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This post has been removed because you did not include a spoiler tag in your title. It needs to say “(Spoilers ADWD)”.


Apologies I don’t think this is a spoiler if you’re this far into ADWD—I think GRRM *really* excels at horror writing and I think this book in particuar, as you’ve probably already seen, has some great examples of that.


I think he got that talent from writing his sci fi works. You can even pick up where one alien race were similar to the Children.


I agree, he describes the violence in such a gruesome way. Which takes me back sometimes because the tv show was gory but not as brutal. Al I can think is two things. He has a way with words, and I would also hate to die in this world he created.


He describes bowels really well. That was weird, lol srry


I just listened to danys chapter at the house of the undying. It's so good. The torches guttering out I still eek! after so many reread/listens lol


Omg yes the house of the undying is so creepy. Also there was the thing that she hears crawling/dragging on the floor behind her…


You got me thinking. One of my favorite chapters in the entire series is the prologue of book 1. Chilling! (haha)


I've never gotten a horror vibe though I wouldn't mind reading a work of horror by grrm


Wyman Manderly is such an underrated badass, hope he goes out in style and takes half the Freys with him too


This is my first ASOIAF book that I’m fully reading from start to finish, and I’m definitely going to have to read all the other ones. Looking forward to the one that has the red wedding, and all.


Why are you reading the books backwards.


I didn’t do my research and ordered this book, thinking it was going to be the book about the Targaryen civil war(HOTD), when it arrived and I read the description, then I knew it was wrong. But I’ve already watched GOT and a couple ASOIAF vids here and there, so I already had an idea of what was going on, and the characters I like, fear, dislike, etc. and it was already paid for. (I’ve been taking reading in general more seriously) I think the book I should have ordered was fire and blood? After this book, I’m going to get the other ones and read it 1-4(I’ve read maybe the first 50 pages of book one before having to return it to the library like a year ago).


Can't really blame you that you thought A Dance with Dragons was about the Dance of the Dragons lmao


Thanks, even saying it out loud makes me feel very dumb. All I had to do was click a link. But in hindsight, I’m grateful ADWD was my pick because apparently F&B is more of a entire Targaryen history book, and not just focused on the Targaryen civil war.


Yeah F&B covers basically the first half of the Targaryen dynasty. From Aegons conquest to the aftermath of the dance of dragons civil war. Very good read, but written more like a narrative history and not an actual story.


So pissed he wasn't in the show.


Oddly enough they took the time to cast Sean Blowers as Wyman Manderly for 1 episode in S6 but he has 0 lines as far as I know


His only lines are when he kneels to Jon. Calls him the White Wolf.


He’s in S06E10, part of the group that crowns Jon KITN. They do use part of this speech (the north remembers) but Lyanna Mormont says it. For all the issues within the later seasons, I actually love that scene.


Lyanna Mormont says it *at Manderly*. Fucking ridiculous.


That scene is goofy. A bunch of lords who did not fight in the battle, saying they remember their oaths. And it's played straight, as though it really is uplifting, instead of suspenseful with Sansa intending to leverage power. It would be a great scene if S5 paid off the conspiracy to free Sansa with the small folk and lords doing what they could to help them even if they were too craven to fight in open war.


He appeared in one episode and yet still was enough to assassinate his character. He gets called out for staying loyal to the Boltons


I agree. Love seeing someone with honor and empathy. He saw Davos had children, and the love he has for his children(including the late wyman), and empathized with him.


This was probably the last storyline the show did with any grace or decorum but even then this is such a cathartic moment, it's a shame they did't have it. It's "Jaws when Brody hits the oxygen tank" levels. All that awful tension finally goes off and it's satisfying as hell.


Going through the books now for the first time, almost done, and he's the biggest omission for me. Victarion is up there too because the Iron Islands got the shaft, as well as the "real" Thenns and Alys' plot. (Lady Stoneheart isn't a consideration, but some of those side characters Brienne meets are.)


GRRM can write some goddamn excellent prose.  My favorite: "Go home, child. You have a home, which is more than many can say in these dark days. You have a noble father who must surely love you. Consider his grief if you should never return. Perhaps they will bring your sword and shield to him, after you have fallen. Perhaps he will even hang them in his hall and look on them with pride . . . but if you were to ask him, I know he would tell you that he would sooner have a living daughter than a shattered shield.” “A daughter.” Brienne’s eyes filled with tears. “He deserves that. A daughter who could sing to him and grace his hall and bear him grandsons. He deserves a son too, a strong and gallant son to bring honor to his name. Galladon drowned when I was four and he was eight, though, and Alysanne and Arianne died still in the cradle. I am the only child the gods let him keep. The freakish one, not fit to be a son or daughter."


Damn, I love Brienne and feel for her just reading this. She’s such a good person.


My favorite paragraph in the whole series. The north remembers, and the mummer's farce is almost done


And all his chins trembled.


I do like that the character giving the best monologue has 34 chins


Those chins saved his life


The Chins That Were Promised


The first time I read that section, I nearly stood up and cheered on the train.


If I was on the train I'd start cheering too


As I have said before when George cooks by the gods does he cook


“When”, implies you feel his writing isn’t always as consistent?


No I mean when he actually finally cooks something. 


Bro hasn’t cooked in a decade , what do you mean “when?”


"The north remembers, and the mummer's farce is almost done. My son is home." Bro how the fuck does a human write such a good line


You could feel the energy from the page.


1000% man


Absolutely. One of my favorite chapters in the whole series, and this is the best paragraph. I love the reveal that Lord Wyman is an OG. I love the line from a few paragraphs earlier where he says something like "I am fat and many think that makes me weak and foolish."


Yes, he was speaking in regards to Tywin Lannister. As much as I love Tywin and his intellect, he had his one track minded ways. As for this chapter, it’s too good to be true. Davos was always a favorite for me in the shows, and his written final letter to his wife and children was emotional. I was not ready to see him go, especially after seeing him survive the show(something not a lot of characters can say)…


Without a doubt one of the hardest passages to ever be written


His pen was burning like a red priest.


[“The North remembers, Lord Davos. The north remembers and this mummers farce is almost done. My son is home.”](https://youtu.be/65MQRZKP4YY?feature=shared)


The north plot in ADWD is the best part of the five books. Reek/Theon chapters are unmatched.


One of the best passages of the series. I love how how it ends. "My son is home."


“Renly offered me a peach. At our parley. Mocked me, defied me, threatened me, and offered me a peach. I thought he was drawing a blade and went for mine own. Was that his purpose, to make me show fear? Or was it one of his pointless jests? When he spoke of how sweet the peach was, did his words have some hidden meaning?" The king gave a shake of his head, like a dog shaking a rabbit to snap its neck. "Only Renly could vex me so with a piece of fruit. He brought his doom on himself with his treason, but I did love him, Davos. I know that now. I swear, I will go to my grave thinking of my brother's peach.”


Heads up, I’m still reading, no further spoilers please, thanks


“Feast-Dance is George’s weakest work” 🙄🙄 **Edit**: It is criminal that the show completely omitted Davos’ entire ADWD arc


Yeah I’ve heard ppl say this book is one of the lesser of the books. But if this is “lesser” and it’s my first read, I want to read the other ones as well.


Absolutely! It’s a putrid take though 🤮


I prefer the Wylla Speech tbh She's cool


He's an insane writer. I'll be talking about Daenerys's POV starting from page 545, so since I'm not sure whether to mark it as a spoiler, I'll play it safe. >!For me, the scene that has affected me the most and has had me the most pumped is when Drogon arrives at the pit. It always gets my heart racing because I can imagine everything so vividly. The narration that a shadow cast over Hizdarh's face, the sudden silence as ten thousand voices suddenly stilled. How everything escalates so quickly, and Dany's beloved Drogon has turned so feral he cares nothing for her life. The part where Dany sees herself in his eyes, how scared and weak, and she gathers the courage to grab a whip and tame him, whipping him into submission as she avoids teeth and flames; it's some of the best writing I've experienced. It's absolutely incredible to see that tiny teenage girl tame such a beast and ultimately ride him, unlike Targaryens of the past that simply bonded with them. Very cool scene.!<


They infest my city like roaches, and at night I feel them crawling over me. Fucking *chills*.


Not many lines in books have gotten me as hyped as Wyman saying the north remembers.


Idk Dany's last moments in the last book were... Uh... Pretty detailed and as someone who suffers from bowel issues, unfortunately relatable. He went pretty hard there to give us an unfortunate image of Dany's last moments before she gets taken by the Dothraki.


You just spoiled her ending to me


Ah shit, sorry fam


It’s ok lol, I should have labeled it non spoiler. I was rooting for her to get in the throne.


Oh, the books don't go that far, he still has at least one more book to release (supposedly two), this is just something she deals with in her last chapter that we see before the next book


For me, ADWD Prologue cemented George as a goated writer.


Davos chapters have some of the greatest writing from GRRM >The king moved, so his shadow fell upon King’s Landing. “If Joffrey should die... what is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom?” >“Everything,” said Davos, softly.


The fact that me and one of my favorite characters(Davos) received chills from his statement at the same time was insanely coincidental.


Peak moment in the books.


[Great audio of this passage](https://youtu.be/5jkPKxBDY-g?si=o6f7vBefhsqOnk9V)


All hail the only king I'll bend my knee to! Robb Stark, the King in the North!


There rely is something captivating about his prose. Great prose and great dialogue just makes for a perfect story.


Also we do not allow photos or screenshots of the text, you need to type out the passage you wish t share in the body of your post.


Loved this passage! You can feel Manderly’s rage toward the Freys lifted right from the page.