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Toronto .. f**kin clouds šŸ¤¬, but itā€™s sunny now.. of course it is .. lol


Day before at 3.19pm I see the sun above the opposite building. Day of.. clouds clouds and more clouds šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ˜¤


Yup .. saw a bit .. but nothing like Mexico, and parts of the US.. itā€™s over now.. but at least the street lights came on !lolšŸ˜Ž


Toronto didnā€™t get totality anyways, so there wasnā€™t all that much to see regardless


Now that Iā€™ve seen totality, I understand how right this is. If itā€™s 99% just watch it on tv. 100 or bust. I almost cried.


Burlington was decent! The temperature change cleared some clouds and it was enough to really enjoy it before and during totality.


Oakville - Coronation Park - Bronte got a decent minute of totality and clear skies for ~20min ahead of time


Saw it in Bronte. Really cool. I was worried with clouds but it totally worked out.Ā 


Appleby go station platform- it got chilly during totality. But I was expecting dark darkness like 10 o'clock.Ā  It looked more like dusk.Ā  Should have left the platform sigh


We went to Grimsby, and and the clouds cleared about 25 minutes before totality. What an amazing sight, so glad we made the effort for 100%.


Hamilton cleared up pretty well.


Down at the lake shore. Yes there were clouds but it was not solid clouds. Many thanks to the little girls chanting 'clouds go away' because there were some breaks in the clouds and we got to see a least a bit of it. (Please note, I do realize they didn't actually change the weather. If I really thought they had that kind of power, I would have asked them to chant over a lottery ticket.)


Thanks for clarifying that at the end, for a second I was worried about the weather witches you ran into


Aldershot also cleared up about 30 minutes before totality. Good crowd at LaSalle Park. Totally worth the trip.


Belleville clouded over before and through totality


I was catching my train during the totality and had a perfect view from the break in the clouds. It looked amazing, and everyone on the train was talking about how perfect the timing was


There were breaks before totality, though, as we were able to see different stages as it progressed. Totality onwards not at all due to the cloud cover.


Also in Hamilton but was getting nervous it was going to be cloudy. Headed west to Brantford and it was perfectly clear.


Brantford clouds cleared out just as the eclipse started. It was perfect.


Have family in Tillsonburg and they had 0 clouds. Didnā€™t bother joining them but it sounded like it was perfect.


We were near Tillsonburg and it was terrific - no clouds before or during totality, with only a few wispy ones as the moon was leaving the sun.


We had clear skies at Long Point. Perfect view.


I was near Port Rowan and it was fantastic. My friend from Toronto sent me a picture of clouds and didn't see what all the hype was about.


Burlington was nice. Although suspenseful!Ā  Dense thick clouds until about 2:40.Ā  We couldn't even tell what part of the sky to look towards.Ā  And it didn't look to be clearing any time soon.Ā  But then it started to clear up and we were all the more excited :).Ā  A whole park full of people cheering. Eventually it was pretty clear up to and through totality.Ā  Some fine whispy clouds but nothing very disruptive.


We had a clear sky window during totality in Kingston. The downside is we just got home


Damn. What time did you leave?


Totality in kingston was indescribable. Really I won't even try to describe what i saw and felt during those three minutes.Ā  It didn't even register to me that anything was noteworthy about the temperature or darkness of the sky or whatever because i was so focused on staring at the sun.Ā  I cannot believe what i saw was real, i honestly think we had the best view here because the clouds didn't obscure it at all, they provided a beautiful, magical backdrop to the most beautiful and magical spectacle I have ever seen.Ā  I cried for a good 5 minutes once it ended, I couldn't even cry while it was happening I was so awestruck. I'm going to be planning my life around eclipses.


The second one is really cool but after that then they get to be not as spectacular. This was my second full and fourth one overall.


I wouldn't consider anything less than full as spectacular. The partial phase was interesting but I wouldn't go out of my way to see it. I don't think it's humanly possible to not be completely awe struck at totality. That's all I would ever chase.


We went to a town near cobourg and it was so cloudy we couldnā€™t see anything. BUT when totality hit and that full darkness fell and everything was like still and quietā€¦ that was worth experiencing! Oh yeah, and high fives for the humour of the gods that within minutes of heading home the sky suddenly cleared and it was like cartoon perfect šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ˜±šŸ˜©šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ«”


I took the GO to Hamilton, there were some clouds during the start but the totality was clear enough and the drifting clouds added some drama. Cost me about $24 round trip excluding coffee and a hot dog and it wasn't even crazy busy, just busy.




Etobicoke was clear.Ā 


In Humber Bay area the clouds cleared up enough to see it around 3:15pm (5 mins before peak, impressive timing mother nature)


Hamilton - it was clear and gorgeous in Gage Park


The beach at Turkey Point had some cloud cover during the partial, but it was clear and spectacular during totality.


At 3:19 when it was at it's peak, even with the clouds, it was still pretty dark out there


Port Rowan was pretty wicked.


Welland was completely cloudy during totality


But did it get dark like twilight? The sky had a hinge of purple where I was in Burlington.Ā 


Honestly it was like a dark blue with grey clouds, wasnā€™t pitch black or anything with nice colours


I saw it clearly over Lake Ontario -




Port Rowan was great! There was cloud coverage for a little bit but not for long. And we got to see it in totality for the entire 3 mins +. Truly awesome!


I picked a random town south of Brantford, drove until the skies cleared, pulled over 15min before totality and enjoyed the show. It was perfectā€¦ except for the drive home.


It was a beauty day in Hamilton!


St Thomas and Port Stanley were almost cloudless. Thin clouds moved in about half an hour after totality.


Cambridge was clear. A goddamn miracle, I swear, it was overcast and then just cleared about half an hour before the eclipse started.


Applby go station platform. It was clear with some cloud.Ā  It looked more like dusk to me.Ā  The lights in the platform came on so that affected it I think Another redditor down the road stood on a hill near the Walmart and they said it was completely dark.


few places in Burlington were cloud free minutes before totality


Brantford had clear blue skies, not a cloud in sight


Some random marina between Turkey Point and Port Rowan. Perfect. A few wispy clouds but they moved on when it counted.


Port Dover. The sky was nice and clear from 2:15-2:45 or so after lots before that. But unfortunately, a cloud rolled in around 2:45 and blocked the sun. That being said, there was a brief glimpse of the full eclipse for a few seconds when the clouds broke and it was pretty awesome. It got really dark and cold.


Waterdown cleared up just in time! We had blue skies and an awesome view.


I was in Hamilton too, and we still had some clouds blocking it intermittently.


I was looking at it for an hour and it wasn't blocked by clouds like 25% of the time so I got to see it for quite some time.


In Grimsby we watched from the comfort of my parents backyard. When I woke up I saw the cloud cover and got nervous. We went for a hike and noticed little pockets in the clouds letting light through so we remained optimistic. We started watching as soon as the eclipse began with our glasses and the clouds kind of acted as a filter. But it was still visible. As totality approached the clouds parted and for the entire ~2 minutes of totality we were blessed with an opening in the clouds and saw the whole thing go down. It was absolutely exhilarating to say the least! The darkness, the glow! The feeling of being between part of this celestial moment ... The gravity of it all! Definitely a memorable and unique experience, we all had a really great time. I am super glad I had booked the day off to travel back home for the event. And my parents had a blast as well. Travel home, GO Bus / Train was a little delayed but in the end it was all good and we made it back home.


Walnut Ridge Arkansas has a beautiful ā¤ļø view I was there . Absolutely awe inspiring! šŸŒ™


Travelled to Belleville for the eclipse, saw the weather forecast on [windy.com](http://windy.com) showing mid-clouds entering at exactly totality time and decided not to risk it. Decided to escape the clouds by driving all the way to Cornwall (5hrs from Toronto). Clear, sunny blue skies and saw the entire partial eclipse and totality. Only downside was that I got back at 9pm, but it was absolutely worth it and I would do it again 100x over.


I saw it through some really high and light clouds in Mentor, Ohio. I was originally going to view it from Canandaigua, New York but the weather that day looked bad. It was a great move for sure.


It was cloudy in Peterborough right up until the eclipse happened so we got lucky lol. I got to see it out the back door at my work


Aha the clouds broke in Richmond hill! Got to see it in 1-2 minute intervals


Georgetown. The clouds moved off about 3:23


I saw it midtown Toronto, but only the first half was visible. Incredible view while it lasted.


Someone on twitter showed a picture from the Islands at 320pm with the full coverage of sun behind CN Tower. Strange thing is I was outside at 320 downtown and just remember all clouds


It's an AI photo. Also impossible for the sun to be behind the CN tower at that time of day.


Saw that one too and was thinking it made no sense


If itā€™s the one I saw, itā€™s also the case that Toronto did not experience totality, so it couldnā€™t have looked like that even if the position was correct


I drove out to the cell phone lot at the airport. The eclipse peaked through the clouds a number of times during totality