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These questions are so insanely broad I’m not sure how anyone could answer them. For the first one - list all the projects you were working on, then go through each one listing what is done, what needs to be done, and what barriers you have (if any). For the second just keeping asking “why?”. I need you to send me the data? Why? What is it used for? It’s so we can create a sales report. Ok, how often do you do those? We do them quarterly. Ok, who sees them? I mean, just ask what information you need or are curious about? You must have done that at some point in your 16 years of education?


I think your answer is quite on point and it's something i will continue to practise before my next scheduled meeting 👍 I'm struggling with having a structure of reporting since different managers has their own expectations. While I'm still trying to figure out the ropes, I'm sorry for asking really generic questions here but your input was really valuable 🫡


It comes with experience. Before you start giving a status update, ask them what they expect. I had bosses that wanted a full run down of everything. Others were like “i don’t care unless you’re stuck and need my help”. As for how your work fits in, a lot of that is just listening, then asking questions to fill in the gap. But I’ve had 6 different jobs and this is my experience: - 1 month, you don’t even know where the office supplies are, it takes forever to get thing done - 6 months, you understand the work, who is who, and get work done no problem - 1 years, you under stand the work well enough to anticipate what work needs to be done, where the problems might be Some of it is patience, but nothing wrong with just asking if you don’t know. In fact, you get a free pass for the 1st month or so to ask stupid questions.


Thanks for that! I'm currently 2.5 weeks into my internship but I'm seizing the opportunties to learn as much as I can :) Been asking questions that are non-chatgptable but some things are still flying over my head (in terms of the department's exact operating context) haha


Is this a 1:1 ? Overall, it’s ok not to know everything as an intern 1. Structure: List all key projects, progress + blockers + solution(optional for interns la). Group by common topic (e.g for me Sox, IA , advisory projects, market updates) People are needlessly long winded Think about why you want to report this and what your manager want to know and gear ur update to it. * to update progress : project a is on track. Should be able to share deliverable by xx date * to share blocker : progress for x is delayed due to lack of alignment of x and y by dept z. We are trying a,b, c solution. (Alternatively, Ask for her opinion) * to share new findings: recently I receive news that the Finance manager has resigned- this may affect our upcoming project due to x,y and z. Propose to do a,b and c. 2 Ask for an example of deliverable or ask your boss to describe the end result and how it will be use. /edit also ask who is the audience.


Yup it is a 1:1! I think this is very helpful for project management - i will be working on one soon so i need to definitely adopt this. Thanks for the input!


You can just ask these exact questions to ChatGPT and get your answers right now, bro


Ah i just wanted any personal tips but thanks for the input!