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Religious fundamentalists are terrible. They abuse women and children. They cheat the system and steal from taxpayers. They try and force their wacky ideology on everyone. Christian Fascists to Scientologists to Hasidics to Wahhabism. They can all fuck off.


Church real estate should be taxed, same as any another person or business.


Near me the town is struggling with this, because so much land has been purchased by religious fundamentalists in the last two years and then immediately taken off the tax rolls.


What land has been taken off the tax roles? Private houses still pay property taxes. 


This thread totally needs to be shared in Jewish groups. Let them know how y'all feel about them.


They already know that you dont like them. Thats why they have already excluded outsiders like you. Duh


Maybe it's the timeline of hate throughout time that's factoring in. People get the message after a while.


Hasidim actually don't try to force their ideology on anyone, prosletysing is not allowed in Judaism


Some would argue that co-opting the local government and then using it to publicly fund yeahivas is, in fact, forcing their ideology on everyone.


I disagree. You don't have to go to the yeshivas, it's completely different than Christians trying to force religion into public schools. There is definitely an argument to be made that that is wrong, but I don't think you can say it's forcing their ideology onto you. From their perspective, they don't want to pay in to a school system that they don't use, from your perspective, they are the ones differing from the norm so the burden of payment is on them on top of funding the public school. That is a reasonable debate to have, but it's well outside the realm of forcing ideology onto you. On top of that, I'd disagree with the framing of it as co-opting the local government. If they are a significant percentage of the people living there, they'll show up in the government, that's the point of a representative government. Voting as a block to maintain influence over where you live is something most minority communities do (think Chinatowns in cities).


Comparing chinatowns to this issue is nonsense apples to bananas. You can choose to have your head in the sand or you’re a member of one of these communities. Just as one example… When covid hit, the Count Health departments were initially forced out by members of these communities. Mostly men since woman and children really don’t have a voice. When the reps showed up, they would surround their car intimidating them to leave. It wasn’t until a larger contingent got the “approval” from community leaders to enter and begin testing/vaccinating during a literal pandemic did things improve. Even still, their vax numbers were (and continue to be) far below where they need to be from a optimized health perspective. Living free is not having religious leaders, aka men, control every aspect of their lives. Can a child in these communities even choose to attend a non yeshiva? Do they have that “right”?


My kids don’t get to pick their school either


I understand not everyone does, but its a reality in my world and never would be in theirs.


You have departed from what was initially said to your own breed of anti-semitism. Fact is - in a representative government you literally can't be outnumbered or intimidated. You just haven't gotten the vote out. Do the work.


Sure Sam. When our small sedan was surrounded, I just yelled “i can’t be outnumbered or intimidated!” . Whatever fits the narrative. Religions get to circumvent those who outnumber you that don’t hold more extreme beliefs.


And I'm sure you called the cops in the emergency you were in. I mean, you felt threatened. Go bullshit someone else.


I said “intimidated” not “threatened”. Again, create the narrative. The only reason the community leaders worked with us so quickly was because of the measles outbreak the year prior. They had no options, but again, that didnt stop the initial male response of intimidation. I never said the county health depts were forced out, but we knew damn well we weren’t welcome, jewish or not. Some of us are jewish, but not exactly the kind they see eye to eye with. Remember, non-profits like Footsteps exist for a reason. https://www.footstepsorg.org


Who is creating a narrative? The guy telling you that your made up story is bullshit? Or the guy making up stories and slicing the definition of words by nanometers? You are creating a narrative. A narrative of being trapped in a small car surrounded by Jews! Edit: if we want to have a conversation about orthodox people needing a way out of their communities - we can do that. Thowing it in at the end there, is also bullshit.


Strong disagree on the yeshiva point. Why shouldn’t the secular education parts of the yeshiva be funded by the government in the same way they are funded in other schools? religious learnings should not be funded, but secular should be accessible for free in every school, regardless of denomination




I think this enhances my point. By hiring private they aren’t forced to meet the same standards they would with government funding. If the government can threaten to pull secular funding if the school isn’t meeting requirements it would be a strong enough stick to force them to ensure standards are always met. It would also allow the government more access to the teaching curriculum to ensure its not being changed (eg skipping evolution or sexual reproductive teachings)


Are you saying Jewish schools get special funding that schools sponsored by other religions don't get?


I've had the ones who come to vail every summer decide they had the right to storm into the kitchen we worked at on the mountain and start fucking inspecting it fo wether or not it was kosher and proceed to try to shut it down because for some reason they believed their presence there mandated we switch to an entirely kosher menu. They paid for one restaurant in town to do this then went up the gondolas and into 3 other ones and do this, putting their hands on people and having fucking temper tantrums. Bro one shoved an threatened me. That was kinda their M.O. They paid to ride the mountain coaster and then literally every one of them who did argued it wasn't worth the price or "not fun" then all demanded free tickets to ride it other days as compensation. These are very wealthy people by the way. The response was usually "if it's not fun why do you want more tickets?" To which they'd grumble or yell and demand more. Their children came into the restaurant, bought one soda, spit it amongst friends and then came in demanding refills, they were obliged a few times till we saw them just running out, pouring a little into each cup and coming in again. We eventually noticed they weren't keen on engaging with me specifically. We think it's because I'm the only one who had visible tattoos so co workers started coming to me when they had their shit fits. The women and kids would run from me if my sleeves were rolled up. Then the men would come try and yell at me because I wasn't "allowed" to talk to "their women" one did that spit on your shoes bullshit they do with the exaggerated "ptoo" noise. We have meetings about them before they come. Employees at 3 different restaurants, and the " adventure ridge" area all get their own meetings about how this shit is gonna happen and how to not bend the rules for them and if they get out of hand to get a manager or mountain security. Mountain security is usually just wandering the village and doing odd jobs in the summer but the week they show up they're dispatched to the restaurants and other attraction areas for them specifically. They may not try and convince you to join their religion but hey sure as fuck feel entitled to force their rules, morals, and lifestyle onto others from my experience. I do understand this is just one community of them and my experiences with them on the east coast at home have been fine. I found the ones in katonah NY to be pleasant even though them all living in run down buildings in one "settlement" that has barbed wire on the fences on a second floor patio and shit like that to be real creepy. Their collapsed community center, unsafe stairs, overflowing dumpsters and shit was all weird. and their kids leaving all their toys in their streets was real annoying when I delivered to them for amazon. But no entitled bullshit atleast. The kids would all stop what they were doing and stare or scatter, the women wouldn't look up from the ground when I was around. but the men smiled and waved and said thank you.


Buddhists included, no doubt.


You are way off here! This is the only group that behaves this way. It is not about religion - the exercise of which is a critical constitutional right- but about behavior, and this is just wrong.


The Catskills has been dealing with this for almost 30 years, if not more. I remember as a kid in the early ‘90s my dad referring to Friday nights on 17 as the ‘Hasidic 500’. It’s the same familiar story that everyone eventually learns. They come in through the city, then come north, they’re a voting bloc that politicians lean on for support and in return, they buy up more properties and soon you have a whole sprawling metropolis with private rules, laws, ambulances, shops, manufacturing and the like. They’ve been here for years they don’t look like they’re going anywhere, and to talk of ‘invasion’ is weird sounding, to be honest. Like, I get it, they suck resources, they eat public tax dollars with no putting in, they don’t serve in the military, their businesses get lucrative tax incentives and writeoffs, but to say or do anything about it sparks an ire that no one is willing to deal with. I wish I knew an answer that makes everyone happy.


I mean. Address the local issues. Organize a voting bloc to upend it. Donate more money to the people in power or become the people in power. Innovate and get the tax incentives for reasons you want to support. It's work. But you aren't wrong on the issues and the system - in this local case - actually works. Let me be clear that's a general "you" not you personally. And no one needs to attack Jews or call them an "invasion" to - let's be clear - put a similar level of effort into local politics as "they" do.


How are they not putting in resources?  in your comment you talked about their businesses. Those businesses pay taxes, their workers pay taxes, their suppliers get revenue. A lot of these comments are just anti-Jewish at bottom. 


The reality is groups that work together as a community can acquire wealth and do what they want with it. This applies whether is Scientology, Mormons, prosperity Evangelicals, a tech company like Facebook, or a 501(c)(3) organization like Black Live Matter. Meanwhile many small towns are too busy battling alcohol/drug addiction and tearing each other down to work together as a group to do anything about it.


I mean hasn't the Bungalow colonies been there for decades? Obviously they are expanding but the Orthodox community has been coming to Sullivan county for as long as I can remember.


Yes I agree but ever since the 2000’s they have started making everything about themselves and in the late 2010’s they invaded almost all the counties and started this bs. Greene county got rid of religious tax exemption which caused most of the problems to die down. Disgusting group of people, I would be upset if a straight white group did this too.


Americans have the right to live wherever they want and can afford. You have the same freedom. Using the loaded term invasion to refer to Jews is very problematic. 


They do not however have the right to claim homes as yeshivas, abuse women, throw rocks at others. And I’m not referring to Jews, I’m referring to anyone who would do what the said Jews have done. Claiming everything for themselves. Take a look at Kiryas Joel before you ever make a stupid comment like that again!


This idea that they abuse women keeps coming up. This is pure prejudice. What community has more police domestic violence calls, the Jewish or non-Jewish? Show a source for this allegation that private homes are turned into yeshivas. 


They vote in blocs, it’s criminal.


Blacks vote Democratic by something like 90%. Is this also criminal?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You lost me at Pizza Hut


Such an important part of historic Catskills culture just wiped off the map overnight. 


Did they also close the one in Catskill, NY too?


I was joking. Haven’t eaten Pizza Hut outside of rushing through an airport in over a decade.


lol that Pizza Hut is crazy


Same. Small towns in the Catskills generally don't have Pizza Huts.


Generally no, but they seem to be the only ones left nowadays 😂


Clearly their Pizza Hut still had dine in and the AYCE salad bar.


I'm still trying to figure out how the hell you build a hut made of pizza


I am well familiar with this topic and Monticello, however if I say anything accurate I will get banned, so good luck.


I wouldn’t want to live in some of those towns unless I was Jewish. I said it for you buddy don’t worry


You wouldn't be any more comfortable unless you were a very specific kind of Jew. Not all denominations recognize members of all other Jewish denominations as " Jews."


All Orthodox Jewish denominations recognize as Jews anyone whose mother is Jewish. Makes no difference what you practice or believe. 


Many will recognize you as “Jewish” by birth, but don’t really consider anyone below their level of observance to be truly Jewish. They wouldn’t want you hanging around their community,


They may not want to socialize because they live different lives but there is no doubt the person is Jewish. 


The rules of the Reddit …..speak the truth, you get banned. Good thing it is a discussion forum.


In my town in VT a lot of Hasidic men were bathing nude in the stream and the neighbors were always complaining and calling the police when this was happening. The group sued the neighbors, town, and police for infringement on their rights to religious freedom because they were following up on noise complaints. All the cases were dismissed except one where a neighbor put a pig mask on a stake on the edge of his property. That one is going forward.


Rip to the local Pizza Hut. How will we ever recover?


Interesting. Especially since the Catskills have been summer vacations for Jews for over 70 years, employing 1,000's of locals and supporting the local economy. It's 2 months out of 12 and at least they're not burning down trees, having raves and shooting up heroin.


We need more raves!




Let's just keep the focus here on what this is, all-out antisemitism. Just don't add being a hypocrite. Spending TRILLIONS on a military presence in every country on this planet, wasting resources, horrible leadership don't equate to the poor and suffering masses yearning to be free in the supposed land of the free.




If this thread would have been about being invaded by blacks, it would've been removed. The fact that people are so comfortable and open about dissing Jews - and they do come in many variations, not just the democratic liberals ones in Wherever, Upstate - just shows your true stripes.




You really see no parallels with the Jewish diaspora and the forced relocation of black people in the slave trade? Why is that weird?




Instead of answering either question- you just asked more and made another accusation of "weird". You could at least try to have a conversation. Edit: you seem to think enslaved Africans had to "assimilate"..wtf is this star trek borg nonsense? Edit2: we are free. That also means free to be Hassdic Jewish.




I meth is a bigger problem these days. 


That new town was never made official


But they got palm tree not far away


They have arcades, petting zoos, and a toy store that they prohibit other people from entering? is there a sign or something that says it’s for jews only?


If there was, it would be illegal.


Agreed. I strongly doubt this is the case. I think he’s really upset about that Pizza Hut. 😆


All the downvotes are crazy… theyre driving down the value of your entire county because they are a selfish group of people. Bring it up at a city council meeting


Did you ever take a course in economics? How does more demand, from new residents, equal lower prices?


What value? The reason it’s so easy for the Hassidm to move in is because of low property values.


No it’s because of greed and a cult mentality


Building up an area increases value bro


Oh god u shoulda paid attention in school… nobody wants to buy a house in an area that gets literally invaded by orthodox jews every summer… which means the value of your home will decrease


The teenagers will spit at you and give you the finger. They have no manners.


Put on a bikini and go visit their neighborhood.


I’ve seen this same post three different times. The spamming is starting to kinda feel anti semetic ngl.


My god this was so hard to read. You have absolutely no structure, just start spewing random things. I understand you may have strong feelings but it’s important to communicate properly so that we can also understand and share in it if it’s valid


I read it fine!


It needs context, a premise, punctuation, line breaks


You can bring up punctuation when you put a period at the end of your sentence! Have a nice day!


You’re delulu. Unless one’s autocorrect automatically adds it, nobody on Reddit will use a period at the end. It’s very obvious here where one’s comment ends


Lmao delulu




> You’re delulu. Unless one’s autocorrect automatically adds it, nobody on Reddit will use a period at the end. This is factually incorrect and easily verified by looking at other comments in this very thread.


It’s at best half of the comments. And as I said, it’s often added by one’s autocorrect, not intentionally added


Yeah it's crazy when a group of people just come over and start taking over shit that's not theirs.


I live next to Lakewood NJ. I hear ya OP. They suck.


This post doesn’t sit right with me.


Well, it’s bigotry. I’d like to hear the other side of the story.


You’ve made this post in multiple subs and didn’t like any of the responses, so it does come off as a bit antisemitic…


Ok thank you. Like one post, you’re venting, I get it. I don’t love the hasids either. But three separate posts using the word “invasion”? Its antisemitic


at the very least, this is some people collectively being a terrible ‘neighbor’ to whatever “community” they find themselves moving into or adjacent to. a region’s resources and infrastructure are obviously shared by all, and individuals or groups must consider the relationship they have to those with whom they share geographic proximity before they act in ways that will affect those folks. if you move into a location and are somehow making it uninhabitable for the people who were already living there that’s a problem. gentrification is whack. colonization is whack. being a bad neighbor because you have the “right” to do so is whack.


In what why do they make it uninhabitable for others? They buy property that is for sale at market prices. They hire local workers to build or remodel the houses.  Unlike other groups, there is very little violent crime and while many commentators think women are abused, I'll bet police calls for domestic violence are much lower than for the non-Jewish community.  Those making negative comments are prejudiced against others who are not like them. 


Not defending Hasids or any religious extremists, but this comes off as extremely intolerant, beginning with the "We are being invaded" title. It's pure blood-and-soil prejudice. Imagine saying this about Black Americans, Mexican Americans or Arab Americans. Did OP sprout out of the ground indigenously? Is OP Mohican? This rant ventures so far beyond micro-aggression.




Orthodox Jews are the worst


That's because if you disapprove any of their asinine ideas, you would be labeled antisemitic. Its the same card being played all over the world, not just the Catskills. Nobody in politics would want to be labeled as such. So get used to it. I dangle black coiled phone cords on my side view mirrors when I drive through their areas. It makes me feel I am one with it.🤔


Religious Jews have been vacationing in the Catskills since the early 1900’s. It’s literally synonymous with “Catskills” to many people. Weird to frame more coming as an invasion. When did *your* family settle there?


“I’m not antisemitic but there are too many Jews here. Not the I guess normal ones, the shifty ones who take everyone else’s money.”


Yeah This is racism and anti-semitism It's literally what you are doing.. This is what it looks like. If you had a zoning issue you'd just call it a zoning issue.


Literally “invaded” suggests that the response should be some sort of war


OP also posted this exact thing on 3 subs. It's an intent to rile people up to have negative feelings towards a group of "them". But, you know, not targeting "them". The "them" that are "invading""our"space. It's pathetic.


Screen shot for good measure. It's really important that people know how the locals really feel.


Invite the pro Palestine groups up there. Should be fun.


As someone from NYC this is pretty much our fault, I don’t love the Hasid bashing here but most of the people your talking about were priced out of southern Brooklyn and would rather be there if we allowed the kind of development that could accommodate large families at reasonable prices. Blame nyc nimbys


Catskill nimbys blaming the NYC nimbys.






Must be why they've been kicked out of 109 countries throughout history 🙄


Probably also why they've earned so many Noble prizes as well. 


Cartman is that you?


What the The Hasidics have done are disgusting! I said it! You’re probably a liberal so imagine what happened when the whites stole the native land.


The Hasidics are committing mass murder in the Catskills?!?!? I didn’t know.


So go move to PA. I’m a rich nyc Jew with a second house in sullco, and I love all the new construction and stores, restaurants that actually looks decent and not some falling apart crap from the 70s. I pay locals to maintain my properties and do my construction, etc., etc. I probably paid the mortgages of 10 locals with the amount of money I spend in the county . I guarantee you the actual businesses are paying taxes. Do you have any idea how much more depressed sullivan county would be without the Jews?


People like you are the problem, you don’t realize that non Jewish folk can’t enter most of these places. Selfish!


Of course you can, nobody is going to kick you out. You probably don’t want to pay six dollars for a slice of pizza though. Country to popular belief the volunteer ambulances treat Everyone as do the clinics.


Honestly that was a comment written off what I’ve seen, but I have heard it’s frowned upon to enter a Hasidic Jew owned buisness because sometimes you get dirty looks and it isn’t an ideal situation since they don’t necessarily want anyone else there.


So you are speaking with no actual knowledge.


You're a fucking idiot.


Well I appreciate the kindness! I’m sure people want to be around you! :)


I just really don’t want it to be urbanized


Listen bud nobody allowed them to invade your town but the people that live in your town. FACTS!! Happened I. My town as well but I don’t complain. They have voting for things like this and when your town people do t show up to vote against and you let them bring their people from the city to come and vote for their town/village we’ll it’s now your own people fault. Lol enjoy the Jews ruining your shit town 👍🏻don’t belive me, go look at South Blooming Grove and how they o we took that place and how they trying to over take Washingtonville and Chester as well.


Guessing they made a shithole into a decent place. Sounds awful


Senator Chuck Schumer approves this migration.


Was scrolling through fast and wasn't sure if this was the r/WestBank sub. But then I looked and was like...ohhh r/catskills that makes sense.


If your community doesn’t have the stuff you mentioned, it sounds like they’ve improved the area


I've worked for a traveling petting zoo in the area, and 99% of their business was Hasidic Jews because THAT'S WHO CALLED/BOOKED THEM. Get some relatives, friends, neighbors together and plan something fun for your own children if you're so bothered. Goat therapy is for everyone!


This post contains a lot of bigoted bullshit from OP and multiple commenters. Basically the annual “Oh no ze Jews are coming!” Only this year tinged with an extra flavor of “occupation” entitlement, which is hilarious because 99% of the Hasidism who go to the Catskills are anti-Zionist. Who would have thought that city dwellers would want to escape to the mountains? Shocking. Jews have only been doing it since after WW2 ended and European refugees / immigrants living in Brooklyn wanted to escape the summer heat. There is a reason the Catskills has been called the “Borsht Belt” for decades. I love that you are complaining that nobody can use their “petting zoos” or “helicopter rides”. Those are probably for private day camps where the people are members of a members only colony and pay for those activities. Did you honestly think that was some kind of government sponsored program and you weren’t getting in on the hand-outs? Ridiculous. Oh no, they closed down Pizza Hut? That must be some kind of Jewish conspiracy. Or how about: I guess you and your neighbors didn’t support that fast-food business enough. I’ll tell you what I see when I visit the Catskills: summer Jews living and worshipping on their own private property, like the Founding Fathers of America intended. And from the local community, I see an unusually high amount of shuttered stores, package thieves and fentanyl addicts. Maybe instead of blaming the Hasidic Jews, who are the last vestige of your dying economy, blame everyone else who stopped vacationing in the mountains, once air conditioning became more affordable and air travel became accessible to all.


Goyim know. Boosting the economy......yeah ok don't forget to check the assistance payouts and the preferred property tax rates.


“Goyim know?” Not sure what you’re on about with assistance payouts in the Catskills. Can you point me to that?


Source for preferred property tax rate?


So how does this affect you?


Do a little research on what happened in Rockland county to the school systems, town board, local government, property values, etc


Or Lakewood NJ and how it’s spreading into the surrounding towns


Chestnut Ridge middle school in 2013…google It


Nothing came up when i searched this?


I confused the school district apologies https://nymag.com/news/features/east-ramapo-hasidim-2013-4/


I was thinking of this in particular but I’m sure you’re familiar ! https://www.timesofisrael.com/barbs-of-racism-anti-semitism-in-ny-school-clash/


Do better, make yourself good enough to compete with them. Make your community better.


I'm not racist. This is my community, and I'm mad you say?




You're being invaded..


They are not perfect but without them the area would die. It is one of the poorest places in Upstate. I am sure their businesses are contributing tax to the community. They must charge sales tax at least. If not for their business, I can assure you that storefront would be vacant and not paying anything. Probably end up on the auction block. The also patronize gas stations, and other businesses that probably depend on them in the summer. They keep to themselves and create zero crime (maybe some minor traffic stuff). I'm sure they don't keep cops busy there. And, maybe you would like to know that many of those sects are extremely anti-zionist. They would support Hamas before Israelis. They believe that if G-d wanted jews there, there would no resistance and everyone would live in peace.


It’s just a weird part of New York not much going on except fishing or hiking




Are you a racist?


Yes, I hate green people.


Imagine saying Yes to a question like that


You are jealous that you haven't been included in the community and communal activities. You are upset about the traffic and appearance of seasonal newcomers in your neighborhood. You are welcome to join, but like any other club or friend group there are some cultural things to learn, and some cultural norms. Recognize that the summer folk are family friendly and peaceful, generally devoid of violent crime, and otherwise little more than a nuisance. You are not an anti-semite, just a little bitter.


not a woman i take it


What group has more domestic violence police calls, the Jewish or non-Jewish?


Likely the non-Jewish https://forward.com/news/470033/for-orthodox-brooklyns-private-police-a-code-of-silence-hides-domestic/?amp=1


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The fuck does that have to do with anything?




Because we’re in NY and thats a group in the Middle East 🥴 should i pull out a map for you?


Get a grip man. Not everything in life has to do with hamas.




Go ahead and let me know where I complained about Jewish people.




You answer my query first goofball.


Well on a positive note think of all the revenue that they bring in.


None. That’s the thing. They claim all land as “tax exempt” because they are a religious organization. They buy up large chunks of land and then immediately no longer have to pay property tax etc because it’s purchased by a religious organization.


Ohh I see..that’s shitty.


This is an unambiguous antisemitic lie. Show me a source that proves regular houses owned by Jews are tax exempt. Just look on Zillow and you'll see that they pay property taxes. 


Are you sure that applies to private homes?


They change the private homes classification to Yeshivas.


this is a lie. 


Absolutely NOT a lie

