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advice is dont buy anything on first date. The guy will feel uneasy if he has not prepared any gift and get pressured to buy something in return on second date.


I was 17 when I gifted a handicraft on my first date with my now-husband. He reciprocated with a handicraft shortly. He later told me he was flattered but stressed and it made him think about whether I was worth the effort (to make a handicraft reciprocate). Lol. 


Last time there was a girl who gave me some snacks cus she just got back from Korea. Also first date for us. I didn’t feel pressured leh cus also not sth very expensive or difficult to get. Was a nice gesture


Snacks is the safest cause no pressure to have it as a keepsake too. I'll recommend bringing an orange so it's fully perishable.


Solid advice


Hey you don't like gifts, your problem, don't go telling others not to get other people gifts.


First date? How long have you known the guy? Appreciation of what? Taking you out?


For the rizz


the w rizzzzzzz


To guarantee a 2nd date


You’re a keeper. But don’t have to buy anything la


I think it's not the gift that matter. But it's your attitude and behaviour on the first date that is important. The guy could be wondering if he would be interesting / funny / appealing or whatever to you. If you can reciprocate all these to him in words, it will make the date even better because gives him more confidence right on the date. BUT! That's assuming the person has no malicious intent. I don't know how to advise on this but use your girl sixth sense as a guide.


This. 👆


Don't you love it when you love posting redundant comments


Not necessarily, just have a simple date will do. When you guys progress, maybe can show your appreciation then? Good luck!


Don't buy anything. It's just a first date. If you buy him something, he will probably feel weird and awkward. People don't usually bring a gift to a first date.


i think it’s cute? why is it weird if it’s something small and op wants to do it . i think many are overthinking things..


Bc some men may just look for something casual, they think op wants to get married asap haha


all you need is to say "hey there looking good today" and a cursory hug if you feel like it and like 85% of the guys will be fking happy alrd source: am guy


Thanks for spoiling the market


OP: thank you for taking time to go on a date with someone like me. Here's a gift for you! Guy runs away


Dont bother abt gifts. There is no guarantee the first date will be a positive experience. Just be a sweet rabbit and that first impression will be the best lasting gift.


First date : sweet rabbit After married : angry tiger 🐯


Appreciation for what? Going on a date with you? Get nothing. Just talk


Buddy don’t get anything the guy might not feel the same


Don’t buy!




Is he a teacher, is it Teacher’s Day?


Why pen? Pen is? 😉😉


First date alrdy wanna give smth. Up there la hahaha


Aiyoh OP, don't even try to get a BBT. The crux is you see how well he treats you then you decide from there. Why are you even so quick to give? What are you compensating for?




I wanna know, know, know, know WHAT IS LOVE?


I must say I find it a little weird that you decided to comment on this thread TWICE


Please don't. A candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.


A candle that doesn’t burn lasts the longest


Have you heard of long long man?


She’s a human not a candle




As a guy, you could literally pick off a random rock on the ground and we would appreciate it. A girl I dated for a bit about 3/4 years or so ago gave me one of her hair ties. I still use it to this day lmao. That being said, keep it EXTREMELY simple. Maybe even just a singular flower.


A date is not a favour, you don’t need to show any appreciation.


If you really insist on getting a gift. Just bring something small like a snack or something. Just one small piece and say that you had two of it so just giving him one. Make it casual. Edit: To share my experience, I was given a cookie from japan on a first date. Thought it was a nice gesture but didn't think too much of it. But fast forward few months, first date became many dates. And today is the 129th date.


from a guy who is fairly experienced in dating, speaking from personal experience, do not buy him a gift for the first date. if he is going to like you, he will like you, with or without a gift. if he's not going to like you, the gift won't change his mind. if he is neutral about you, the gift will make you look desperate and may tilt him towards not liking you. this has happened to me personally on a few occasions. for example, one girl that i wasn't very sure about brought me a gift on the first date, i felt incredibly uncomfortable because it didn't feel like a gift, it felt like an obligation to reciprocate in some way. this made me feel uneasy so i did not proceed to ask her out again. another example is a girl insisting on paying for the dinner, casually saying "i'll get it this time, you can get the next one". i couldn't help but think "wow, that's a little bit manipulative. feels like you're putting this obligation on me to ask you out again." similarly, i did not ask her out again. if you really like this guy, you can get him a small inexpensive gift after a few more dates, when the vibes are right and the courtship is going well. if you've built up chemistry already, then it becomes a really sweet gesture. the only gift i've ever genuinely appreciated after a first date with a girl i liked is a gentle kiss on the cheek at the end of the date, but that's only because i already liked her. perhaps if the date went really well and it's clear that you have mutual interest, you can consider that. if he likes you back, a gentle peck on the cheeks is going to be the equivalent of casting a spell on him.


thats interesting! i would have thought paying for the dinner would be a good excuse for a second date if all goes well. what would be the appropriate etiquette for the first date then? offer to split the bill and see what his response is?


I think offering to split the bill would be a very nice gesture. I can't speak for every guy out there but I'm a guy who always pays and never expect the girl to pay, but it's still nice when they offer. I personally think it's rather ungentlemanly for the guy to allow the girl to pay, especially if I'm the one who asked them out. I've only ever let the girl pay when I'm not interested in seeing her again.


Don’t do it. It’s weird. Just enjoy your time together.


don't bother, your presence is the gift


Bringing bbt is not a good idea. Treating him something like bbt on your way to somewhere then is ok


Have never been on such a receiving end and frankly would not want to be


Just offer to pay for your share




I ran too cos I got a pair of running shoes on first day


Make it very casual so it doesn't put pressure on the guy, esp on a first date. Something like: hey I walked past this bakery on my way here and saw some nice cakes. I bought extra you want some?


My first date was horrible because she keep quiet giggle randomly and don’t talk. Vibe need to be there a gift doesn’t help. Just try to vibe in the date.


simply show up on time, don't be glued to your phone, make an effort in the convos and offer to split the bill (which he should refuse) then thank him for the date at the end of the night. no one gets a gift for someone on first date. thats hella weird.


A blowjob if youre feeling generous. Else a over the pants rub through works too


Have you ever thought OP is just a kid about to go on her first date?


This is like the best gift not a small gift bruh.


This place is infested with low class people.


Don't be shy, since you're here, you're one of us too FYI, high class people enjoy their pp being touched too 😀


your comments history are pretty low class too




go find a hole in the wall


The best gift is sincerity and to show genuine interest in knowing him better. Hope your date goes well!


Offer to pay half, next meal he pay, lock the next date. If no next time take as expensive lesson


As a guy... you don't have to. Agreeing to go out on a date is already very good to us.


Why r u buying a guy something on a first date?


Why not get the bbt tgt with him


Honestly, it's a really nice thought and you are sweet for even thinking of doing so. It's probably not necessary and might give unnecessary pressure. Although if you really want to, i see nothing wrong with giving like a snack or i guess bubble tea is cool too. Probably something you all casually talk about like he likes hello panda chocolate or something lol. Some of you commentors are fking losers tho damn.


Don't lah, it's damn awkward. If things work out, plenty of chances to buy presents.


Don't give anything. Being a lover girl gets you nowhere with men these days




Don’t give a gift on the first date. It will look like desperation.


if the date went really well and he ticked all the boxes, you can / should give head as a token of appreciation.


Half ball can already


As many has commented, just bring yourself. There's no need for any gift. If it works and you get to know him better, you'll have better opportunities to give him better presents. (To make it clear: I'm taking the perspective of the guy. No. We don't expect such thing. Likelihood, we're already nervous)


fourskins in Mobile Legend Bang Bang


What kind of appreciation do you want to show? It sounds very random... I received a book from my date on our first date because he knows I love to read and it's on a topic I enjoyed. If you know what kind of thing he likes, can consider. But like what the rest said, better to see if there's a second date then spend the money.


A small notebook.




I think a small gift can be sweet, but yes it may be overbearing if it's too big. As long as you keep it light, simple and cheap (let's say <$10), anything should be fine. I think something like a small key chain or sticker relating to his or your interests would be ok.


Don’t waste money on a gift on first date. Just turn up.


Why not? Its cute


Save that money to spend on your future husband, not spend on potentially who would be someone elses’ husband.


Its $5


Its cute but likely has little impact


Don’t buy yet, if the date goes well, suggest going to a photo booth or buying a little momento to remember the day


Forget the gift, you can offer to get the bill for the date if you want instead.  Let's put it this way, you don't know this person, what he likes, it's unlikely you will gift him something he likes. 


bbt sounds good


I don't really expect a gift on a first date. Your attention and time will be good enough.


Chocolate bar


Being present during the date and giving him your attention is probably the best gift you can give. First dates can be nerve wrecking haha


A small gift would be a second date


It isn't appropriate because psychologically you would have made the date become transactional. It wasn't supposed to head that way. But by giving a gift, you now signal that it has. Then you spend a lot of effort to steer the date back on track.


M4 13" iPad Pro would be a good start. Is either that or nothing. Just show up and offer to pay your share unless he insists. And if he insists on paying, then next date is on you.


There is no need for a gift on 1st date




i got gifted homemade cookies during the first date. it was more than a welcome surprise for sure, made me feel warm inside hehe


Play and win a claw machine can give the plushie as gift too.


At most offer treat him bubble tea during the date


There’s no harm! If it’s just a small thing like a keychain of his favourite fandom I think it’s a sweet gesture. Do it because you want to, on your own terms, not because you feel obliged to!


A car


What is YOUR love language?




i think if u are ok with ur money side. Offer to pay for the meal? I think that will be nice too.. Just a suggest ya You have a options to choose ya Cheers Enjoy ur first date :)


Typically, either u get smth super small like a sweet ("candy, snack or me?") jk don't say that. or just go empty handed. if you rly do feel attracted, it's never too late to buy drinks/bbt together and take the bill. However honestly there's no right or wrong, neither do we know any thing about u guys. Just do as your gut feeling tells you. There are definitely success stories and hope yours is one too if you choose to do it. Personally, ill be more than flattered :) Most of these guys who dissuade you definitely has more exp than you but it also means they have become cynical, long forgotten the pure thoughts of simply liking someone, romance and appreciation/thoughtful gestures.


Uniqlo shirt or shorts or even a gong cha matcha drink I tell u if I get these kinds of good stuff , I’ll jus fold on the spot tbh like smiling and blushing Depends on age tbh


A flower. Not just for girls.


Pay for dinner and I guarantee he will remember it for the rest of his life.


It's lovely that you want to show your appreciation! For a first date, it's thoughtful to keep the gift small and simple. If you know something he enjoys, like a particular candy or a specialty soda, bringing that along can be a nice gesture.


i dont need anything, but a girl once bought me some fancy tea. mason and fortnum




Your company would be the best gift


Why do you even need to show appreciation lmao. So you’re saying his presence at the date is more valuable than your own?


Just don't


Shouldn’t be asking here what kinda gift coz nobody has any clue on your convos. Remember not everyone is good at receiving gifts so best to give a generally well liked or welcoming edible stuff that is low cost = no pressure. Just a sweet gesture is 💯


Nothing. Don’t be that girl


Um nothing??


Might sound crazy but you could politely offer to pay and he will probably insist otherwise then you all have a good night without over thinking it.


Honestly, wouldn’t mind getting flowers lol, however if he’s more a macho macho man (emphasis on the song) then maybe do that for the 2nd date.


I would say really depends on who invited who if u invite him then it’s fine but if he invited u then u shouldn’t be gifting him on first date


hmmm.. might place pressure on the guy if he didn't prepare anything for you. Could maybe treat him to dessert or a drink after might be more suitable? if you really need it urgently I know Shopee has deals that gets your items sent to you by the next day




Nothing. If you buy something, the guy will think “oh no next time I need to buy her a gift” and then the two of you keep buying shit for each other and the guy gets tired of this high maintenance relationship. What exactly are you appreciating him for doing? Asking you out? Saying yes was the “gift”.


Key here is your “heart” to give If he gets it, he would be grateful If he is not, well then you know what kind of person he is But frankly for a girl to even think of buying a gift, I think it puts you automatically in like the 99 percentile of girls in SG Most just appear empty handed, worse expect to be treated a meal like people owe them


Ferrero rocher


If you like him, hold his hands during the date.


Spread ur legs. More than enuf for any guy


A kiss. you can determin how much he adores you.




I think it is not necessary to give a gift on a first date. But if you want to, may I suggest doing something for him. Something that you are skillful at. If you are good at drawing, then draw something for him. If you are good at knitting, knit something. If you are good at baking, bake a cookie or something.


As a guy I don't know because I don't expect any gifts haha, just for the date to turn up and converse well. But you can buy a small cheap gift related to something he likes or needs like a pen or chocolate works well too. BBT is nice too if he likes it. Y'all need to improve your game, gifts on the first date is ok. Telling OP that she showing up is the gift sets the bar low


You are the gift


The best gift and correct answer for any guy, for any occasion, is a set of new underwear.

