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I use Door Dash or Instacart.


It also reins in my compulsion to buy random things


That's a _very_ expensive solution to a problem that you could easily solve with earplugs/sunglasses.


It really isn't. Since Door Dash has started doing groceries now, I only pay about $100 a year for the membership. The prices are the same as in store. It usually costs a few extra dollars plus the tip. I'm also working 2 jobs currently, so my time is worth the extra bit of money. I also don't have to deal with crowds. The people in this area seem to exist for the sole purpose of being in the way.


Ear plugs, sunglasses, big hoodie with a hood so I can retreat inside the hood.. and importantly a list. A list and a mental map and plan of how I am going to navigate the store, get what I need and get out asap.


I even do a mental walk-around of the store before going out to make sure I get everything I need in a single go instead of having to search the items when I'm there.


First or last hour of opening times usually the quietest. Used to have more 24hr supermarkets but almost everywhere is 7am-9pm post pandemic (UK)


Some UK supermarkets have autism/Sensory Friendly hours when all the music etc is reduced, the lights dimmed, and people are more likely to be quiet since that's the time for people who need/like the quiet.


I honestly don't get all this with autism hours. I mean it's a good thing and all but when I was a kid and you didn't like the noise and you retreated and get anxious your parents would just make you keep going back and back again but honestly it does work. I no longer have issues with going to the supermarket or places like the bowling alley or arcade. Exposure despite how bad it was at the time.


The big Sainsburys near me doesn't play music and has dim lights but they're a bit pricey. It seems to be mostly pensioners and few kids in there during the week. I go to Asda at quiet times.


I’ve never been in a grocery store in the UK that play music.


How can you when every one plays music? I haven't been in one that doesn't play music.


i always make a point to ask when the "quiet" times are. I was told "come in before 10am" (I like to think I shop with the homeless). Asking another, I got a response of "Tues, Weds, or Thurs but never on Mon or Fri or the weekend". I may not find everything stocked, and the checkout is usually single threaded, but at least it's quiet.


This pisses me off so much no 24 hours stores because of that.


It's really nice to go between 3 and 6 am. I love when it's empty. I spend more than an hour just taking my time exploring ingredients. (I do love to cook)


I do the opposite. I speed run the whole thing. When I enter the store a mental timer starts running and I need to get out of it within 5 mins or so.


I can't. I have to use Instacart every time. Not only is the shopping stressful, but my visual-spatial impairments hinder my driving ability, so I don't trust myself in busy parking lots.


I always park way out at the far end of the parking lots, and in a space that I can pull forward out of when I leave, rather than backing out into who knows what. I hate parking lots that are designed with entrances and exits right next to the storefront, so everybody is forced to drive through the dense pedestrian zones.


I will go shopping when the store first opens or at about eight at night. There are less people and less noise.


Yes, it is so much better then!


Sunglasses, headphones, a mental list of what I need to get, on a Friday night at like 7-8 PM. At least, that was before the pandemic encouraged more stores to have curbside pickup. I have stepped in a grocery store a handful of times since then.


early morning, avoid the first of the month if possible


I often do a grocery pick up from the store, instead of Instacart since there are fewer fees. If I have to shop in store, it’s first thing in the morning during the week.


Where I live (Southern USA), I just order groceries on the Walmart app for pickup. I don't even get out of my car or say more than two words, and they load everything for you. And it's free! Whole Foods also offers it. I've done this for 3 years now and no longer have to deal with the horrors of grocery shopping. I save so much time, money, and overwhelm. If where you live doesn't offer this, or you don't have a car, I just recommend going before 8am. There is almost nobody grocery shopping super early, and the people that are there are much nicer/ less unpredictable


Headphones and focus to get in and out as quick as possible. Also a list.


1. choose delivery or pickup if at all possible 2. go in quieter times or visit upfront to map out the store so you know where everything is 3. have a list with alternatives when something crucial is out 4. stock up on things that last a long time like dry or frozen things and cans 5. try to find a compromise of how often you shop. More often means shorter time in the shop and vice versa 6. use self checkout if possible. If not, prepare everything upfront, money or card, bag or fix the order of checkout so that heavy hard things go at the bottom and light squishy things at the top 7. set up a reminder so that you don't forget to put frozen things in the freezer and perishable things in the frigde bonus tip - don't be afraid to ask someone for help. People are usually happy to help and staff even more so. You bring them a distraction from some boring task like refilling the shelves or something.


Headphones, sunglasses and a list with the isle numbers for anything I don’t already know where to find




Whoops 🤣


Go in early - the 6 and 7 am hours are quiet. Maybe overnight hours work better for you. Look for stores with self-checkout *and* employees who do not enforce an items limit for self-checkout use. I live in an urban area and can walk to a couple of grocery stores like this, which really helps. If you have the means, and are near your limit/need rest, have them delivered.


For sure wear ANC headphones. I wear a hat to keep the overhead lighting out of my eyes. I've thought about just wearing sunglasses. Plan ahead. Work out the shortest route. If all else fails, pickup is totally a thing.


Google usually has a search result showing when they are least busy and what day. I usually have what I want and where everything is in my head to plan out a route ahead of time. A lot of bigger stores you can look stuff up online and it will say the isle and location of the item. Headphones and music.


If I can, I make a grocery list based on whatever items I need, sorted in order from entrance to exit. That way, I don't need to go back and forth to look for stuff. I just grab what I need as I follow my chronological grocery list. Headphones woth music is good too! Or bring company while shopping. Support is great!


Hy-Vee and Target have drive up


I live next door to a grocery store, and I normally go shopping in the morning or mid afternoon before people get off work. That way it's not so busy.


I'm very good at dissociating and running on auto in stores and such.


Baseball cap and earbuds/headphones, hoodie if it doesn’t look too weird for the weather


I dont. I just use doordash 🤣


Less "deal", more "endure."


I like the times when no one is really there. Also sunglasses, hat, and jacket help tremendously


Go first thing in the morning


Target is a good place to pick up some staples because, not only do they not play music in the stores, but they also put up a lot of acoustic tile to dampen the noise. I was lucky in the city where I used to live, because there were three grocery stores within a 2 minute drive of my house. I figured out that the one that was closest to my home was usually very quiet on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons on my way home from work. I would stop by on Wednesday, and if it happened not to be bearable when I walked in the door, I would turn around and try again on Thursday. But 80% of the time, Wednesdays at that store worked. If it was still miserable on Thursday for some reason, I would try one of the other two stores. Almost a year ago , I moved into an entirely different area of the country to be with my girlfriend. I benefit from the fact that she has been ordering groceries to be delivered since way before it was popular to do so, since she has some physical challenges. However, there are inevitably times I need to go into a store. I did a little bit of sleuthing when I first moved here, and found one grocery store that never plays music. Also, the aisles are the widest that I have ever seen in any grocery store anywhere. Even if it is a bit busy, it is very easy to get around people. Outside of the issues with the stores themselves, it is important for me to try and realize what my stress and anxiety levels are before I shop. The same stimuli that are annoying on a good day can be overwhelming on a bad day. Of course, with an autistic mind, it can be very difficult to know this before it's too late. I usually spend 5 or 10 minutes in the car before going into any store, just to meditate a bit and calm down. Even if I think I'm already calm. I am usually wrong about that.


Amazon Fresh (a lifesaver, not an endorsement)


I have zero issue with it and was surprised others did.


Me too. Like it can be busy and annoying I hate shopping like anyone else but I don't have issues with it. I understand kids having problems with it like I did as an autistic child but I was surprised to find autistic adults have issues with the shops.


headphones help a lot. self checkout to avoid the banal small talk. Friday or Saturday afternoon seems are kinda good volume wise. all that and ir still takes a lot of time to get used to it. familiarity definitely helps. i go to the same store every week and have a repetitive path I walk through the store.


ear plugs have helped and I ignore people even if huffing and puffing in the line behind me. I once told someone to bugger off who was standing behind me as I was about to enter my card details at the checkout.


In what aspect? 🤔


I almost always use Instacart and tip very well. If I am out doing something else, even on crowded/noisy days, I can run in for a few items (vs full scale grocery shopping) because I know I won’t be in there long. If Instacart or Doordash aren’t available to you, take a friend and make a hangout of it.


I go in the late morning or late afternoon because all the fk wits are there who can't walk drive in a straight line


I go to a fairly small supermarket near where I live. I know where everything is (until they inevitably move things for no reason of course) and tend to buy the same things every week. Works for me.


I go with my husband at different times on the weekends. Here lately it's during times when the store is less crowded. Yes!! Less loud, less people is what I prefer. 😉 I try to stay concentrated on the list, talk to my kids or husband to keep my mind at ease. 😊


I wear iems with some music to calm me down. Other than that it's smooth sailing. Sunglasses tend to get security guards attention. The lights are way too bright but can't complain much when all the sound gets tuned out.


noise cancelling headphones. go to the same grocery store every time memorize the layout of the grocery store (i always buy/eat the same things every day so my groceries are always the same)


We started doing curbside pickup.


Wow, I almost forgot the social anxiety I used to feel just thinking about going to the grocery store. I would have to prepare myself, then finally throw myself out the door. The strange thing is, once I was actually on the way, I never even thought about it. No issues at all during the actual shopping. I'm not sure when it stopped. Because I haven't even thought about it for years until I saw this post.


Online and straight to boot.


Some shops where I live have quite mornings. Between certain hours they welcome shoppers that like a quieter experience, but otherwise I chance it with my headphones and hoodie.


I was like you when I started my adult life. I concentrated myself on a music in my head and tried to avoid all the noises. With time it worked. Now I'm going to a small SM near midday, usually it's empty at this hour.


I timed my shopping yesterday at the supermarket: 7 minutes, not more. I have a list of groceries in Google Tasks, about 10 to go pick. I walk quickly, my list is drawn up in a logical way according to the organization of the store, I tap off the item on my smartphone when I grab it on the shelf. I go to the supermarket right after lunch when there is almost no one (especially at the cash register). I go to the smallest supermarket in the area.


Noise cancelling headphones with a song or podcast that ou like.


I usually go first thing in the morning when it's less busy. I walk the same path through the store each time and everything on my shopping list is in the order that I'll see it as i go that route. I go through as quickly and efficiently as possible, don't get anything that's not on my list, self checkout, and then I'm out. I plan most of my meals ahead of time, get all dry goods and frozen foods and things that will keep on a once a month shopping trip and get things that can spoil on a much shorter weekly shopping trip.


Instacart - costco delivers from their app too and then I can get bulk items that don’t spoil.


I do curbside pickup. Very rarely do I walk into any store.


Go early on a Sunday, it's so much better


It varies, a mixture of deliveries to my home (shout out to Ocado - they even deliver to the hospital when I’m there) then in person. I have to do some in person unless I want to order deliveries twice a week from three different shops. If I’m going in person I’ve got my obligatory sunglasses. I use noise cancelling earphones, load up a good podcast. I’ve invested in a shopping trolley with a seat thing so if I’m really overwhelmed I can move my basket off it, put the brakes on and just sit down and hide for a bit. Not sure how well it’s going to work in an actual meltdown but my practice runs with it haven’t been too bad. Going early is best, just not so early that they haven’t re-stocked for the day I’ve made that mistake before especially with the bakery section. (My safe bread just isn’t made on the weekends, and doesn’t arrive first thing). I hate the queues that pen you in like cattle, I haven’t figured out a way to avoid those as annoyingly all the bigger shops near me have started using them.


Free grocery pickup! I use it for Kroger and Whole Foods 😊


Self check out is a miracle.


Headphones, especially around screaming children. Although now I’m dealing with crowds and people moving their carts in front of me with no warning or acknowledgment, I’m considering online grocery shopping and just going in-store to get my meds.


Audiobook, headphones, my most comfy shoes and a dr.pepper from McDonald's and I'm good to go


Walmart delivery most of the time


The self checkout is a lifesaver for me. I can scan items alone without the pressure of having people waiting for me to pack all my stuff.


Middle of the day when everyone else is at work, I only use a basket, and I always have a list.


My housemate and I divide chores, she does the in person grocery shopping, I do it when it’s online. Second choice, online shopping and delivery. I see no earthly benefit to doing this particular chore in person. It’s hell and takes me days to recover. I finally gave myself permission to use any other way to get food than in person grocery shopping.


Instacart ftw


Drive up/pickup or delivery!


Some goof rear-ended my car and totaled it. Being between cars, I started using koger's delivery. You actually get deals that are specific to delivery, too. Bear in mind that coupons coincide with delivery dates, not order placement dates. First tier boost membership is totally worth it. If you have any issues, customer service is good to work with. CVS has delivery with their membership, too, but not all the extrabucks deals can be shipped or delivered. I wrote to customer service about that, because it's not fair to people who are reliant on that service, due to disability. I have a Care Plus membership there, too. My shopping is based on what's at price point and what I like. I like to plan the shopping based on the digital deals in both places, so that makes it easier in a way: it's a pattern.


Sunglasses and headphones help. Coming within an hour or two of when they open or when they close also helps. You could also see if they have an App so you can plan your route and make it as quick and painless as possible by putting the aisle and shelf number next to the item on the list. You could also check to see if they have curbside pickup (thanks Covid).


Four words: Walmart free grocery pickup


Curbside pickup always. It helps me do less impulse purchasing too and I can add stuff to the cart through the week as I think of it and then it’s just ready to go. If you have a vehicle and can get to the store I think it’s the best way for sure. I never go into a store unless I absolutely MUST.


Sometimes I order online, but if I have to go myself I’ll do it in the middle of the day when there are fewer people. Helps if I’m wearing headphones/listening to a podcast. I also will usually go to a smaller / fancier grocery store (Whole Foods, fresh market) because it’s slightly less bad than the big major chains like Walmart or Winn Dixie, for whatever reason.


I go to the supermarket wearing my noise cancelling earbuds, listening to my music and I actually get to enjoy it also I also kind of have learned the pattern on the days and hours, meaning If I go early in the morning there will be mostly adults and it’s calm haha


I pretend I'm in some weird purge video game and I brutally kill every single person that dares to dawdle or stop right in front of me. It doesn't stop the overwhelm and I still leave absolutely raging, but I feel slightly better about all the people's heads I blew up in the process...


i don't have problem with grocery shopping. only a little bit fearful when o just go in to note this weeks prices and not buying anything. makes me really stand out and guards thinking i am suspicious. 


I wear my sunglasses. I don’t want anyone to see the anxiety in my eyes. I will have headphones on. Music may or may not be playing. I don’t care: it prevents people from talking to me. I remain focused. I purchase what I need and get the hell out. Costco used to trigger intense panic attacks. I’m slightly better now but I still won’t make an effort to go there if I don’t have to. Thankfully, I live an hour north of Winnipeg. Less people=leas chances of being annoyed.


I grocery shop after my last shift at work ends. The grocery store is 3 minutes away from there, and since it's night, there's very few people there.


I totally understand you! This used to be such an issue for me...i was spending heaps in delivery fees just to avoid it. I found personally that going as soon as the shop opens is a good time (if your looking for something particular) or just before they close as its a ton quieter/calmer people wise, as for the noises i always shop with earbuds in! Sometimes listening to my own music or even a podcast/book as it gives me something to focus on other then everything around me. If its the store itself that's the issue id recommend going a little bit before you want to start shopping and taking your time to just walk around and give your mind time to adjust itself to the environment as it is a lot for us to deal with sometimes...be kind to yourself there's no rush, while i understand not everyone has a support dog i do and i have a special patch for her that covers the whole side specifically for when we go to 'over-stim events' it says "Handler has ASD please give space" i also have one on the arm of my jacket for when i go shopping sometimes (cause i like to give them a break) All in all try a few different things with someone your comfortable with around incase something goes wrong and see what works best for you!! 😊😊


I shop regularly, no issues luckily.


Nothing wrong with wearing sunglasses in doors if the lights bother you though, or earplugs/headphones for noise. Go doing off-hours. I usually go to Sprouts locally, or Kings (owned by Kroger). Both are pretty quiet here generally, just people trying to get errands done.


We down't have any bring-service where I live, but I make a chronological list of things to buy, and I don't go to the store in what's considered rush hour of that particular store. That means early or late. Less people, less time (in the store), less stress. I don't go rouge and buy anything that isn't on the list either. This goes with everything I'm buying in store if it can't be bought online.


I do it by myself because if anyone goes with me, they quickly begin to irritate me, especially if I feel rushed. And i irritate them because of how i shop. I go in with a list, but I always end up walking down every single isle throughout the entire store (except the children's section, women's clothes, etcetera, because I never need anything from there).I go aisle by aisle and check things off as I come across them, even though I know exactly where they are and could easily make my shopping an in-and-out venture. Inevitably, things not on my list still end up in my cart. I get to the checkout counter, begin looking through my cart, then I go back through the aisles and replace the extra stuff, determining at that time whether I need stuff that isn't on my list. I also put all these things back where they belong, in exactly the same place. It takes forever. It's very frustrating, even to me, and a shopping trip for four or five items easily takes me several hours to complete.


I enjoy grocery shopping. I hate people. I go shopping early Sunday morning when no one else is in the store. I wear clothes that cover most everything so I don't have to feel getting touched. I am in and out before the crowds arrive. I shop at Whole Foods because fewer people can afford to shop there. The few people shopping early 3rd Sunday generally have more money and manners. Well off people generally take better care of or at least have better control over their children. Last thing you want to see in a market? Bey Bey's kids. Vile ragga muffins, extremely loud, unwashed street urchins climbing up shelves, eating unpaid for items. Taking things from other peoples carts. Their parents in a half lit haze, oblivious to what their kids do as they talk on cell phones. If you ask them to control their kids they morph into 15 foot tall entitled LOUD, Super Sized Industrial Strength Karen's. They reek of stale beer, fresh pot, a hint of urine, sweat, heavily soiled 7 day old tampons, cheap body oil and STRONG breath that rivals ash trays full of spit soaked, sun cooked cigarette butts. If you want to avoid the very real Karen’s I reference above shop on the third Sunday of the month. This is after most monthly benefits have run out. The 3rd Sunday is usually the drought between most bi weekly workers paychecks. Also things are best if the third Sunday is also rainy, snowy or otherwise increment. I don't care how nice your neighborhood is. You will sooner or later encounter a Karen exactly as I describe above. My grandmother used to say, I attracted this type of person. After living 60+ years, she was right!