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Locking this thread. I want to make it very explicit: transphobia does not fly here. Whether or not you agree with an actor’s politics.


In the words of David Lynch: fix your hearts or die!


I hope we get one final outing by lynch, really sucked that the pandemic killed wisteria


Is that even confirmed? I thought that came from the same source as the Lynch at Cannes thing.


There were registered trade marks for 18 “mini movies” registered at Netflix as wisteria/unrecorded night. It was official. For what it’s worth, Laura dern at some point last year said “there is partial truth about the Cannes rumours”.


Well then. The truth is, David Lynch is my all time favourite filmmaker. If he's ready to go out and make something new, I'm obviously going to be all for it, and I'll be there day one to see it. But that third season of Twin Peaks felt like such a perfect gift and such a summation of characters and themes he'd been developing over the course of decades, if he decided that was his big final statement, I think I'd be okay with that too.


Yeah , the return is my favourite piece of media of all time, but im greedy and expect more


The replies on this post are making me lean harder towards the idea of locking this reddit to actual Blankies only. Not liking the influx of bigots.


Or at least get blankies posts removed from /all. Too much stink round here recently.


It's not even /all. I'm using desktop Reddit, and this sub appears to me as a "you like a similar sub-here's this" thing. So that's how I found it. Now I like to think of myself as y'know, not a transphobic asshole, so I have that going for me. Which is nice.


I gotta be honest that might be a good idea. I only know of this place because I've seen posts show up suggested to me. Never even heard of the podcast before this


Same. What’s a ‘blankie’ anyway and what’s the name of the podcast? Please excuse my ignorance. Genuinely interested.


You can only comment if you know the secret response. Blank it.


Thank it. (Interlopers should just imagine a secret handshake they can't see offscreen.)


People are being downvoted for saying they just don't care. How does that make them bigots? I'd never heard of Alison Lohman until this post.




Not everywhere needs to be a forum for debate


A conversation about directors who had massive success early on in their careers?


Aha! Methinks the fine gentleman hath spotted a hint of ad hominem!


Proofreading, try it.


These comments?! I love how belittling someone’s existence is just a “difference of opinion”


Yeah it's madness mate. "What about debaaaate", fuck off


Maybe the sequel is about dragging Alison Lohman, the actress.


Absolute loser shit


I kinda had a crush on her in middle school. So disappointing.


I don't like digging in peoples Likes on the hell site on general principle, but Musk folks (and transphobes obviously) gotta go


It's not just the bird app. She has an insta too, and.... 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Yeah it’s hard to see what even was the point of this post other than to put up the bat signal for pieces of shit.


Wow a lot more bigot posts than I would have thought of in this sub.


she’s fucking nuts dude


Are we also just forgetting that the first movie ended with her character *super fucking dying?* Was there any conceivable universe where she did come back, regardless of what she likes on Twitter?




Looked back at the thread of the announcement - not single comment was defending or even suggesting it would be good for her to return for this movie. You made this post because you called someone a nazi for not condemning her solely for being antivax and got downvoted. She basically has no career in Hollywood and almost certainly won’t be in this sequel, this is all just weird pandering to no one.


I have no sympathy for antivaxxers or their sympathizers. They want to see the entire world choked on respiratory disease for the sake of their own pride and ego. Would gladly see every grandparent on earth dead. You can’t love your grandparents and be antivax. Also, there were totally people in that post wanting her to return, unless they’ve been deleted.


what happened to him that made him like this?


He got dumped for a trans woman.


And his transgender daughter disowned him


“To all the people defending Alison Lohman” *John Travolta confused gif*




Goddamn why are people so averse to recasting? Like everyone was losing their minds about Johnathan Majors as Kang and I’m like “What? Just recast him.”




She’s liking things that are directly fueling the fire for genocidal rhetoric. The trans panic is at an all time high. Not to mention her being antivaxx/antimask and therefore being generally ok with spreading death particles everywhere. It’s time to knuckle down and stop extending olive branches to these folks.


bro this is a podcast about filmographies


Just any filmography?




Hmm. This ain't great.




Who should I ask for help?


This is idiot shit all around that should probably drag her to hell, but I wish this is how all Elon follows went.


Who cares lmao. No one cares


Who has time in their lives to check the likes of Elon Musk?


Who cares what she likes on Twitter. Stop mixing personal beliefs with professional ones.




Ssshhhh you’ll upset OP


Can anyone explain that mem for me? It’s a joke right?


It’s a knock on teachers having an influence on trans children, through the books and materials they use to include rather than exclude.




care more dweeb








I didn't know either. So I googled.. still don't know..at first I thought she was the little girl from friends that wanted to go to space camp..I don't think that's her. But I like the tweet.




Because it's not happening. It's Satanic panic bs reheated


A school minutes away from where I live had a teacher who told her third grade class to “try to be gay.” She called the class “little sexist children” and forced a girl to go by a male identity. https://nypost.com/2023/03/08/ny-teacher-debra-rosenquist-allegedly-called-class-little-sexist-children/amp/ Make no mistake. This is happening.


Yeah that’s fucked up, I did some research and found some pretty inappropriate books apparently intended for 5th graders, so I do think this is happening but the scale could be argued, my opinion is that even one case like that is horrible there’s nothing wrong with teaching young children about diversity, but sexual images and manipulation is just wrong. I also don’t think it’s right to blame trans people for this type of stuff


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