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My own lil lamp circa 2021 https://preview.redd.it/no471s66hznc1.jpeg?width=1612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b0b0458c4e4db14d62098601898ba474aa024c


Humm that model had a great shade designs. Those purple paws made it glamorous. She’s cute.


Cone > Pregnancy + motherhood It's temporary! She will forgive. She will forget.


That’s true, I hope she does. She’s struggling to eat in it though, that’s the main issue I think.


Elevate her bowl. This will make it easier for her to get the cone around the bowl and not in it.


This is the sane response. I used to feed my cat with a spoon lol! And I would hold her in my lap for weeks. Now she's unusually attached to me and obsessive. YMMV


I’ve been known to spoon feed my kitties when they’re not feeling well. My 17 year old bottle baby is *very* attached to me. She gives me side eye when her sister sits on me, and immediately makes her way onto my lap when her sister gets up.


That’s better than what my super jealous petite Siamese would do. When she saw my lap was occupied with another cat she would just curl up on top of the cat in my lap. The cat in my lap would be like WTH man and start to get down but before the cat got all the way down my little Princess would just slide her curled up body from them straight into my lap. She was one slick cat. She was the runt and very tiny but she made up for her size by being a true smarty pants.


ROFL! I had a tiny Siamese female who was a runt and joined to my hip! She would toss them out of my lap, come up to the offender and start biting their ears! If slapping started she would not back down! Eventually she had the lap! I swear her name was carved on it! That never changed her whole life! Loved that cat!! 5 lbs soaking wet! Siamese girls have ATTITUDE


Lol! That's why we have all Siamese boys. But my smallest, who was also the runt of the litter, he's my baby. If he sees someone else on me, he slowly pushes his way between me and the offending cat. Oh, and he loves to be on Zoom. He knows my deepest, darkest secrets because half the time I have to hold him over my shoulder as I talk to my therapist. 😂


That’s adorable!


Haha, my boy also sits on his sister when she’s in my lap 😂 here’s a photo of them from when she could bear it for longer than five seconds. https://preview.redd.it/bx5ilnatt1oc1.png?width=3085&format=png&auto=webp&s=87088a4987ccc4b4369f3574da05e097747975f6


My tuxie wouldn't eat from a spoon when he broke his hip: I had to puree canned food with extra water and feed it to him from a medicine syringe! Luckily, after his surgery he wasn't in as much pain/pain med loopiness and managed from an elevated bowl, so it was only a couple days. I described my void in her post-spay cone as a drunken snow plow driver: no awareness, full determination to do the job at hand, but with a tendency to just plow over anything in her way. She also had a tendency to hit the cat fountain, then the litterbox before coming to wake me up in the mornings. Nothing like a clumpy wet cat litter dripping off the cone in bed first thing when you wake up!


Omg I wish my cat would let me. He gets offended when I baby him. Like I am grown MOM!




I wouldn't say he is spicy as much as aloof. He is just super independent and only wants affection on his terms. He gets close when he wants pets, but if you try to pet, he runs, so you chase him. Just like the men I choose to date. 😂😂😂😂


I started hand feeding my cat when he was sick and now he demands it


Omg my cat is the exact same heck no I’m independent stop coddling me!


You can get a donut which allows easier access to food and more comfortable to sleep on. Also a onesie would be a nice addition to help kitty be more comfortable after her spay.


Yes, we did buy soft cones too. They didn't love them, but wore them with more dignity and comfort. 😺 (And it looked so cute!) https://preview.redd.it/r3qe7xldyxnc1.jpeg?width=3753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa08716f9d71575961400ac82fceefc477add4a0


I’ll jump on the bandwagon https://preview.redd.it/c8pv3phtxync1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85be31a503b608a6c4a160275d57c840fb0cb004


Wait! This is your real kitty?! It almost looked like an ad for the pillow thing, where they always choose cute kitties. Omg I want one!


Aww look at that little orange kitty hybrid! So cute :)


Soft cones are a god send for cats who need to be stopped from going at their backsides. My cat had a wound back there that required surgery and we had that orange one from your pic as well as a donut. Shit was hilarious and adorable while also allowing the cat much more freedom of movement when it comes to eating/drinking.


such a cute kitten!!! looks just like my balinese chocolate point :)


https://preview.redd.it/foog3o3dzxnc1.jpeg?width=4024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8299f821459d2437b535064cf76461c10d8a3e7c We have another Holy Birman! His cone was blue. He looks quite grumpy in this picture, but endured the soft cone well. 😉


https://preview.redd.it/burnr3vrbync1.jpeg?width=1891&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1cb72550bf63b871de2ec394295af4c0ae2a07f Donut kittys unite!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/14fov8nfzync1.png?width=2983&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ebcea77dcb26da611f0581ffeacb4f91ba1502b I had a very mad watermelon and a very disoriented donut.


Oh for heaven’s sake!


https://preview.redd.it/t1hapfysbync1.jpeg?width=1473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a788d7fa41dddf9ca8a975add130ab61256b5897 Here to second the donut soft cones! Our boy absolutely could not stand the plastic cone and was battle-ramming it into every surface he could find trying to get it off. We swapped over to a donut and it was smooth sailing from then on.


Omg we had this one! Won a pet of the competition at work for it! https://preview.redd.it/xlyt3z0jrync1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74c55d3df7ba280afdd9002f3081b3ff35ce832


Your little dude looks like he’s plotting your murder for that orange lol!


I wish I did the onesie. I got my girl a soft cone and she still got to the incision so we had to put the hard one back on lol. She hated every second of it


Yeah I’ve decided I’ll be doing the soft cone and a onesie on any future pets just to make them as comfortable as possible for the healing time. My worst fear would be them getting to the incision site and ripping out their stitches too soon. My current cats were already spayed when we got them so I didn’t have to worry about it luckily.


I couldn't put anything on my cat or she start doing flips so I let her go and she didn't mess with incision at all..guess I got lucky


I used an old sock. Just cut some holes for their front paws to go through, and slipped it on them, making sure the incision was covered.


I had the same issue with my boy when he had surgery and the vet advised to take the cone off when she looks like she wants to eat or use the litter box (if she won’t with the cone), supervise so she doesn’t start licking at the stitches, then snap it back in when she’s done. A cone is there to stop them from touching the healing area, but if they don’t, there’s no need to enforce it. Try an onesie or a soft collar that’s more comfortable!


Mine didn’t mess with her stitches at all so didn’t need the cone for long. Can you take it off long enough for her to eat without risking her disappearing before you can put it back?


Mine was the same, the cone really freaked her out and as the stitches were central she wasn't easily able to reach them and didn't really bother. I monitored her without it and left it off when I was happy she was leaving the stitches alone.


Our vet had changed their policy by the time we had our last kitten done. No cone unless they start messing with the wound. She never bothered it.


I feel like some don't need the cone. If they lick. Then yea. 3 out of about 20 fosters I had only had to have em on for few days. Animals, like people, are not a 1 fit solution.


Yeah my 2 kitties never licked their own stitches or each other's. They were totally coneless.


You could try one of those cat onesies to see if she will tolerate pajamas better than a cone


Be an awesome owner and put the food in ur hand for her to eat outta she forgive u faster


Try getting a cat onesie.


When my cats wore cones, we would put their food on a plate or a very flat bowl and then pour a lot of food onto it so that they could eat.


spoon feed it


As long as she doesn’t lick at the incision and you’re able to keep an eye on her you can take the cone off if that’s easier for her. I recommend putting it back on, or a donut style one, when you’re not around or are asleep though


She absolutely will. She will also understand that when you make her do things she doesn't like, like go to the vet or wear a cone, you aren't doing it to be mean and are only doing it because it is necessary. She might need to be older to understand that though. You can get soft donut like cones and suits that can be used instead of the cones.


We are going through the same thing. But we bought like a jacket for her to wear instead.


Also cone > going into heat!


> Pregnancy + motherhood It's not even pregnancy or motherhood. Being in heat is hell for cats. Sex is very painful for cats, and so female cats go into heat to tolerate it. This causes them to be excessively horny, they will meow like crazy and only care about one thing. Letting a cat go for the rest of their lives without having to deal with going into heat is a big deal.


https://preview.redd.it/4wb58ktgpxnc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f02dd623d71377b11c70c0d0bf81a92232db6f54 Might I suggest a soft cone, u can get cow ones as pictured, avocado and wide range to amuse Ur self with


https://preview.redd.it/lkxierva2ync1.png?width=2948&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d2115cf41c74e416ac40cd2933aa46bbf18f3ca Orange 🍊


https://preview.redd.it/n1icko466ync1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d8f93418d866b766c4504265b5f2f9aa4145780 Lemon goes hard 🍋


https://preview.redd.it/xkpinha6aync1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d5bc6098a30cde6962983035af97b36232f4673 I have the same one! My orange boy had allergies and kept itching his face and ears, so we put it on him until we could get some cream from the vet. So much better than the plastic cone of shame.


https://preview.redd.it/9d17o6yjiync1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1623d0239876961c64c91d7261b541fe06993016 Dynah was also coned for 6 weeks for scratch prevention. I totally agree with soft cones over hard plastic. She was much comfier in this one.


https://preview.redd.it/iq0fv0g07znc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb9bc580e0baaa636facc1704d622dcd40b4f3da Our boys ended up neutered on different days, so we got to use the same strawberry for both of them. Their mood instantly improved vs the cone. And so much cuter!


That's so cute! 😭😭😭 where did you get it??




I bring pineapple cat https://preview.redd.it/3t9jq6qjhync1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=384b78df39ba0bb46b22ba56025ce769237701ee


Hello I would die for pineapple cat, please let them know pspspssspss.


I love this comment so much pspsssppssss


You took my balls, Morty! Where are my balls?




https://preview.redd.it/56a4gfv2xxnc1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c0ab7bd6600df89e729ac68373454cc48e2d70c Yes, these are great! Our kitten managed to get out of the onesie, but the soft cone stayed on perfectly. And she was quite comfortable sleeping with it. We bought several different options, but this was the one we settled on.


Awwwww that's the prettiest flower iv ever seen 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/cfskecfeo0oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2960c87e65d296b06f4bcaa78ec6b244e688a525 Twins?!


Omg haha this is adorable! Honestly I think this would be the one thing my cats would let me put on them just don't hey have a pillow anywhere they go lol


https://preview.redd.it/ysgw10um6ync1.jpeg?width=1976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8550a5aa6f8f407220ee3dc221e194738cae25 Soft cone crew!


What a beautiful tux!


I put my boy in his avocado when he starts trying to lick hotspots on his legs! https://preview.redd.it/xbhxnz5x8ync1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d854436ec5751a988d4efa49420b9cc62afda31


He also has a donut as well https://preview.redd.it/xanju5g29ync1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81e06ca0e2e76f1da7177ac6cc56a25970aedfc1


https://preview.redd.it/ifn4nb99lync1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8f6f6db052723fae4df0922e821ddca0243b53b cat-ermelon!


I love how the cat's color makes them look like a giant watermelon seed like the rest of them.


https://preview.redd.it/5ganymkl8ync1.jpeg?width=1655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59e21e08ca3abe711350908c5d87e347ac2becd6 Love the soft cones!


https://preview.redd.it/a9rgpas6oync1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2190dfc7cf7e2c9dd51888d91d73e91da1faa91b Not a cat, but raised by cats :)


I had a foster dog that I improvised a collar for when the cone was not working. It's a pool noodle on a belt. It worked really well, and Miss Milla Dogovitch was cast as the saddest flower in her first grade play. https://preview.redd.it/73zdrndz30oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53d7be0aa7a234c5d9ee9e3b4aadc943f1c9392


This right here is the difference between cats and dogs. Cats look like they are planning your murder while being adorable. Dogs look at you like you just knifed them in the back (and also adorable).


i have to add a pic of my kitty too! we second the soft cones. i have since used it again for another kitty https://preview.redd.it/v7klgmvgkync1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b5ad02e0f1405f5396a7f90353dd611939aa7d


I am obsessed with this! I didn’t even know soft ones existed!!! Thank you!


Soft cones are the best. Some come with an inflatable inner tube, if you get one with that, just throw the inner tube away and fill it with old socks or something. Our cat bit through the inner tube on the first day.


They are so good 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/gm474r6hiync1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d69117ea336524886930e68cd0b3cc807d45fc62 Please don’t hate me but I wanted to share this picture of my little Kermie! He’s 14 lbs in this pic so the same size as a large cat? He had to wear the orange of shame for a week until he popped it when my mom put it on wrong. If you get a blowup cone, make sure to trim your cats nails and don’t put the inflation port where their mouth can reach it! I love all the pictures of everyone’s cats!


That's one fucked up looking cat lmao. Jokes aside, is that a Bichon Frise?


Hahaha! He’s actually a maltipoo!


I like how you gotta preface this. Your doggo is valid and cute af 🫡




THIS THIS THIS!! i was just in tears and devastated when my cat had to wear a hard cone because she just looked so sad and it seemed so heavy. the soft cone was a massive blessing since she was able to eat again, it wasn’t as heavy, she could use it as a pillow too! of course soft cones only work depending where your cat shouldn’t be reaching, but i trust that you’ll do whatever’s right for your kitty


Still doesn't look too thrilled 🤣


Oh she wasn't which just made it more bloody hilarious to me.... catcow giving me evils 😂😂😂 I'm gutted I don't have one of her in her avocado 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/rpw3253yiznc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15c0aabd16645d786691dbcc7b7f40b40afe5b40 My little guy was a bit too smol for his


Awww bless he's adorable 🥰


omg these are all adorable. I love them. I never knew these existed. I will definitely use one if I'm ever in the position where I have to cone a kitty.


https://preview.redd.it/g5qcevw0vznc1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b71e2e2ca168bad051ee4848f65c6f0726eb599 This! Our cat was so depressed while wearing the cone and changing to a soft one made all the difference, she wouldn't really mind and actually used it as a pillow to sleep!


https://preview.redd.it/z6vxb69d01oc1.png?width=2368&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce512bed10a4ae503743359694e697bbce4daa80 Mine wore a strawberry one!


I kinda wish I had my cat when he was neutered so I could buy him one of these 😂


I’m loving all the pictures of cats in their soft cones, definitely buying a novelty one as ours is boring blue 😅


Yes the soft cones are soooo much better


Be happy she's relaxed. Our two kittens tore around the house with their cones, they were freaked out by them. The only way we could get them to calm down was to remove the cones and keep an eye on them.


Yeah she’s a very chill cat although she keeps fighting it! Hopefully she gets used to it in a few days.


I generally prefer bodysuits for this reason. You can buy cat sized ones at most pet shops.


She will. I felt the same way about my cats but they got used to after a few days. I know it sucks but it really is better this way. If she had access to her stitches it just means another vet bill and stressful trip for her, plus prolonged healing, so more cone time.


My cat stood there with her head down and the cone flat on the floor 😂🤣. She got used to it quickly though


I’m giggling imagining this. Cats are so good.


Mine stomped around like she was in a marching band


Yes!!! My cat was a maniac when he got home-the cone was a nightmare!!


If it starts to really bother her, swap it out for a onesie. We had to do that once....


The first time I visited my little ones at the shelter, they had been spayed the day before and they wore those cute little red onesies. https://preview.redd.it/bzx0111i2ync1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e1ca8cd7a760eb6ec54df6ca235f18276c4792a


The onesies are so cute!


What? I didn't know they were a thing. I had to cover up my cat like this since I have another one and he might lick her, but the vet told me to cut a piece of some old leggins and use that😭


I mean an old leggins also works in a pinch. I think almost everything is better than the cone of shame 😂


They’re so cute 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/t5tedkeggznc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba54ce6e19a59626fa84508b9b271d708435e42 My baby got a onesie after her spay too 🥹


Double recommend a onesie. Much more comfortable for little one.


Triple recommend onesies over here! The shelter I volunteer at switched to using them after we discovered them and never looked back. Soooooo much easier!


Absolutely agreed! My two kittens went from barely moving/panicking with the cones on, to bounding around like happy maniacs (much to my worry) as soon as we switched the cones for onesies. https://preview.redd.it/bzuwl5klfync1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b00efc47f4c9c3a02c870a8325299736deff5f


Came here to say this. The onesie is far superior and way more adorable.


Can you get her a donut collar? They are less annoying than a cone?


Not to mention they look so cute in it


Also it's like a built in pillow for them. My cat basically gave up at life when they put the original clear hard cone on her, but I immediately got her a donut one and she was totally cool with it and went back to eating and drinking and being herself without the ability to lick at her backside


My cat was neutered like a month ago and they said no to the donut because she can still flex her head towards the wound


After a few days it's ok to switch to soft cones just not the first day or two cause if they are very motivated they can flex past it. This is why vets send you home with hard cone. At the vets office I worked at and my friend in another state worked at, both offices always suggested pet parents leave a hard cone on for the first 2-3 days and switch to soft cause not only will the wound be less irritating by then but some cats do seem to understand that's a no go zone after a few days of you stopping them from trying to touch it.


I dunno, my cat was intent on licking her wound🤣 I get it though, but they didn’t tell me none of that…


She’s taking it like a champ. My orange girl took the cone out and tried to eat her stitches when she was neutered. It was a nightmare. She was so aggressive we couldn’t giver her meds so we had to take her to the vet to keep her sedated while she was recovering from surgery


that's a perfect nightmare


She bit my girlfriend’s thumb so hard it punctured her nail. It was horrible because we knew she was aggressive from the pain but we couldn’t give her the medication


I couldn't keep a cone on my ninja and just gave up after a couple days.  And it all ended up fine.


Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I will see how she is tomorrow and if she’s still sad then I’ll buy a cat onesie instead. Also, oops I meant to say spayed* (sorry, I thought it was the same word for both sexes) Edit: I ended up buying the onesie anyway - will try it on her tomorrow! Edit 2: I’ve just come back to this thread 15 hours later and you guys are STILL arguing over the word ‘neutered’ lmao.


Please keep in mind onesies are not for unsupervised hours, they can get out of them and they can get stuck in them. In the vets office we dealt with too many people not listening to us about this and it can have a plethora of minor to severe results when a pet is left unsupervised in a onesie. Yes it can work out too and nothing can happen but I just don't understand why people take that risk. Also like others have said you are not wrong using "neutered"


Don't really see anyone mentioning it, but if she was under anesthetic they'll stay drowsy/loopy for quite a while afterwards. My kitten was real out of it for the day, but the next was good to go.


> meant to say spayed You're good. Neutering works for either sex. The sex-specific terms are spaying and castration.


Ahh thank you!


Try a soft cone! My girl was so unhappy with the plastic one but the soft one wasn't nearly as bad! https://preview.redd.it/93r3i9keqxnc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27cfed8e48892f8212ff86fbcdb0112172a8666b


You have lovely little cat!


Thank you!


Buy kitty a onesie, so much kinder


My kitten got a onesie instead of a cone when she was spayed, you get some very good photos out of them lol https://preview.redd.it/q43re53ayxnc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41f9e1c27669a68de65dd1c6af9e7b2c533d3f00


I'm just sitting here waiting for this picture to load 🥲


I did this last week and my silly girl seemed to think wearing the onesie took away all leg capacity lol she just flopped


Our kitteh baby hated her cone, even her soft cone, and would sit in the corner with the cone pressed against the wall. We ended up switching to a recovery onesie, with a foam neck ring (alternative to the cone) as a backup, in case the onesie didn't do the job. The onesie worked perfectly, and our baby girl was grateful to get out of her cone. https://preview.redd.it/bg7pxk9xyxnc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ec7cb0e5f9865ea2b7834f75da1f619b35221a This is baby after we first put her into her onesie. She immediately came and curled up on the blanket next to me, and fell asleep (she hadn't been sleeping well because the cone kept her from getting comfortable). EDIT: I saw your comment about your baby struggling to eat in a cone, and the onesie is great for that, since it doesn't restrict head movement. It just makes her stitches inaccessible, so she can't bite or lick them.


After writing that, she managed to get the cone off! I’ve put it back on but have also just ordered the onesie. Think it will be much more comfortable for her. Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/0glhdjp7sxnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db1d9ec560f16ad79149911e5960f8f714aea995 I had gotten my kitty a onesie. She was much more comfortable!


My baby managed to remove her cone in 5 min, whilst still in her carrier on the way back from the vet. Thankfully, I had bought her a onesie just in case. She didn't mind it at all, especially after the initial day. Also she looked really cool in it. https://preview.redd.it/7gos9t42yync1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b0c459c820391ebe42c548c0fc7b2a4609c5e6


that’s their trick, they look all sad so you take the cone off for a bit and they immediately lick open their incision and you have to take them back to the vet, don’t fall for it 🙃


https://preview.redd.it/0n5cmv5t8ync1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbd6aab07eb1fff1572545e981f18934ada8c184 Got my girl Beatrice an inflatable one. Still was not happy, but I think it was easier. She has since forgiven me


Aww love this! She looks really cute in that lol


Maybe you could try one of these post-surgery pajamas for kitties. She might tolerate it better and wouldn't have any issue with eating.


https://preview.redd.it/1fe5lpw2txnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c483a01f0ed83424f10de3ee0458275912b66610 Its all about the onesie


She isn't sad. She's just groggy from the anaesthesia. My boys were the same when they were neutered too. The very next day, they were their old self minus the spraying.


Spayed. Neutering is done to male cats. In anycase hope she feels better soon and doesn't have to wear the cone for too long. Edit: Apparently I need to review the definition of neutering. I stand corrected.


Actually, neutering is the sterilization of an animal of either sex. It has just become more common to use the word neuter in place of castration due to the public's discomfort with that word. Spayed=Female, Castrated=Male, and Neutered=Any sex


Fair enough. I stand corrected.


As do I.


I blame Bob Barker for telling us to get our pets "spayed or neutered"


Huh TIL neutering isn't sex specific


I, too, came here to be a pedantic ass, but I also stand corrected.


Seconding the onesie ideas. Depending on the cat it's less annoying and she can move around better.


We started using onsies instead https://preview.redd.it/1vit2rb02ync1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fab34cb0a74b186fe2d6c7c0f8b37f8b805a6c8f


https://preview.redd.it/qgr9sbo6dync1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c274c5cbf091a85a3a3a885384d42550317db2b Kitty sweater


You could try a recovery vest! I’ve also seen people use baby clothes. I cut up a leg warmer and made makeshift recovery vest. Hope your kitty gets to feeling better soon ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/erzdxlf8aync1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ae3ea52cae8a69c8e6d7b0f037f2e7af85cb0c


https://preview.redd.it/iq4flvb0aznc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5683e454fe679912e9e2cdfb063ebf8ddd86ec93 I made mine a little cat outfit so she didn’t have to wear cone, worked great.


She will be ok. Don’t feel bad. You did what had to be done.


https://preview.redd.it/8rzgospzyxnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e3edbaba5ca0c0ee7f93ded2ad0f307b0563574 Get a recovery suit. It lets them move around freely without letting them get to their stitches.


https://preview.redd.it/mmd50u9h3ync1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f7f3ae6ef5edb664b32f6b159f7b54fab4dda1 This is my brother's 🐈! Same same!


https://preview.redd.it/o08csszvhync1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=baf17e5b26ceabfac7381cc31c4c3d955dd53906 I would suggest buying one of these iv seen others use it.. it’s probably more comfortable than a cone




aww .. poor little thing! make sure she drinks enough water.


I feel for you, when we neutered our little boy it was the saddest thing. He just kept moping around the house and bumping into things. Worse, COVID hit and we couldn't do his sister in time. She went into heat and her smell changed, and they've not got along since when they used to be so close.


It'll be worth it in the long run. A little discomfort and embarrassment having to wear the ***Cone of Shame***, is a small price to pay for your peace of mind, and hers.


She’s not sad, she’s probably tired and healing. She’ll be fine! Source: millions of cats spayed and neutered


She’s not sad girl, she’s high. She’ll be back to herself in no time. Lol


Or because she is in pain. You know, because she had surgery. Give her a break and maybe some animal painkillers, or at least pamper her a bit.


Mine straight up wanted to murder me lmao. I sent this pic to my mom with the caption, “If I don’t make it through the night, you know who did it.” https://preview.redd.it/zru7s8fxlync1.jpeg?width=2114&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f19770a23ea83822f57062d5a451714a2d34ac


Perhaps you could get her a onesie instead until she's healed up?


https://preview.redd.it/iexl8jfftxnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c73792cb973b91f73370ef81762d46faaff97f6 I’d recommend a cat onesie, it’s a much nicer alternative that won’t allow them to access their stitches.


Don’t feel bad❤️ She’s just high and probably wondering why there’s a breeze on her tummy lol


None of mine wore a cone, I’ve had 4 females in total & 2 female dogs. I just kept a close eye on them, & they healed up beautifully. If you’re working and out of the house.. different matter, but I took time off when mine were spayed (or tag teamed with my mum) so they weren’t alone! It was just torture for the poor souls when it came to trying to eat / drink etc. I’m so glad you got her spayed though!! So important. She will heal in no time..& personally that’s my favourite part, because it takes a while for that belleh hair to grow back, & do you know what that means?!! RASPBERRIES! All the belleh raspberries! 😁🥰💗 xxx P.S. As others have rightly said, she will forget & of course forgive! Lots of treats, snuggles and love 💗


You can also try a recovery suit! I used one for my cat after her spay https://preview.redd.it/lulks79wuync1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=670cd0b5b4e3537f089ca490dcb37a25063ccb33


My kitty had a couple amputations over the summer and I also felt horrible abt her being in a cone, as she also looked incredibly sad. The vets said they get “cone paralysis” which is literally just them freezing/looking sad when the cone is on. Wondering if it’s bc it applies pressure to where their mommas would normally scruff them?? Overall, kitty should be fine. I switched to a soft, pillow like cone when I knew my kitty couldn’t reach the area she wasn’t supposed to get to


https://preview.redd.it/lc4bknd3zync1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=201cd3a2735e4747916df4232a3fb136e0115ef5 cone baby


https://preview.redd.it/j0zjs3xcs0oc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74f1f5fc2326efb3ef85bcbee0907ac469748eef Get a soft cone. It’s way more comfortable, and way more adorable.


I picked my cat up at a shelter, she had just been fixed. Her fur grew back in a week, I was amazed. Your little sweet cat will be fine in no time, she's so pretty! ♥️


Tell her it’s not a cone, it’s a satellite dish and she’s got the attention of the entire world.


My cat also hated the cone so we got the inflatable donut. He was much more comfortable and healed well!


Like others have said by an elizabethian collar for her it's way better.


KEEEEP IT ON!!!! I did not- of course we all think “No, I know my cat, I can take it off for a little.” Nope, once you let the cat know that you can take it off it makes putting it back on so much worse. I ran into this issue and just thought we’d scrap the cone. My cat ended up having an allergic reaction to her sutures and had to be taken back in. I am almost positive she would’ve been okay had I followed their instructions. I learned the hard way- don’t do it to yourself!


We are all a bit blue when recovering. She'll be fine.


That's just anthropomorphism. Cat just got out of major surgery and probably doesn't feel great. The cone isn't helping but she's probably not sad, just recovering and groggy.


They get over it pretty quickly. Don't worry.


My cat was neutered in January. He was miserable for a day w it but then was resigned to his fate. He was on meds and mostly just slept which helped. He got neutered later like 8 months as to opposed to 4-5 which I usually see so I'm very glad he didn't start spraying. His sister (that he didn't mess w) is getting spayed on fucking April fools day coming up which is funny.


The first day is always the worst, they are all grouchy from the drugs + the cone sucks. If you are home I never kept the cone on unless I found they licking themselves too much.. day 2 they are back to normal


How old is she? My roommates kitten who’s about 9-10 months old got spayed a week ago and was like this for a few days but quickly got used to it when we buckled down and kept it on her (we let her have it off for naps and cleaning herself but got worried about infection) and became aware of the extra space her head was occupying and is doing relatively well atm


They use bodysuits now, instead of cones


My cat was a nightmare with his cone. It got to the point where he was so stressed out that we decided to take it off and assess his neuter sites every few hours.


We didn’t go the cone route. Instead we got a couple of surgical onesies. Lifesavers!


Please please please only take the cone off when she’s supervised. I made the mistake of using a baby onsie at night, she got it off and ripped her incision open. They had to put her under again to clean it and close it up again. So, to sum it up, I felt bad because she didn’t like the cone of shame. I allowed her to get to her stitches open by not being responsible and allowing MY emotions to dictate the situation. The results of MY action caused her further pain and suffering. Don’t be me and give in. Be the responsible and strict parent in this situation, and not the “gentle parent”.


Get her a donut! 🍩 Edit: donut as in the inflatable cones


Grey had a hard time with the cone too. Specifically getting stuck in the litter box because she’s diligent about hiding her poop. She would get her cone stuck under the sides. So we got her an inflatable donut. It was much better.