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The value of being a Canadian continues to plummet. So theoretically, someone born here whose parents arrived on a tourist visa to give birth in order to get their kid citizenship and then went home. That babies future kids will be Canadian citizens even if they have no attachment here and weren't born here and don't live here? Absolute insanity. Millions of people will come here for health care never having contributed anything. Only solution is to tax income abroad and take away citizenship from people who refuse to pay.


Lol what value?


Shareholder value šŸ„°


We are the Nortel of the Western World.


> That babies future kids will be Canadian citizens even if they have no attachment here and weren't born here and don't live here? From the article: "Parents who were born outside of Canada will need to have spent at least three years in Canada before the birth or adoption of their child to pass on their Canadian citizenship." This isnt wholly unreasonable, altho I'd like to see the period of residence at 5-7 years.


Iā€™d like to see this be the length of time it takes to process asylum claims. I think that is 5-7 years now. There are a ton of economic migrants claiming asylum and coming here and having a few babies before being told they arenā€™t eligible after using hundreds of thousands in resources. Now there is incentive to come and have a kid as quick as possible. That child and your future grandkids can all have citizenship. Youā€™ll definitely be here 3 years with how long the process and appeals all take


I would love for the gov to introduce global income tax like the US.


Good luck. The Canadian government didnā€™t want to tax a foreign landlord and went after a tenant instead. The reason is because the Canadian government has not reach outside of the country.


Good luck ever coming back if you didn't pay your global income tax. Once you return the CRA could garnish wages, force a sale of propety, or seize assets in Canada. They could also seek to enforce tax debt judgements against your assets overseas with the cooperation of foreign courts.


Many people are not inclined to come back to Canada. Also, most will have sold or moved their assets prior to leaving Canada. The funniest is also where people have a large income outside of Canada and who never declare it because the CRA doesnā€™t have the reach to find out. Good luck with foreign courts, especially in countries who have a very different legal system or who simply view Canada poorly. Good luck going after someone in a Chinese court, for example. Canada is simply too weak on the international stage to be of consequence.


It doesn't care now because there is no global income tax in Canada. If it was implemented they would be able to reach or bring in penalties for not filing. If they never return anyways then no problem, they won't use resources in Canada. If they do, they are hit with a steep tax bill if they weren't paying all along. Or if they really don't want to return and sold anything they can renounce their citizenship.


The advice is going to be that people leaving Canada should sell everything. Thatā€™s it. I think most would be fine with that. The Canadian government, as bloated as it is now, doesnā€™t have the means to go after anyone overseas. This means it wonā€™t have those resources in future either.


Sure, then it's all disposed of and taxed in one final return before you leave. People often want to keep a property in Canada though as a hedge. Dubai or Shanghai are fine but with limited rule of law or rights as a foreigner or even local many want a bolthole, and Canada is a nice option. Canada absolutely could go after income earned abroad if there was political will. Easier to just tax those already in Canada for sure though.


And thatā€™s why tenants get his with a foreign landlordā€™s tax bill, sadly.


>So theoretically, someone born here whose parents arrived on a tourist visa to give birth in order to get their kid citizenship and then went home. That babies future kids will be Canadian citizens even if they have no attachment here and weren't born here and don't live here? This is and has generally been the case since the late 70s and only slightly changed around 2010. Prior to that there was an election certain people had to make at age 21 I think where they would lose their citizenship unless they actively elected to keep it. Healthcare eligibility isn't based on citizenship. It's based on residency. Canadians don't have free healthcare by virtue of being Canadian.


I know but residency is very easy to establish if you are a PR or Citizen, you have free mobility and it doesn't take long. Some provinces its a day.


>Millions of people will come here for health care never having contributed anything. They would still need a provincial health card to get medical care.


Yeah you just move to the province of your choice at age 65 or 70 or whatever and buy a house and blah blah blah


You donā€™t even need to buy a house - you could couch surf. Youā€™d still be a resident


Ontario for example has no required waiting period for healthcare. You can just move here and be covered from day 1.


[Who qualifies](https://www.ontario.ca/page/apply-ohip-and-get-health-card#section-2) With certain exceptions, to qualify forĀ OHIP, you must meetĀ **all**Ā of the minimum qualifications listed belowĀ **plus at least 1**Ā of the additional requirements. To meet the minimum qualifications you must: * be physically in Ontario for 153 days inĀ **any**Ā 12ā€‘month period * be physically in Ontario for at least 153 days of the first 183 days immediately after you began living in the province * make Ontario your primary residence Exceptions are for Emergency authorizations granted for humanitarian reasons


You and u/PmMeYourBeavertails are just splitting hairs - even if it was just 153 days, the fact remains that someone who has never contributed a dime to the tax pool of this country can come here and after a few short months be granted free access to healthcare. Given how many Canadians are living abroad, this is a valid concern


>There is no longer a waiting period for OHIP coverage. If you are eligible, you will have immediate health insurance coverage. Find out if you qualify. When you apply for the first time all you need to do is certify that you have made Ontario your primary residence and that you **will** reside here for the next 153 days. https://www.ontario.ca/page/apply-ohip-and-get-health-card


I think you're misunderstanding that. Once you meet the minimum qualifications (ie be physically in Ontario for 153 days) then there is no waiting period. Someone who moves to Ottawa from a foreign country on July 1 isn't walking into a Service Ontario and immediately getting an OHIP card on July 1. ~~Even someone moving here from another province isn't getting OHIP on day 1.~~ If you move here on July 1 you become eligible on Dec 1... 153 days later if Ontario is their primary residence.


I donā€™t think this is true. When I moved to Ontario from NS, I was able to apply for a health card immediately. I had to provide a copy of my lease though, to prove that I was going to live here for a while. However I donā€™t think this would work for someone who doesnā€™t live in Canada, as they canā€™t prove they are resident here unless they commit fraud.


I wonder if it's changed? When I moved from NL I went in to get an OHIP and they told me to come back in 6 months but that was decades ago.


This is incorrect. I moved to Ontario from AB and got OHIP immediately. It would be revoked if I spent more than half a year elsewhere but I got it right away. There is no waiting period.


They get after being here for 90 days šŸ˜‚Ā 


Never contributed anything? Tell that to the billionaires and multinational corporations that has their head office in some banana republic tax haven and never pays a dime of tax to Canada :/ And before you go on about how they pay a wage... the value corporations extracted from each employee and thus the Canadian economy vastly outstrips the measly wage they are each paid. This happens regardless whether the corporation pays tax in Canada or not, but it's especially insidious when they do not. So yea, a couple thousands of lost Canadians are not even a drop in a bucket as a drag on our economy compared to the strip mining of us by corporations.


>Millions of people will come here for health care never having contributed anything. Canadian citizens living abroad are not eligible for healthcare coverage.


They are if they move here and live here for 6 months to a year depending on the province. They just need to establish residency based on whatever provinces rules.


That means they actually live here then.


Yeah, in their old age after not paying taxes just to access health care. It is an actual problem, that is why i said we need to start taxing people abroad if we want to have millions of citizens living / being born abroad.


So you're saying there are a lot of old retirees in Canada, who are citizens by birth, but lived somewhere else when they were younger. You believe such people shouldn't be getting healthcare coverage now. That's what you're concerned about?


The secret is to come here, use the healthcare as you won't be refused access to the hospital and then "dine and dash". If you have no intention of long term living or working in Canada there is no downside to that plan.


>The secret is to come here, use the healthcare as you won't be refused access to the hospital and then "dine and dash". How exactly can they do that without a valid care card?


They can't refuse care even if you don't have a card. You get the invoice later. But you're long gone back to wherever. Hence dine and dash. Edit: I'm just clarifying what the OP said, not providing an opinion. Responses should be directed at them.


That's not really cost effective when you're paying thousands to get here. Also it would have to be an emergency to be admitted into a hospital. People aren't flying to Canada to get cancer treatments or open heart surgery or even getting into a walk-in clinic to see a doctor about an ingrown toenail and then fleeing the country.


Yes you get an invoice. And if your payment is overdue, it goes to collections, and those guys specialize in dealing with such situations. It's no different than borrowing money from a bank and leaving the country to avoid repaying the loan. Those guys will get their money back sooner or later. So tell me again how it's so easy to "dine and dash".


Tell that to the BC hospitals and clinics out of pocket from birth tourism. "According to documents released by Vancouver Coastal Health, more than $2 million is outstanding as a result of non-resident births since 2017 at the Richmond Hospital alone." https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/birth-tourism-strain-1.5413296 Not as easy to collect money from abroad as you think.


Sure such things may happen, but to put it into perspective, that article also says such situations represent 2% of all births in BC. Nearly 2% of credit card users don't repay their debts either. There will always be a small percentage of fraud in any system.


That's just the debt from non resident births, not total debt from all patients. It's not the biggest problem facing Canada but it's a problem that should be fixed all the same. It's also 2% of total births, but likely a much higher percentage of non resident births.


Total debts from all patients? Giving birth here means citizenship, so it makes sense why some people may resort to this for that purpose, which is what they count in that statistic. But for most people, spending money to come here just to go to a walk-in clinic doesn't make much sense. If it was for something more serious like a surgery, why would they still do it, when the cost of having it done in places like China or India are so much lower that it's probably cheaper than the airfare it costs to fly here in the first place.


Every Canadian seems to have come to the realization that we have an unsustainable immigration rate, our infrastructure just canā€™t keep up and the liberals are sacrificing Canadians quality of life to flood our country with new comers while Canadians are screaming for them to stop. At this point the only reasonable conclusion is these guys are just trying to burn it down on their way out the door. If youā€™re one of the few people still supporting this government youā€™re just a complete idiot, that doesnā€™t understand the real world.


Conservatives will do the same thing. PP pledged to make it easier to bring families over. Has refused to commit to lowering targets.


Ya the only leader exercising any common sense on the topic is Bernier but a few years ago when he was sounding the alarm on mass immigration the liberals successfully convinced people he was doing so because he was a racist and thereā€™s still a lot of imbeciles in this country who believe that propaganda.


The issue is the baggage that comes with him. Why canā€™t we have a party with common sense immigration without electing anti vax, anti climate change conspiracy theory garbage.


I agree. If you look at the PPC platform on their website there isnā€™t much I disagree with but from a lot of the candidates Iā€™ve seen they arenā€™t attracting the cream of the crop. That being said I may just end up voting for them this round in hopes that enough people do that it sends a message if nothing else.


Wow. So this means someone could get Canadian citizenship, move back to their country and every offspring forever would be Canadian citizens? Thats wild. I felt the current system (or the US system) makes sense. You can leave, the kid gets citizenship but unless they spend a decent amount of time in Canada they canā€™t pass it further.


>unless they spend a decent amount of time in Canada they canā€™t pass it further. This is probably what they are actually trying to fix. Right now Canada does not have this exception. Under the current law, if you were born as a Canadian abroad, even if you moved back to Canada when you were 1 year old and live in Canada your entire life, as soon as you leave Canada for even one second you would not be able to pass down your citizenship. I know this well because my kids were born in the US and they will forever be second class citizens regardless of how long they live in Canada.


No, you don't need citizenship to pass it to your child.Ā 




What we need to do is eliminate just soli citizenship entirely - it was only useful when people couldnā€™t ā€˜visitā€™ Canada and virtually all came here to live forever with minimal ties elsewhere. So no more jus soli. You have to be have one parent be a Canadian citizen or become one within your first ten years of life for you to be a Canadian citizen. If you are born abroad or are born in Canada and then immediately move abroad (canā€™t prove majority residency within first ten years of life) then your children would not be Canadian citizens unless they would either be rendered stateless or they are born in Canada. This isnā€™t super complicated. We just need to do it. Oh, and eliminate dual citizenship. The whole concept is silly.


In a globalized world with more advanced government software jus soli doesn't make sense anymore. It made sense in the 1700s and 1800s to quickly integrate newcomers and farmers and ease the administrative burden in remote regions pre internet. Basically only a handful of new world countries like Canada still retain unconditional jus soli. It is a relic of the past that should be abolished.




It's the court's fault, not the Liberals. The law was found unconstitutional so the current gov has to change it.




Sure, but the experts in constitutional law at Justice Canada likely did some research and recommended to the Minister of Justice and cabinet that they wouldn't win on appeal.


Getting down voted for the truth, nice šŸ‘




Is this some sort of gotcha? Thats how consitutional and unconstitutional are ultimateoy determined in this country. Only option would be to appeal up the chain to the SCC, but no guarantee they would find any differently.




As I mentioned elsewhere, government lawyers who probably know more than you (unless you also happen to be a constitutional expert) have likely recommended an appeal would be fruitless, not to mention costly.




I would suggest it's broadly unpopular, and really only helps a small set of people living abroad who probably don't vote anyways.


Fuck this shit. If you donā€™t pay tax here and or werenā€™t born then what rights do you have? What about everyone who came her through the appropriate means and moved here?Ā  Do away with dual citizenship and birth tourism. People are just taking advantage of the system. Ā 


I cannot wait for these absolute fucking idiots to be voted out of power.


This country is such a joke. Like what else is there even to say anymore?


This Country is cooked, and it's all on purpose.


This is exactly what voters are calling for. Legislation making it easier for people to move here. /s


ā€œLast year, the Ontario Superior Court found the current system unconstitutionally creates two classes of Canadians, and gave Ottawa until June 19 to fix the problem.ā€ Not much can be done


Unless it's a section 6 matter, there's always the notwithstanding clause.


Liberals can hardly criticize PP for wanting to use the notwithstanding clause and then turn around and use it themselves.


I'm not saying it is politically sensible for the Liberal government to use the power the Constitution provides parliament with. I'm saying that there *is* something to be done.


Comme 90% des pays sur la terre!


I want to leave Canada so bad lol


Isn't citizen by descent, usually 1 generation a common thing in many countries? I'm surprised Canada doesn't have it already.


Canada has an archaic system of unconditional jus soli. Hardly any country still has as lax a system as we do.


Canada does have it. The problem with Canada, as identified by the courts, is that there is no cure to the 1 generation limit. As I posted above: >Under the current law, if you were born as a Canadian abroad, even if you moved back to Canada when you were 1 year old and live in Canada your entire life, as soon as you leave Canada for even one second you would not be able to pass down your citizenship.


For anyone coming to the comments after just reading the headline, this is a reversion to how citizenship law worked prior to 2009 when it was changed by the Harper government. That change was then found to be unconstitutional, so the Trudeau Government has had to change it back.