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Are you asking for photography advice or render advice


Photography advice. To be honest I don't really catch your question though, do you mean the photo looks too similar to a 3D rendering?


My first thought was that it looked like a render so I would say yes, it looks like it.


A fair critique it is then.


Composition wise I like it, along the background but the blur is too strong in the background (for my liking)


Thanks, several time I've tried to fake the bokeh but seems like I need to do a different approach.


The bokeh and side mirror reflection made it 100% a render in my eyes. But now that u mention u tried adding bokeh (noticed artifact around a cone and certain areas being focused while the rest is blurred confused me). Nice shot brother


Just get rid of the fake bokeh entirely


This seems like a different style all together. I can’t say I’ve ever seen surreal car photography. But it definetly dosent feel real.


It really looks like a render 😅


My opinion is that this is just massively soft, as if texture and clarity were turned all the way down. I don't think that's the case, it's just how the photo feels to me. I saw the photo and it didn't even look real, and I felt it was a video game or render of some kind. Not a bad photo though. I like the location and angles.


Thanks, seems like the more I see it, the photo does fall into an uncanny valley.


Were these strobed, or light painted? I'd try to keep the lighting a little smoother. In the front shot there's a large dead spot down the center of the hood that catches my eye.


Light Painted. The light source actually used a 60 x 90 softbox and a Godox SLB300 (Yes, I lift it by hand). Anyway, thanks I'll patch it for future shoots


That seems like an unnecessarily large modifier, but if it works... Check out some of the tutorials on Moe Zainal's channel, he has quite a few light painting pros that detail their shoot and post processing in great detail. Tyler Brunkhorst and Dave Cox in particularly very very good.


I swear, this IS a render. Look at the mirror and window reflections. ???


The Mirror reflection is naturally created like that by the light painting. The reflections are simply just photoshop edits.


if you dont mind me asking? what light are you using for the painting?


Woah that’s amazing, I thought it was a render at first glance.


Good troll post


Looks like a photoshoot from a grand Turismo game lol ....I mean that as a compliment btw


Thank You


If these are real than WOW


Thank You


This isn't a photo, just like the other two posts you have are not photos






This seems like alot of work to create something that looks like it was generated in blender


Compositing with an added light source can yield some uncanny results, but uncanny is a two way street, and the learning curve is steep. Seeing someone make an attempt at it is far more impressive than the usual IG fodder.


Thank You, I really appreciate the compliment


It is


So what's with the evos with no drivers then


It's a static light painted image. The background was actually not moving, it was given a blur edit to make the car look moving with the process exactly like my comment above. 50% of the work is in the photoshoot and 50% of it is in photoshop. Each car is also light painted separately, so it is indeed a lot of work. In photoshop, the process is broke down mainly like this: 1. Combine all the light painted images and remove yhe unnecessary photos. This is also done for each car separately 2. Separate the cars with the background 3. Use Path blur for the background 4. Blur the wheels is necessary (In the case of evo, the wheels are not visible) 5. Post process it further using Lightroom The driver not visible is a mistake, call it a sloppy edit. Now a reason also why all of this is necessary is simply just because it is the only way to make the Evos look that way. Natural light, especially at night doesn't give that smooth highlight on the edge of the car. If you try to photograph the cars with the lights on, the glare would also be unbearable so basically a composite would be necessary except in a very controlled, safe environment. Further than that, photographing 3 moving cars in the night, especially on public street would be much more difficult, that's before mentioning the safety risk. My camera also doesn't perform that well in low light.


You're light years away from most people here, just keep refining your work.


Tell me you've never used added light without telling me?


There's a difference between adding light to a subject and making a 20 photo composition.


Do you mean composite? The majority of time you work with added light and a car, it's going to end up a composite. Lugging around a chimera is impractical for most.


Sure you don't need a "chimera" some off remote flashes and regular soft box work just as well if not better. These lighting setups end up looking so uncanny that they begin to look cartoonish.


Why is Chimera in quotes? I'd love to see some of your work incorporating the setup you mentioned.