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Hey look, it's that guy who thought he was going to be PM thanks to a piece of paper he kept in his wallet for 12 years.


Two things he'll be remembered for, Treasurer for middle class welfare and being spineless for not challenging Howard and if necessary bidding his time on the back bench.


Also Costello drove the privatisation of our public utilities, locked us into shitty long term gas deals with Asia that basically gave it to them for free (after factoring in all the taxpayer subsidies) and caused a supply crisis in our own country, and refused to collect any royalties on behalf of the Australian people from the sale of our vast mineral resources. The guy stabbed our country in the guts. We would have national surpluses to fully fund every big infrastructure project (like high speed rail) and every public service (including all healthcare services and tertiary education) if he had been working for us instead of the billionaire class.


Libs still would have fucked the NBN


It's the guy who halved CGT in late 1999 sparking a gold rush into residential property portfolios, pushing real estate prices up to what they are today.


The best thing Little Johnny did as PM was stopping Costello being PM.


Honestly I'd have taken Costello over Howard. Much more likely to lose. 


I was hoping that he'd remain treasurer to Tony Abbot so we could have the Abbot and Costello government. It really would have run home the clown show that we got over the following eight years.


Never mind. You might just see our country being run by a potato and a beetroot fairly soon.


You take that back!!


Hey look, it’s the worlds worst treasurer. Sold off a large part of Australia’s gold reserves for a song.


This one needs investigating. He sold gold for less than market price. I'll say that again.. he sold our gold for less than market price.


> In November 1997 the then Treasurer, Peter Costello, shocked some people when he announced he'd signed off on the sale of $2 billion worth of Australian bullion. On the day he announced the sale the price was around $US306.00 an ounce. At the time, according to Mr Costello, gold "no longer plays a significant role in the international financial system". In 1991 the exchange rate was about 0.80 so the gold price was $AUS500/oz. Selling $2 billion dollars at that price represents 4,000,000 oz. Todays price is $3567 per ounce so that quantity of gold is worth $14.2 billion dollars today. $2 billion on 1997 dollars would be worth $4 billion today so the self described "worlds greatest treasure" cost the Australian public about $10.2 billion on his decision to flush 2/3 of Australia's gold reserve. Worlds greatest fuckwit would be a better description


Like the condom that was hoping to get lucky!




>all the cameras in that section of the airport were undergoing maintenance at the time. Canberra Airport, probably


At the very least, there didn't seem to be much evidence of an advertising placard for the journo to trip over, as Costello later alleged.


Except the airport is privatised and therefore will side with Costello for future favours


Wasn't it Costello who "sold" it to their mate (previously Howard's chief of staff) Max "The Axe" Moore-Wilton?




Next weeks headline... Nine board says costello's position is untenable...


If only 9 had any self respect


Wait, people writing for the Australian call themselves journalists? Is that allowed?


Can't forget how they wanted to get a sociology professor fired because she was teaching about the Israel-Gaza war.


I studied first year journalism and the Australian was required reading. Whole profession is cooked and public relations is propaganda


Based on the footage I think Costello mistook the journalist for Howard. You can see 12 years of pent up anger in his eyes as he charges the journalist with the ferocity of a Wallabies prop in their 90s heyday.


No one could balance that budge


Pity Mr Mendes doesn't work for the ABC. If he did, Mr Costello could expect a grovelling apology or possibly even Mr Mendes being fired.


Those journos are absolute germs to be fair


I went to school with this guy. Can confirm he's a germ. Look up when he harassed Michelle Bridges a few years ago.


Now he grows a pair……


Intentional conduct, low impact, body contact. Should just be a fine. Play on, Pete.


Especially with the "good bloke" discount applied by the mates tribunal. 


This cunty journalist got what was coming to him


He did go at the journalist, but I'm almost 100% sure the journo threw himself back and stuck his legs in the air to grossly exaggerate things. Sort of like how like footy players do when they get a little nudge. As bad as each other. Australian journalists are disgusting grubs who deserve NO respect.


I’m over the journalists harassing people to snatch a sound bite or response that can get clicks. If one random did the same to another random on a Saturday night outside a pub there would be blood. What gives the gutter snip license to harass anyone, even an arsehole in public. You only need to watch the “news” on any of the FTS channels with a number instead of a name to see it in action. So the head of a numbered channel cops some of his companies shenanigans. Do you think he will clean his own house?


Yeah I hate Peter Costello, but this is just some paparazi bullshit like when some guy claimed Taylor Swift's dad punched him. You can see in the video how unreasonably close the camera is to him.


I can't take him seriously after he did the macorina. Clown.


>I can't take him seriously after he did the macorina. That's one reason to dislike him, personally I dislike that he sold 2/3rds of the Reserve Bank's substantial gold holdings at a record low price


For me it's him being coauthor of the current housing crisis.


The reporter deserved it. Fuck off out of his way he just got off a plane


I saw Peter Costello on Collins st in Melbourne one time.  In person the guy is big unit.  I remember thinking he had shoulders like a rugby player. 


Or...did the journo walk in front of Costello, who just kept going? It would be interesting to get an unbiased view. Which the media in Australia can't be trusted to do. So, really, we have no idea what went on. My guess is that Costello headed towards the placard, the "journo" saw it too late, couldn't get out of the way, and hence the bump. Edit. Journos doing this need to leave enough space to avoid unfortunate collisions. Further, the bump wasn't heavy enough to cause that sort of fall. Maybe a stumble, but the journo shouldn't take up the stage anytime soon.


The video is pretty obvious that Costello lost patience and dropped the shoulder. You can even see the facial expression and body language change moments before it happened. The dickhead with the camera was clearly obstructing him too so when does it become assault? I would say invading someones personal space with a video camera in an attempt to capture that ACA/Today Tonight "got ya moment" is walking a very thin line between assault and intimidation.


I would go as far to actually say the camera man was wanting a reaction, given how bad the shot looked with how close he was.


You can see Costello clearly lunge forward at the last second, after quickening his steps. It's also clear that after the guy has fallen Costello backtracks, not something you do if someone in front of you has just "fallen over". Why would you walk back the way you came if you have a clean concience?


The reason I am suspicious is because of the lack of other, longer shots. Such a close shot is hard to be definite about. Is Costello lunging forward? Or is he just putting the shoulder down to ward off the fall? A long shot would be absolutely clear. This shot? Well, if it looked like someone was going to fall on you, you absolutely *would* lean into it. So, where's the long shot? Plus, if the journo in question truly thought he had a case, he'd certainly be pressing charges. Far more money in it for him that way. Of course, that would require the airport security footage...which might not be so supportive. If you look at my post history, I am no supporter of the Coalition, nor of Costello as Treasurer. However, this little episode looks like a confected fall with misleading camera work.


I would never publicly admit that I was over powered by a 66 year old. Journo was barring the guys path then did an exaggerated stage fumble.


Costello taking a leaf out of the Latham play book. New one nation CEO?


Would not expect anything less from an Essendon supporter!


Every mass effect player: side eye monkey meme.


Absolute baloney. Journalist is deliberately obstructing someone walking in a straight line, shoving a camera in his face whilst walking backwards and backs straight into a sign. If anyone tried to pull this on someone in the street they’d cop a punch to the face. If the papparazi can’t walk backwards without falling over, maybe they should look where they’re going rather than at their camera.


Did you watch it? He straight up drops the shoulder


They watched it but they don't want to see it. Clear as day dropped the shoulder.


He dropped his shoulder but he was walking in a straight line and he didn't speed up. The camera was six inches from his face and if you want to walk backwards in front of someone with a camera straight in front of their face so they can't even see where they're going, then you're a grub and you deserve to get knocked over. If you're that close that twisting your shoulder knocks you over then you're absolutely invading the space of someone walking in a straight line. You shouldn't have to keep changing direction to avoid a camera right in front of your face. Walk to one side, or walk along next to him and you won't get in the way.


Lol. The Bart Simpson 'I'm going to start swinging my arms and if you get in the way it's your fault' defence. Classic.


Are you sure you actually watched the video?


Not the first time Costello has shoved someone out of the way.


Actually - not so good at that


Ah, two decades too late.


Intentional shoulder charge to opponents head. He should get four weeks suspention for that.


Such disingenuous, weasel language. “I didn’t lay a fist or finger on him.” How about a shoulder? He is an old boy from the liberal party, there is 0% he is held to any account.


Listen again.


I have watched and it’s a shoulder charge as clear as day. If this happened on a RL field it would be replayed over and again as the commentators declare it a great hit. He genuinely believes he will get away without any consequences and his life history provides good reason to believe it


The journo fell over, thats all it was


Has he resigned yet?


Seen the footage and I won’t say he did it delebritly but you can tell he was kind of guided into an obstacle by Costello.


Thug asked about bullying in the workplace and is immediately lunges forward to push the questioner over. Who would have thought.


Hahaha fuckwit trips and accuses fuckwit of pushing him. Or even if he did push him, stop both fuckwits. Comedy gold.


Oi fixing your fucking shitty server, the women's origin keeps lagging. But seriously, they need to take majority sporting events off these dinosaurs


Has the Peter Cocksmello thing been said yet? If not here it is. Thanks Chaser


Listen to the bloody journos words. It is as clear a case as I ever saw of a journo taking a dive to make a story. And I don’t even like Costello but I am not buying this journo’s bullshit.


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