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Nah, cause I'm the kind of ND that struggles with NOT wearing socks. I have like 4 dozen pairs of the exact same socks just so I can switch out whenever I feel the need.


No socks = feet are open to sensory horrors.


Exactly. Although, no horror is worse than having socks on and stepping in water. Even my beloved socks have a drawback lol


Cat vomit: Hold my beer…. (I’m a cat owner and I have stepped in a few spew piles both barefoot and in socks. Socks are sooo much worse)


Oh gross... Yeah, I've dealt with that before too. If it's just a soggy hairball that's one thing, but actual puke is just... Ugghhhh. It's happened enough times that if I am walking around at night and I feel wet on my foot I immediately stop walking, raise that foot And strip the sock off before I have to feel it more.


My cat will hurl food, hairball and liquid all in one go. I stepped in it once early in the morning (I knew she threw up, didn’t know where, couldn’t see where and found out by stepping in it with my socks on) and it was so overwhelming that my brain crashed for a few seconds before I could even get the sock off…


Oooooh that is the worst.


Yeah that sucks. Maybe not quite as bad, but I hate stepping on pieces of cat litter with bare feet and it sticks to your foot.


like when your foot touches something sticky then every time your foot touches the ground and gets lifted up it feels sticky


counterpoint: clothes are a sensory horror.


counter-counterpoint: existence is a sensory horror.


good point.


But so is skin touching skin from other parts so what is there to do?


Yup. I complain to my husband "the floor is committing microagressions against my feet" if I have to take even a few steps without socks and shoes/slippers.


100% socks and I have special comfy house slides. I remember when I first had people over to my house and offered them socks (shoes off house) and someone looked at me like I was very strange... And I was like... But the things. The things touch feet? Feet pick up dust? I couldn't stop looking at their feet at first. I carry socks in my bag when it's summer and sandals are necessary outdoors, otherwise if I go to someone's house and take off my shoes, I will have to borrow some.


Cold hardwood/tile floor, unswept, no socks. Pain.


Oh yeah, love the socks all the time situation.


No socks means the grit you didnt know was on the floor stick to your feet


Socks are not enough— I need armor to walk on tile. I have special in house crocs I wear to protect from any possible stimulation to my feet.


What do you like about outlast? Edit: [Amazon Link to best socks](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B09DXTQ2W1/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=A5FNNA8ZS3NC&psc=1)


Finally… someone has put into words what I could not… thank you!


Also is cold and gets sweaty




Such as chilly tiles in the dining room.


Counterpoint: No shoes = feet are open to sensory horrors.


This is exactly me. Unless I'm in the shower or sometimes when it's just beastly hot while I'm trying to sleep, I am in socks the rest of the time. And then I find the perfect socks and the company goes and changes them and then I have to start all over again 😭


Ah, see... That's where you and I differ. I don't care how cold my feet are. Socks do not come to bed with me. They get taken off immediately before, and new socks in the morning. I just can't stand having socks on in bed.


That's totally fair! If it isn't too warm, I basically gotta have as much fabric or stuffed animal touching me as I sleep as possible. Just gotta be surrounded by softness to an insane degree haha


I have day socks and bed socks. I can't wear the day socks in bed, and the bed socks are only for bed.


I've found great socks a few times and then after a few months they don't feel so comfortable anymore...


Socks 24/7. I don't want to feel every nook, cranny and crumb on the floor. So it's either socks or buy a roomba or something.


At least once daily I find myself putting socks on just because my toes feel weird.


Why did the Aspie cross the road? To organize the traffic flow!






I buy socks that literally say "left" or "right" on the bottom. I also arrange them in my drawer by their level of stretch, as some are older and some are newer. They're also made of bamboo because I absolutely despise the feeling of artificial Fabrics


Needlessly long (and uninteresting) story ahead:  Just like any other day, I begrudgingly accepted that I had to put on socks to go outside and grabbed a fresh pair. As I was about to put on the first, I noticed that once again, I had correctly grabbed the left one (as clearly marked by the "L"). Neat, as I always put on the left one first!  I must be really lucky for this to keep happening! Some Spidey sense started tingling... I thought back and couldn't remember a *single time* in recent times where I *didn't* grab the correct one on first try. What a cool little probabilistic oddity that it just keeps happening!  Statistics Spidey sense kept tingling... This *is* kind of weird.  It was then that I checked the other sock: also left. Huh?  I went to my socks drawer and pulled out another pair. Two lefties. More pairs checked and it turns out I only have lefties?  It was then that I realised that while my childhood socks had "L" and "R" for left and right, my adult socks had an "L" for large...




Your story was neither long, nor uninteresting. It was very good. Thank you for sharing!


TIL there are left and right socks. I exclusively wear Crocs unless otherwise mandated, so my system is just not wearing socks, lmao!


Nah, you've just got two left feet, so your socks are always correct.


Wait, socks are sided?


Some socks are. Like Bombas.


Bombas are some of the best socks around. I may need to get more, mine seem to have shrunk.


After they've shrunk, do you call them Bimbas?


Naw, Bambinos.


If your pizza tastes like used socks, throw out the cheese.


I've worn through several pairs.


I don’t like socks but, when I need to wear them, I only wear Bombas. I noticed the comedian Rick Glassman only seems to wear Bombas and he’s autistic.


Ohhh that's why they were so uncomfortable the other day!


Bamboo and wool, in my experience


I used to think mine were, and wondered why I only ever found left socks in my drawer! Where did all the right socks go? They were large socks 😐


They are if you wear them enough times! They conform to the shape of your foot!!


I buy socks specifically to have a very tiny seam. If I can feel it on my feet my whole day is ruined. And the socks have to be identical in every way. If there's a color difference I can feel it.


>if there's a color difference I can feel it That is the most autistic thing I've ever read and I love it


LOL it bugs the hell out of me


I am okay with the toe seam, BUT they have to be on perfectly aligned and on the correct foot (otherwise they get lopsided). I’ve been looking into getting seamless socks now that I know about them though


I switched to long fiber wool, super thin, toe socks a few years ago. This was because of getting irritated when my toes touched each other. But, they also have several other advantages, like wicking away moisture really well, drying super fast if I step in a puddle, and there is no seam. It was hard getting used to toe socks at first. My trick was to wear them on a backpacking trip where after a while my other senses become so much I stop noticing my feet. Now I can't wear normal socks without feeling super weird.


>I buy socks that literally say "left" or "right" on the bottom. I would love this! What do I need to search to find labeled socks?


Where do you get bamboo socks, and how do they feel different? Is it closer to cotton or something else entirely?


Cariloha is the brand I buy It's similar to a synthetic fabric in that it's not super water retentive, I work outside in the heat in Boots all day and I don't feel like I'm swimming in my socks like I do with cotton Much softer too, the big drawback is you can't put them in a dryer or they get destroyed. They have to be air-dried


I am not so rigorous, but I sense the potential to be, and I feel seen…


Bamboo is really nice!


I buy all of my socks from Target so they’re they same shape but come in lots of silly patterns and then I mix and match whatever combination makes me happy but I also have to pair them by stretch lol. Pairing a nice, tight new one with an older one with the ankle stretched out just feels weird on my feet. I was thinking yesterday that I probably need to go through and get rid of some of the older ones that I never want to wear anymore cause they’re too stretched and I’m low key devastated.


Ooh where do you get your bamboo socks?


Cariloha Their underwear is really good too, feels like Silk and doesn't ride up


i think i relate too much to this. i always gotta organize my socks a specific way and its so normal to me that it doesnt feel weird?? but when i started doing my gf's laundry, she questions why i dont fold this and that together and im like nonono dont do that. one is too stretched out and i need to find one that is more similar because i KNOW its there. it doesnt help that she likes to buy the same exact socks (theyre her favs) so a lot of times i have piles of socks that look like they should be folded together but they just dont go together in my brain


ever tried wool socks? they're awesome. cool and breathable in the summer, warm and insulating in the winter, durable as all hell, and the best part? they barely smell after a day of wearing them for me they're pretty soft, however I am aware that for some, wool feels a bit scratchy. I don't notice the scratchiness of wool with wool socks that i do with wool shirts, so It's probably made differently


I like socks, but my system for everything else is simply learning to not scream. Taken a few decades, & a lot of relearning "not everyone is like me & that's ok," but I've finally gotten it down. Mostly. Lately there've been a lot of non-routine things & let me tell you, it's not easy.


For me, it's just been about slowly lowering my standards and giving up, as with everything else in life. Wearing slightly different socks used to drive me crazy when I was young, now I'll rock a long blue one one foot and a medium black on the other because I'm 40 and tired and dont give a shit anymore.


That’s basically how I go about things. It sucks, but you do it anyway because it will eventually suck less, and trying to keep a system is exhausting


Yup, embrace the chaos. Great is the enemy of good.


I was amused that they were frustrated that I kept giving caveats and long detailed answers to yes or no questions. Seems like that should have given them the info they were looking for.


Exactly how my autism evaluation went lmao. I would be asked a very normal simple question and I would end up in a tangent about something that was probably relevant in some way 3 storylines ago to the point where my evaluator had to just start cutting me off. Therapist does the same thing sometimes but that kinda sucks more.


This sounds exactly like me, tbh


My autism/ADHD assessment report mentioned that I would go off on unrelated tangents sometimes. I swear, I have no idea when this happened. I’m just giving you all the information bro!


This is why I hate online quizzes lol. “Do you like xyz?” Well it depends…


Yes, oh my god. I hate "Do you do this", "Do you like this" because it *depends*. "How much time do you spend doing chores in a day?" I don't know, how am I feeling that day? Do I usually do my chores that day? Do I have the energy to? It all *depends*


I am an ND therapist who does screenings for AuDHD. I’m usually already pretty confident about the outcome when going into the screening, but let me tell you, the elaboration on yes/no questions really solidifies everything lmao


I had a hard time with that. But I also had a really hard time with the strongly disagree - strongly agree scale questions. I was never sure if I'm supposed to be answering based entirely just on how I feel or if I was supposed to answer based on how I compare to others, and if the latter, I wouldn't be getting assessed if I really understood that. Is that typical?


This sub is too relatable every time. I should probably be tested haha


Also nice: "Do you need to employ certain strategies to appear normal and be accepted by others?"  Nope, man, I have long given up on being normal, and simply befriend the people who accept me anyway (rare as they are).  Also nope since I used to have those strategies, but they never worked.


I feel like this question just shouldn’t apply to any woman over 40 because we reach the fuck em age and who gives a shit!


I’m a late diagnosed autistic female, I had no idea that I was “employing strategies” my guy


Same! As a child, I asked my parents to help me be normal. A few years later, I took it back because I had figured out it was impossible for me to be normal. Unfortunately, my parents remember me asking them to help me be normal but not me taking it back, even though I remind them of it every time they bring it up!


Absolutely have to be the same sock on both feet, same brand and patern/colour cannot wear miss matched socks.


Is that not just standard practice when it comes to sock wearing? I don't understand why anyone would wear mismatched socks (unless doing to deliberately as a fashion statement). I would not be able to tolerate mismatched socks. They have to feel the same on both feet, otherwise it's way too uneven and distracting. I can do mismatched only if it's a color/pattern difference, but the socks are otherwise identical in feel.


My husband has multiple styles/brands of black socks and he just… doesn’t seem to notice when he’s wearing a mismatched pair…and doesn’t care when they have a gigantic hole where his toe pops out. I would not be able to function.


I cringed reading about the mismatched socks your husband wears. I have 2 different styles of both a black and a gray sock (4 types, 2 colors) by the same manufacturer. The styles differ in the thickness of the fabric, and maybe just a wee bit in length. I absolutely cannot stand wearing mismatched socks that feel different. I couldn’t care less about the color mismatch. This is definitely one of those things that makes me think I likely have more going on than just my adhd diagnosis


I thought so too, but that's just what I do, I'm the same, it just doesn't feel right, although I've seen people who don't care if they wear miss matched socks so idk


So my wife is NT, and those monsters don't care one bit. A sock is a sock.


When I first met my husband he just had a drawer of socks. Not matched. Just thrown in. First day he left me alone in his flat I paired them all up. He wasn’t best pleased but I couldn’t be with someone who just had socks separately floating about a drawer.


I wear only one type of sock. I have 20 individual socks in each color. I usually try to wear the same color on each foot, but sometimes I just grab and go. Not having to worry about matching to avoid the sensory hell of different lengths/textures on each foot is such an incredible relief. 🥹


"I don't understand why anyone would wear mismatched socks" Because honestly I can't be bothered to find matching socks. I could spend half an hour feverishly searching for a sock that matches or just put on whatever feels the same because they'll be covered by shoes and trousers anyway, and the second option is a lot less time consuming and annoying


I need the same brand, shape, and level of stretched-out-ness, but I buy all of my socks from the silly Target ones so I can mix and match. I’m just too lazy to pair them up.


Oh yeah, same level of stretched-out-ness that's a good point!


my "system" is i don't wear socks.


Same here! My style is the combination of all my systems to avoid sensory issues. No socks, no pants (skirts only) and no textures rougher than polyester. Long hair (air dried because of the dryer sound😣) and pulled into a ponytail. People compliment me on my style, and I just think *hehe... Thanks! I'm coping!* 🤣


I'm similar to this with a few differences. 1. I do wear socks most of the time; I very much prefer to not wear socks, and take them off as soon as I get home, but all the jobs I've had have required specific footwear, so socks are better than barefoot in boots (Ew). 2. I also hate pants, but I wear shorts. Ideally I wear cargo shorts because the extra pockets are just so useful. 3. I have always kept my hair quite short (at least on the sides) because I hate the feeling of my hair on my ears, and don't like having to style it all the time.


You can wear anc (active noise cancelling) earbuds while drying your hair. It's still somewhat noisy, but depending on the anc it could get rid of the sharpest part of the sound.


This lass gets it. Edit for pronouns. Whoops.


yeah lol. i go barefoot wherever possible


"Do you have any issues with your work or casual life that cause a significant amount of stress?" "Nope, I have a particular set of methods to everything and an unwritten schedule that I maintain that makes me very happy so long as I follow it to the letter. The issue I have is when someone or something disrupts the routine, which causes me stress." "So you do have issues in your life that cause significant stress?" "I just said daily life doesn't cause me stress."


Nowadays they generally don't bother me, but when I was little I would go *insane* from being able to feel the seam of the sock on the top of my toes. I would constantly be stopping and adjusting my socks so the "line wasn't in my socks." My mom's eventually solution for me was to turn them inside out and that stopped the majority of the problem lol. It was just sensory hell for little me


I remember being very upset at feeling the seams when I was a kid, it was the worst feeling


Same here i remember my mom found a pair of seamless socks and i absolutely loved them. Before i had those i couldn't stand wearing socks because of the seam. I don't care as much about the seams now but I still wear the exact same style of socks everyday just in different colors.


I swear, little girls socks in the 90s were the fucking worst. Elastic pretty much digging straight into your ankle and thick annoying seam at the toes. I’m so glad for my daughter that most socks I find for her seem much smoother.


Oh my god seams are the worsssttt. I don’t know if it’s because I have very tactile toes and pick things up with them so I am very aware of things my toes touch or WHAT but if I can feel the seam I’m going to be miserable the entire time they’re on. It doesn’t help I have grotesquely large feet either.


I had loads of glittery socks growing up. I always wanted to wear them because they were pretty. But they were the most uncomfortable scratchy little bastards ever. I don’t even think someone NT could wear them.


See, I have to wear socks, I can feel EVERYTHING. I also wear slippers in my house as well. I prefer having two layers of soft squish between me and the horrifying crumbs and dirt on the ground. I can feel each individual crumb every time I walk around the house and it drives me fucking nuts.


This is the way. No Slippers = tip-toeing around the House as to not feel all the stuff on the floor. And yes, I should vacuum my place more frequently.


For years I avoided them all together. Now they are all ankle height black socks that are removed when they no longer match the rest.


I still largely avoid wearing them


I have zero problems with socks for you see, I simply don't wear them. Or shoes, for that matter. Sandals for the win!  Can't focus when my feet are sweaty. Like, physically can't.


Foot Jail!! Yes, sandals all the time. The second I put on socks & sneakers I swear my body temp goes up 20° and we know that's not possible. My feet need to be free!


Yes!! If my soles are confined, so is my soul!!! Happy Cake Day :’)


I wish I could not wear socks but we have hardwood floors and if anything whatsoever gets stuck to my feet I get really annoyed. Then I sweep the house. Then I walk around without socks. Then I get a single piece of something stuck to my foot again. Then I sweep the house again. So I wear socks.


Same. Especially since I have a cat and can’t vacuum after every single time she uses the litter box.


I also have hardwood floors and I cannot wear just socks and I cannot be barefoot either. I have slides I use as my home slippers for a comfortable middle ground. I don't have to wear socks at home and I don't get things stuck to my feet!


The tricky autism assessment. Had me read through a simple picture book and ascertain what was going on entirely through the pictures. Fucking nailed it. We get to the results phase and it turned out I didn’t make eye contact once while relaying the answers. 😭


"Fucking nailed it" ![gif](giphy|xT9IgrEpLm6Ud7El0s)


It’s not my fault there was a hidden test 😤😤😤


One time my parents took me for a hearing test because they thought I was deaf. Turns out I have nearly perfect hearing and was just ignoring them


I had a hearing test as a baby and while I fully passed every test, my mum failed some. Turns out my bloodline is cursed with early hearing loss. 😔


Lol I 100% understood why right away. "You asked me to explain the story, and I did perfectly."


I mismatch the pattern on my socks. If they're the same colors, they have to have different patterns. I never wear matching colors. It depresses me for some reason. They have to be the same length as well. Usually the same manufacturer so same material too. They have to be thin or my feet suffocate. And I only wear socks while I have shoes on. As soon as they come off, I go barefoot or put on flip flops for traveling the house. Absolutely no socks for bedtime.


I have to wear socks around the house and must get into my bed wearing socks, but I soon as I lay down, I must take off the socks using just my feet. I have to be literally shivering in my bed to keep my socks on while I sleep.


Put them *most* of the way on, then they get pushed the rest of the way on when I put on my boots. Then they're not too tight on my toes, just perfect.


I'm the opposite, I love tight, snug socks. I pull them definitely further than they're meant to be pulled on. I also liked sitting with my front chair legs on top of my toes (well, not directly on the toes but where the joint to the rest of the foot is) in elementary school because the way my own weight crushed my feet was comfortable for me. Not... quite sure why I liked that, but I did.


I think the better diagnostic tool is to ask "how do you eat a pizza?" And if their answer is anything other than "I just eat it" or confusion then they are autistic.


See there's a difference between the answer is say and the answer I would do. Kinda highlights this meme lol Because if the pizza is like all gooey and floppy I put it on a plate and eat it with a knife and fork. But I would say I just eat it. And different types of pizza are eaten differently lol


Ya see, the system works.


I hate dresser drawers. I don't like the feeling or the sound of wood scraping on wood. I prefer having an open face shelf for my clothes I can just put them in directly.


What kind of pizza l? How big are the slices? Is the crust cheese-stuffed, thin, normal, or other? Listen I'm gonna need a picture or an example piece


I used to take all the cheese off. Now I generally fold the slices in half so I don't get it on my face.


As a child: tear all the topping off and only eat the crust (Australian pizza, lots of topping and thick bread) As an adult: one bite of the main bit with one bite of the crust so the texture remains even and you don’t finish with hard crusty bits only not start with smooshy only. Must. Be. Even.


Wait a second. Is my lifelong hatred of socks and close-toed shoes because of my mental health diagnoses??? I’ve never thought about this before lol


It's a common symptom of being neurodiverse


Dang, I had no idea, genuinely


Hike em up as high as they go. When it’s cold out you bust out the soccer socks.


My rule is that ankle socks are for walking around the house only. They must be longer for me to wear them with shoes.


I actually prefer to wear socks over not. The temperature on my feet stays consistent.


Inside out so I feel the usually softer side as well as less seam issues


My system is I cannot bare my feet. I absolutely have to be wearing socks at all times except in the shower and at bedtime as long as my feet are covered by the blanket.


Specific material & brand until it becomes unavailable. Current brand comes 4 pair similar colors, 2 pair a lighter shade of the other 2 so I wear the lighter set on the left & darker on the right. I buy 4 packages at a time & the 16 pairs lasts me about 2 years until I lose enough or they are no longer wearable. Then there will be a few months of finding a similar sock situation, add a few months if I need to come up with a new system.


Oh my god it’s so true. Not the sock one but other things like that. Luckily I had a pretty astute psychologist evaluating me who saw through those kind of “normal to me” things—which was also like ok great, how much of the stuff I do or think that I see as perfectly normal is bonkers to other people, like how self conscious should I be lol


I was so frustrated taking the tests because how do you want me to give a straight up answer. It is situational and I need additional context for these questions. Why is sometimes not an answer?!


the seams in the toes bother me so I just get rly big socks 😭


Socks for diabetics are usually seamless. I only buy diabetic-friendly socks now.


They make seamless socks! They're pricey but worth it. Just Google it.


I'm poor so big socks it is 😭


I'm about to blow your mind... Wear them inside out. I had been struggling for years with hating the feeling and a friend told me her own solution. Changed my life forever, never went back to wearing socks the same




NT people be like: “Let’s design a test that looks for social comprehension issues and make the questions really vague and easily misunderstood”


Well what is the damn point of doin stuff if you aren’t winning xD


My system for getting chores done is to walk in-place as I do them so I can get my daily step count done simultaneously.


This repost reminds me of when i was newly diagnosed.


I'm low support needs so I basically can't get diagnosed


ASD level 1 is low support needs. If you have support needs, you are diagnosible. I think It's dumb, but at present you can't be diagnosed autistic as an adult unless you have support needs, which just isn't good science lol.


My socks are folded together. But they're just haphazardly chucked into the drawer. Half of them don't even match. But I'll only wear wool socks.


I only get socks that are at least 70% cotton. I flip them inside out and trim off the little seam bits, sometimes I just make a hole in the baby toe corner... By accident usually. Short socks if I am not wearing pants, only long socks if I am wearing them. Simple lol


Seams don't bother me. I have to wear socks if I'm wearing shoes, though, and any artificial fabrics are cringe.


Is there a sock Cardinal sin thing im missing here? They're socks. Cant over think that.


lol, definitely the 10th dentist opinion in this room right now




I wear socks I like and don't wear the ones I don't like.


My system is I throw them in the closet and when I need some I grab two clean ones. Very rarely are they from the same pair.


Same type of sock every time. Black shin socks that I pull all the way up, fold down to my ankle, and repeat on the other foot before shoes.


I have many socks, but only one pair is allowed to be worn. my brain will not let the other socks stay on for more than they have to, so it's either the one pair or barefoot


If there's one thing in life I'm winning at, its socks.


My feet does the hurties if I wear shoes without socks… ._.


I always thought I suck at everything, but now I'm aware that I'm really good at wearing socks!


I have walking socks for shoes, house socks for house, and bed socks that never see the ground Divided up by texture of course


My system is to buy stretchy bariatric/pregnancy socks


Does anyone have trouble with just certain kinds of socks? Like any sock that is too soft or fluffy is just horrible. It needs to be solid fabric or it's just unwearable


I do. I do not like wool socks. They are so loose on my feet that it always feels so wrong to me, like I'm not supposed to go inside them barefoot.


Thanks for reminding me, I need new socks


Me deciding which I hate more, wearing socks or having dirty feet


I love socks. My feet have to have socks. Unless I forget to, or can't get myself to put them on, like right now, or I'm wet or sticky.


I don't struggle with socks at all. But is it weird that in my dreams I can't put socks on?


Starting to realize how many feelings I have about socks…


Im always like. “I dont stugle with the texture of clothes” yea buddy thats because you’ve only bought clothes that you dont strugle with.


Socks do not cause any problems. Now could we please get back to my monolog?


Comfy socks = stays Non-comfy socks = stays in my dresser forever, waiting for the sweet release of death


socks on only if shoes are on. Or if I'm at a friend's house. I was told that taking my socks off with my shoes at the door was... weird. walking around on bare floors with socks on feels wrong. trying to fall asleep with socks feels like being suffocated lol


Goddamn I feel exactly the same. Wearing socks without shoes feels repulsive.


I don’t struggle with socks at all. I just wear them :/


I buy many identical socks. No more odd socks.


I only wear fuzzy socks. They are warm and less tight than regular socks around the ankle. My husband... well, I figured he was neurodivergent when we had a loooong discussion, where he said every pair had a left and right sock and wouldn't budge from his stance even when I told him I have just randomly been pairing up his socks (all the same black type of sock) without regards to left or right and it would be a huge coincidence that I picked a left and right one every single time. Judging by the look on his face, you'd thought I had just admitted to cheating on him with his father, that's how horrified he was. Now I am banished from pairing up his socks, so he can pair them up "the right way". He lines them all up on the kitchen table and it feels like watching him play that card game (memory I think?) Where you have to turn around 2 cards and if they match up you get to put them in your pile. I still don't see the difference between a left or right sock.


I have an entire Information Architecture and Theory Of Socks


I find it is much easier to buy new socks than to keep track of where I put them.


These comments are stressing me out


In this regard, it does feel odd that I have literally no issues with socks at all


I have to wear them at all times (anything touching my feet is Bad) but they have to be a specific brand and I wear them inside out


I ask if people believe in ghosts. Because some people immediately shit on things that have no scientific basis. I like to see curiosity or like a neutrality. Positivity is fun too, I just don’t want someone to relentlessly shit on the things I care about if they don’t like them. Things like mbti and astrology, which I know have no basis in science but are fun little puzzles.


Same here! I really like things like astrology, Tarot cards, mythology, all that stuff! But I don't believe in any of it! My father tells me I'm wasting my time engaging in things that don't exist but he also constantly nags me to start reading Lord of the Rings already...


I've always hated socks, they warm my feet until they're red and imprisoned. However, I've found out I like wearing stockings, because they make me feel pretty.


What's my system? For socks? I don't wear them, unless I have to. That's my system. Lol. When I do wear them though, I bought two "packs" of these really nice, thin, comfy ones by Skechers. You hardly notice they're there, which is nice. For me, anyway.


I don't wear socks, socks get penetrated by my feet like the dirty cotton sluts they are.


Why I read this in Korg's voice I don't know