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my cat chews plastic as well and even if we hide shit he finds another plastic to chew somehow. it’s. driving. me. nuts. no suggestions as i haven’t found anything else he likes to chew but.. i’m keeping my eye out on this thread 😣


Glad it’s not just mine! I swear it has to be she likes the feeling in her mouth because she doesn’t really eat it and she doesn’t chew on ANYTHING else!


literally!! i’m thinking of taking him to the vet again because last time they said it’s bc he wasn’t neutered but it’s been almost a year at this point since then :/ i just fear for his tummy even tho he seems totally fine


my cat has the same problem, she runs over anytime she hears plastic and is like a magnet to it. we constantly have to hide it but somehow she always find something. keeping an eye on this post in case anyone has any suggestions!