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Congratulations on your purchase of a new shifter.


It appears the top of the shifter body has bent inboard, while the base remained fixed (shifter body “parallelogrammed”). If so, that seems likely to have damaged OP’S shifter beyond repair. I try to only tighten hand controls enough to not move in use, but still shift in an impact to avoid this kind of scenario. That said op can try to loosen the mount and re-align


The metal blade itself is bent. Shifter’s fucked.


Also yes


> I try to only tighten hand controls enough to not move in use, but still shift in an impact to avoid this kind of scenario. Also known as 'race tight' or something along those lines.


And that's why we buy ultegra. Seriously, though, smack it back into place and run it until it breaks.


Even those ultegras are expensive too


Truth, but it's far less expensive to replace ultegra components. And really, what do you get with the upgrade?


Lighter wallet and a few ounces saved.


So I can achieve the upgrade by buying two muffins, eating one and throwing away the other?


the lighter wallet can count as gains too, right?


Yep. Recently replaced one side on mine. 400eur.. I hate to think what this model costs


Congrats on your DIY gravel bar! You successfully increased your sweep.


There is nothing that can be done without further stressing the metal and potentially breaking it. If it still shifts well,I wouldn't bother


I’ll bet there are few DA owners that can live with that level of visible damage though


They are free to do what they want 🤷‍♀️


Non DA here, can I be the first to say IN for the STI ?


I'm not convinced you bent the lever so much as damaged the mechanism attaching it to the rest of the shifter. I can't see how dropping it would have put enough outward pressure on the lever to bend it. Also, I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty confident that those levers are made of carbon fiber, which does not bend. Take it to a shop and see what they think, but you might be able to replace some of the internal small parts and get it back to normal. Edit: unless you're talking about the smaller lever, which is indeed made of metal. You could probably bend that back just by pulling gently outward on it.


Yeah it looks more like the levers are fine but something inside blew. Normally the levers rotate inwards on the mainshifting axis and the silver cap limits their outer travel, as well as the internal ratchet. Now the levers moved outwards on their rotating angle instead of inwards. Probably the 2x tiny screws that hold the metal cap (lever name plate) are stripped and the lever got wedged in between stripped plastic parts of the ratchet housing. The brifter is probably still fucked since the internal plastic housing is damaged, even if he can wedge it back and the ratched miraculously survived this. The main lever assembly is 90% of the shifter and a single replacable part from shimano around 200$. Its likely that a used shifter fetches the same without the hassle to repair. I'd say its time to try that 12x sensah brifter.


I’m finding it hard to believe that this was from it being dropped. Not only due to the amount of force required to do that, but also the fact the lever is bent outwards rather than inwards.


The boston bombing happened a long time ago, soldier. Ease down.


The big brake lever (dura ace) seems deffinitely out of place, sits too much outward. Either it is disloged from it's normal position (and a firm push inwards will fix it), or it is broken.


Dura-ace gravel shifters!




I would suggest that the best approach to this would be to look at disassembling the lever from the lever body. If it was a simple case that things have got caught up and can be realigned once the shifting unit is removed from the main body then happy days. However if you that does work and you need to replace the lever then you can just replace the shifting mechanism which includes the internal ratches for shifting the gear cable along with having the levers attached to them. From the looks of it I am guessing that is a ST-9000 lever that you have, in which case the replacement part you would need would be: Y63Z98010 L.H. Main Lever Assembly there are detailed instructions of how to remove and replace the unit on the shimano website with a list of the relevant tools that you need. Which can be found here: [https://si.shimano.com/en/pdfs/dm/ST0002/DM-ST0002-05-ENG.pdf](https://si.shimano.com/en/pdfs/dm/ST0002/DM-ST0002-05-ENG.pdf) As far where you can get the replacement part then this really down to where you are in the world but I would suggest a quick internet search or getting in contact with your local Shimano Distributor to ask where you can get hold of the part... [https://bike.shimano.com/en-EU/information/distributors-list.html](https://bike.shimano.com/en-EU/information/distributors-list.html) [https://www.shimanoservicecenter.com/us/](https://www.shimanoservicecenter.com/us/) (if your in the US) Hope that is some use!


What does the other side look like? This does look bent, but usually dropping/crashing will casue the whole shifter to move and you just put it back by giving it a decent whack with the palm of your hand.


I’ve seen this before. If you pull the hood back and look at the body of the unit where the leaver rests against, you will see a piece of the body has broken off. You should be able to get a replacement body. Just make sure it’s the same st- number LH.


Open your wallet and replace the part


lesson on getting back to normal. 1. Open your wallet.


[https://www.universalcycles.com/shopping/product\_details.php?id=31579&attribute=290818](https://www.universalcycles.com/shopping/product_details.php?id=31579&attribute=290818) Service part in stock here. If you've ever repaired a watch you could probably make this repair on your own without losing any pieces. Or, a shop could take care of this for you.


Congratulations, it just might be time and a reason to buy a whole new bike


Just roll your hood cover back down


Bend the bars to match lol


Maybe the shifter just rotated along the dropbar. They're not supposed to be super tight so in a crash they just kinda swing clockwise or clockwise instead of snapping the dropbar or breaking the shifter. Look into that possibility.


The inner ear on the lever blade itself probably broke off, it's pretty thin carbon. I don't think you can get replacement blades for these, you're likely in for a new shifter.


I find funny that cheaper groupsets are more durable.


Normal for a race part, designed for performance and light weight above all. Formerly, dura ace was more durable with bearings while lesser groups had bushings. But Ultegra is built to a very high standard for decades, DA mostly just has more exotic materials for less weight


Mine is bent also just live with it


Those things are expensive!!


It's by design, how could they ever sell you another shifter if it couldn't survive the bike tipping over?


ooh nice, gravel shifters


I honestly thought I was looking at one of those brand new super-flared GRX shifters for a moment.


This is a complex problem to answer without having the part on hand. I am looking at the shifter body, and the small shift lever is not in place, but the larger brake/shift lever is even more out of place. The latter, has a small grub adjusting screw to align it with the small lever, this screw is hidden under the cover. However, I'm not sure this would be enough since the small lever too is out of place ... First I'd check if the mechanism still works with no hiccups, then a removal of all the covers (rubber hood, front cover, bottom covers) will allow to see if the body is not cracked and/or the mechanism has rotated inside..


I’ve seen this before, I think we decided it wasn’t fixable and the lever worked fine so we left it. it’s some sort of stop that keeps the brake lever(shifter) from rotating out that far that has broken off.


You need to drop it again upside down.


Undrop your bike


Congrats on your $400 repair bill!


Solution: buy a mountain bike


Not seeing any shifter damage here... Maybe I'm blind or maybe you just need to roll the hood up to expose the clamp bolt, loosen, reposition shifter, and lock down.


The lever is rotated outwards. It looks like the top pivot point broke or popped out, and the top part shifted to the left as a consequence.


I would replace the levers if you can find them. When I messed up my brakes I couldn't find the "blade" so I made one myself in Fusion 360, printed it in Poly carbonate and when I was happy with the design had it printed in aluminum by PCBWay.


A couple of big swings with a mallet.


That’s easy. First you need to reach deeply into your wallet. And then…


Did you try dropping the bike from other side?


Fucked it. At least your bike didn’t get stolen last week like mine did. I got to buy a whole new shit, you got off lightly friend.


Tighten down in a vice and a hammer hard in the opposite direction (cover it with shirt or towel to prevent scuffs) , but that’s all you can do now if that shit breaks it’s not on me... But that’s all you can do honestly. That’s how I’ve bent back an axle and sprocket. Worked both times. It’s your best bet or get a new brake lever. They ain’t too pricey ! Unless those are some fancy shmancy ones When you put it in the vise a ruler or the side of your phone is a great way to check if it’s straight or not or yard stick


That sucker is around 200-300 buck, that's pricey whoops. Not much to do there, take a look if you can buy the main lever assembly on its own.


Damn man !! Yeah dude if nothing else I mean you ain’t got much to lose by trying to bend it back in a vise with taps or a metal bar to brace on there and force it back into place by pulling it’ll move it slower and less rough. Once it starts to bend particles will heat up and it’ll just be easier to move back into place slowly under force. But if you already bent it this way suddenly and under a lot of pressure I’d imagine this material can bend back. Do you know the material of the lever? Steel aluminum or titanium? Or maybe even chromo ? Doesn’t look like chromo tho


The lever is made of carbon fibre, which does not bend. Edit: as others have noted, it's unlikely that the actual lever is bent, rather that the assembly inside the shifter is damaged


Sounds like it 100 percent if it’s carbon fiber. But under enough heat and pressure even carbon fiber could bend but not from the heat and pressure dropping a bike produces. He’s right your internals probably got knocked around or something broke that houses or holds your lever in place correctly. I didn’t know it was carbon fiber I was asking what material it was lol I had a feeling it was something strong