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Martin Brest second only to Christopher Nolan in his cinematic exploration of time, when you think about it


Between I Love You to Death and Gigli, I feel like they need to cover Fellini to make reparations towards the entirety of Italian culture. I mean, Turtles is a step in the right direction


God I'd love a Fellini series but I feel like I remember them not being too hot on that idea from an old March Madness update or something, but I could be entirely wrong about that. I don't think he's either of them's guy. Good Sentence. But I'd die to protect Giulietta Masina, and she's been dead for 30 years.


It’s two hours? I’m still struggling getting through Meet Joe Black before Sunday.


Solidarity. I think that old lady wanted to die rather than listen to Brad Pitt talk more


After listening to the What Went Wrong episode on Gigli, can’t even blame Brest for what happened with Gigli. 


How’s that podcast? I mean in general, not this particular ep.


I think it’s good.  I like the hosts and I find how they cover the stuff to be pretty fair. They’re informed, they do the research.  It’s kinda like how “You’re Wrong About” (used?) to be where they take turns doing the research on the production and telling the other hosts the story. So you get one person telling and one’s reaction.  I’d recommend the show enthusiastically, and I think the Gigli episode is a good starting point for a Blankie since it really feels like just getting the JJ dossier part of the episode. They don’t go in depth on criticisms, it’s just about the production.


I really like it and second everything u/TormentedThoughtsToo said. It’s sort of like if Blank Check was *way* more dossier focused with almost no riffing or tangents. But the hosts have a lot of knowledge and insight about the craft of movies, they’re good on mic and they do a good job with research. And it’s easy to go through the back catalogue and find movies you like.


I swear the final stretch after the Pacino scene felt like an hour. It just goes on and on and on


That final beach scene was interminable 


Shot of Bartha. Back to Affleck. Back to Bartha. Back to Affleck. Terrible "Australian" accent. Back to Affleck


Maybe it's from Borat, but I was also waiting for like Pamela Anderson or David Hasselhoff to show up and ask Justin Bartha a question. Instead, they were filming Back To The Beach Part 2?


Edibles helped because the dialogue sounds like my thought process when I’m really high.


Edibles always turn watching something into an endless nightmare for me. Minutes turn into hours. I think these later Brest might actually kill me on edibles. I'd just age in my own time outside of reality and eventually turn to dust, and it would look like Walter Donovan in Last Crusade to other people.


I am currently watching Gigli on edibles and I feel like I’m frozen in time


This was 13 hours ago but if you're still frozen back there I wish you the best of luck.


It's funny to say that but I don't think anything could feel as long as "Meet Joe Black". I paused it at the point where they were having the "secret board meeting" during the "boring-Succession" plot line and saw I was only halfway done with the movie and I was like "what could they possible do for another full-movie length"?


Well I watched Gigli straight through and Meet Joe Black in three parts over two days, so probably an unfair 'hack' on my part lol


I watched "Meet Joe Black" straight through! It was an experience of endurance. I haven't re-watched "Gigli" yet but the last time I saw it was in a movie theater during it's original theatrical run 


Meet joe black doesn’t actually have stuff in it every scene just goes on for at least a minute too long


Folks we are officially in long movie season. Between the Midnight Run ep and the end of the year the only movies under 2 hours are Eraserhead and The Straight Story. (Running times for Beetlejuice 2 and Here TBD)


Vanity Fair piece about Here when the trailer dropped claimed it was 104 minutes


Yah it’s gonna be rough keeping up. I’m finally breaking my one-sitting rule and splitting stuff up across two nights. Halfway through Dances With Wolves and dreading the back half a lot less than if I had the whole thing ahead of me later tonight.


Gigli is bad: it has a stupid premise, the characters aren’t well-developed, and it has a lot of stuff in it that’s pretty objectionable, but I don’t agree with this post at all. It’s not a movie that’s unwatchable or boring on a scene-to-scene basis. Didn’t feel long to me at all.


Fair enough. This isn't a post to dunk on a movie just because it's popular to do so, for the record. I honestly found it exhaustingly dull and tedious with little of the bizarre watch-ability (imo) of Scent of a Woman or Meet Joe Black. To each their own though.


A lot less happens than you would think. Going into it, I thought it would just be like a dumb True Romance/road picture type of thing where henchmen are on their trail and they are staying in motel rooms. I also thought J. Lo was playing Bartha's sister for some reason. But no, it would almost be a stage play since there aren't much in the way of sets.


Ben Affleck, The Lesbian Whisperer.


https://preview.redd.it/7pk2gpnt47ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=594392ea53aa7366cf8a84691470679175d38a29 This dude is your 4th lead (if you are saying Pacino and Walken are glorified cameos).




Im prepared to accept what comes from me saying this- but i thought Gigli was fine! Like it was okay, hyped to be so much worse. Ebert gives it 2.5 stars and i agree with his review. Gigli is fine guys! Scent of a Woman is the worst


Hey, as I said, I was only 30 mins in when I posted (at an hour now), so maybe it'll get better on the back end. But as of now, it sucks. It sucks way more than Scent of a Woman, which is obscenely bloated but oddly compelling in its insanity. This is not that (so far anyway).


Dude u are definitely gonna win the battle (not that we are fighting) if you dont end up liking Gigli. I think Lopez and Affleck are actually good in this, which might be crazy to say. You might think it bets getter on the back end but if you dont like Lopez/Affleck, ur probably in for a brutal 90