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I’m surprised at people arguing programming isn’t math. Discrete math and boolean logic is a Large chunk of any CS degree. I hope you find something, just wanted to comment as someone studying computing.


Thank you for your perspective and backing up my feelings (from someone not in tech).


I hurt my back two weeks ago, all I've got is empathy for you. Can you make it to an emergency orthopedic?


I went to the ER on the day it happened, they gave me some stuff for the pain and told me to see my spinal specialist. So I saw my GP and got the reference for the spinal specialist and I'll be seeing him soon. Sad thing is that the muscle relaxers don't do much and the painkillers are much less effective because I take anti-depressants. So much pain. I'm trying to stay optimistic but I still had pain from an injury in the same place that i suffered two years ago, thought I was getting better and stronger, and then this happened, and the pain is much worse than it was the first time I got hurt. The worst part is that I was in charge of taking care of the house, getting groceries, cleaning etc. But now I can barely stand to go to the bathroom without help. Sorry for impromptu vent. I'm just hurting a lot today in particular.


No, I absolutely get all of that. They gave me prednisone, which has helped a lot, but I needed to be on it for two weeks instead of the original five days, if you want to ask for/about that too? The muscle relaxers I was given barely do anything for the same reason as you. They gave me a list of exercises to do, but if I can barely get to the bathroom without agony, idk how I'm supposed to do yoga. Definitely here if you need to vent more.


It's severe enough that a basic steroid isn't going to do anything, and I'd have to sacrifice other meds to safely take steroids as well. I'm on muscle relaxers, naproxen, and Tylenol #3, and then there's my other meds I take normally. The combination takes away maybe 40% of the pain which is usually good enough but for some reason today it's not. I did physical therapy, but it was after I had recovered enough to move a bit more. I can't even drive right now, let alone do leg lifts and mini pushups. The pain is just so much. I have no idea how to feel or what to do, I have no job now, no purpose, and the only thing keeping me going is my cats and my wife. Today the pain is bad enough I can't get upstairs to sleep in my own bed, and the meds I'm on for the pain have uncomfortable side effects. It just plain fucking sucks, frankly. And I'm running out of optimism after only a week. I'm so tired of life being so hard.


Oh damn. That all sucks so hard, I'm so sorry. I'm wracking my brain for options here. Is there a way you can get on disability for this? I know it won't help with your sense of purpose, but at least bills could be helped a little.


I applied for disability actually, I'm trying to see what can be done. It might take too long to be worth it, but I just need to gather all the documents and get some help driving around to pick them up. So I'll at least try. It's not that I literally don't know what to do, yknow? Just about the pain. I can't do anything and it blows hardcore


I 100% get where you're coming from. I definitely took my back for granted, and something about sitting on the toilet is just so much more painful than a chair. It's agony that shoots in all directions. I really, really empathise.


I empathize with you as well. Same struggle. And showering? Ha. I'm a grease goblin now apparently. Definitely do your physical therapy when you can. Whatever you can get yourself to do. Some days when my pain or executive dysfunction was bad I'd just do the stretches. The very first time I hurt my back, I didn't do my PT. Fast forward ten years and here I am.


The first time I hurt my back, I just dealt with it and a few days later I was fine so I never figured I'd need to worry about it. Now five years later, I'm doing laundry of all things and suddenly I'm in so much pain I can't see. I feel you on being a grease goblin. The last time I showered, I blacked out completely so I've been holding off and oof, it's not a good look.


I feel for your experience, truly. It's always shocking every single time. I was able to shower a couple times as long as I'm very careful but I have to prioritize either body or hair since the time is limited before I'm down for the count again. It feels humiliating almost


Thank you for listening. I really needed it ❤️


Of course, any time


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