very unlucky, seems like a no lifer which any of us can face against any time.


I mean theyre on everyday all day..


Because life is tough. It’s a game. Play or don’t


I have less than 1000 total kills in this game and died to the #1 Conduit EndsFPS in solos. Matchmaking is crazy in this game


I firmly believe this game is dead. That it simply does not have enough players to actually fill lobbies. "Why do I, a new player, face top ten players?" is such a common question on here and has been for so long. I refuse to think Respawn hasn't been able to fix the issue for this long of it's simply a matchmaking issue. it has to be a filling lobbies issue. has to.


At least you have more of a life? 😉 Lol


Well we’d hate for your queue times to increase by 20 seconds so instead of players your own skill level you play with the best players in the game. Just respawn lookin out for you.


Because apex matchmaking is trash lol


lol there's no way this is legit, bro is for sure using a zen


Idk man but i haven’t played more than 10 matches this season and i don’t plan on playing any more as well


I’ve ran into this guy before he definitely smacked me


Buddy I got shit on by EndsFPS last week. I’ve accepted my fate at this point




This is why I stopped playing Apex. Their MMR is trash


don't create smurfs


Git guuud


It's still feeling out your account to see if you are a smurf or not? I play tons (5k hours) and have a 1.0 k/d.... i don't get lobbies like you and many in the forum suggest. What are the odds that you are posting with a brand new reddit account and happen to have a brand new apex account? I'm starting to believe in a conspiracy that there are people here just to promote the idea that lobbies are way more fucked then they are.


i admittedly made a smurf because my girlfriend wanted to start playing apex with me and i didnt want her to start playing with the sweats i have in my own lobbies. first real game had repeat masters and a few preds, so i ended up just using my main account. i dont think casuals has any sort of Sbmm whatsoever, it just comes down to whos in queue in your region and that means 99 times out of 100 theres at least one no life queueing up too


Thank you. So for clarity, and to have a more meaningful discussion - What are the stats on your main account? What are your stats on this account? The game also throttles you based on if you haven't played in a while or if you've just had 5 wins in a row. So it's not unfair to get placed in a sweaty lobby if you have just stomped a few in a row because you are a smurf and were coming in from a few days of not using the account.


my main account is around prestige 1 lvl 78, im plat in ranked and on pc, my kd is positive. the smurf account was brand new. i didnt stomp on the smurf account, i finished the orientation bot matches with her and of course won all of them because the bots are extremely bad at aiming and you can dodge bullets. but as soon as the matches were with real people, the player banners were nearly indistinguishable from the ones i see on my main, some even with solo 20 kill badges. i played maybe 3 real, unremarkable matches on the smurf account before switching to my main because there was seemingly no difference in what people we were being matched against. Edit: clarifying which prestige


All jokes aside I do get a lot of people with pred and 20b badges, but you can very obviously tell that they bought them, because they are NOT good... I play almost every day, 3500 hours, and I will occasionally get that full pred 3 stack with 60,000 kills each, but not nearly as often as people make it out to be.


Fucking reposts the same thing with a different level last week, it’s a public game man it’s gonna be random quit crying.


Sounds like a skill issue /s


12 people play apex still


Imagine losing in a video game and immediately running to Google who beat you I’m not even old but this generation is sad AF


Imagine making a statement about a generation based off the tiniest thing you read on reddit lol. Now that's sad as fuck


i don’t think you would immediately run to google, it’s just evident that that would obviously be one of the highest conduit players


True. I don’t even look at the kill feed, I just go right back to the lobby where I belong.


"Yo bro you should try this hit new game its so much fun!" "What's it called?" "Lobby queue simulator! Its incredible! Sometimes people call it Apex Legends."


He looked at the kills by season and was checking if the guy was the top conduit player, or how closer their kill count was. I doubt they do it for every kill.


Can’t lie that goes hard LMAO


Bro just favourite/pin the tabs and close them. You dont need them all open lmao


Literally the reason I had to uninstall the game man. I LOVE this game. It’s so good honestly and no other game can hold up to it’s working mechanics but the playability is so rough. Theres absolutely no justice for a journey player. It’s not fun. I hope this changes in the future and brings me back to the game that I love so, so much.


Honestly don't play pubs. Play mixtape or ranked. Pubs has EOMM, but ranked has actual SBMM (in terms of ranks). Mixtape is just mixtape. I have a lot of fun on this game (and spend WAAAAAY too much money on it which just compounds the issue but whatever) and no other game comes close to the combat. I play pubs quite a bit but I get burnt out after like 5-10 games and have to take a break for a few hours. And if I get sick of getting dumpstered on repeatedly I switch to ranked. ranked is SOO much better. Honestly, play ranked like its a pub match not literally but I mean like don't focus on ranking up, just play; think of it as just pubs with sbmm


(Btw if anyone doesn't know already EOMM stands for engagement optimized matchmaking. It focuses on player retention rather than skill.)


It's cheaters that have ruined this game, the fact that anyone believes that this guy got this many kills this fast shows how dilutional this community is. The day they made this game crossplay was the day it was ruined for me, way to many cheaters they are in every game I'd say about 90% of the community is cheating in one way or another, either cronus or anyother controller program , scripts, macros, or just flat out aimbot and wall hacks, it's everywhere most competitive games have been completely ruined because humans are sad and can't just get better at something they have to cheat


I couldn't get mad at a conduit with the cute banner :c (j)


25k in a season is actually easy, once you become familiar with kill grinding the easier it gets, I also know this person but not as a friend we've had some good trade offs... 200 kills a day will get you 15k easy.


Imagine what that basement smells like.


You don't need to be upset that this guy is 1 better than you and 2 has more time to play than you!!! Also what if they're studying at college or university and some what have enough to grind kills, not every good player sits in a basement.


This game is now a joke


Player base is dropping. Terrible match making.


Who cares. Git gud.


They are literally 4th in the world you don't just "git gud"


I just move on and don't cry about it. After all, it's just a game.


If someone is able to git THAT gud it's not just a game to them. And if you are able to git gud enough to compete with that, it probably isn't to you either


Nah, it's still a video game.


So you can learn from them to become a better player. Can't learn from noobs


How is someone who doesn't have time to do nothing but play video games supposed to learn from someone who does nothing but play video games wiping them instantly?


If it's not Ranked it's not worth the time. I only enter BR mode to practice or cycle weapon damage, sometimes I play with friends otherwise that mode it pants. You get alot of sweats in Ranked but if they are not cheating its fair game. I have killed a feel streamers who are great players, most by luck and the rest by skill. I remembered that guy who plays mostly Wraith, we fought for almost a minute. I like the fact that I got to experience what a movement king is in game, to bad I don't have like space to record gameplay footage like that but I will next time.