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damn, $700k.. double the MSRP of the Murcielago.. crazy


Massive wealth inequality and inflation


All that QE money printing and zero rate loans went to the already-wealthy, inflating their investments and property portfolios. Everyone else who didn't have nearly as much invested in stocks and property just got left with inflation and unaffordable homes at the end of the money party. Barely any of that additional money and wealth trickled down to wages. It's a very oversimplified summary of what happened, but that really is the jist of it. I'm really surprised people aren't rioting over what has happened over the last decade. I suppose because most people don't understand it?


Yeah I wish I would have just bought any home back in the day. I slept on it and now I'm fucked haha. At the end of the day I think most Americans believe in the idea of picking yourself up by your bootstraps. So if you aren't successful it's your own fault for not working hard enough. Not believing in that is an admission that they've been fucked. No one wants to admit they've been fucked.


I wish I bought a home back in 2008. Instead I was wasting time being a high school freshman


2010. The First Time Home buyer tax credits artificially inflated values. I bought my first house at the tail end in 2009. 6 months later my property value tanked. It too 6 years for it to rebound.


I’m mad at my parents for not buying a home back then. It’s not like we were going out on vacations, or driving fancy cars. Literally just going to school/back every day and during the summer stay home all day.


Another one bites the avocado toast dust


2008 was a terrible time to buy a home. Pretty much the top of the bubble. I bought mine in 2010, which was still too early. I lost maybe ten percent off the purchase price in the following few years, but I can't really complain now.


I missed my chance in the US, so I'm buying somewhere overseas instead. The benefit is I'll retire very comfortably at 50 instead of 70, own a much more luxurious house, and maintain zero debt. As an example, 750K doesn't buy you shit in LA, but in Medellin, it buys this: https://www.realtor.com/international/co/el-poblado-medellin-antioquia-120090146329/


Yeah people are busy blaming other poor people and immigrants.


They literally cannot afford to stop working to riot


I’m not a history major but how many mature democratic counties have resorted to mass riots except in some black swan event? (Summer 2020 riots come to mind). If homes or cars are expensive people will just complain and keep renting + finance longer terms + buy cheaper cars.


> I'm really surprised people aren't rioting over what has happened over the last decade. I suppose because most people don't understand it? Basically. They've been convinced inflation is the current President's fault, not the fault of past policy decisions. It's fucked up but welcome to society. Poor people ain't gonna protest if it won't get them anything--they ain't got time for that when they'd rather be working or resting.


It's more that you have to push people really hard to get them to riot. They have to believe they have nothing to lose. I understand that a lot of people are economically frustrated, but in general, people are still fed, still sheltered, still have work to do. They arent going to put their lives on the line because of abstract concepts of wealth inequality and inflation (although just voting would be a nice first step)


Im with you. Eat the rich.


Yep there’s more of us than them. But people are too busy fighting each other


That is by design.


Come on now let's not pretend inflation doesn't exist. MSRP for the Murcielago was $273,000 in 2002. That's worth $483,000 today. The Revuelto starts at $608,000, so its a 25% rather than 100% increase. Still substantial, but not nearly as much as you make it sound.


Sure and median household income was $65k in 2002 and is $75k now. So the Mercy was 4.2x median household income, and Revuelto is now 8.1x


Median income is irrelevant for the target market. A better metric is the wealth of the top 1% [over time](https://i.insider.com/6165af37991f6b0018655e9f?width=1136&format=jpeg). In 2002 it was $7 trillion collectively, which is about $12.5 trillion adjusted for inflation. Today the top 1% collectively hold about $25.5 trillion. So despite the price increase, cars like the Revuelto have gotten less expensive for the target market.


Great math but man it’s a shame I always find the most sound economic analysis of wealth inequality on r/cars lol


People who can afford an expensive hobby like cars usually have the discipline to not fall into unsubstantiated opinion traps.


It’s cause we watch cars we used to be able to afford grow more and more expensive. With the FK8 Type R it would’ve been an expensive but doable purchase. The next gen FL5 however is straight up out of my budget.


At least the FK8 has depreciated since new and you can buy one for a lot less than an FL5 and get probably 80% of the experience of the FL5


Fk8 had an msrp of $35k when it debuted in 2017. Nationwide search on cargurus brings up only a handful of cars under $30k that don't either have a rebuilt title or >100k miles.


I got 32k for my 2018 on a trade in and they listed it at 36k lol. Believe it sold within a week. I purposefully kept the milage low after I realized it was holding value but still silly.


Ah nvm then they seem to be more expensive than in canada


Somehow I don’t think the median household is purchasing a lambo in either time period.


Speak for yourself, I financed mine over 500 years


God damn I need to join your bank


Funny enough McLaren Finance offers long loan terms of like 10-12 years. Your payment could be less than a 3 series!* ^^*if ^^you ^^put ^^$50k ^^down


Interesting, I didn’t know that


Well, when the Lambo costs as much as the median house...


Other people have already clarified that median household income isn’t representative of a Lamborghini buyer. But the median household income in 2002 was absolutely not $65k, it was $42k


This would be relevant if we were talking about a Camry.


Why are you looking at median income when this is clearly a < 1% car.


The median income in 2002 was $42,000, not $65,000.


Who is buying a Lamborghini on median household income?


It looks like you're using an inflation adjusted version of the median household income. You need to go back to the "real" median household income which no doubt was much lower, probably under $40k


That's in inflation adjusted dollars. In other words, real income went up about 10k over the last twenty or so years, https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N


Were also talking about hypercar vs a supercar. The Holy Trinity cars were all like a million when they came out ten years ago. 900k back then is $1.2 million now.


900k in NVDA back then is like 90000k now.


Are there other factors to cost besides inflation that might affect a vehicle price? Cost of technology development? Cost of materials (new types of materials)? Cost of new vehicle regulations and bureaucratic costs? Increased costs of labor in countries of manufacturing? It is not as simple as boiling it down to inflation.


Yes, but the comment I replied to was just talking about numbers. Limiting the discussion to inflation is appropriate to show that simply doubling a price over time is not an accurate way to look at the true cost of the thing. Besides, the points you raise just add cost to the vehicle, which further shows that the figure being twice as much as the flagship vehicle from 22 years ago isn't the right way to look at the cost.


Yeah and it's not really worth it IMHO, there's way better options and it looks like a parody of a Lamborghini, just like a car from GTA online update. The design is just not it. It just doesn't wow like the Aventador and murcie did.


2010 Murcielago MSRP adjusted for inflation was about $510k so it’s not quite that bad


$500k vs $700k seems quite a lot to me.. I haven't done the math yet so I very well could be wrong, but I don't think a luxury sub 100k SUV (like say an Escalade) has increased 40% in price since 2010 when adjusting for inflation. I know for a fact economy cars haven't, and that makes sense since they're not luxury. Edit: the Escalade started at $62,495 in 2010 (90,012 in 2024 dollars). a 2024 Escalade is starting at $81,895. interesting


I hope you realize an Escalade and a Lamborghini do not play in the same league - the price increase in luxury cars (Lamborghini, Ferrari etc; not Cadillac) is obviously much larger. I also did not suggest a 40% price increase was small, I simply suggested it wasn’t a 100% increase, which it isn’t


yeah for sure, just thought I would see SOME correlation between luxury cars, but I'm not lol. Either way though I'm not the target audience for this car. I can still only dream. But I am excited to see the C8ZR1 whoop this Lambos ass at 1/5th of the price lol


Hell yeah. Wish we got more American style relatively affordable sportscars in Europe


Sorry to tell you. A Z06 with nothing but the Z07 package is already $140,000 and that’s not factoring in a markup. Im kinda scared a ZR1 will be in the $150k-$200k range


Imo it's a small difference. If you can afford a 500k car you can probably afford a 700k car.


Should we call out the lack of creativity or is that just for cheap cars? Cause this shit looks like a copy paste of previous models


Lamborghini sticks with the classic fighter-jet inspired look and gets flamed for it. BMW tries something different and gets flamed for it. There is no winning with reddit designers. I think it looks good. It looks like a lambo should.


Yeah, because different isn't inherently better. The Revuelto is a slightly tamer Sian, which itself is a relatively tame evolution of the Aventador, which itself is a relatively tame evolution of the Reventon, which itself was a Murcielago with a new nose. The jump from Diablo to Murcielago is larger than the jump from Murcielago to Revuelto. Credit where credit is due, the mechanical jump from Aventador to Revuelto is pretty huge, but from a design perspective?


I think especially from the rear 3/4 the revuelto looks more aggressive than the aventador, which in turn was a more angular revision of the merci rear. IMO the design is just as much of an iteration and evolution as the drivetrain is.


Reventon was the big one. Probably the most influential supercar concept car of the last 20 years. Showed us where everything was going.


Yes forget nuance, conservative and radical designs of cars are binary in nature, so people are unreasonable when they accept neither! It's not like there are a million micro design decisions that add up to something people may or may not like and the final overall look could have gone a number of ways!


Literally Lamborghini for the last 20 years.


I mean it’s still a good looking car. And I can spot the slightest of differences among the models. But I also know when manufacturers are lacking creativity and diversity in their lineup. Feels like Lamborghini is more like McLaren where it’s hard for anyone besides a die hard fan to know the differences between the models.


The problem for McLaren is not that the models look the same, it's that people are/were confused by the nomenclature. It's not hard at all to distinguish between a 720, 570, and Senna. But people hear 600LT, 570S, and 620R and think they are three different cars but it's just one, and they say 'McLaren has too many models!'.


I disagree. I can name car models with no issue at all. It wasn’t until just recently was I able to decipher different McLaren models. It’s not just me. I’ve heard plenty say the same thing about them all blending together with McLaren.


So you're saying you can look at a 570 or 600lt then look at a 720 and it's hard to tell the difference?


I’m saying, yes, this lineup all looks far too similar for anyone other than a car enthusiast to be able to identify the different models easily. I know to you and me we can identify what we may call huge differences. But it’s really not on the whole and I believe that hurts their brand. The only one here that’s especially unique and obvious is the Speedtail. For obvious reasons. https://drivefoundry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/McLaren-Model-Range-UK.jpg


Ok, so you're saying you can tell the difference, and the layman could not. That's true of many brands, Layla. Probably wouldn't be able to tell a SF90 from a 296 but that doesn't mean Ferrari models look too similar. As for that image you posted, the whole top row is one car, 4/5 of the second row is a car they stopped selling 7 years ago. Like I said, put a 720 next to a 570 and I doubt many would have any trouble differentiating. The people who would have trouble would also confuse a Corvette and a Ferrari.


I’m not sure why we’re arguing here. This isn’t an objective analysis. The entire idea is subjective. I, along with many others I’ve spoke with, find the McLaren lineup all too similar in design. You don’t. That’s fine.


> Cause this shit looks like a copy paste of previous models Which previous model? This doesn't look anything like the Diablo or Mercielago or Aventador at all. It's a bit odd that Doug thinks the Merci is totally different than the Diablo, because those two cars are very similar in design.


I'd much rather see this approach than them try to drastically change their design language and replace something that works well with something that doesn't (or at least not as well, like Ferrari).


_laughing over here as a Porsche owner_


My issue is that they've been putting crappy bodykits on the Aventador and adding an extra 0 to the price for so long now that all I see is more the same.




Doug said there are literally 3 small Audi parts. Everything else is bespoke. You clearly didn’t watch the video.


Lamborghini has such an exciting line up these days 9 500rpm NA V12 hybrid monster 10 000rpm V8 Turbo hybrid monster




It does. "Code-named "Lamborghini 634," the plug-in-hybrid pairs a trio of electric motors with a twin-turbo 4.0-liter V-8 that has a 10,000-rpm redline." https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a60832588/lamborghini-huracan-successor-v-8-hybrid-details/


Wow, being poor sucks lmao that sounds wild.


IDK man, one of the wildest cars I have been in was a bone-stock S2K. I doubt the Revuelto is $700,000 more fun than an S2K.


Doubt. My S drives better than that bone stock S2000 with blown mounts and dampers. Guaranteed bc they defer maintenance up the ass


That is fair lmao. My FD has been on garbage suspension and I'm finally installing something nice, so I feel you.


New one does https://www.lamborghini.com/en-en/news/lamborghini-634-will-have-a-new-hybrid-twin-turbo-v8-engine




Well if you knew what OP was talking about you shouldn't have purposefully misinterpreted it then.


I'm glad to see lamborghini entering the plug in hybrid market. This will really help the potential owners who don't have L2 charging or a lack of l3 charging infrastructure in their area for road trips. Plus, it'll really save them money on gas. Lol


Lamborghini's really looking out for the common man with this one


Truly the brand of the people.


Idk man, I really need a hybrid or EV and was seriously considering this. I’ll stick with my Honda civic because I don’t like the license plate placement.


I have one of these on order and the way Lamborghini handled the delivery of these was not very professional. The first 200 cars in the world were supposed to be delivered to select US customers in 2023. They have just started delivering them now. Meanwhile there have been many deliveries in Europe and the Middle East. My car has a base price of $1.2M and the final price including options was nearly $1.5M (Converted to USD, extremely high taxes in my country). I have no clue about the production status and delivery estimate of my car right now. The silver lining however is that the car seems to drive wonderfully from all the reviews and first hand experiences I've read.


If you don't mind me asking what sort of options did you get? I'm curious what kind of cool stuff 300k in options gets.


Well it's technically ~$150k worth of options if you're from the US but we have a 100% import tax on new vehicles here so every option essentially ends up costing double, hence the 300k in options. The most expensive options were (converted to USD) the carbon fibre options and paint. Exterior carbon pack was ~$95k, interior carbon pack ~14k, carbon steering wheel ~16k, paint was ~26k. There were a whole bunch of options that I selected in the $2-5k range as well but these are off the top of my head. Oh, and there's a 14% registration tax on top of all this as well so the total "actual on road price" would be $1.5M + 14% + insurance


Jesus do you live in taxlandistan? That sounds awful


You joke but it's kind of true. We bought a few LC300 Land Cruisers last year and each of them was worth north of $290k USD. A big chunk of that is taxes


Singapore infamously like that. And you need a to buy a  cert


Singapore makes 100% tax look laughable. The top import tax rate is 320% + 20% excise i.e. your car is now 4.4x as expensive. And you still need to buy the $100k cert.


Doesn’t sound that awful to me when the guy can still afford to drop a million and a half on a car. I’d say that’s exactly how I’d expect taxes to work.


Probably not a big deal for a multi millionaire, but kinda sucks for an average person wanting a $30k new car and ending up needing to spend $70k.


Oh on that I totally agree.


Sounds reasonable to me, considering the kind-of car he's buying.


You're not extrapolating. If I wanted to buy a 100k corvette, thats an attainable dream car for people. A $250k corvette after absurd taxes and fees is much less attainable.


The whole country is roughly the size of the city of Chicago, but with double the population. And they have a world class public transit system, and artificially cheap taxi fares. Any car is a pure luxury there, nobody needs one. And if they were ubiquitous the traffic would be unthinkable.


Dude you’re on the car’s subreddit


Yeah I love cars. I also love dense, walkable cities with useful transit and recognize that if you choose to live in one of those places you should expect it to not be car friendly. You can love cars and also love places that mean you can live without one. Nobody benefits from someone who doesn't give a shit about cars needing one to live their life. 98% of people don't give a shit about cars.


Still tickles the part of my brain that will always be a ten year old boy with a Diablo poster on his wall playing Need For Speed.


engine is definitely cool problem is it weighs like 4300+ pounds


Swap it into a miata


That’s one heavy engine!


Its funny to see how any post including New Money Dog gets downvoted into oblivion🤣


New money Doug is trash


what do u mean by new money doug? why’s it trash? i’m out of the loop


People are just haters. "his videos are all the same" ya dude has been the same thing for ten years and he's got it down to a formula. His video quality has gone up imo. People don't like that he reviews a lot of car and bids cars now, as if there is an infinite supply of cool cars to review.


Doug's videos are still cool and informative. But it does get annoying when he reviews the same car, like he's reviewed the S2000 like 5 times already lmao


It’s so weird how people get mad that he’s reviewing cars that are for sale on cars&bids. The auction is live for a week and then the video lives on, what’s the issue??


He made a bunch of money on cars and bids, now most of his videos is mostly shilling for cars and bids auctions


Doug has always been annoying as fuck to me. This nerd isn’t likable, new money or old


He’s more of a dork than a nerd


He came across as much more endearing and authentic when he didn't have the big bucks. Now he comes across as quite arrogant in some of his videos. His change is really noticeable in his podcasts, where he often acts much more arrogant and overconfident. You can see Kennan and his other guest look really awkward sometimes when Doug goes too far being harsh or rude.


It’s a bit. Why the joke goes over everyone’s heads is beyond me. I guess there are still people who take Clarkson literally so I shouldn’t be that surprised.


To be fair, his videos have been kinda bad for a long time. They are literally just the same formula over and over. He use to make entertaining, albeit sometimes silly videos, but at least they were creative.


Buttons for turn signals is insane. Then a seperate "off" button to stop the turn signal. I know this car isnt meant to be a daily. But i still feel like that would be annoying.


I like the turn signal buttons on my ferrari, very intuitive when you use them


This one surprised me given how mate rimac just said in an interview for the new Bugatti that he thinks stalks are better then buttons after he did buttons in the nevera. Different management and different companies, but still.


This might be the worst combo of buttons and touchscreens. 26 buttons on the steering wheel and no buttons anywhere else (including for climate) is some crazy decision making. Still love the Revuelto.


Never would’ve expected to see *the* asimo here lol Nice cars dude




Democratized performance has me to the point where it’s becoming more and more difficult to get excited about these things. Especially 1000 horsepower. Thanks Dodge/EVs/Aftermarket


Yes, 1000 HP isn't headline material anymore. Tesla has the Plaid and Lucid has the Sapphire. Even Rivian are selling 1100 HP trucks and SUVs for 1/7th the cost. The game has changed.


Yup you can get a used Tesla Plaid for under 60k. The plaid really took the shine off having 1000hp


Every racing sim I've played, cars with 1000hp are nearly uncontrollable without having formula or gt3 levels of downforce. Are people seriously interested in a 1000hp road car?


Who do you think is actually going to track a car like this? It’s for thrilling people with noise and acceleration.


If it's got 100 HP more than your neighbor/millionaire friends, than yes. Because they're never going to do much more than be parked and crawl around at 20mph, because they're to be seen in, not driven. I'm sure some are driven hard, but for the most part, no.


I can barely control 500hp in racing sims… how tf do we not see more dead billionaires on these things 😂


That was exactly the number I was thinking, after 500hp controllability rapidly drops.


They aren't pushing it around a racetrack though. Just maybe a few short bursts of acceleration on a highway or a launch control start if they can be bothered. Also these cars are AWD and with enough electronic aids you could probably stomp on the throttle mid corner and the car will sort it out rather than kill you. It'd still be a bitch to nail the braking point for something so damn fast and heavy though.


This is one of the least inspired designs I've ever seen from Lamborghini. Looks like a C8 crossed with McLaren designed for GTA. What the hell happened to that Countach revival?


The Countach revival is a different car that you can also buy lol. It didn't get scrapped so that this thing can exist.


Looks fantastic to me


Even copied the video description, eh?


Not sure if it's me getting older or the prospect of owning anything remotely close to this always becoming more distant but these cars are a snooze fest to me now


looks like pikachu


Don’t like the front. It’s to much black. This car will not really age all that well. People will still buy it.


And one of the stupidest names ever, if you speak spanish. Only matched by Nevera.


I honestly love Lambo a lot! This car was really cool and I wish I had $700,000 so I could build up my dream garage. Along with A Cybertruck, a G Class, any Bugatti type, any Rolls Royce type (especially the Spectre), and some fancy Audis and Bmws. Oh! And a smart car. Those are cute!


God bless rich people. 


Cool story. (Yawn)


For god's sakes, this schmuck again. He's as competent on the topic as a baboon at chemistry.


Dayumn, 700.000 dollars base price... I can't wait for the Chinese to start manufacturing quality supercars.


Even if they do, they'll never make it to the US. (Assuming you're in US)


Yup instead the USA will protect garbage failing companies like Harley Davidson


Looks like every other Lamborghini to me lol.


I don't care what anyone says. This is the best Lamborghini they have ever made.




So OP is a bot right? Not Doug’s account


I'd be surprised if a 12 year old account was a bot, but not this isn't Doug's account. /u/Doug-Demuro is Doug's account.




I’m really glad you told me what the Revuelto is! I had absolutely no idea even after I’ve ready 20 articles on it!


Looks like a C8.


Why do people who have no chance owning one care so much about the car.