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Sorry you experienced this. Here are two resources: From this website: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/protections-against-hate-crimes “ You should immediately contact your local police department if you feel you are the victim of a hate crime. Victims of hate crimes can file a civil rights complaint with the Attorney General’s Office or call the office’s special hotline at 1-800-994-3228.” Fenway Health’s Violence Recovery Project: https://fenwayhealth.org/care/behavioral-health/you-deserve/


After my attack by an off duty police officer I reported it to my local police. They did an on-camera interview and wrote up the report. There was no witness so that is considered no evidence, and the report said that I seemed "untrustworthy". This after working in secure fields for 20 years. So, I then wrote a complaint to submit to the District Court. Complaints must be submitted to the Clerk of the Court. The Clerk asked me if there were witnesses and I said "no". And so the Clerk would not accept the complaint. Before I was attacked I saw the officer looking around and I didn't think anything about it. Subsequently I called the State Police and they said thsy never over rule the local police. The same was true for the Attorney General. It appears to me that the local police officers know how evidence is required, and that allows them to game the system. In my opinion the Legisture needs to get involved.


Thank you, this is helpful


Some pepper spray may have been helpful.


Go file the report TODAY so they can get camera footage immediately.


They won’t pull footage.


The gay clubs in that area absolutely will help a victim of an anti-gay hate crime.


Other businesses in the area have a vested interest in the safety of their patrons as well. Definitely call and inquire about CCTV footage/security camera data at those locations immediately surrounding this incident.


Then my advise is to ask the police to do it and then also try and do it themself. Usually businesses won’t but since he’s part of their community and it’s a hate crime, hopefully they will. They police will be very slow and very unhelpful. Hell you could even send them the footage from said bar and I guarantee they won’t do anything with it


Call the bar manager at The Harp. (Seriously, though, if you want to report it, go into BPD and report it. The W Hotel is in District A-1; A-1 is on Sudbury Street, just off Cambridge Street.)


That’s pretty much all you can do. Everyone else would have just shit their pants.


Catching these two and shitting in their pants sounds like pretty good payback.


there's a user in a forum I use and his name is **You** and his tagline is **Just shat my pants** .... so, that


The Harp Security Task Force (HSTF for short) has been rather busy lately. I hear they've had their hands full impounding scooters and ticketing cyclists.


Thanks. Wait i am totally ignorant, is this for real?


It’s a joke/meme within the sub


This was super helpful, thank you❤️


Boston PD has a hate crime division and an LGBT ombudsman. File a report in person. I am sorry this happened to you, but you do need to be proactive. There’s no app for this.


You go and file a report. Then the cops/detectives can go find video camera footage, and go from there. You called 911, an emergency line, while driving away after all was said and done, so they couldn't really do anything for you.


Calling 911 after leaving the scene where you were just assaulted is not odd or ill advised. Police gave them the brush off because they're lazy pieces of shit, let's not pretend OP did anything wrong.


That’s assuming a whole host of crap most of which isn’t true in general about police. Report it as a hate crime it WILL be investigated, and if it is not, there can be action taken against the department.


“How to report a verbal/physical hate crime assault?” …they called the police from Cambridge. Then police told them exactly “how to report a verbal/physical hate crime assault?” Would you have preferred the cops met up with them in Cambridge? Or would it make more sense for the person that was assaulted who wants to file a report to come in and file a report?


Thank you, after that happened I was processing things (in shock). For my safety, I will not give much more info about location, but when I finally processed that I should call 911 and file a police report, I was already across the line in Cambridge. I understand that the best thing for me to do is going to the station now closest to where everything happened.


Cool - and for clarity, I have no problem with you. My response was simply to the guy that suggested that CPD was lazy because they didn’t transfer you (they did) and BPD was lazy for not launching a full scale investigation. Good luck. Probably nothing will come of it, but it’s worth calling the police and filing a report in case something similar happened to someone else.


Yeah, I appreciate you, thank you.


You're telling me that Cambridge PD can't manage a telephone transfer to BPD? You also fail to mention their helpful suggestion that nothing can be done and they shouldn't bother, the classic calling card of lazy cops. >It seemed like the person that taped my call did not have any interest in reporting anything over the phone, and even if I wanted to the station they said unless I had some identifying information that it would result in nothing. Would it have killed the BPD to do a drive by of the area at least? These kinds of dipshits aren't exactly criminal masterminds, odds are decent they were still in the area and OP gave a pretty good description of their appearance (two men, celtics and football club jersey).


They literally can't take a police report over the phone... The filing complainant needs to file the report in person with a detective. 


You REALLY don't know how the cops work, do you? 911 is for medical emergencies and crimes in progress, especially in a large city. Everything else, you file a report and detectives investigate afterwards.


>detectives investigate afterwards. Well, this part is pretty spotty.


It's an entirely accurate description.


Of a thing they nominally should do, but in practice blow off the majority of the time. If someone gets murdered, yeah they will investigate. If someone gets threatened with no injuries, good luck. Maybe they'll do something if it happened directly in front of a camera and they're bored. And theft? Forget about it.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted especially when you’re trashing the police which Reddit loves to do. You are right. There is a very high probability the detective will not do anything. Either because they’re lazy, don’t care, or have more important stuff on their plate but I guarantee they will put in very minimal effort for something like this


>You're telling me that Cambridge PD can't manage a telephone transfer to BPD? Did you read the post? “The Boston police said I would have to go into the station.” Seems like they did transfer them. Great job CPD! >You also fail to mention their helpful suggestion that nothing can be done and they shouldn't bother, the classic calling card of lazy cops. How exactly would you suggest they find the guy? >Would it have killed the BPD to do a drive by of the area at least? These kinds of nucklheads aren't exactly criminal masterminds, odds are decent they were still in the area and OP gave a pretty good description of their appearance (two men, celtics and football club jersey). 1) How do you know they didn’t? 2) The odds are they’re still having around 15 minutes later at 1:40AM?


The odds that every cop was on another emergency at 1:40 am? That would be the only reason not to go there, investigate, note cameras etc.


You want to launch a full investigation into this? Sure I am totally fine with that. Do you also want to increase the police budget so that there are enough cops to launch full investigations into these small crimes?


It’s a hate crime, yeah


Do you want them to do a thorough investigation (that will likely lead to nothing) every time someone calls someone else a f*ggot in a confrontation? Because if you do, again that’s fine, but there would need to be a much larger budget


No, just when they actually get physical. If you are willing to physically assault someone, you need charges. Otherwise they will keep hurting people and the next person may not be okay. Are you only pushing back because it was a hate crime? I would have this attitude if it was a woman who was hit too. The cops could have at least attempted but apparently that’s too much work in your mind.


Why not use some of the millions they got in overtime fraud to pay for it?


Wow so edgy man


??? You’re crying about them not having funding, I’m telling you they have more than enough money - it’s just been laundered through fraudulent means. It’s not edgy to point out corruption in the police force - if I wanted to be edgy, I’d point out that BPD and Boston Patrolmen Assoc. used tax dollars to shield their union president for years, while giving him access to more children to assault, and even kept him on payroll.


That’s not a good retort


Stfu they have more than enough budget...nobody is buying the poor poor popo bs in Massachusetts








I never said there needed to be an investigation for each call. I said there should be an investigation for a hate crime. They. Have. Enough. Budget. Go fundraise and sell candy bars for them, maybe they can use the money to catch up on some rape kits.


You’re right it’s a great description there has to be only one guy who wears a Celtics jersey during the nba finals the night they are playing the mavericks.


You're asking the Boston Police, to do a drive by at 1:30am in an area which has lots of activity on the sidewalks, after a Celtics game, that ended maybe 2.5 hours before in the city, and want them to potentially be able to spot the person responsible? You probably have a better chance of Finding Waldo in a crowd before you find a guy in a Celtics Jersey, with their Friend in a European Football Club jersey).. Thats if they even had the Resources available to do such a thing. W hotel is covered by Station A-1 i believe, which also covers the entirety of the Financial District, The West End, North End, and Beacon Hill. As well as the Parks (Boston Common, Public Garden).. Essentially dealing with all the Celtics Fans pouring out of the Garden for the past 2-3 hours, on top of all the other issues that they would normally have.


Definitely won't find anyone if they don't look. Are you suggesting that there aren't any police nearby after a Celtic's game? What exactly are they there for if not to respond to live calls for assistance?


They were probably dealing with a ton of calls, they go by priority…


The police informed them correctly, but likely very indifferently and insensitively... You do in fact need to be in person at a police station to file an official report. This is the case everywhere. 


Thank you.


Weird. It's almost like safety is a personal responsibility. Don't ever expect anyone to show up to save you; completely agnostic on the reasons. They could be busy or they could not care. Either way, plan to take care of yourself.


I’ve found BPD are lazy as shit. I’d recommend OP directly contact local businesses for video footage


You can try but my mother was in a horrible accident a couple years ago. The local police (small town Massachusetts) refused to ask for any footage. When my father went to the bank (where he has had an account for 30 years they said they couldn't give the tape over to anyone but the police). Catch 22.


Businesses usually aren't allowed to cooperate unless there's a discovery motion filed in court. CCTV footage is considered confidential.


They’re private institutions. They can cooperate if they want - just like you can share footage with a neighbor if you want


Corporate policies are almost universally against this without a discovery or subpoena. The last decade of my career has been in AP and fraud investigation. Banks in particular would rather just pay victims than get involved. Technically, yes, they could choose to help. But they never will. And there will always be no audio.




Thank you.


I was jumped by a random a few months ago-not a hate crime or even a robbery, just a random crazy charged me and tried to wrestle me to the ground. I called 911 and in their case (it was right after) a cop came to me to take a report. If it’s been a moment I agree you should probably go to the station


first off, glad you’re alright. nobody should have that happen to them and I’m sorry that you had to experience that. so, unfortunately, the police are right, unless you have identifying features, they can’t do much. they would need to have evidence of a crime (video tape or documents of injuries, then would have to somehow actually get a name out of what you’ve described). it’s all going to depend on what you want to do. if you want the police to write it down and have a documented report that there was an incident, you can certainly go to the station. It’ll get put in reportable metrics then but I wouldn’t expect much movement on it after that. if you want to file a lawsuit, then again, you’ll need to somehow ID the guy. It seems to me unless there’s hard proof like a security cam and you’ll be able to 100% ID the guy (really doesn’t seem likely that it would hold up in court, but I’m no lawyer), it won’t be worth the money.


There's a lot of cameras on that street, I'd be surprised if one didn't catch the assault


I’m sorry this happened to you. It definitely isn’t what we expect to happen in Boston, especially during Pride. Go to a police station and file a report - it probably won’t result in much action for your specific case, but it’s important to have the incident on record so the city can respond appropriately in the long run. As for the 911 response, the person on the other end was a dispatcher. Their job is to assess the nature of the emergency and send the appropriate resources. Since your situation was no longer an emergency, there wasn’t much the dispatcher could do. They can’t take a police report or dispatch police to respond in person just to take a report. They gave you the only advice they could give. They also spend their entire job talking to people who are having the worst days of their lives. Dispatchers have to remain dispassionate in order to do their jobs and not burn out. They did exactly what they were supposed to do.


Thanks 🙏


You have to go in and file report. Imagine how chaotic it would be if you could just file reports over the phone. So many prank calls


File a report at the station or call the Boston Police community disorders unit directly. They may ask that you file a report at the station or even come to you. Yes they will take it seriously as they will likely investigate it as a hate crime. It will probably come down to whether or not they can ID the people from area surveillance footage.


Thanks, I did not realize community disorders unit is there, that's a great idea!


Time is of the essence. Cameras all over the city auto delete after a set amount of time. To have any chance you should report asap. I got jumped and a detective tracked down MBTA bus camera footage.


Thanks, that is really helpful


Why not just take the advise you were already given? You need to file a police report my dude


Don't look at dude's post history lmao


Big yike


I apologize if anything offended you




Sorry, I should have made a throwaway account.


Go to the A1 BPD station downtown. They cover that area, file a report with them.


Thank you


sending overwhelming, colossal love and support. I am so sorry you had to go through that.


Thank you so much


Sounds like you met Marky Mark.


Wow I am so sorry this happened to you. We got a lot of experts here in this thread but the reality is that stuff is shocking and you did your best in the moment. I wouldn’t blame you at all for not knowing the proper police report filing process, or whatever. You shouldn’t have to.




Where are you seeing that OP is part of that crowd?




Sounds like you need to get out of the house.


Go to a police station. Are you from Mass or out of town? If from Mass any family friends that are attorneys/police officers you can contact that can help walk you through process? It can help to have someone help you out through this.


Sorry that guys such a douchebag but unfortunately the cops aren’t going to do much about a scuffle at DTX at 1 in the morning unless they saw it or there’s a video


Cops won't do anything unless you either, 1) know the persons identity or residence 2) are currently being assaulted while they see it The best you can hope for is a witness having video proof, perhaps the nightclub? That being said the most important part is that you have no injury and can carry on with your life with added vigilance. Perhaps carry pepperspray, taser, or small firearm from now.


Carrying a firearm would be a great way to turn an assault where the victim thankfully walked away into someone ending up dead (maybe the assailant, maybe the victim). Definitely won't make OP or Boston safer, in fact it'll do the exact opposite. 


this country's rambo-gun fetish is literally costing people's lives...so stupid.


Yup OP's a bitch and gets what's coming for them. Don't defend yourself in a reasonable manner. That's what you said, and you call others stupid🤦🏾


Fun fact, there are other ways to defend yourself other than using a deadly weapon that could just as easily kill a bystander


No one said they had to fire. Having the option to brandish is an important and effective deterrent.


Fun fact, there are no safer ways for EVERYBODY to defend themselves than firearms and proper training.


> Cops won't do anything Even if you believe there is no way the cops will be able to do anything it is still important to go in and make a report. It'll become a data point that may influence policy decisions in the future.


Thank you


I just want to say thank you for everyone who has helpful comments, and for those that have been in a similar situation, I'm sorry you ever had to deal with anything like this, and I know I am lucky that it did not get even worse. Thank you for those that have constructive, thoughtful advice. This is my first time really posting like this, so I'm sure I did something wrong, but I appreciate those that understand.


I just want to say thank you to everyone who added helpful, supportive comments or reached out individually. ❤️


there are a lot of businesses concentrated near that intersection, if you file a report it might be possible to access security camera footage that could help police get an ID. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Generally curious. Shouldn’t it be he/them or they/them?


The way I have heard it described is he/they for someone that shares more than one type of pronoun. Happy to link to articles if you want.


If he was wearing a soccer jersey I'm fairly certain you could have taken him. I would recommend just putting it behind you. Nobody got hurt nobody went to the hospital, why stress yourself out? I can guarantee it's not going to go anywhere. Not even shitting on cops here but they do have to prioritize resources.


The cops were disinterested in helping you because there’s legitimately nothing they can do No witnesses, the assailant already left the scene of the crime, and even if they found and arrested this person they’d never face any charges Thank god it’s become a bit simpler for citizens in this state to exercise their 2nd Amendment right, take a look into it OP! At the very least I’d recommend mace, as progressive as Boston has become there are still plenty of bigots Sorry you experienced this - remember this at election time


How can your pronouns be he/they? It’s either he/him or they/them isn’t it?


Honestly, I am very happy to get into a thoughtful discussion about this, but not sure this is the place. If you do a quick Google search just typing in he/they pronouns, there are some great articles that describe it. Happy to link them here if you want. He/they is what I have found to be correct both grammatically and the Way that pronouns are described by someone who uses more than one variation.


I did google it and read the description. Thanks!


If anyone wants an update, lmk


Hello! As someone who was physically assaulted and went through something very similar last summer I can confidently say - the police won’t do shit!!! Unless you are actively bleeding they’ll tell you it’s not worth it. You are better off contacting the attorney general.


I’m so sorry that’s awful and super scary. I would call all of the local places that have cameras outside of where you are and ask for the footage also contact the police and tell them that you have spoken to the manager you want to get footage you need to press charges You also should contact your local LGBTQ advocacy office and social media pages tag everyone that isn’t being helpful and in one minute you will get help I hope these assholes get put away


Thank you


Good thing you made a reddit post. Have you told anyone at The Harp yet?


You got into a fight down town. They legit don't care. It's common.


He didn't "get into a fight", he was randomly assaulted and was the victim of a hate crime.


Lots of people are "randomly" assaulted downtown. I'd say it's like a half dozen per night on Fridays and Saturdays. I don't see what about being gay exempts you. There's a reason why they guy in charge of that place is out there with lasers and bats and shit.


Yeah, you gotta hold your own. Just make it hard for them to engage further or create distractions and leave the scene / find those blue light call stations


I would do all of the appropriate reporting measures listed above, then if they blow you off, embarrass them by going to the media to get that video released. Gov. Healey also appears monthly on Boston Public Radio (WGBH radio) in a call-in segment “Ask the Governor”.


The cops will do absolutely nothing but it might help you somehow


Bad stuff happens after midnight


Go down to the station. File the report. Make them do their jobs. Next time film them with your phone as they walk away so the perps can really be ID’d. The unfortunate thing is that without solid evidence they can’t really prove what happened to you. Probably why they wouldn’t follow up on it. Case of he-said she-said. Not saying it’s right, but 9-1-1 gets a lot of bullshit calls so you really need to have the evidence or call them during the emergency, not after, so they can help.


Holy shit this is some horrendous advice. >Next time film them with your phone as they walk away so the perps can really be ID’d. Yeah. Dont do this. Great way to turn an already violent crime into an even more violent crime.


You could always blow your safety whistle. If it were me I would be carrying oc spray or PEW PEW or Defend myself instead of calling the Police who have no obligation to protect you anyways


Downvoted for expecting op to proactively protect themselves instead of being a burden onto others.


I've been attacked by drunken antisemites multiple times in the Fenway area. I'm not even Jewish, but apparently I look like I am. I reported it and there was zero follow up. Don't expect the police to do much.


I’m guessing you probably call the fire department


attraction outgoing narrow connect worm hurry aware office fertile squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is this that unlikely to you? You can’t fathom a gay person being the victim of a hate crime?


Just carry spray man. I remember a lady awhile back said something similar while she was in a train. Didn't feel safe and thought she was being followed. Dude, the end of the day YOUR safety is paramount. Who cares if you shouldn't have it (spray) ...you also shouldn't be getting roughed up for whatever reason. If you can't fight back physically then you do what you gotta do. Boston is getting less safe anyways so...


>I identify as part of the lgbtq community, What does that mean? Is it different than “I am part of the lgbtq community. Edit: I'm not trying to offend. I'm asking seriously. I don't know if OP meant something different than that.


I appear as a gay flamboyant man, but my pronouns are he/they


Ok, but that doesn't explain why you said "I identify as part of the lgbtq community." Instead of just "I am part of..." I'm asking if those mean the same thing, or if you deliberately said "I identify as part of", rather than "I am part of", because you are defining yourself in a particular way that calls for that particular way of expressing it. I've never heard anyone use the phrase "I identify as part of the lgbtq community." before. And I am wondering if it has a separate meaning, or it is just a colorful turn of phrase.


It means the same thing in my mind, but I was trying to express how people identify is important in order to be inclusive. People who are struggling to come out or afraid due to family or other situations may be LGBTQ+ but not 'identify' with the community or want to be a part of it yet. There is no "right way to be gay" or "perfect lgbtq+ community, but this is getting off topic.. I am also someone who is out of the closet, and identify with (I am friends) other people who are proud to be gay, bi, trans, queer, lesbian , genderqueer, asexual, etc. It is an expansive umbrella and I wanted to express that in a way that felt true to me.


I think I understand now. Thank you for the explanation.




Yikes why are you normalizing a hate crime?


Boston enables these horrible people. Boston pretends to be progressive but this stuff is a regular occurrence.


This is one step away from "she shouldn't have worn that dress". Don't victim blame, guy. Be better.


Yeah, people like you ought to return to the cave that you belong to and never leave.


Regardless of the type of assault Avoid being alone late night or take Uber If confronted, have your phone ready to record. This usually makes them think twice Or carry spray if allowed, but as last resort in self defense and definitely run towards public areas do not engage further


we let shoplifters run free with no action amongst other things!


Were they Irish? There is large group of Irish kids staying at Suffolk university for the summer, and that’s like four blocks from where they are staying