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Big fan of the Octoboss here, personally. Good movie


My only personal ding against *Fury Road* is that it's as awesome as it is but excludes "weird flying guys", which had become kind of a staple of the series by that point. Love that they get a whole scene in this one, and also love that Miller cast Octoboss with as Bruce Spence-ian an actor as possible.




“you question my boss-thority?”


“You’re scum, Dementus!” -Octoboss


I’ve been refreshing this page constantly, waiting to get SilvioDantesPeak’s review of the film. Thank you for this.


Just when I thought I was out, he pulled me back in!


I loved the hell out of it. Very much a "*The Raid 2*" to *Fury Road*'s "*The Raid: Redemption*". Still totally the same world and creative energy, but instead of a balls-to-the-wall adrenaline filled thrill ride from start to finish, you get a much more deliberately paced revenge thriller that occasionally explodes into setpieces that have all the *MM:FR* energy you could hope for. The way a lot of the shots were longer and more involved as well as some of the general visual storytelling (stuff like the guys legs popping out of the sand and the insane close of shot of Furiosa's eye when>! her mom is being crucified!<) also had me thinking that this could be the closest we get to seeing what a live action Genndy Tartakovsky movie might look like. Felt a lot of vibes similar to parts of *Samurai Jack* season 5.


Excellent comparison to the Raid 2. I just wanted the whole movie to go as weird as that ending with the tree. Still better than most action films in years.


I would said it’s like The Raid 2 but lacked the epic final battle that The Raid 2 had. Would have made it better if the 40 day war wasn’t resolved offscreen. 


Since we know that Miller has plans for at least one more movie that focuses on Max and that it supposedly takes place before *Fury Road* and is titled "The Wasteland", I wonder if part of the plan is for that to be the story of Max trying to survive getting involved in that 40 day war. Maybe it got kinda "yadda yadda'd" in *Furiosa* so he could double back and really explore it in the next one?


That's also my big retort to people who left disappointed that it's not as good as Fury Road. Have you considered that it still rules?


It’s a no-win situation with that attitude though. If it was just Fury Road again it’d be getting panned for doing nothing new. Instead it’s getting panned for not just being Fury Road again.


Good flick. I really liked the battles that were the convoys entering the cities. It felt like a new use of geography and terrain for him, vs Fury Road that was mostly straight roads.


*hearty applause*


I can't believe that until six months ago we had just never seen Charlee Fraser in a movie. I can't imagine life without Mary Jabassa now, she's so good


Yeah. She is a star. I am going to be very excited for whatever she’s in next.


Op: “I said my peace, blankies!”


When I came to the theater last evening, there you were with your head half in the popcorn. Your hair was in the popcorn butter. Disgusting.


What about you, Sil? Buyin’ every bucket you got in the place? What, I can’t defend myself?!


I really loved it! A random thought I had afterwords was how much more revolutionary and amazing it would have seemed if it came out before Fury Road. Part of the great appeal of Fury Road was the introduction of a new aesthetic world and the wild factions that occupy it. Furiosa didn’t have that privilege (though it certainly introduced some new players and parts of the world).


I thought it was great getting to see inside Gastown and the Bulletfarm rather than them just feeling like throwaway location names


“We did some mardy things in the past. Goodbye.” I don’t think we’ll get a better line or line reading all year.


"Mighty things"! Now I know what we sound like lol


Did he really say mighty? I swore it was mardy.


Hahaha yes! Hemsworth made me laugh tons but that bit was by far my favorite


"The Mortifiers become the Mortiflyers" 57/10


Fury Road was perfect, perfect in every way!! Furiosa is more like Rictus Erectus: an oddly shaped grotesque beauty. It may be a bit unrefined, but it is undeniably powerful and strangely endearing.


I feel so lame that I personally found it deeply underwhelming. Loved the action when it kicked in, but the plotting, script, and some of the look just made it not click for me. But it also certainly doesn’t deserve some of the weird hate it’s been getting and love the energy all y’all are giving it.


I need a Twisted Metal style spinoff game where I can build and race my own war rig please!


Ok hear me out theres a board game called thunder road Vendetta that is basically mad max but you can get a Big Rig expansion for it. Although I've just been playing the 2015 mad max game




This is the content I'm looking for


For me a better movie than Fury Road (which is a flawless masterpiece) by miles and miles. We almost never get movies that are anything like Furiosa which is kinda like a dystopian Princess Mononoke and also George Miller auditioning to direct a Dark Tower movie a few years too late.


Thank you.  I really really think this is a better film than fury road which was already in my top 5!  I don’t really have too much desire to watch Fury Road that often but this I think is going to be a film I want to sink into again and again and again’


Hell yeah




Most prequels feel like franchise-life support. This is one of the very few prequels that perfectly flows into the previous film but doesn't feel like it's missing anything. Are there a few dings against it, sure, but when it succeeds on so many other levels why focus on that.


It was very distracting during Furiosa to see clips of Fury Road at a lower resolution. Made me think Furiosa was shot in unnecessary and unforgivingly high detail


Don’t it?!