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Generally I find my Spanish neighbors are generally less assholish about sports than others, despite being very engaged in the culture


Maybe football is mainly a family thing in Spain. We have extreme groups like other countries but usually they are not favoured by clubs and they are considered as mayor assholes by the rest of the country. It’s not acceptable to behave like the British people stereotypically do, to mention some. Yet in the Uk people make jokes about them. Here it is not considered funny.


now they are "not tolerated" by clubs


I'm not sure we're "better" than the British. I think the difference is that they are richer than us, so for them, it's cheap to come to Spain, which attracts a lot of assholes and very young people who can behave badly. For example, I once read Polish people on Reddit complaining about Spaniards who go there for Erasmus, making noise, throwing parties, and annoying neighbors. I think every country has assholes, and in Spain, we receive too many cheap tourists, but we don't go to other countries on holidays as much as the British or other Northern Europeans.


He is speaking about the football fans specifically.


Well, okay, but you've said: "It’s not acceptable to behave like the British people stereotypically do, to mention some. Yet in the UK, people make jokes about them. Here it is not considered funny" and at this point, complaining about the British seems more like a meme than a reality. Also, you are talking as if typical British find it funny when some tourists (or football fans, whatever) behave like drunk monkeys and annoy the locals, and that's not true..


It's very obvious they are talking about british football fans. It's called context. You can pick up on it because it's mentioned in the question at the top ot the thread.


I'm not sure if your reading comprehension is extremely low or if my English isn't clear enough for you to understand. He was referring to the typical British stereotype: drunk and loud people doing stupid things and vandalizing the streets. This stereotype isn't just about what football fans do, in fact, if the British have that reputation, it's mainly because of their tourists and internet memes, not for their football fans. But my point is that this stereotype is unfair and more of a meme than reality. I hope it's clearer now.


Maybe if we don't have the culture of going to cheap places to act like a absolute idiots we can considered better educated.


The selección thing is pretty chill. Even some Catalan independece voters support ‘la roja’. At club level the thing is very different.


In Vic your barely register the Eurocopa even exists...


I have not watched any game in this competition. I also managed to completely skip the World Cup. Speaking for myself, I cannot support ‘la roja’. Not after October 1, 2017 and barely before.


maybe you should enjoy life a little bit and realize it's just sport and not related at all to whatever you think happened in 2017


[Lendakaris Muertos - Gora España](https://youtu.be/53yOxy8Qa3E?si=DKCd5eGrnS7y8oD5)


Yo mismo. Soy medio indepe (básicamente muy catalanista con rachas de indepentismo de vez en cuando), pero cuando llega la eurocopa/mundial a español no me gana a nadie.


i was listening to RAC1 for this past game and it seemed like the commentators were mixed. some seemed to have affection for the spanish team and others were clearly hoping for a german goal.


There is no away culture in Spain.




Some teams have reasonable away culture: Sporting has the mareona, for instance. But it's not people that travel to look for fights.


There are a few. I saw some violence a couple of months ago from Málaga fans in San Fernando. But I think the biggest difference is that most matches up and down the country have little to no away fans present.


i have seen some fights at Espanyol


Between themselves, I imagine


This is true. Spain is a bigger country, so away travel is a bit more difficult. Imagine having to play against one of the Canary sides.


this is a factor. i went to the brazil 2014 world cup and our numbers were very small compared to other countries.


I'm English and have disliked football my whole life. I've lived in Spain since 2016 and started watching games with my father in law. It turns out I just hate drunken English football culture. Now, obviously not all of my compatriots behave like that. This is simply just a personal anecdote. I don't think I'll ever be a huge footy fanatic; however, I certainly enjoy it a hell of a lot more since living in Spain. Booze. That's my guess as to why it's different. In England football = beer most of the time which = English drinking culture = embarrassing wanker is behaviour. Can Spaniards be wankers? Of course, they're humans! Can Spaniards be drunks? Yes, they annoy the hell out of my during la feria o cruces de Mayo (Córdoba). Do Spaniards think the main objective of drinking is to get shit faced as quickly and as cheaply as possible as soon as alcohol has touched their lips? Very, very rarely... That's my anecdotal explanation with zero research or data to back it up 😆😆 EDIT: Mirad, aquí tienen el fútbol del norte de Europa. Me da asco. [Holandeses e ingleses antes del semi final ](https://www.reddit.com/r/idiocracy/s/fqRwSw6eeS)


Tantos idiomas que puedes hablar, y hablas con la verdad amigo!


La verdad es que era una revelación cuando tomó una cervecita mi suegro y bastaba, no querría más. Ahora veo un partido con el y me gusta mucho. Aunque todavía no he pillado el truco de comer las pipas bien jaja todavía me queda trabajo antes de sacar la nacionalidad española 😆


Antes de que te des cuenta las pelarás como un loro, no te preocupes 👌🏽


Si te cuestan las pipas puedes convalidar esa asignarura con primero de aceitunas


Vive abajo de despeñaperros, ahí dan olivas como obligatoria en 2°


Also it's not as common for football fans to be drunk. Night time people do drink a lot but during games or daytime it's harder to find. We also don't just drink during the day for the sake of drinking. No tapas in Germany also


Is alcohol sold in other European stadiums? For me it was news to learn that no alcohol can be consumed inside a stadium during the match in (EDIT) the Basque Country.


Is that something relatively new? I’ve drank beer in the Bernabéu stadium back in the day (maybe 20 years ago though). I think the main point is our drinking culture. It’s not really well regarded to be an adult and be completely wasted.


My fault, apparently it's a law in Euskadi? Not sure about the other communities of Spain.


I was asking honestly. It may be a law also here now :) I just found it peculiar (although it makes sense) since having a beer is not uncommon even while having lunch (which may not be common at all in other countries, I was shocked about this when I lived in Northern Europe xD)


It's a law in Euskadi yes, in all sporting events


"Do Spaniards think the main objective of drinking is to get shit faced as quickly and as cheaply as possible as soon as alcohol has touched their lips?" Bingo. Aquí no se estila mucho el beber por beber, o beber con el objetivo de emborracharse; se bebe como parte de algo social, y la borrachera es un posible efecto secundario.


Bueno, con 16 años igual si. Luego se pasa la tontería


Eso iba a decir, las previas eran legendarias y más de uno y una ha acabado la noche antes de que empezase en aquellas edades jajaja


Eso lo hablaba con un colega americano que le explotó la cabeza, allí la gente con 21 empieza a beber, aquí mucha gente con 21 empieza a decir "nah, ya no bebo tanto, unas cervezas y ya" xD


O a los 21 tienes algo más de pasta y dejas el garrafón y las mezclas raras solo para emborracharse (hola, leche de pantera) y vas con más calma aunque sea a copazos. Corredores de fondo vaya.


Un efecto secundario que también es parte de algo social, siempre de forma contenida. No hay cosa más divertida que estar un poco doblado con tus colegas sin llegar a parecer un zombie


Sooo true about the drinking culture. I'm a spaniard but studied at a British school from kindergarten all the way to A-levels. Most of my friends were brits living in Spain so when we started drinking, we drank the english way, downing pints as fast as possible until one got absolutely hammered. Eventually I went to a spanish university and during my first 'uni party' with a group of spanish colleagues, they were surprised by how fast I drank alcohol. After a couple of years I kind of reverted to the spanish way and even though I drink rarely, when I do, it's very slowly, taking things as they come and enjoying each sip.


This is the way


Large pints? 😅


Yeah the "large" was unnecessary... Guess i'm too used to the cañas now 😂


Hehe funnily enough I feel exactly the same way, but swap the countries in your text >.<‘ Good to know that you feel better about it now tho!


The brits get drunk as a target, spanish get drunk as a consequence




Tu mensaje ha sido retirado por ser agresivo, insultante o atacar personalmente a otro usuario. --- Your post has been removed: personal attacks or insults are not allowed.


In fact, one of the reasons why alcohol-free beer is most popular in Spain is because we drink beer not to get wasted, but to have fun. It having alcohol or not is no difference to many people, they just want to share a beer with friends and family. For me, a football game (being my own club playing, and specially the national team) is a chance to share the moment with your friends and some beer. Also, when Spain plays it’s one of the only chances when the whole country is united for the occasion, setting their differences apart


I have many English friends and you touch on something I noticed too. That being, the English drink to get fucking sloshed. We drink while having fun, not just to get sloshed


"Do Spaniards think the main objective of drinking is to get shit faced as quickly and as cheaply as possible as soon as alcohol has touched their lips? Very, very rarely" This. I have been living in UK for 7 years and I was horrified about this. The first time I met some colleagues after work and the plan was going to the pub and barely talk because you had to drink fast because the faster you drink the longer you are drunk I was like "sorry, what?" I drink so speaking with people and dancing is funnier, not like the main objective of the night


Spanish fans decent af. We people.


Football culture has changed a lot in spain over the last few decades with some big clubs actively getting rid of or at least toning down ultras (eg. Perez banning ultras sur and Laporta Boixos Nois). Likewise strong rivalries between clubs have calmed down a lot, beyond the occasional jest, most people really don't care what team you support. some clubs do still maintain some tension and ultras (frente atleti ofc are around and betis and bilbao come to mind), but it doesn't really spread to the national team


Sadly not true for Atlético and its Frente Atlético fans.


What's wrong with them? Just curious as the only la Liga game I've been to was at Wanda Metropolitano to see atletico vs Barca and I was pleasantly surprised by how cordial the atmosphere was. Granted I wasn't sitting with the ultras of course


Frente Atlético are neo nazis with murders commited https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caso_Jimmy https://www.eldiario.es/euskadi/aitor-zabaleta-asesinado-campo-rival_1_2932227.html


For real?! They are all nazis there, Floren told me so. 


Not all members are Nazis but core leadership and many factions (Bastión) are Nazi boneheads o casuals and have always been Nazi boneheads or casuals


That means it is just an exception among millions of supporters. Interesting. Hopefully the Board and the Authorities will address the issue. 


I don't mean Atleti Fans nor stadium goers, I mean Frente Atletico as a group. And unluckily there has been no action by the board and some by the authorities. Especially after the murder some weeks ago (It was drug related but implicated old Frente Atelico and Ultrasur Members)


If there's 1 nazi and 9 of his friends dining together, there are 10 nazis at the table.


most ultras in spain, including real madrid's ultras are neo-fascist or neo-nazi. a couple of years ago ultras sur made a poster saying anne frank was a colchonera as if that's an insult.


ties with pro franco and nazi members. I knew someone who is a pretty 'high up' member and his snapchat stories of their parties usually had a bunch of fascist imagery like flags and banners. They also killed someone a few years ago and dumped his body in the Manzanares


Spanish ppl in general only act like shit in their home turf ;)


Or in other words, the rowdy low life's have no money to go outside. And they are fewer.


People bring their kids to the games. It's still, verbally, the jungle, at least in Spain. There's a lot of swearing, but no physical violence, 99% of the time. Also the games of the National Team in particular, are more of a party and not that much competitive, they're more focused on just having fun. I'd say they're even more familiar. Also excessive patriotism is not popular in Spain, although we're actually very patriotic, but we'll attack others with memes and jokes more than with toxic rivalry.


Swearing in Spain is different though, at least it is to me when abuela calls you coño for the slightest thing 😂


You don't call someone "coño", it is not an insult. It's used similarly to "fuck", like: - What the fuck is going on? - ¿Qué coño pasa?


Where I am, you certainly do say coño to people in the way you say hombre. No it’s not an insult, but to people outside of Spain who know what the word means it can be a shock.


I thought you were directly translating "cunt", as I've seen many English speakers doing. Like "She's a cunt"-"Ella es un coño", which makes no sense in Spanish. But now I'm curious about how you use it then. Mind to give an example?


No it’s more like abuela saying “ey coño, siéntate” or “coño, escúchame”, so you do say it to people, but it’s not considered vulgar. If you are having a conversation and you disagree you might say “ey hombre…” before starting your argument and you could easily replace hombre with coño (at least where I am this is what we do) but my point was that it’s known that coño is a palabrota but it’s used in a different way.


Honestly if by your third birthday you're not already aware of hijueputa, cagando en la leche y en la hostia, coño, joder, mierda, bastardo, gilipollas, cojones, cabron and possibly el acto de tomarse por culo from your dad, and pendejo, chorra and chichi and from your cousin, you probably don't have a Spanish family. There's a time for not using the language, but the whole pearl-clutching at swearwords isn't a Spanish thing.


My students always get shocked when I tell them I say "Qué pasa, chochete" to say "Hi" to my grandma.


illo... pero xoxo y pixa son de Cái. In the rest of the country nobody uses them (means pussy and dick). At most, in the provinces bordering Cádiz.


Y qué?


Chocho is used in other areas. I’m from Madrid and my best friend calls me chocho since we were in primary school. It was not uncommon back then to call it to female friends a bit like you do in the south. Picha never got popular though


“Hijueputa” and “pendejo” are not typically Spanish from Spain at all, though.


yes, Its "hijoputa" officially. And "pendejo" is common in Mexico. Idk whats the real meaning of pendejo and Im spaniard (but I can guess)


Hijo de puta is, but I spelled it in the Latin American way cos I like the way they make it flow (well, I like the way my dad did it too with every consonant enunciated hi-jo-de-pu-ta but why not both), and as for pendejo, yeah that's why it came from my cousin...


We go for the "hijoputa" or straight up "hijo de puta", but yeah we don't use "pendejo".


yeah "hijo de puta" sound serious... But the best is the argentinian "me cago en la reputa que te parió", than is something like "I shit on the double-bitch that gave birth to you" lol XD


Tal cual. Es como que añadir el "de" le da ese punto de seriedad jajajajajjaja en argentina también os ponéis creativos


In Spain we have the habit of disrespecting when someone is worthy of admiration, and of glorifying the idiot. For example, when someone is a virtuoso in music, or in sports, we say "what a son of a bitch!" or "what a dog!", and to greet us, when it is with true affection, the hug is accompanied with "come here, cabrón (cuckold)" or "damn, mamón (sucker/asshole), how I've missed you." On the other hand, we use to call the idiot "listillo", "espabilado" (too much smart) o "chulo" (cool).


Most of that sounds Latin American though ;)


Maybe the hijoputa part, but the rest is very much spanish to the core


Bastardo y pendejo también? O tomarse por culo? ;) los otros si


Bastardo no estoy seguro, pendejo es bastante mexicano. Tomar por culo es más español que la paella


Si pero decimos a tomar por culo o dar por culo o que te den. Pero no a tomarse por el culo. Ha habido ahí un mix interesante la verdad


cierto, se suele enviar a alguien a que busque a un tercero para eso. XD Bastardo en principio es oficialmente "hijo no reconocido", lo cual viene a indicar que cualquier hombre podría ser su padre, con lo que ello conlleva... un arcaicismo machista, que no se suele usar. Pero hay insultos antiguos que son realmente cool: "botarate", "chingamonas", "petimetre", "zopenco", "tarugo" o "zoquete". Sobre todo si ante un manguán que te pretende provocar le respondes con uno de éstos XD


I have Latin Americans in my extended family (don't we all?!), but my dad was very very Madrid. I spelled hijo de puta in the Latin American way cos i like the way it flows lol. There are loads of Venezuelan insults I've been introduced to recently that I never knew, some of which just involve facial movements, but I welcome them all :D.


You don’t need to vent as much when the window is always open. Being allowed to swear at will helps with anger management.


I used to teach English at a school in Madrid and had to remind the kids that swearing in English is taken a lot more seriously than in Spanish. We had a funny few weeks of 9 year olds dropping the f bomb in conversation 


They are high on paella.


Because most nationalist supporters are from Real Madrid. But Real Madrid fans go with france.


A lot of weed in Spain. Just saying…


Numbers. There are a reported 350k England fans travelling to Germany throughout the tournament, 150k Scotland fans, lots of Dutch as well. I've not been able to find reliable numbers for the Spanish fans, but it's anything between 7k to 20k that have gone to the matches, so it's far less than in other numbers. As someone who's attended lots of football matches both in England and Spain, there is some truth to a slightly different atmosphere, but at the end of the day, 99% of fans wherever you go are peaceful and just want to watch the football.


Ticket + hotel is expensive as fuck, too, so the rowdiest can't afford it.


This was my first thought.


that's it though... England thinks it has so little culture it can call its own, that football is everything to them. most other places it is popular but you don't get that brainless ultra commitment from that extra percentage because people have other stuff going on in their lives than dedicating every bit of their existence to a leather ball.


Christ, do you have this air of superiority with every country? No, it's simply that Brits like to travel to watch football more than Spanish people, and having a higher average wage makes that more accessible for more people. Your average person in the UK doesn't have any more 'brainless ultra commitment' than anyone else.


The higher average wage in UK might soon be a thing of the past, thanks to Brexit


I don't know how soon you're talking about, but we're a while off that. Wages aren't really growing in Spain either. However, the UK is poised to be overtaken by Poland in GDP in the next few years.


Meanwhile, we Spanish can work in other countries as european citizens, where we can earn more than in Spain and UK. Switzerland, for instance, where I live ;)


Funny to pick another non-EU country as your example. But anyway, I'm not prepared to have some kind of argument about quality of life, it's a very subjective thing in any case. I just think there's a bit of misinformation when it comes to Brexit. God knows I didn't support it happening, but it did, and it's not like wages just halved overnight.


And yet my example is that we, as citizens, have more rights as an EU citizen in Europe and our associates, that you ;) Yeah, your wages in UK didn't halve, but sure they have had a negative evolution, way worse than in the EU. And you are just a third country to Switzerland, unlike us :P And of course, the quality of life in UK cannot be compared to Spain, there is a reason why you spend a year longing to spend two weeks with us, right? Such a bad business leaving the club. Now if you want to join, we Spanish will be the senior members, unlike in the 1980s


Again, this pissing contest that you desperately want isn't going to happen. Have a nice evening


Of course, enjoy Brexit ;)


We don't drink as much.


I guess we are just bored of watching them play


It’s too hot to be a cabrón.


A que los españoles somos chil...


Calor pichita, estamos hasta las narices de esta ola de calor y eso nos consume.


We don't usually take anything too seriously.


I’d say our football most hardcore fans are a pile of physicists and philosophers compared to the average European hardcore football fan. Every time there’s some kind of violence nearby a stadium, it’s performed by foreigners. I think the last person killed by a Spaniard because of football was a Deportivo fan more than 10 years ago. That goes together with the fact that most of us can’t afford to spend 1500 euros on a trip to Europe and tickets, so there are barely any Spanish fans in euro games.


"our football most hardcore fans are a pile of physicists and philosophers compared to the average European hardcore football fan" That wasn't my impression when I was getting golf balls thrown at me by Barcelona fans on the way to the stadium. It's a different beast in some of the Balkan countries, though.


Spanish are just chill.


Domestic abuse rate says otherwise...


https://preview.redd.it/1r0azjc9ckad1.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ea380d5e77bc8ff2dfe3ecbfbe23066bdab8e64 Where are you from?


This sounds like a challenge!


Because we are a lot of tiesos nowadays. So we don't have enough money or time to spend in a trip to see our national team defeating the Germans.


This is the real reason: Spain is the most popularly touristed European country. Specifically, tourism from within Europe. Spaniards have witnessed how disruptive loud, belligerent drunken behavior can be to a local population/community. They hate it when they see it in their own communities, so they wouldn't dare propagate it abroad. It has nothing to do with not being passionate about football or bringing their kids to the games, the English bring their kids to the games too lol.


Oh, we of course have insufferable douchebags that cry like babies on television and finish an entire city's cocaine supply. It's just y'alls is another thing.


I don't think drinking is the explanation. Look at Turkish fans or other mediterranean countries such as Portugal that have a way more active fanbase. Money is not the issue either, as we have been able to see how a lot of countries with a lower income than Spain manage to bring a larger number of away fans. Need to look no further than Croatia. People just do not really care as much, especially in the group stages. It is a reflection of how also most Spanish club fanbases struggle to put on a "show" when playing in other European cities. Whereas ultras and fanbases from other countries similar to Spain such as Italy and Portugal do make big scenes when their club is playing abroad. It is a mix of low level of patriotism, sensible drinking and just not being passionate about football enough to travel for it.


People in Spain are incredibly into football where I've lived.


I think a lot of Spanish fans get behind Real Madrid and Barcelona. A lot more than in other countrie, so support for local teams is not as strong. Tribalism is not so much as a thing in Spain. Supporting a winning and successful team seems to be the way for a lot of fans. I think more fans will make noise if the national team progresses deeper and wins.


From a worldwide Empire we were decimated for four centuries, reduced to the little peninsula from when we originally came. The empire divided, lost forever, made poor by force of anglo-american powers. War after wars, loss after loss, the spanish have learned to be calm. To accept life as it is. To perfect the art of working in peace, of respecting each other. That is changing now but the real spanish is calm and polite, a little bit of philosopher, somewhat a poet and a man of the land with a little memory of that empire of the world. Maybe that explains a little.


The people who follow the Spanish national team and get priority from the RFEF are mostly event goers and families, not really ultras nor young lads wanting to binge drink and snort a line. 


Spanish football fans chill????????????????????????????????? yo what the fuck im reading


That racism thing was blow up for political reasons. Vinicius is having problems as we speak in the Copa America because he's a clown, not because he's black. Football attracts double digit mens, so it's easy that some retards use n words for him, but when they don't use for other black guys, even from same team, it tells you something. Btw, answering your question, most clubs in Spain kicked their ultras from stadiums, like Barcelona were Laporta got a bullet in a letter to his house when he did it back in the day or Madrid with Florentino kicking Ultra Sur. Some teams still have them like Atletico who are neonazis, but they are not well seen by society. Plus Barça or Madrid games have a lot of foreigners on the stadium, since they are big, so it's more "family time". If you go deep to kids games, that's the real jungle with retarded parents still shouting to refs. Same happens with Spanish games, there's a lot of families, more than just middle age drunken mens.


"That racism thing was blow up for political reasons." No, it really wasn't. It's a regular problem in Spanish football. It's actually quite normalised, in that I've heard racist comments go completely unchallenged by people. Also, the idea that it's just Vinicius is completely false. There were about half a dozen incidents that I can think of in the last season alone.


I don't want to downplay racism because is something structural in Football (and society), but all the news painted Spanish football as super racist when we're one of the lowest racist big football leagues, partly because we kicked most of the ultras from stadiums. Ofc there was other racist chants in other games but it's also true that some black players never receives this kind of shit while Vinicius receive hate everywhere he goes, even in Europe or South America. Players who are not black receive hate too, like Pique who had chants about his ex wife and kids everywhere he played, I do think is something more towards the individual than about the race per se when it's something general and repetitive every game.


I live in Spain and see UK tourists here sometimes misbehaving and it is of course triggered by copious beer intake. They have 4 cans empty in a few minutes it is a sight to see. They display a rather mechanic way of having a good evening by mechanically inhaling a big dose of alcohol and then calling it a great evening. the spanish are very embarrassed by these young tourists although they are not that young some are in their 40s but are just as barbaric as an 18 year old drunk can be. Spain with more social control, still and tight family relations where teenagers are much more participating in family life than in the UK. The entire idea of a seperate youth culture is anglosaxon and has not completely arrived in Spain, thanks goodness. Teenagers walk arm in arm with grandma , participate in all the national fiestas with enthusiasm, dressing up as roman soldiers or Arab fighters and all this puts a nice break on excessive barbaric behaviour.


Football is a hobby where people vent a lot. We often are less pent up / have more possitive ways to vent. Other comments mentioned booze, its the same with that.


Negative Tax . Mirar esta memecoin que esta sin liquidez , si comparamos unos 5 dólares cada uno volaría sin pestañear ...


in spain for one we can’t drink inside stadiums they don’t sell alcohol, two we don’t get black out drunk like the brits or other european nations we also don’t really have that fierce a rivalry with any team except maybe portugal or italy but even then as you’ve seen we’re also pretty chill, that being said people do say spain has way too passive a fanbase :/


Probably because the ones that send you to the hospital or shank pepople to death are not allowed. It's also true that all I said above usually checks with the troublesome teams, so maybe the problematic fans are a minority.


I've seen every type here, honestly


In general? 🤣




Spain is the strongest We already know that the win will be ours Even if u bet on Spain... Spain wouldn't let u down


Spain 101: Spaniards tend to fight each other rather than, you know, fight with other countries


This is such an interesting question actually. I wouldn't be able to guess, but I can reason with some factors, other than the way we drink which has been mentioned by u/flapjack1989 . Before our golden age, we were recognised as an underperformer team, with talent but never getting quite there. And La Roja was about being fierce, with a bull-like mentality, so there was way more tension and frustration. Then we had it all, beyond any expectation, and for many years. I think we're actually chill ever since that Iniesta goal. That freaking goal is to be studied in the books. Natality raised like crazy 9 months later. Like it actually had an impact on the whole country. Given how much tension was building up to that World Cup, on almost every front, I believe the fans just exhaled everything there was to exhale. Like hey, we touched the sky and we did it un such a manner that it built a foundation, we have like a staple and we know we can do it, so we're enjoying the ride, cheering up our boys, always trying to come back there and being patient. At least that's the general feeling I get when talking about the national team with my friends.


>Why are Spain football fans so chill Tú no has venío a mi pueblo 🤣


Accustomed to winning. We all support Madrid or barca.


one factor is that nationalism is kind of weird in spain so support for the national team is not as fervent


Considering I’m 50% ethnically Spanish no wonder why I’m not a big sports guy


It may only be at the Catalonian sides, but I don’t think they sell alcohol within the vicinity of the stadiums, so the drink and football link is not there. On the flip side, there’s all manner of little cafes and diners with the football on, which we don’t really have in the UK. So I figure they just don’t have the weird association of football = beer time.


Spanish fans can be aggressive, but they are good at football so they don’t have many reasons to be angry 😭😭😭


It’s because English football culture is based on a couple of hooligan films, the games I’ve been to in Spain and Germany have a completely different vibe and are more enjoyable


I cannot talk about all the countries, but I have been living in UK for 7 years and the drinking culture is extremely different, in Spain we like to get drunk, but getting drunk is not the main objective, you go to a party and drink, or go to watch a football game and drink, the drinking part is something that improves the other activity, while my feeling in UK is that for a lot of people getting drunk is the main activity and the pub or the game is the excuse.  My theory is that British people have a lot of social rules most of the times and they cannot relax properly, but then you are allowed to 100% lose control on Friday after 5 or in a footbal game or in holidays so they just lose control, in spain we live in a more relaxed way most of the time and getting so drunk that you lose control is socially not accepted. I have the theory that the protestant mentality of  "you have to be productive all the time" is unhealthy and they have to lose pressure when they can