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You’ll be fine! My friends and I are relatively short too. We were not way in the front and still able to see. Plus the BeyHive is such a friendly community. Nobody in there is going to let you not be able to see


I'm 4'11 and was in CR. Not gonna lie you will have to work a little bit harder for your view especially when people have their phones up in the air and are blocking you but there's enough space to move around CR that there will be places you get a good view you just have to work for it. If you didn't manage to get a spot at the barrier I recommend standing further out along the sides of CR and you'll get a good view of everything. There's good vibes out there as well and more room for dancing. I managed to see her just fine and she was super close.


I assumed the question was about the view from the barrier. Like was your neck craned up the whole time? From afar the stage looks high


Oh no not really




I went with my friends and I was the taller one out of them. They are about 5'3-5'4 and I had to make sure their views weren't blocked by putting them in front of me. Honestly, you will have a sight issue, especially if you're surrounded by taller people. I would highly suggest getting to CR early and securing your spot as close as barricade as you can! BUT!! The positive part is the sense of community in CR is unmatched. Other people randomly helped to make sure my friends could see. The hive looks out like that! I almost guarantee if you don't have the best view, someone around you will help!


Get there earlier cuz you need to be at the barricades


You can see the stage very well from CR cause it’s just so fucking huge but if there are tall people in front of you then it would be an issue! If you can’t get barrier then don’t be afraid to stand a bit towards the back, there’s so much space and you can see better towards the back than if you’d get second or third row. I was front but actually moved places after heated and it felt so much better I moved more to the main stage and had so much space plus the people there were much nicer and having fun