• By -


Some ISPs enforce this in the UK. I can't watch pornhub on my phone data without providing my phone provider with a copy of my passport. Fortunately my home ISP doesn't require verification, it's just a switch to toggle in the settings. But still. When I was staying at my mum's house I just used reddit and twitter for porn because what kind of a fucked up conversation is it to have with my mum - hey mum can you turn off the porn filter on the router? thanks mum. Get a reliable VPN, and do it now. You'll have to tunnel through that to a neighbouring state just to watch pornhub but it's worth it. There are some free ones, some will say they're not as trustworthy but if you don't want to spend money it's worth it. And adblock, while you're at it.


You couldn't have just turned the filter off yourself? Chances are she would never have noticed.


In hindsight, yes. But I was satisfied enough with twitter (still am usually cus i'm just looking for a bit of stimulation to get off, not for like, movie length shit). And it was during the lockdown so my anxiety was sky high meaning that my libido was down in the basement somewhere. I wasn't wanking much. I never asked for the admin password, anyway. Should have, yes.


If your mum’s not tech savvy and hasn’t changed it (or the ISP doesn’t set it), default username & password is usually admin FWIW


It's in the past 🤷


Until next morning when mum searches for "Hot Roasting with large aubergine" and Google misinterpret it for allowing explicit content.


That would never happen in the states. Our legislatures may be stupid as fuck but we would never EVER search for something so stupid. We'd search for "hot roasting with large eggplant." 🤣


wait you can a activate a SIM with out ID in the UK


I had a lebara sim while visiting in the UK in 2019 that was all access and everything worked fine. Was back in the UK for work last year, bought another lebara sim from the corner shop, and this time everything was blocked. I tried to deactivate it using the prompts but it kept rejecting my uploaded picture, so I had to call the helpline to get it deactivated. Literally everything useful was blocked - couldn't get even find the operating hours for a pub up the road because their website was clearly marked as an Adults Only domain.


fucking disgusting. i was out of the country for most of the previous decade and i hate what the tories did to it while i was away i'm on o2 and fortunately i haven't found it blocking pub-related domains. but still.


You missed the long term, last step - vote and get involved in politics. Hello expose the “small government, freedom” hypocrisy


Welcome to Mexico land of the free


Glad to be in Brazil, where you can torrent out in the open


People get what they vote for…. Virginia went for the GOP in 2020 and 2021 Voting matters…


Yep. People voting Republican then complain about not having free access to porn.


Conservatives Christians are the biggest pearl clutchers. They’d ban all porn/smut and pass laws making sex before marriage illegal if given the chance.


And then jerk off at a child beauty pageant while they search for their future bride.


Yep cause people love conservative Americans so much 🙄 always blame the liberals until some conservative takes away their form of entertainment or right then they wanna play “ well it was for the best” game. Im annoyed. What happened to parental controls couldn’t parents just block those sites?


Many parents are self absorbed and incompetent and would blame corporations that mind their own business instead of themselves for not properly monitoring their kids’ actions. If you don’t want your pre-teen to watch porn then don’t give them unfiltered access to the internet. However kids will always find a way around such things, usually outside of the house like school, because they are curious adolescents and it’s normal to be like that during puberty. What you don’t do is push your responsibility as a parent onto the rest of us.


Parents would have to be active in their kids lives and care….


conservatives are the most sex deprived and consume porn the most, they'll definitely be eating their votes now


I do agree. But they think they are hurting the left by enacting “family values measures” its bull


No they won’t care because that law only effects minors, and since you have to be an adult to vote, anyone who does will not care about the teens this affects, or if they do, they’ll use their own ID for their own kids to use. You silly goose, don’t you realize that Republicans only care about things if it affects them, and that they are not a monolith (which explains the GOP’s current instability). It’s why divorce has been legal for a long time while gay marriage wasn’t: it doesn’t affect them.


A good VPN solve this problem, and fuck Virginia.


at least weed is legal here


that's such a dumb law


So children watching hard-core porn is fine to you?


Hi Dan, I don't think anyone is necessarily opposing that idea, and if this is what the law achieved cleanly, I don't think you'd see this same chorus of discontent. People's issue isn't that the aim of the law is a bad one, it's that its proposed execution of that aim is ineffective, while also having substantial negative collateral impacts in the process. So for many people, the question isn't 'do I want kids watching hardcore porn?', it's more 'do I think sacrificing my privacy is worth only partially deterring the most disinterested or feckless 10% of kids who can't figure out a way round it?'. That's a more difficult question, but also a more subjective one as well - how effective a law is, and how significant its detrimental side-effects are, are far less objective. Heck, just under this post, we can see how being outed is a major concern for some people here, something that obviously wouldn't even exist as a potential harm for the vast majority of people. There's still a very strong case to say this law is a good idea on aggregate, but I'm not sure people who disagree with that are as simple or unconcerned as you might imagine. Have a lovely day


Reasonable response gtfo


My bad, I most sincerely, humbly, and unreservedly apologise :)




Children shouldn't look at porn. Adults should also not have to add their names to a *government list* if they do watch porn. This is not the solution. It also isn't even ***a*** solution. Getting around it with a free VPN is trivially easy. Furthermore, this only blocks a handful major porn sites. It doesn't block the vast majority of them. Someone who wants to find porn isn't going to be stopped by this at all.


Things like these make me so happy to not be American


As a Canadian... I'm always baffled by how vastly different and bizarre our American neighbours can be sometimes lol.


It's been regressing so much recently it is disappointing. In the last year they've taken like 20 steps backwards after all the work it took to get where we were


Yeah same. We love you guys... but I'm often just watching in disbelief. Especially since we're so similar in so many ways... culturally, etc. It's like watching a train wreck sometimes. I guess it's that hardcore conservatism that I don't quite get.


It's hardcore conservatism that simply doesn't play well in Canada. The times the right has tried, Canadians have generally rejected the approach. There hasn't been as much success hitching the Conservative wagon to the evangelical/religious horse here because "evangelicals" aren't a political bloc here like in the US.


Doesn’t play well? I’m sure poilievre is rdy to show how wrong you could be. That man freaks me out


All of his recent tactics during the last Parliamentary session - the Trudeau foundation, the China file, the foreign intervention inquiry, the sad attempt to stop the budget - all have failed, miserably, to the point that rumor has him facing an internal leadership review. Those aren't exactly Christian zealotry points, but he's not even getting the "non-controversial" stuff right, let alone credibly stepping into anti-LGBT or anti-abortion territory. The Premier of New Brunswick has been pilloried _within his own party_ for his anti-trans policy. Numerous cabinet resignations in protest, forcing him into a cabinet shuffle and some cabinet firings... This is just not going well for him and was "expensive" in terms of political capital, and for what win exactly? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6889665 When you have to prove that you still have control of your government...


Don't worry. We love to copy them. We're not far behind.


Under his eye.


I moved from the USA to Canada. It's WILD how things are going just across the border. Also I'm thankful for the opportunity and ability to move up.


As an American, me too


The honest to God truth is that they want Gilead. They are working behind the scenes to make this happen. The "elders" will be the billionaires who are funding this shit. And don't doubt for one second that these assholes (they prefer Christian Nationalists) won't put queers like me on a wall. They've already banned abortion. That is ONLY the start.


It's in Canada too. My aunts are nuts, and I have youngish friends in Ontario posting gays against groomers claptrap. Watch out.


https://globalnews.ca/news/9782962/norwich-ontario-netherlands-reformed-congregation/ This is happening in a town only 1.5 hrs away from TO. Dun tell me it isn’t coming… vote ppl!


Take from someone watching from the outside, you're just on the other side of the spectrum, my Canadian brother. Just as bizarre, only expressed differently. Polarization is a trap. It can be exhausting watching all the tides of political interference. And this whole promotion of excess of sex or promotion of fear of sex is just an scheme to keep us, as societies, distracted on the second step of Marlow's, so we can aim for personal power and enlightenment.


Same, "land of the free" with absurd laws that control their privacy and freedom even in porn.


There's a lot of control for a country that claims to be the land of the free haha


Ikr, or needing a social security number for everything, poor healthcare, the highest imprisonment rate in the world with very bad social reintegration programs, religion is not out of the government, and the list keeps going... I lived there for 6 months and got depressed like actual depression


Don't worry, by Tuesday they'll have forgotten about it and be waving flags and chanting their acronym and thinking everything is fine because there are fireworks and hot dogs.


Idk 50 days ago you were trying to host a cum dump party in LA apparently. What happened? No one came?


This seems like a very shitty way to shame someone


Either they aren't in America or they are fucking us while gloating while we lose our rights.


Ireland is looking better and better....


Yeah for real, for the last 6 months or so, every day or so some news come out from the US where I'm like "what the fuck is wrong in this country?"


So much for free speech and “the party of small government” Lmao


Join the GOP: The Party of Small Government* *Exclusions apply, including anything to do with The Gays™ (which inexplicably includes literally everyone that's LGBTQIA+, every gender identity other than cis, and drag queens), races other than white, women, books, education, low-income people, rape survivors, incest survivors, Muslims, Jews, atheists, immigrants, Latinos, Indians, Native Americans, and others.




“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” -Sinclair Lewis




I was quoting Sinclair Lewis. I edited to add quotations and his name.


Lmaooo 1984 without the "orgy, porgy, Ford, and fun"


Get used to it, because this stuff isn't going to just come from Republicans. Obama, and even the most "progressive" SocDems along with him, have started advocating for a "digital fingerprint" and ending internet anonymity. Everyone with power seems to be pro "locked down" internet these days.


Lmao porn is not a human right. It's a crime for me to toss a porn mag to an 11 year old yet that's the average age of boys who start watching hard-core porn online. If you don't like it, go buy porn in cash at your local amazing video. Your masturbation time isn't as important as preventing the sexual assault of children.


You can literally go to Google images right now and search any pornographic term and get a myriad of images, a fair amount of them probably leading to some unsafe websites that don’t care about things like laws or viruses. This law isn’t going to keep porn out of the hands of kids, they’ll probably just go past Pornhub if it’s not available to them and onto more dangerous sites. A kid that’s actively looking for porn probably isn’t going to see that Pornhub is blocked and say “guess I’m done then”. We are very much in agreement that kids shouldn’t look at porn, but this ain’t a solution.


Gonna respond or just downvote me and sulk? You let your son watch porn at 11?


>ou let your son watch porn at 11? No one lets their children watch porn. But teens do anyway.


Is that all porn sites? Cuz the one I frequent isn't asking for ID.


Pornhub is probs the only one that is down right now, but the ID requirement is statutory and will likely kick in July 1 (most new laws in VA become effective July 1).


Oh damn, good thing I downloaded a couple before this


If you have a VPN, that should fix it too


I don't have one yet. Do you know if porn on reddit is going to be affected?


Maybe. The law requires sites that are more than 30% porn to verify. Idk what reddits numbers are


That's a wack law.


Google says reddit won't be affected.


Except i read recently that reddit is cracking down on NSFW content willingly. From what i understand, they are going to do the same purge tumblr went through right before the pandemic.


Reddit is desperate to become profitable. The only viable model is ad sales, and you just can't sell ads on porn sites to advertisers with the deep pockets you need to go after. Advertisers are skittish - check out the concept of "brand safety" if you're not familiar with it. It's tough to monetize at scale unless you put up safeguards internally. Much easier to just sweep out the NSFW content instead. (And much lazier.)


why the crackdown?




LOL more than 30 percent I wonder who is calculating. I live in virginnie too, but I haven't been following Youngkin on this.


I can only speak for Utah which has a similar law. XHamster is also down here after the law was instituted, however there are a bunch of websites like OnlyDudes and others that aren't as good. I need to get a VPN.


Sounds then like this is another cookie-cutter legal template for conservative states?


use a free vpn/proxy, easy




Windscribe. I use it. it works. 10 gb free every month. that's more than enough if you don't use it 24x7


Epic privacy browser is good if you want a proxy (and also a dedicated browser for porn so that it doesn't effect your search results) and with it I use windscribe


That’s a great quick fix. But also vote, and contact representatives about laws needing to change.


Yeah I am not too hyped about the idea of the government collecting a data base on legal porn users in an age where Republicans very clearly want to legislate LGBTQ people out of existence... Sounds like something a hypothetical President DeSantis would love to use to criminalize gay people.


Come to Mexico, the new land of freedom




Same thoughts. I haven't been on pornhub since the purge they did years ago. Switched completely to Twitter for porn and never regretted it once


Get a VPN. I suggest NordVPN.


I’ve been using nord for a couple years now just because I don’t like the idea of being spied on. Tbh I have no idea if it even works but it doesn’t slow anything down so it’s fine lol.


As long as your status says connected and there’s a green light somewhere, it’s doing its thing my guy 👌🏼


Cash n cookies right?


Lmao i was trying to watch some hot bear porn last night and got this shit to. They really wanna know who watches porn so so badly. Fuck governor youngkin. And fuck them kids ain’t nobody tell a minor to look at that shit.


I am 1000% with u on this I’m so fucking pissed


I ran into something similar on xhamster the other day. They gave me the option to scan my face, and judge whether they thought I was 18+ I'm a little worried about abuse of facial recognition technology, but at least it didn't request any personal info, and they claim they delete the image right afterward.


Wtf? How could it possibly recognize if you were 18 based on your face alone...


In my case, the grey beard might be a dead giveaway, but it sounds like a bluff to me.


Virginia even has a slogan called Virginia is for lovers. Wow aparantly not xD


Just use Twitter or use a vpn


America - “land of the free” so they say 😂😂


Get a vpn and put yourself in a different state then i tjink it will work fine


American conservatives have just lost their minds and take the most backwards ways to approach issues it’s sad.




So much for “freedom”


You live in a pretty Fu%^*d up country dude! All the fault of Donald Shitbag Trump


Just imagine what will happen when republicans fully take control of the government.


Politicians are so lagging behind lol


Just wait until they learn about VPNs 🙄


They’re already trying to get rid of them. They’ve worked a bunch of different stuff into some newer bills. They just make it seem like it’s about keeping kids safe and people vote.


Look up Chat Control 2.0 in the EU and you'll get an idea of what might be coming to America within a few years. These politicians don't care about kids. It's just an excuse to push for mass surveillance in the end.


> Politicians I just want to clarify something: “politicians” aren’t to blame for this; *republican* politicians are Edit: yeah god forbid we point out who actually voted this shit into law


While you’d often be correct that Republicans specifically are responsible for bad things (I’ll leave it up to people reading this decide if a half-baked verification scheme is a good idea), in this case the legislation was nearly unanimous in both houses (and very few members didn’t vote). Republicans control the House of Delegates but Democrats control the Senate. Vote tallies are here: https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?231+sum+SB1515


The Restrict act has bipartisan support in Congress and would ban VPNs while making it so companies like Facebook could regulate themselves and block new entrants to the market.


I agree. It should be standard in all 50 states and territories. Children should not have access to porn.


Agreed, but it's hardly going to do anything. Kids will simply find Discord groups or Telegram channels with porn. My point is not that it's bad that porn is not viewed to kids, but rather that the measures are so ineffective and is only used to gather support to the politicians who does it. If they were serious about it, they'd be MUCH stricter on the laws that DO exist. But that requires effort and money. For example, if they were serious about protecting kids they'd completely annihilate any porn site that had even a single accidental upload of cp. This way, they'd eventually remove most porn sites and the ones that are left would have great security and protection against surpassing the systems. Porn would be completely banned on media that has porn as a secondary thing (like Discord, Telegram). But things like in the OP *sounds* good. It sounds like politicians are "doing something" when they are not. In fact, most of the time laws like these are not used for the purpose they claim. Look at Chat Control 2.0 in EU that's coming for example they claim is against cp. How is reading everything everyone, including kids, send to each other, tearing up families on false-positives and making everyone unsafe from corrupt politicians or police, going to protect kids? It's not. It's just a cover for mass surveillance. In the end it should be parent's job to make sure they are not looking at porn but we, in many countries, keep looking to the state to raise our kids. It's not like you HAVE to buy a child a computer with access to such sites... yet they are, and then they whine about them able to accessing them. That said, of course there should be easier access to DNS blocking tools for example, but it seems parents don't *really* care in the end.


Fuck, as someone with a porn site, I have to lock out ppl from VA? Like, who’s monitoring this shit? How TF am I supposed to scan an VA ID card from CA, that’s retarded


It comes down ultimately to jurisdiction and ability to enforce the law. If you have no business in or connection with VA, they can't really "get you" can they? Meaning freeze your bank accounts, seize your assets, convince your hosting and domain registrar to cancel their business with you, etc. (It is possible they could try to go after, say, Bank of America as example to freeze your accounts, because BoA does business with you and in the state of VA.) Depending on the law, they could in theory issue an arrest warrant maybe, and there's possibility CA could execute it and extradite you to VA to face charges. (Assuming it's criminal law and it allows for arrest rather than citation.) Regardless, you should consult legal counsel so you know what your liability is, and then decide for your business accordingly how much risk you want to take. I'm not a lawyer and the above is not a legal opinion or formal legal advice.


Virginia has a long arm statute that effectively says if you conduct business - including via the Internet - with people in Virginia, contract with people in VA (including with things like terms and conditions agreements), or sell anything in Virginia (including memberships), VA can assert jurisdiction over you and CA will have to enforce VA's judgment under the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution. I am an attorney in Virginia, but I'm not your attorney. This should not be considered legal advice and nothing in this comment should be construed to create an attorney-client relationship. You should not act or refrain from acting based on this comment. Always seek legal counsel in an appropriate jurisdiction if you have legal questions or need legal advice.


Considering investing in a VPN


The same thing happened about a month ago in Utah. It’s dumb, and basically accomplishes nothing but making people go to shadier sites for it.


Why are americans like this istg these people are insane.


Just use a VPN


I live in the UK now, but when I was in Korea, porn was basically illegal but unenforced. Websites are all blocked so you need to use VPN to access which was a hassle.


^^^^^ buys stock in VPN service providers.


Can’t vpn get around this?


Didn’t it pass weeks or months ago? Where have you been? lol


I mean yes, but I was still able to surf the hub until yesterday 🙃


Maybe a VPN from a different state or country would get around it.


omg i'm having panic mode, i'll download porn i won't watch and save it just in case


Wow land of the free eh


Pornhub has been trash since the great purge anyways.


Well that's what happens when you elect puritans.


Did you vote in the last election ? Donate ? Well know you get to learn how vpns work.


I did actually, yeah. I went for the same candidate (e.g. not Youngkin)




Use a VPN.


Have you tried using a VPN to access your favorite porn sites? Set it up with your file server in another state.


Hhaa ha evil. Haha so fucking evil.


Lol. And the USA has the gall to call itself the land of the free.


Call your senators, representatives, and governor. Get reasonably angry at them. Write letters. And most importantly start voting for liberals who have a chance of winning elections.


does VPN work?


Utah and Va are really putting money in VPN providers pockets


Tbh most children wouldn't be able to get around a VPN either, so I don't see that as an issue.


Lol is this for real? Where are you, North Korea?


No, no, no. I'm in the ✨land of the free✨ 🙄


Oof 😅 that’s wild The internet is for porn. Did they just ban the whole thing?


It's not for porn. You're just used to a privilege that hurts women and children. Having no ID to upload porn has fuled porn that depicts real rapes of women and revenge porn because the uploader knows it cannot be traced to them. Having no ID to watch it means there is zero way to verify if a child is being exposed to porn. You're used to a level of convenience and privacy with the cost of destroying lives.


Dude I think you went on a tangent for a joke. “The internet is for porn.” It’s a cultural joke… they made a song… I personally would never be affected by it because that said ‘convenience’ that is soooo called a privilege I supposedly enjoy, doesn’t work for me. I have to have an emotional attachment to an actual partner. Contrary to your beliefs, gays are not all rapists, and on-top of that we wouldn’t be into the rape of women… we are gay. This is gaybros man. Perhaps shut down the churches and require an ID to teach religion? That would prevent the indoctrination of children. Children shouldn’t have un restricted access to the internet. Parents should deploy parental controls to prevent it in their homes. All parents are responsible for their children’s safety and if I kid is getting porn the parents should be held responsible. By creating a control such as this you are opening up censorship based on unlawful behavior of their state. But sure, “it’s for the children.” - another cultural phrase used by religious groups to justify the removal of rights from citizens. Rather than doing something that helps the kids. It’s wild.


I don't mind if I had to create a porn account for a pornsite. I don't watch shady porn so I got nothing to hide.🤷🏼‍♂️ Just give me my twunks, and I'll be on my way.


If it was just an account whatever. But giving any of these companies our id's to verify is horrid. Plus any company that decides to track your porn usage with said ID. One or two data leaks later and it's revealed that John Doe at 555 home avenue born on 1/1/1999 watches big titty smother porn.


I'd wear that porn leak like it was a badge of honor. They'd be knocking on my door and congratulating me for my taste in slightly feminine twunks.


Something something digital footprint keeping people from getting jobs already.


Medical insurance costs go up because you're at risk for friction burns on your pen0r from masturbating.


I agree with this and have been pushing it for some time. Not having porn being an ID wall is child sex abuse. The average age boys start chronically watching hard-core porn is 11. Porn isn't a human right. Not having adults show you porn until you're 18 is a human right. If you don't like it, buy it with cash at your local sex shop.


You want us to belive the average eleven year old boy is a sex abuse victim?


Wish I could go back in time and have not looked at pornography when I was a single digit age.


Imagine the torture of not being able to watch porn as a teen. These people are crazy.


Lmao y'all out here acting like all I do is surf the hub. I watch porn MAYBE 3-4x per week, if that. The point is that this isn't going to have the protective effect that they're looking for and just causes an annoying inconvenience and invasion of privacy for the majority of its users. I'm all for reducing kids' access to porn and PH is actually in support of that too - they just believe that an ID law like this isn't the right way to do it and that device-specific verification is more appropriate.


Ya know I used to be on this level, and I'm speaking from a place where we don't have this kind of law, but there is a point to be made for keeping kids away from that shit. I watched hardcore shit at 13-14 and the studies on how it effects brain chemistry and relationships when starting at a young age is very real. May help explain some of the problems we have in society with loneliness and depression, fizzling relationships and increasing uncle virgin rate. Not saying this is the right way to go about it, but I do think PH completely blocking their website to the entire state is kinda telling of the issue and that they rely on the traffic from underage. Politicians don't understand the internet so pretty useless with a $10 per year VPN and kids know about tech shit better than boomer legislators. I do think a just and sane society protects the innocent from this kind of stuff, but they need to do it with smut videos and other obviously adult stuff to be taken seriously. And a way to anonymize traffic so there aren't concerns of search and view history being tied back to an individual.


So the hub actually has a whole alternate proposal that makes more sense up on the site. I'd post a screenshot if the mods allowed it 🙃 basically they think device level verification is more effective and would better achieve their goal compared to imposing a massive privacy concern and inconvenience on the majority of their user base that teens are the most able to circumvent (due to their generally better knowledge about modern tech capabilities).


That’s a reach there, because they don’t want to make government ID a requirement and bring the site down it must be because of underage traffic. Wtf man lol


Time to touch grass! See if you can tell a butterfly is not a bird


I was just listening to a segment about this on NPR the other day. Apparently, it's purpose is to prevent children from being exposed to and affected by porn that is hardcore/violent, since there is such a large variety of porn that is easily accessible online nowadays. It might not be ideal, but I can't say I don't support that motivation.


Where's the research saying kids watching BDSM porn has a different effect than watching anything else? You fell for a cheap trick, meant to divide and conquer. They already try to ban vanilla porn at every opportunity.




Read my comment more carefully. There's no research comparing two styles of porn.




Personal accounts and speculation are not research. And even your speculation doesn't apply to the question.




"The literature review." There's a reason you're talking pseudoscience and not linking literature reviews, and it's because you're talking out of your ass. Ethics boards exist. No university is going to give research funding to show a bunch of kids BDSM porn and another bunch of kids vanilla porn to measure the outcomes.




The downvotes are because the person replying didn't read the comment carefully before lecturing. The whole paragraph was a straw man refuting a claim I never made.


Found the child predator.


I 10000% agree. Children shouldn't be exposed to any hard-core porn. Having 80% of the most popular heterosexual porn be violent against women, and studies linking violent porn usage to violence against women, not to mention increasing levels of violent acts such as choking becoming more and more common, is just the cherry on top. But ultimately irrelevant to the argument. Even if it was the sweetest most vanilla consensual porn, it's still illegal to show it to children.


Based Virginia. Porn is harmful to everyone, but especially to children.


Worth it to not have porn shown to kids. To want to show porn to kids one must be a pedo.


Because they obviously won't look somewhere else lol




porn is dying rip porn


Viva la porn


I completely understand the frustration and that it’s pretty invasive the government is collecting information based on what you watch. But I think the bottom line intent is to reduce the number of minors entering and watching porn sites. There’s substantial research proving it disrupts their mental and sexual health when exposed to them. I think a better solution needed to be implemented and this wasn’t it.


Parents. Parents are the better solution.


The thing is porn is not a human right. Obviously if the government started collecting information about your debit card purchases, you'd have more a right to be upset. But watching people have sex on camera is a specific hobby not a right. And you have the ability to use cash to buy porn in person. I don't really see it differently than alcohol or guns. All are products that need to be kept from segments of the population so they must be tracked. In fact you have even less to protest because guns and alcohol are actually rights and porn is not.


you keep saying the same nonsnse


Idgaf if I get downvoted for this, if you’re that addicted to porn you need to reassess your life. Not to mention there are other websites.


I don't think it's a sign of addiction to be frustrated that the government has decided to get involved in your masterbatory habits.


>Not to mention there are other websites. They're all going to be blocked, dude. The law isn't just for pornhub. Pornhub is just the first place to make the change before the deadline, which people reckon is 1 July.


So you want minors to be exposed to some of that shit on there?


I’d just move tbh lol.


Saying you would uproot your life in order to access porn 15 seconds faster is crazy


if you're in a position to move i don't see why not. i wouldn't want to have to put in my id every time i watch porn either


Have you tried going outside
