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What's even dumber is when you die it only shows three people, doesn't show the fourth teammate plus the connectivity sucks


But it does show the 4th player if you are dead while remaining players still alive but if all eliminated it only shows 3


It shows three but it says to move your stick over and it scrolls to the forth man.


It does show the four. It will show you and two teammates, then the profiles will dim and when they come back it show you and one of the same teammates and then the fourth.


For some odd reason, matchmaking in Quads feels better- not GREAT, but better. The matches also go by faster which is something I enjoy, because personally, waiting 15 minutes for a fight is something I always hated about BRs, and Quads makes fighting more frequent.


Fewer large teams dramatically shortens the game, the fights are crazier and there are not as many.


Me too. I loaded it up for the first time last night and my quad lobbies were a major drop-down in skill from the current gold ranked. I just missed a 3K in only 2 games and I’ve been getting bullied in ranks on first drop.


Same. Matches are actually fun again. I don't get upset because I'm not being lasered from orbit every 2 seconds.


Makes sense. It is mathematically easier to balance teams of 4 than teams of 3.


I never noticed that but you're right. I actually have been getting pretty good MM in quads.


This is straight up wrong. My matches in quads are mostly with connectivity issues, most games my pug is just 3 players or less. 1 out of 5 games i start with ms problems and the only way to fix it is to just count it as an auto loss and queue for the next and it works perfectly. Its not fun at all when i basically play trios or duos on quads mm


That sounds like you just had bad luck.


It's not just him lol. Yesterday I had a shit show of not having teammates almost every game and around 20-30 players in match SINCE THE START. also asked some of the teammates about that, those who communicated, confirmed that they had similar issues.


Same for me I've had less three or I guess "quad stacks" I've ran into some good players but It feels like I'm in lower lobbies where it's easy competition but I'm forced to carry my team


I find the fighting to be less frequent with less teams on the map


I've been having a great time with quads, however I find it not dissimilar to trios. People still quit when they go down, abandon their team, drop solos etc. What I have noticed from personal experience that is better are respecting dibs more. Idk if it's just better loot distribution or better teammates I've had that don't leave, but it's been enjoyable. Larger ammo stacks has been nice. And I almost always have a medic on the team that can craft banners. When the teammates are good, I have a blast. It's also been fun bouncing back and fourth between Caustic and Rampart and absolutely locking down buildings when a wattson and cat are on the team too.


I've seen maaaybe (but that's anecdotal) a little bit more staying around, especially with support legends on the team. Other than that, I agree with you.


Tbf, your entire post is anecdotal.


I have won every game I solo'd into. I have gotten disconnected from every game I took a premade into. I'm over it gonna play something else.




You need to have a support legend in your squad…


Today I had a bangalore that ran at everything that moves, an Ash who looted the upper right quarter of KC in a big circle twice, she used many evac towers and ults while pinging every purple thing, a fuse that wandered into enemies three times and went down. I picked him up and tried to hold our looney toons squad together as Newcastle, we managed to group and win 2 fights, losing Ash and Fuse, had to respawn them like a ninja in containment, while down to last 2 squads. We managed to win afterwards, I too love quads when the team works great together.


The looting ash... Yesterday I had a Newcastle split from us to loot the entire pathfinder boxing area. The rest of us had moved on, through the turbine, and out that little tunnel to the side by the beacon where we started 3rd partying a respawn. We got a few kills, and as we started moving forwards to check the loot boxes this Newcastle comes out of nowhere like a freight train to gobble anything in them... I have never seen such a loot goblin it was like he was planning to put this shit on eBay or something People do seem to spend more time looting in this mode


Maybe this is the most good loot they've seen in their entire lives


Higher ammo count + a gold BP let's him deliver 15 shield batts to the enemy in no time at all!


Kinda miss that childlike wonder searching for and finding the good and legendary loot and seeing what attachments fit which guns. Now, all I need is a gun with a mag, ammo and bats and I’m off into the meat grinder


I love it when octane breaks off to 1v4 then dies immediately then gets on the mic to tell us we should have pushed and we're all trash. Every.single.time. 


I love the plethora of people bitching about looting who run out to kill themselves before the Evo caches even pop. How much time could I be wasting looting when those haven't even spawned? And why do so many loot-bitchers want to run in the open and die with white shields? Too anxious to return to the lobby and drop again or what? Let people grab a scope and the damn evo cache. Wtf. We can't possibly be "playing loot simulator" when we've barely been on the ground. And when 2 of you do the dumb and a 3rd quits, it isn't because of the alive guy. It's because two stupids ran in to die with white shields and cry about it and the match is ruined because we can't save morons.


I agree with you, but I do want to add my two cents. If the evo caches haven’t spawned yet, the other team also has white shields, so it’s generally an even fight. To add, I personally don’t need a scope to be effective in a fight. So if I know a team is close by, I don’t want them spending more time looting to get comfortable with their loadout and want to capitalize on that uncomfortably if possible.


im on the same page, grab a gun and push, cant tell how many first fights we won because of the first quick knock. especially if u solo q, its really important to be the first one in a fight. Important note: you shouldnt do the avarage octane move and throw yourself into the mosh pit, but play cover and try to deal a big amount of damage.


Some of you dheads need to pause for moment after wiping out a squad and regroup before the push to the next fight. Especially when it’s an octane or pathy that expects you to keep pace when they are built for mobility. Yeah go and pick a fight 1 v 4. [This is you askin where the rest of the squad is at!](https://youtu.be/YxHIXdqGmxg?si=U9E5icjuSp-WNo1N)


I will say that I've been liking quads quite a bit for two reasons: 1. It feels like the matchmaking has been much much MUCH more fair now. Holy Jesus has it been a fresh breath of air. I've been having matchups that feel FAIR and possible to win or lose - and it's led to some really intense and very entertaining fights. I don't get smoked immediately by a Horizon with 22 kills and 30,000,000 damage in my second encounter... 2. I usually solo queue, so I'm often paired with a duo on their own discord call or something like that when I play trios. Now sometimes, they still kind of run off and do their own thing, but I've found that most of the time, having a second odd man out sort of balances things out and prevents the duo from dictating our every move. In all, I've found merit in all the different modes - solos through quads. I think they should all stay rather than having a rotating LTM, but I understand that they don't want to spread the player base too thin and lose the fast matchmaking. Ooooh, straight shot quads would be dope...


I agree but I have had a rough time with teammates though. Enemies are fine though, except for a random pred


The Octane mains aren’t good at math.


Had a whole team all die out in the open then one teammate began micro commenting my moves like "You get my banner. Yeah good boy. Yeah you do that. Now you die. Delete your game." They died for a reason for not taking cover and start crying that I'm still alive just because I am still playing. It's mind boggling how low of a brain cell people have.


There is no learning curve for this type of player. These are the same guys that hot drop every game and push no matter the position or loadout, insta die, flame their team and go back to the lobby go on their phone and wait for the next game. It’s like 75% of players in fills it’s so insane haha.


It seems like less a quads game, more a 2 & 2 game. Very rarely fought with or against more than 2 players, because the other 2 are either elsewhere or fighting another duo


Team mate play like caveman Me post like caveman Me team mates Ooh team me go solo them “HELP I’M DOWN”


It's cool I guess, but it has all the same issues and trios unranked.  People split up, beeline into a brawl, disconnect the moment they go down.   And of course the classic problem of either you hot drop and hope you pick up a gun first, or you spend 12 minutes roaming around an empty map.   I played a quads game where we never saw another team until top 2.


Holding hands just gives you the win in quads, unless there is a much better squad (uhm... 4x pred squad ... uhm) in your lobby holding hands. It's super easy or super hard. No in-between. Trios is better though. The less teammates, the more impact you have as a solo


Everyone thought octanes and pathfinders taking 1v3s were bad. Now we got cocaine sniffing losers taking 1v4s. What a time to be alive


quads solo q = pain, basicly worse then trios quads as a full stack = most fun equals 3 strikes yes, mm recognize that you are a sweatlord 4 stack team, so enemys are mostly sweating stacks too but its a controlled chaos where everyone try at least to stay alive.


I like Quads but its only fun with a 4 stack


I like to solo que it honestly


The randoms always speedrunning loading back to the lobby


I like to run lifeline or conduit and it’s my only goal to keep the team alive. Keeps the team from jumping to the lobby if I am successful


I love the idea of quads and have a lot of fun. But the extra player crashes my brothers PlayStation so my core crew can’t really play it. It’s a bummer


Does this game mode count towards badges




Had a Gibby land half way across the map. Could hear him putting his shield down and ulting when he got it, no shooting. He died. We respawn him. He proceeds to do nothing, not even shield us. Dead again he leaves. There is also when jm lands us righton top of where another sqaud landed, meaning no loot at all. We are ALWAYS turned into mince meat. Other than that, I too have fun.


Could have something to do with the constant swapping of game modes when solo's, duos, trios, and quads should just be added as permanent modes. The player base is big enough, so I have no idea why they insist on fucking around.


Had a wraith do that today. Would run to every gun fight. Totally above it his skill level and died immediately when we could get to him. He immediately quit. We went on to win with 3 in the team.


I must be one of the lucky few that can form a pre-made squad in the morning or evening. I've been happy to play with the fourth friend that would otherwise be left out. I'm going to miss quads when it's gone.


I just wish the games didnt so long to queue into. This waiting is abysmal. Is there only 1 game going at a time?


I’ve been having a lot of fun with the larger fights, however I cannot stand the repetition. Almost every game we drop hot, win the area, move into the larger mid game fight, teammates go down, either recover or craft banner, find a beacon in endgame, and post up in a building for the W. I do enjoy this game mode when you can just rip through lobbies but it gets old.


You DROP HOT? All I get is people wanting to land alone now. I started playing again this season and it used to be everyone wanted to drop hot, now it's everyone wants to land alone.


The time to loot is just too long with quads IMO, I played it a little and every single game I got people would spend AGES looting, much longer than any other mode. I refuse to stick with the team if everyone wants to loot an entire zone, then move onto another unlooted POI to loot more. I do find it more fun than trios, and would love to see how a ranked mode would work out.


Pretty sure it's just people trying to get those Quads Badges 🥱


The game mode only good if you have three friends want to play if not your just gonna get roll every time by a 4 stack of full on sweats it’s no fun playing if your just gonna get rolled all the time I have the same issue with trios with stack teams going in with with no team your gonna lose every time unless you team on coms but must likely not Rip 🪦 to this game it not fun any more you have two three good games and then you just meat for the grinder the other 15-20 games I stop after 3 good games or 1 if any


I wonder why that is. Last match I played, the last squad was poking us so well. They had high ground and took over a building and because of all the poking, I had no more shields. For some reason, enemy caustic comes out under and fights my team mate. Since I'm near, we both beam him. That pretty much sealed our win. Had he stayed with team and pushed later, he could have gassed the final zone especially with their high ground control.


I’d personally like to see a 4 stack of pros/streamers split up on opposite sides of the map and 2v4 the rest of the lobby.


I must confess (caustic voice) I use quads to practice with legends I suck with.


Maggie isn't balanced in quads and almost got a 4k with 12 kills in quads Literally 122dmg off


Imagine 30 v 30 games


What hurts this game mode the most is the matchmaking bro like seriously how many level 200 players are there I literally have them every single game until I quit


I usualy only play rank in Apex, but yesterday i tryed Quads for the first time. Holy fuck that was fun, i didn’t know Apex had players that is playing like bots.. thought that only was in cod. Defently only more of it 10/10 👍


Common sense aint all that common mate


Quads is impossible to play with a pre-made. Everyone is getting disconnected dozens of times in a row.


It still manages to load me 1 teammate short half the games. So instead of playing duo in trios, I end up playing trios in quattro's. Ha


whenever i try to join a party it disconnects me the the title screen 😒


What did you expect? Adding another player to the team adds more room for error to every fight. Plus you add the fact that every fight is more chaotic and of course there are going to be more mistakes.


At the end of the day it’s pubs, and you’re getting 25% variability added in personality.


For me it’s the players that are either the last man alive and instead of retreating think they can solo a four man squad. Or when you’re the last one alive, disengage and retreat successfully to craft banners only for your teammates to quit.


They were going for the damage badge and it looked to them like you weren't.


There’s people who want to play the game mode and get into dynamic fights with 4 other legends and then there’s people who like to land super safe on the edge of the map and act like pioneers scavenging for things they’ll never even use. If you don’t like teammates running off, help them, regardless unless they invent an invisible tether, nothings going to stop them from doing that.


Logical fallacy; false dilemma. There are more kinds of players than just two. Making it seem as if there are only two options, may be your way of justifying people running away from their team, but there is plenty of room in the middle between those two options.


>There are more kinds of players than just two But you're wrong. There are players playing with their hands and then there are players playing with things other than their hands. That encompasses every person who has ever played apex. The original claim was people who like to shoot and people who like to loot and that does pretty much encompass everyone. He didn't even say hot drop.


This is true. Unfortunately for me I ALWAYS get the pioneers. I hate it too because it's just loot and then die because of bad equipment. I'm having the same issue in ranked too. My teammates are so so cowardly and just don't understand anything about strategy. Im struggling to get out of Bronze (some of it is due to my skill level decreasing after being away for a long while) but a good part of it is teammates being super mega passive and getting us all killed by somehow having negative situational awareness and/or IQ. I get I could just go for kills but I'm not the type to abandon my team. I remember a year ago before I quit It was my teammates constantly landing hot. They could also at least get a knock (at least in ranked) but now it's constantly landing cold and my teammates not being able to do anything. It feels like the quality of teammates dropped a good bit while I was away


Not everyone wants to play with their brain turned on