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I only remember blips off MCWT and OTR, it’s normal, sadly. 🥲 Our adrenaline is so high and adrenaline effects our memory. It’s also why many women don’t remember giving birth well.


Okay this makes sense! Glad I’m not the only one. I was starting to worry about my brain lol


Totally agree. I'm pretty sure I was functioning off of adrenaline cause I have an injury, but for that night alone I was walking/dancing perfectly fine and wasn't feeling any pain, then back to my injury (actually, worse) the next day lol


It’s called post concert amnesia, and it’s real. I feel you. I read this a couple of months ago. https://time.com/6282468/taylor-swift-concert-memory/


I saw her in Philly, and I feel like my whole show went by sooo quickly. I said things I don't even remember saying according to my videos I recorded, and I can only remember so much of the details of each performance (though I feel like this was because I was tryna make sure my recordings were decent while not looking at my phone the entire time + singing + bsing half the choreo with one arm LOL + SCREAMING) I definitely remember how I felt at specific times, but the whole show definitely was one big blur or fever dream


Pleaseee this was me! I was there trying to make sure I had decent footage without actually looking at my phone, so I can be in the moment. I wondered if that’s the reason I didn’t remember as much, but I do know I spent a lot of time staring at her and the screen. Honestly I was just a confused mess by the end 💀


For me, I felt a little too energetic at the end. My phone died toward the end (during her performing Pure/Honey), and I ended up just rolling with it. I wasn't even mad. I did the Blow choreo from my seat in the nosebleeds and sang even more the rest of the night. The moment my phone died was probably a good highlight because of that. Got me more invested in the actual event. Then, Summer Rennaisance came and I was on the verge of tears and everything. That screen was definitely a life saver though! Not even with my glasses was Bey more than a colorful dot 😭


Ngl my phone being at 1% during summer Renaissance and my ride texting me to come out and having barely any reception in the stadium had me stressed beyond belief. I got home at 3AM because I was running around trying to charge my phone and find my ride. And this one security staff was so rude about charging my phone for me since I wasn’t allowed back in the stadium (I had my own charger). She was so smug and enjoyed being an asshole. Thank god some other staff member offered helped me out. I was so mad bc I wish I was in the moment towards the end but all I was thinking was omg how am I gonna get home. I had to borrow too many lovely hive’s phones to make calls and they were so sweet and wanted to make sure I was safe since I came alone. And the screen was spectacular and THE VISUALS?? Amazing. I was worried about not seeing much but I was closer to the stage than I thought (I was in the 100s) but I couldn’t have had better seats tbh.


What section in the 100s and what city? I’m also in the 100s, but going to MetLife.


I was in section 109 along the side of the main stage in Minneapolis. I’ll attach a photo of my view but just know that Huntington Bank Stadium is way smaller than MetLife (keep in mind, it’s around 52k capacity compared to MetLife which is 82k, I believe) and I got a pretty good view of her than I thought I would since I assumed I’d be way further away. Also the screens are absolutely massive and help a lot. You won’t miss out! https://preview.redd.it/p36h271xzndb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b31d8fdc3c30c97dd872d4096644a3c2bd65397d


Thanks for these tidbits! I’m in 139 at MetLife. I’m literally on the second row, but have been wondering if I should’ve gotten floor seats. Lol This view/loose reference makes me feel better about my choice.


May I ask which night you are going? I’m going night 2


I’m also going on night 2!


What section if you don’t mind me asking


139! It's almost time!!!! Ahhhhhh!


I’m 142!!! I’m hype!


Were you at MN because some of the staff were just plain old rude and I wasn't going to it kill my vibe bit like 🤔


Yep. I was at the Minneapolis show but tbh I didn’t care about her weird energy too much because I JUST SAW BEYONCEEE. Nothing was gonna kill my mood as much as she tried lol.


SAME!!!! I literally wasn’t paying attention to my phone screen when I was recording (so I could pay attention, dance, etc..) and then I realized I was holding my phone up for 5 minutes with it off and all my videos are like 2 seconds cuz I didn’t want to look at my phone


I’m sorry but this made me cackle 😭 I would’ve been seething when I found out. But at least you were really in the moment enough to not notice.


Yeah if you’re engaging with your phone it makes it harder to remember the moment as it’s happening live, even if you’re not super focused on your phone. Your brain is making a memory through the use of your phone if that makes sense


okay so this is like an actual thing! it happens i think most commonly with concerts but basically do the high adrenaline and high "stress" ur body feels from the excitement u tend to forget the moment quickly and most of it will seem like a fever dream or just entirely blurred out! i dont know the exact science but there are articles on it! This is coming from someone who has been to 10+ concerts now and cannot tell u most things without looking back. every since i found this out i've decided i dont care how bad ppl judge me i will be recording the parts ik i'll enjoy most or whatever i want bc i want to be able to look back and remember that feeling and not just have foggy memory. you can absolutely record while also living in the moment it's not difficult!


THIS! So many people try to ridicule people who record but don't realize "living in the moment" will have me forgetting things not even 24 hours later! Not only does your memory fog but then I swear it feels like you're making up things to bridge the gaps. I want to be able to look back at videos at any point of my life and say, "Oh yeah! This part was sooo fun!!" And relive that moment again and again. Our brains need a little help sometimes lmao


Yup! It’s called concert amnesia. It’s a real thing in psychology. I heard about it recently.


You explained this perfectly. I went to the Lousiville show, and as we were leaving I looked to my friend and said “I don’t remember a single detail of the show” and it makes me man bc YES I was there but I don’t remember a single bit 😭 I decided to go to her last show in Kansas City to re-live it and actually maybe store some memories but yeah you’re not alone lol


Thank god! I really thought I was having a health crisis since I’m kind of forgetful in my day to day life too. But I was also thinking I should see her again but my bank account said NO girl 😭 did you remember more the second time you went?


The Kansas City show isn’t until October 1st so I guess we will see then if I remember anything afterwards. 😅 I decided after learning from my friends I missed both Honey dancing and her performing Heated that I had to go re-experience it 😂


I Left the concert and feel like I forgot EVERYTHING. But it was my first ever concert


SAME I was like wtf happened?? I was seeing all this clips from the show on Twitter and I was like I don’t exactly remember this??


Kind of 😭 but it helps that someone fully recorded and posted my show on YouTube so I go back and watch it from time to time lol. I was in Club Renaissance and while I had a blast, my memories of wishing I had stood right in front of the middle circle are more prominent than the show because I couldn’t see Bey as well as I would’ve liked from where I was standing. And then about 2 hours into the show, I started worrying about my taxi driver who I had scheduled to come at 11 (I didn’t know my show was going to end right at 11 since there was no info on curfew) so that kinda took away from my enjoyment a bit. But I’m going again in a month and hoping to enjoy it even more this time!


Yeah sksksk by towards the end of the show my ride was texting me like where are you but the show didn’t end for another 20 minutes since she came on late. I was stresseddd. Enjoy your showw!


I was at the Minneapolis show too and all I can think of is how I wish I was closer/floor seats during heated. I can’t believe they left her hanging like that! Honestly, I’m thinking of going solo to her last show in Kansas City in October


Honestly as someone who was in MPLS and was waiting for that song and was in Club Renny, most of us had either lost our voices by that point (I couldn’t talk at all half way through) or had blanked out, but we were still singing😭 I don’t think that video did justice


The video didn't do us justice. We weren't the loudest crowd but we were definitely singing. I was in club Ren too.


I’m so glad you got to experience that! 💖 I totally agree with not being able to remember anything right after the show, it’s def an entire experience to digest and unpack


Girl!!! I was in the barricade of CR too and the way when she kept singing Love On Top I was literally crying bc my voice was gone and my throat was so dry I was choking up 😭😭😭😭 everybody around me was also losing their minds, the people up front did us so wrong not singing it 😭


My voice was gone too! I was trying to sing love on top and I couldn’t!!!i started coughing! My sister was laughing at me! I couldn’t sing loud anymore! I was at mpls and it was an amazing showz!


Omg Love On Top is what got me too😭😭By like the 3rd or 4th time I was sounding like a whale and my voice mmm ok girl chill out…But yes! There were people in our section just standing there and not singing at all!! Crazy to me


I was at the barricade in CR and can also confirm we were all singing along! I def attempted to get louder when I realized she wanted us to finish the lyrics but babyyyy my voice was struggling at that point 😂


I’m thinking of going solo to the one in st. louis but I’m not sure yet..


I was also at the Minneapolis show, and just decided to go to Kansas City solo. I need to experience the vibe again, because I don’t think I can wait another 4-5 years to see her live again.


Like I feel that she deserves a better show than that 😭


Wow - we live in Minneapolis and went to the show. We just decided today to go to the KC show, too! Let’s go !!!


Wait. What happened? Edit: nevermind. I should have read OP’s post in full.


It happens when you see an incredible artist, I’ve been going to concerts for 20+ years and I have a few pictures to remember the best ones, and that’s it. Unfortunately the bad ones, I remember every horrific minute.


Omg!!! I thought something was wrong with me. We got back to the house and the other people who went but weren’t in club Renny with me were talking about stuff that happened and I was like “huh? When did she do that?” My coworker showed me a pic of a whole scene I apparently missed. (In my defense, club Renny got a lil lit at times & the vibes just took over. We were in our own world.). I want to go in another city so I can take it all in and hopefully remember it this time. I vividly remember FWT & OTR2. RWT was a blur & I was totally sober so it’s baffling me!


Yess coming home and seeing the Twitter posts of her show in Minneapolis had me so confused bc I was like wait when did any of this happen and it scared me a little lol. But I’m also thinking of seeing her in another city too just so I can take it all in!


I looked like a whole clown in front of my coworkers because one was like OMG did you see the giant horse! It was insane! I was like “the one she floated down on like an angel?! Yeah. It looked normal sized tho.” She’s like “no! The giant massive horse that came out when she sang (I forgot what song she said).” She showed me the pic and I was shook! Cue: everybody side-eyeing me like “this bish lied about going to the concert. She don’t even know what happened” 😂


This is when you come out with receipts and show them the videos you took 😭


Oh I absolutely did! Whipped out the video of her angelically gliding above me at the end.


I get the blur. What's great though, is that someone is going to post the entire concert on youtube. I'll download that and toss it in the folder with the other photos/videos i took lol


Girl SAME. I purposefully didn’t record too much because I tend to forget if I’m not actively listening/watching. Despite this I still only remember snippets and that too from what I recorded (I watched it back 1000 times)


i tried to really limit recording with my phone. i definitely feel like it helped me remember more.


i tried to do this but damn now i have no memory and no videos


also just want to add Toronto went HARD for heated .. by far my favvv song of the night.


Probably similar to this: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-65765368


Feel the same way!!!!!! I saw a scientist explain the phenomena (on tiktok....) In relation to Swifties experiences. When people ask me how the Minneapolis show was all I can say is pure unadulterated JOY. My memory is not that great to begin with but normally I feel like I remember more of concerts than what I did from Thursday's show. But then again, I don't think I've had quite the same experience as Beyonce on Thursday!!!!!!!! 🥰🥹


SAME LIKE I WAS SOBER AND ALL 😭😭😭 i went twice


I was in one of the upper deck sections that night and when she cut out, I was literally the only person in my section that kept going and it was so awkward lmfao... made me super self-conscious about if I was actually right or not


Did anybody experiencing this phenomenon get a drink in club Renny? Lmao now I got questions about what was in that alien superstar that gave me amnesia.


We were handed a glass of water… I hope




thought it was just me


i’m in the same boat as you. i was pretty drunk tho so i feel like that also plays into it for me lol. but yeh, waited 5 months for the show and don’t remember a great deal of it. i remember the vibes tho and being impressed by the production value. i’ve seen better quality vids from the show i attended on tiktok tho, so that helps fill in the blanks a lot


Same, I went to CR for my show and barely made any videos, but was dancing so much that I apparently missed a lot of things! (Like the robot arms during cozy). I had seen many videos before so I knew about most of the show and I feel like most of my memories aren’t even from when I was there but just from the things I had seen before lol


I saw her in Warsaw night 1 at the national stadium which famously has bad sound design for concerts, and i think the bass overpowering the music worsened that amnesia for me. But i still danced and sang the WHOLE night, and i remember trying to remind myself to take it all in every once in a while, but somehow the only thing that i have solid memory of is watching her sing the opening ballads on those huge screens and being mesmerized by how she looked like an angel giant looking right into my eyes… it felt genuinely spiritual. I got too hype after the fun songs started. I also tried to focus on looking at actual her on the stage sometimes but i was in the nosebleeds so i kind of had to squint LOL. But when i look back at the videos i took that’s what actually gives me CHILLS is remembering seeing this speck of a woman that was 80% luscious blonde hair, cause that’s what actually makes me go oh that was HER in front of me that night? that’s craaaazy 😧


I can remember a bit better because of the clips/pics I took but if you were to ask me to recall what or how a song happened without my footage, I would definitely be struggling if I can even recall at all. However, I did remember the people I met in Club Renaissance! We formed a mini circle to guard our vip bags and merch bags.


I went to Minneapolis too! I got in my car afterwards and was talking to my friend about my favorite parts and realized I couldn’t remember anything early on in the show very well. I’ve been seeing things about our crowd fucking up heated but I was screaming “uncle Johnny made my dress” so loud I didn’t realize other people weren’t.


And that's exactly why I pull my phone out and record concerts, generally speaking, while still enjoying the show in the moment. I can go back, reminisce and relive the moment to where it's not a blur at all.


I have so much footage from that night and I’m so happy I did!


Yes! And I even tried to just be in the moment for most of it, without having my phone out like I always want to do. But now I regret it because I want to relive it. I did get some videos but I didn’t get DIL2 and I’m SICKKKK to my stomach because it was magical live.


I feel the same way, I’m seeing her tomorrow in chicago so I’m hoping to store some memories! But I will say it helps a lot too that there are so many videos online so I can relive a little.


This happened to me too. I thought it was weird but I put it down to being overstimulated. I could remember how I felt but that's about it. I made sure I didn't use my phone so I could take it all in. After watching the show on YouTube it started jogging my memory.


Next time you're at a concert, leave your phone in the pocket.


Same! I saw her in London and can only remember bits and pieces but I remember how I felt completely. Thank goodness there are videos reminding me of parts I missed.


yes lmao next tour I’m going to at least three dates so I remember it


Yes. That's why I'm tryna go back


I went to her self-titled concert and I didn't remember anything the next day except that I had to see her again. I didn't even remember being there with my friends. It's an amazing state of transcendence. Focus on holding onto the feeling rather than the visuals because she will probably release a concert movie anyway.


This is the reason I’m going to multiple shows! My first is on the floor and I’m gonna be out of it emotionally! Second in the stands to take notes. Third I’m in a suite section with open bar to vibe!


I waited for 10 hours and was front row at coachella and all I remember was a moment where her thighs jiggled. I’m so upset lol


Not the thighs jiggling! 😂


Happens all the time to me have too good of a time and then just can’t remember it ahaha


Yes. Saw her in London. The best way I can describe it is “overwhelming”. The energy, the lights, the crowd, the visuals, the dancers, the props, the music, and Beyonce standing in front of you in a sparkling outfit, singing with her hair blowing in the wind. I had to go back and watch some of it online. With everything happening, there were pieces I missed.


Yep. Didn’t record anything. Wasn’t drunk either. Can’t really remember anything though


I think I definitely had sensory overload. People ask me how the show was and if I can recall specific bits and I’m like ??? I think!!! I keep heading back to videos I took to properly remember. I just know feeling amazing the entire time lol


yea i saw her in london twice and it feels like a blur! like in the moment it was amazing but i cant recollect anything lol. maybe my memory is just bad


I went to Toronto (my first time seeing her too) and am so thankful for the videos I took cause the next day I didn’t remember some of the songs that I recorded! I didn’t record the whole show but took quick snaps of songs so I could get the memory back, considering heading to another show!


Yes, immensely. I wanted to record everything but i also wanted to feel the music the whole time. Idk how but those 3 hours felt like 30 mins.


That's why i went 3 times


Yes, this phenomena was mentioned for Taylor fans, too. Basically when you’re feeling pure joy, you kind of black out 😳


That’s every show of hers I’ve been too 😭😭 and she over here talking about the footage lives in our heads?!?? Whose? 😂


I was in Minneapolis too. I remember right when the ballroom portion was about to end I was like omfg there's just one song left. There is really never a dull moment the entire show so I never had a chance to breathe and really take it all in (which is not a bad thing at all). I do try and record as many videos as I can just cause I love going back and watching them all the time. But usually my videos are shitty cause I move around and dance so much and I try and keep my phone below my head when I record so I'm not looking at her through my screen or blocking anyone's view. I'm already dying to go back and see her again😭


Honestly I think it has something to do with us trying to record everything and not truly living in the moment. Like you need to make sure the camera isn’t blurry, you’re zoomed in enough, the lighting is good, you have a good angle, etc. Or at least that was my case.


Yep! I remember watching a tik tok on how to get better concert footage and I’m so mad at myself for giving that too much energy compared to everyone else around me. They barely had their phones out meanwhile I was standing there being a documentarian.


I thought I was the only one who felt like the concert was a blur 😭 it went by so fast! Like another poster said, it could be the adrenaline because we’re so excited to see Beyoncé affect the memory. I was conflicted about not recording too much and focusing on living in the moment, but it was hard not to record 😅 I just recorded highlights of my fav songs/cool moments and enjoyed the rest of the show to sing a long and dance. I wish I was in Club Renny so I could see her face closer!


It’s why I have to record things. Even in movies I’ll watch it and hardly remember anything after. I just remember if I liked it or not.


I wish I can say I can't remember much from a Beyonce concert cos my adrenaline was at max. Beyonce is still not planning an Asian leg. I don't know if the crowd will be great singing and dancing along, but dammit I still want her to come. I know there will be demand. Taylor swift planned for 3 shows in my country but added another 3 more as the demand was overwhelming.


I’m sorry. I feel terrible for for non-European and American hive. Its so unfair and it’s crazy because the hive from Asian and South American countries go absolutely crazy for Bey. Hopefully you’ll see her soon!


YES! Total blur. It's like I KNOW I attended the concert and I KNOW I was there and sang along but I almost have zero memories from it. I am watching back pictures and videos from my show and thinking wait... did I sing along those songs or did I sleep the whole show because it feels like watching a totally unfamiliar concert. It's actually sad!


I had to watch a lot of the FWT on YouTube after I went for that exact reasoooon


omg yes maybe its cuz my phone died halfway but all i can remember is parts of some songs😂😂


Felt the same way! Felt like a gust of wind. Omg exactly during heated I had the urge to purchase another ticket concert in another city.


I had the same at my first concert, OTR II. I lost all memories afterwards. It got a bit better for further shows I went to


Yes!! I feel like i dont remember a lot and thought i hadnt appreciated it but glad to hear others felt the same. Would love to go again


I was so sad because everything felt like a blur to me. I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one feeling that way. All I can remember is how super annoyed I was because the person in front of me was so tall and danced the whole time, so I had to try to keep up to still watch Beyoncé on the screen. It didn't help that the people on both my sides were not considerate. Regardless, I still enjoyed my first-ever concert, and it was the RWT. I still wish I could remember everything!


An absolute blur! I couldn’t believe it when the first intermission hit and we were already 45 mins into the show. I had an incredible spot in CR but tried hard to release myself from the pressure of taking photo/video and give my all to Bey & the dancers. But now I’m tracking down every photo and video from IG, YT & TikTok to relive it 😂 This isn’t mine but here’s a TikTok of the Minneapolis show during Heated! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8RTEx8k/


Yes!!! I loved it, best night ever, but it feels like such a blur! Maybe it’s because I was so excited and it all went by so fast? Wish I got tickets for two shows now, the first one to just be shook and then to take it all in for the second!


I attended the Philly show and was gagged at how quick in real life the concert is. The entire European leg felt so long in each shows that for the amount of the show that I was able to see and be for (stayed until the les twins came out in their masks and started dancing). And I didn’t have my phone so I expected that everything would be longer in perspective. When I tell you the hard realization of seeing the concert in person does not hit you till after your body comes down from the adrenaline then you start to compartmentalize all the moments experienced it is truly something different and unique to take in


It was a complete blur for me as well, which annoys me because I watch the videos back and don't remember. On the other hand, what i do remember is me screaming for my life and dancing my ass off like I was gonna die the next day. So even if my brain doesn't remember it, my body remembers exactly how I felt and i remember it being one of the best days of my life.


MCWT was my first Bey-concert and I don't remember anything. I knew it was amazing and I remember having fun..but i was so overwhelmed just being in the same building as the Queen! I do have memories of every concert after that ☺️


Honestly that’s why I got tickets to two shows. It’s my first time and I know it’ll take all my strength not to pass out


Prolly cause you watched it through your phone


Nope I had my phone recording but wasn’t looking at her through it.


I remember everything and every tour. I also have a ton of footage. I am sure to allow myself to center and take it all in with my own eyes.


This was my third Beyoncé concert and yes… this still happens. Every time I look at the few videos that I recorded that night, I immediately wish that I could go back in time and relive that night over & over again.


I dont remember SHIT, i was there the first night.


Absolutely. I feel like BeyHive in Barca was a fever dream but I have photos and videos. This is also why I am going to see her again in LA.


What you said!! Is exactly how I feel too. It was so good but every song was cut and then over. Where OTR2 seemed twice as long.


I also went to the Minneapolis show and it felt like it barely happened. Like obviously it was INCREDIBLE but I can barely put together memories of the show— I just remember losing my damn mind when I saw the trap door open for Blue


Literally! Everything was a blur!


This thread makes me feel better because I’ve been trying to rack my brain about the concert! I feel like the first day or so after I was mentally still there and just daydreaming of the entire experience and then one day poof, like I never went. I thought it was the shrooms but I take them every so often and don’t have any issues with memory loss, the exact opposite actually. I’ve just been reliving through my videos but sadly it won’t equate to me being there and being swaddled by the energy