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Had someone in a full gorilla costume walk through the lobby once.


Crazy part is I've worked in hotels on the beach long enough.... that's a monthly occurrence


hmmmm, now I’m rethinking my assumption that gorilla costumes must be super hot to wear.


I bet a/he is banking on at least someone thinking that way….




A transgender (M to F) prostitute who did not inform her clients that she still had...extra features. Needless to say the client was not impressed and a fight started. The next morning she was sitting in the lobby waiting for a taxi and 'Dude (Looks Like A Lady)' by Aerosmith started playing on the lobby radio.


Yikes. Maybe I've learned too much about true crime, but to be that sounds like needless risk being taken by the lady. I am certain some sex workers have been killed for that type of omission.


Trans people have four times the murder rate than the rest of the population, and more trans women are murdered than trans men, by a lot. (From the law school at UCLA.) This woman was taking extreme risk to her safety, which to me is very sad.


I always hate victim blaming, but this really is such a needless risk. I often hear transwomen say that the guy doesn’t need to know so early because it’s not his business. I wouldn’t want to FAFO (fuck around find out) about that. Most dudes if they match with a woman on a dating app or something, they’re gonna assume she’s cis with a vagina. It’s better to let everyone know from the jump so they know what they’re getting into when they match/talk to you.


I agree. I'm just glad she was ok.


I completely agree. But this behaviour scares me because I have an almost 19 year old trans daughter and thankfully she’s in a relationship with someone who knows she’s trans, but all the what if somedays are still in the back of my mind.


I'll pray for her safety. I have a 3 month old daughter and I know I'll worry about her constantly. Hugs if you want them.


She got lucky that time. I hope she didn't leave that out from then on. It sucks that that's how she has to think but that's the world we live in, I'm afraid.


Oh they certainly do and it’s really sad. Like the other girl said below, trans people have a way higher murder rate than the general population. Also consider the fact that trans people, whether they’re M to F or F to M, make up like a fraction of a percentage point of any given population. We all have probably met someone who’s trans, but at the same time they’re still very rare and low in population. And then they get murdered/targeted more. Usually as a result of bigotry and the “gay panic defense” (which Florida made legal a few years ago if I remember correctly) where a dude panics because he saw she had a dick and is too afraid of it getting out to anyone he knows so he kills her.


Actually, the bill you're thinking of would have made it illegal to use such a defense in Florida, but like most states, it died well before a vote. Even in very liberal massachusetts, they still don't have a law banning such a defense despite being one of the first states in the country to legalize gay marriage.


Well thank God she was ok


common for thailand


Ladyboy I believe the term is.


Some girl came in during audit shift and started crawling on all 4's for no reason


This is extremely mild and pretty common, but it’s funny that men (always men!) come down to the lobby pantless asking for a new room key. It barely makes me blink anymore. (I’m NA)


I think it’s a weird fetish. It’s only happened to me as a guy once, but I’ve heard this from female NA colleagues frequently. Also I get called from Anonymous number constantly only to hang up after my hello speech. I’m assuming it’s another fetish thing and they’re looking to be weird to female NAs.


Yes! The ones that want to call and talk to you like a phone sex operator. My old NA was this lady that had no problem putting people in their place. I heard her take one of these calls one time and lost my mind at her yelling into the phone “I know you’re not talking to me like that because if you continue you’ll be talking to Jesus himself. Get off my phone and go to church!”


This kind of stuff is why I generally didn’t want my female coworkers working night audit. It’s already a time with a lot of interesting people and weirdos as a guy. Then have a woman working at night and you’ll really see the creeps come out. Shit, the creeps are bad enough during the DAY time. I used to work with this girl at the front desk that was a young blondie and she would get hit on not-so-subtly in broad daylight. She did night audit sometimes but I know she’s probably had some rough experiences.


"I generally didn’t want my female coworkers working night audit" -- if you make that as a policy or refuse a woman a job due to it being night audit you are breaking that law and are a misogynist jackass. Let women decided for themselves what job they think they want and can handle.


I’m not even a manager lol. I’m just saying that the night is dangerous.


Someone used to call the front desk from an anonymous number and just breathe at me when I worked the night audit. I got so good at guessing when they were going to call, that I just started breathing back at them lol.


LMAAAO I love that. Matching his energy and making him feel as weird and uncomfortable.


I would get dead air calls sometimes and wanted to say to them that they could at least make it interesting by breathing heavy. Shit. make my slow night interesting please


A *lot* of business travelers step out to get the newspaper outside their door in the wee hours of the morning, not all of them are caffeinated enough to remember that the door's going to lock behind them.


I’ve come sooo close and I sleep nude.


Happened to a friend of mine who was in a foreign country! she went to the floor phone and begged them in her broken version of their language to bring her a key because she was naked.


How could she identify herself as a guest?


It was high end hotel known for their service and she had stayed there before.


A fraudulent exorcism.


Gotta make sure you're getting your exorcisms performed by a licensed and bonded practitioner instead of some phony.


I only trust certifed Catholic exorcists whenever my family or friends need an exorcism.


so like a fake exorcism.


Yep. This scam artist booked a conference room and was performing exorcisms for money. At first, it sounded terrifying. After about 30 minutes, it was laughable.


i would pay to see this.


That could probably be arranged.


That's basically what she was doing! Lol


Group of visual impaired and blind guests last day of their stay got really drunk. In the early morning one of them started to sleepwalk. Got out of his room, naked. On the corridor he woke up, realised he is outside his room, panicked and started to knock on random door. female guests then panicked started to call reception saying there is a naked pervert banging to their door. We of course realised and sent someone with the blanket to cover poor guy and let him in. One of the females checking out just coudn't understand the situation and the fact this guy was really a victim of it. all I could hear was "pervert".


idk, if some naked dude banged on my hotel room door in the middle of the night, I would probably be pretty freaked out too.


So he was blind drunk…


The weirdest thing I’ve ever experienced was a possible sovereign citizen.


Hello sovereign citizen! Welcome to my sovereign hotel. I’ll respect your rules but you gotta respect mine too. Deal?


He certainly didn’t respect mine. Let’s just say it got a police response.


You can't just say that and NOT tell the story! (I mean you totally can but you've piqued my interest so high I need to know what happened)


[Here you go!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk/s/JhUvxV7N7G)


Oh wow! Thanks for linking me your story, not as wild as I was imagining, but still a frustrating story none the less. If I had a dollar every time someone (who was clearly wrong) said "The customer is always right!" to me, I'd be rich enough to not have to work in retail anymore


I had a doll collector that showed me his 'babies' one time. Kinda cute, well-maintained but ya know...interesting hobby I guess.


Back in the day there was a blog that posted photos from gay hook up sites and then critiqued their decor. The one i’ll never forget was the guy in full leather gear with a row of dolls on the shelf behind him.




My mother got to see the after effects of suicide by shotgun.


In my best british accent - It's a bloody mess.


Shotgun or gunshot? The average shotgun barrel is 34". The average man's arm is 30".


I’m guessing you think Courtney did it


Corbain was in Seattle. I don't think that Courtney could have pulled a trigger from rehab in CA.


There are the toes and riot guns. if you want to commit suicide, you”re gonna find a way.


People get really creative. Source: am mortician.


Most shotgun barrels are the legal minimum of 16 inches. Do you mean the overall length of the firearm? That's usually about 35 - 40 inches, which isn't the length from the end of the barrel to the trigger.


Your right! I was think of total length. Correction noted. Thank you.


Not something I’ve seen but a man came to the bar and blah blah asked if he could pray over me. I told him that he could pray but not over me (I’m Christian but he was giving odd vibes) he then dined and dashed. Next morning he was kicked out because he was naked on the balcony and cursing at the police (who also arrested him)


Not at a hotel, but I have T1 diabetes and wear a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) on my arm. Everyone once in awhile, someone notices it and asks me questions. I'm not shy about my condition, so it doesn't bother me. But one time an elderly lady asked if she could put her hand on me to "channel the powers of God, to cure me." I agreed because it seemed the least fuss. Then I made my excuses to get out of that weird conversation. (Hint: I wasn't magically cured 😂)


During a wedding reception, guests having a threesome in a public gallery were kind enough to take it to their room when asked... but later wanted us to call the police because he lost his weed.


I'm surprised you wouldn't call the police on them for having a threesome in public...


Saw a guy shake a shit from his ass all the way down his pant leg and onto the floor and then walk away, my bartender found it and thought someone was pranking him.


Two people dressed like the Yup-yup's from Sesame Street, in the lobby, one playing the piano and the other singing Eye of the Tiger at 1am


Bottom half of a female silicone sex doll disrespectfully disposed of into the wooded area with trash. Men, show some respect for the hoes lmao.


A homeless guy once came in and stood by the water cooler and pressed down and just let the water run until it was all over the floor. I decided to just let him rock as I was in the back office watching out of the little window because he seemed to be in a trance as he was moving his head around in a circle over and over again and seemed super unstable. It was about 3am of course lol. And as I, the only employee and a woman doing night audit, I didn’t think it was worth the risk telling him to gtfo. After about 10 mins of him doing that, he left and I locked the door immediately. Luckily the clean up wasn’t too bad lol.


Yeah that seems risky enough to not want to get involved. I almost wonder if the water might have been him trying to get someone to come out and pick a fight or something. You never really know when someone is doing that kind of weird shit.


On NYE a few years back, a woman wound up naked and high in a Housekeeping closet.


Is attempted murder weird?


A person pooped in the wall trash can in the bathroom and decided to decorate the walls with what they produced. Covered all the walls. Safe haven off the stairs covered in blood. The whole entire space, walls, ceiling, floor was covered. The manager, whose family was boxers, said someone was clearing their bloody nose. A homeless woman digging through our trash dumpster who looked like one of the zombies from the Walking Dead. Naked guests, both sexes. More males than females. Drunk male slamming into our sliding glass doors then trying to play it cool by flipping his hair. Drunk person sleeping in parking garage, they were sleeping between the cars. Someone coming back from a fetish ball. Wrapped in plastic wrap with strategically placed glow sticks. Music Festivals, the skimpy clothing.


Filming for porn hub was taking place when housekeeping walked in.


Do you call the police? What is the policy on that?


Yeah I didn't see a policy on gangbag filming, I must've missed that section of the employee handbook.


A guest that defecated in the HVAC unit. Used his hand to wipe, and then smear a shitty handprint on the carpet. Never used the bathroom at all. Bath mat still dry and folded over tub and toilet paper still peaked. Room put OOO for a long time. Lol.


Young homeless guy (19-24) skinny dipping in my pool. Cute butt but gave me quite the scare when I walked past and saw him through the glass door lmao.


A couple in their 30s maybe 40s showing me their stuffed animal collection and making them talk. They called them their “kids”.


Saw a German women trying to bait her toddler into a ball room to attend a wedding with a a French fry. There was something hilarious about a women in a fancy dress and German accent holding a french fry, saying "Ludwig, Ludwig I have French fry. Come here Ludwig I have a French fry for you. Ludwig, Do you want a French fry?" As a toddler in a tuxedo ignores her from the other side of the lobby.


I once got in a hurry after waking up super close to check out time and forgot I had left several dildos in the shower to dry after cleaning them off, I’m a male and the next time I checked in at the same hotel. There was some giggles and strange looks from a few employees. They knew. I’m pretty sure :(


Worked for motel 6 for a few years doing maintenance. I can't speak for others but ours was one of the last still under the corporate structure, so it was pet friendly.. guests asks if there's certain pets not allowed. Front desk says as long as it's not a violent animal is fine. Next thing you know this dude is walking in with 2 adult alpacas... I've seen some weird shit hidden in random spots, plenty of drugs stashed, but the alpacas were the strangest.


I mean I guess they're technically friendly and non-violent. Very strange but probably one of the better kinds of pets you would want in a hotel...


One of our housekeepers found a gun on the highway 10 miles from the hotel. She stopped, called the cops, turned it in and came to work. Later she stripped the room and 2 bullets (9mm same as the random gun) on her tip envelope. Such a random coinencedence.


Wtf 😳


I know. It was very confusing. It freaked her out. I still have the bullets.


Well known business owner in my area was naked and running thru the 1st floor hallway, yelling "Don't look at me!" w/ a bag of wingstop at 1 AM. Everything just out there for the world to see. 30 minutes later A lady comes to FDsoaking wet in her towel to bring me a sock she found in her room.


Amway. We had free breakfast from 7am until 9:30am. We would lock it up then and would make coffee if we wanted it. One year we had amway roll through. Around 1pm I hear a commotion so I ran over to the breakfast area. Some guy with us for amway was trying to break in as he missed breakfast. I do not miss that bunch.


Some dude being recorded by friends "swimming" across the lobby tiles, face on the floor and all.


One time we had a retired cop staying on the top floor. A bullet went through the floor to right above the kitchen on the first floor. Cops came to file a report and he said he was cleaning his pistol, which should have had no clip in and no bullet in the chamber. He said he didn't know how it happened, but I'm pretty sure he was going to commit suicide. Had a regular at an extended hotel and he always tipped well and was super nice. His work called one morning and said he didn't show up. Went to check on him and his door was bolted shut. Tried calling on his phone, cell phone, and knocking, but no answer. After an hour, we finally called the cops and fire department. When they opened the door, he was dead and in rigor mortis on the couch. Turns our he had a massive heart attack. Found a HUGE dildo on the floor one time, like biggest one I had ever seen. Found 2 random pills in the bed of a room I was cleaning and I took them down to the office to put them in a bag and labeled them just in case they came back. Lady ended up coming back like 3 days later and tipped me 20 bucks for keeping them for her. When I worked at this one hotel, I was the night Auditor and sometimes I worked 2nd shift. When I was the only one there, I would put the sign up at the front desk saying I'd be back in a few minutes. I would have my boyfriend come meet me and we'd have sex in one of the clean rooms. I did always change the sheets and stuff though.


May I ask how long ago was the massive heart attack. This story sounds eerily similar to one I know. Maybe this is a common occurrence, but just curious.


We found him the morning of the 2nd day of no one being able to get ahold of him. And it was probably 10 or 11 years ago.


Definitely not the one I knew then, thanks for replying! Crazy how that happens, though.


Had the feds roll up to arrest someone that said she was hiding from an abusive partner that slit her throat. She came out in cuffs without a scarf for the first time ever, neck completely clear without any signs of trauma or scarring.


Previously, I worked front desk at a Motel 6 that then lost its flag and had to go independent. I've seen some things... Although housekeeping and maintenance saw a lot worse, including soo much poop (human and pet poop) and multiple dead people in the time I was there. One vacant unrented room had blood all over the floor. No one inside. We called the cops. They just seemed annoyed. Saw a pile of used needles in front of someone's door. Oh, yeah, I missed this but saw the aftermath. The police blew the door off of a room using explosives. They did NOT notify the hotel they were going to do that ahead of time. They also raided a couple other times where they busted doors in with the battering ram. Another time, some homeless people broke into one of our unused buildings and caused a fire.


I hate when police blow doors off of rooms with explosives. So much splinter liability, and then having to replace the door frame because God only knows you're never going to find someone who can properly repair it...


Something I did as a guest. We had a happy dog that wagged her tail for every one she ever met. She was in a large wire crate when the maid came in for the day and.....wagged her tail.....apparently she told the dog what a good girl she was which made her wag her tail even more. The poor kiddo split her tail open and blood was everywhere. Ceiling, carpet, bed, walls....think slasher film. When we came back up to load up all the dogs the poor woman was standing in the middle of the room crying. Peach was still wagging her tail. We were done for the weekend so we stayed and helped her clean up the mess with hydrogen peroxide. Used 12 big bottles. Peach traveled in a varikennel after that.


Had a guest leave a pair of glitter covered silicone breasts in the nightstand drawer 


Sorry for commenting on here over a week later but Reddit only just now recommended it to me. So, I work Night shift on my own in a fairly small hotel. One night I’m about to sit down for my break around 3am when I see someone outside on the security cameras. He wasn’t ringing the doorbell or anything (for context we lock up around midnight, all guests are told this and are asked to ring the doorbell or call the hotel itself), he was just standing there staring in. After a minute or two trying to figure out if he’s a gust trying to get in or just a drunk, I go to the door… and he’s not there. Man moved fast. I go back to the back office, check the cameras, he’s now behind the hotel. I go to see him and… he’s gone again. Back office, camera, nowhere to be seen. There’s a small lane behind us I assume he went up there. 30 minutes later, I finish up my break, he’s at the front door again. And just like last time he’s not doing anything. I go to see him, he’s moved to the back. So I’m weirded out by this. It starts spitting rain, but rather than look for shelter he decides to, and I’m not joking here, do some shadow boxing in the car park. So at this point I’m thinking “OK, he keeps moving away every time I try to talk to him so he must be up to something, and now he’s doing this. I don’t feel comfortable letting him in and potentially being a threat to the other guests we have”. My plan now is to wait him out and try to talk to him once he calms down. I finish setting up the breakfast buffet station, and there’s no way he didn’t see me do that as it’s at the back of the hotel where he’s shadow boxing, but he never once tried to get my attention by tapping on the window or anything. He just kept doing his shadow boxing. I check the cameras at half 5, he’s still there, so for two whole hours he was doing this. 6am, I unlock the doors, he’s disappeared again. OK, I guess he wasn’t a guest and just a nutjob. Now I’ve got a fun story to tell my manager when he walks in. 7.30am. Breakfast is in full swing. I’m talking to the guests, making sure everything’s stocked up, we’re all having a good morning. Dude walks in, drenched, but doesn’t talk to anyone. He just stands in the corner next to the reception. OK guy, let’s hear your story. He says he doesn’t have a key to his room. Yeah, sure. “May I ask your name?”. He gives me a name… and he’s on our guest list. I left a guest out in the rain for 3 hours. I called a guest a nutjob to my manager. I’m absolutely mortified (and quietly laughing at the sheer absurdity of him). Thankfully they agreed with my thought process of “he didn’t try to get my attention, maybe he’s a drunk, I’m not letting him in until he calms down”. We even double checked the cameras to make sure he made no attempt at the doorbell, and they agree it was super weird that he always seemed to move whenever I was about to talk to him. To this day I have no idea why he never made an attempt to get my attention, or how he instinctively knew when I was coming to see him.


Nice thanks OP here. This is a good story for sure.


Probably the chickens.


One of my night audit friends watched a gentleman shit himself at the front desk once. That takes the cake over anything I've seen lol


Underwear ghost. I wrote a story about that a ways back. Basically chased a tiny man in tighty whiteys around the hotel and then he disappeared.


I had a guest cry on my lobby couch about her dogs anal leakage (the dog was not there thank GOD)


Was she feeding her dog some of those 1990s Lays chips?


Back when i was working nights in a huge city center hotel (i’m in Europe) i saw an homeless man manage to prop open our garage door with a small tree from the street. He was dressed as a fighter pilot and managed to fall 1 flight of stairs without dropping is can of beer after i tried chasing him out. He then proceeded to try and enter a van that was taking flight crews from our hotel to the airport.


Couple checking and the front desk agent commented how nice it is for a father and son to spend quality time together...I lost all my strength and ability to stand up


As a security guard I once had a gun pulled on me in an unlit portion of the underground parking garage. Peed a little, got pushed down, never worked that site again. As a hotel employee....swinger parties taking an entire floor of the hotel....you do not want to deliver anything to any of those rooms when they're in house. Funniest though was a couple who were sharing a room the night before their wedding, came down early in the morning to "pay for the damage to the desk" not wanting the bride to be's dad to find out since he was paying for everything. They claimed there was a spider, and the groom climbed up to kill it....as if anyone had any questions what caused the desk that's bolted to the wall to break. Lol ( also generally hotels won't charge you if something breaks during your stay unless it was malicious. If you think about it. You may have Sat in the chair for a few hours, but it's had previous parties sitting on it for hundreds and hundreds of hours.) Scariest moment was either the woman who had a stroke while trying to check into my hotel 20 minutes before midnight on New years Eve. Or the time one of 2 brothers sharing a room, went back to the room drunk and passed out. He had locked the deadbolt before doing so. So when his brother came back to the room he couldn't get in, and couldn't get his brother to wake up. There was a concern about him choking on his own vomit or some other possibly lethal reason he wasn't waking up to answer the door. Normally we have a tool that can undo the security latch, but it's a flexible and bendable metal thing and if it is even a little out of shape it won't work. So I couldn't get a hold of a manager or maintenance, in the end I qgot the biggest wrench I could find in maintenance, used my weight, and broke the security latch. Turns out the brother was just asleep and had put his pillow over his head.