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This is why I'm GLAD I recorded periodically during the show! I know people say to live in the moment and don't record, but my memory has became sooooo shit after this concert, I legitimately can't recall a good chunk of the night! Like her performing Virgo's Groove?? One of my favorite from the album?? You could tell me she didn't perform it and I'll believe you because my recollection of that song barely exists. I am so grateful for the memories I was able to capture. Post concert amnesia is wicked! And Beyonce Withdrawal is even worse!


The way I would record it and watch the show while recording bc my with my Memory I was gonna forget hahaha. Although I was far too busy screaming my ath off during Heated to even think about recording tidbits


I can’t even rememberrrrr!! So glad we got two dates! One to freak out and one to jam!


This is such good advice because Ive never seen her live and I need one show just to be in awe at realizing she’s real and Im in the same room as her


Wish I did this 😭 I feel like everything blended together


My ears don’t feel right 😩😂


omggg same, I went to Miami too & it was SOOO fckin amazing. I honestly felt so euphoric like I was a lil tipsy from being so happy. it was nice being in the moment and recording here and there!!


Same!! I just wish it hadn’t been so hot. That was bad.


my shirt was mesh and i was still sweating bad 😭 i made sure to put my fan to use lol


So was mine. My fan died 45 min into the show despite it making it all over hot ass Italy with me 😑😑😑


Eeeek youre making me so excited for my show!


it’s not just Bey that makes it amazing it rlly is the people to. hearing the whole stadium singing along was unbelievable!! i hope you have a great experience really !!


They should just make it so if you buy one ticket, you automatically get another ticket for later. And plane tickets. It's the only way!


CAUSE WE’VE BEEN BEWITCHED AND BAMBOOZLED according to the Christians. I don’t remember shit really about my Toronto show


Tbh I think I blacked out from excitement and legit cannot remember half the show. Thank god I took videos


right! i honestly wish i could have gone to at least one more show. financially wasn’t on the table for me, i’m gonna make sure i plan meticulously for her next tour. i think it was just so overwhelming visually and sonically that my brain can’t process that i SAW THAT! i EXPERIENCED that!


Honestly I think it's the phones and recording. I had that effects for OTR2. I still barely remember anything. This time I said I wouldn't record at all. I did a few bit here and there but I didn't worry about the quality of the video, I just aimed it at her general direction and thought fuck it. I remember much more and had a great time!


I put away my phone for the most part. I recorded the visuals at the start of the show but when she started singing, I wanted to be in the moment and soak it all in. I stopped recording and put my phone in my pocket. I recorded interlude visuals after she's done singing the ballads in the beginning, and that was all. I wanted to take it all in with my eyes and ears rather than my phone.


i didn’t have my phone out for night 2 and it was still a blur after for me. it’s really the awe of seeing her. felt like a dream…


Omg that was so me after OTR2, just completely nothing remember just the outfits and nothing else because I kept trying to capture everything. This tour I did exactly like you just enjoy and bask into it all and just threw my phone any kind of way for a few seconds and concentrated more on taking it all in.


Yupp it feels like i got the men in black treatment fr i remember pieces of it


I’m trying to go to Seattle!! But I need more ppl pls


I didn’t record anything and even though it’s a blur I don’t regret it. I have the photo of my friends and I there and the internet’s recordings and I’m happy to remember in small bites. I think having as much tech as we do has created maybe undue pressure to perfectly capture every memory but I’m glad I was in the moment. I was dancing my ass off and screaming lyrics for so much of the night, I was buzzing on the way home, physically sore, it was an incredible show and anyone who asks will hear that. So what if I don’t remember the exact interlude clips or costuming?


And i hate this for us so much ☝🏽😭


Finally! Confirmation that I wasn’t drunk or passed out. All I knew was I had to go to the show again and really dissect what had happened to me.


One of the best live performances I’ve ever seen. There are fan videos of the shows on YT, and I feel like the DVD is coming soon…


My show was at the end of June. I'm still not sure I really attended the show 😂


Going this weekend and I took several days off just for recovery!! I've been reading the posts from prior show attendees and I still AINT READY!!!


That’s why I am so grateful for the people who record the whole show and put it on YouTube, so I can relive the exact show I went to 😁


Honestly this is so real. I didn’t record every performance in full, but I made sure to get a minute recorded of my fave songs. I’m so glad I did, and took pictures. The high of being happy makes you forget so much


This was me after the Tampa show haha. I recommend seeing her twice if you can. In Tampa I barely recorded and was super in the moment, while also freaking out about seeing her lol so I barely remember it. In Miami I recorded everything and also remember everything.


We went to the same show! I remember telling myself that I don’t need to record it because it’s going to be on YouTube and now I wish I recorded more videos, I only remember the opening act lmaooo


Scoop up those Kansas City tickets! I had the same feeling after seeing her in Detroit. Hell, I was talking to my friend about the massive horse during Break My Soul and he went "what horse?" The show is such an assault on the senses, I feel like 2 viewings is a must! 😅