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Ah yes, my fave chemical, aqua








•••rees in imperial**"


Who has 2 thumbs and loves the metric system? This guy!!👍👍




It would’ve been so easy for them to put dihydrogen monoxide if they actually wanted it to sound scary (to anyone without incredibly basic knowledge of chemistry)


Pretty sure both aren't legal for food ingredients. I've only ever seen "water" listed on both EU and US compliant foods. "Aqua" is usually used in cosmetic labelling.


I’m a barbie girl, in a barbie world


Sounds fantastic


Which is of course French for ‘water’


I feel like I'm missing a reference to something but water in French is eau.


Which is of course German for 'water'


Latin "Aqua" as a term is used on cosmetics frequently, I'm not sure why, guess it just looks fancy.


Pretty much is the reason. Makes the product seem like it's worth the price at first glance


Woah way to many ingredients 🙅🏻‍♂️ no thank you won’t be feeding this to my kids


Good parentingggggg, better feed them pizza those artheries won't clog themselves!!!


moms bear don’t play 😰😰


Pure HFCS and protein isolate only for my kids!


Don't forget it gives off ethylene, an extremely flammable gas used in the manufacture of plastics!


I love those qualifiers. Aqua? They use it as a *chemical solvent* in the *clothing industry*!!!


https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/US/en/sds/sigma/w4502 >If swallowed >After swallowing: make victim drink water (two glasses at most). Consult doctor if feeling unwell. Help. I'm stuck in an infinite loop


I get the joke, but... That SDS is for nuclease-free water, so drinking (tap) water would probably be a good idea after just to dilute it.


Meh, DI water isn't really dangerous to drink. Like if you were in a starvation situation and all you had is DI water you might die a couple days sooner. But the normal person has plenty of electrolytes.


Skin contact: rinse with water immediately Lol


"victim" makes it so ominous, like an intentional poisoning lmfao. ("person" or "patient" probably makes more sense!)


Is it for USP or DI water or something?


>LD50 Oral - Rat - > 90,000 mg/kg Let me guess ... Is this the ruptured rodent limit? ( I do tend to look at anything with an LD50 above 3 g/kg as subject to the "It's a reagent!" "It's a seasoning!" "It's a reagent!" "It's a seasoning!" debate... )




Apples also contain methanol, and if you drink methanol you go blind!


It's also full of alcohol 😱


Apples, and particularly apple juice, are very hard to keep from fermenting. Just a word of warning. Definitely don't mix brewing yeast (which you can find on amazon with no age verification) and unfiltered apple juice (which you can find at walmart) and let it sit for a few days to get a decent cider.


Not to mention that studies have found trace amounts of arsenic, a deadly poison.










Yeah that’s nice and specific. I just noticed “Linolic acid” too.


*nothing* - chloride?


Shadow chemist money gang, we love consuming chemicals


Movie 📸


Is chemistry not just a way for us nerds to do magic in real life?


True 😂


There is a sink at work with a sign posted, "dumping of chemicals in this sink is a violation of federal regulations blah blah." Every time I use that sink I remind myself to find a marker and write "is water okay? What about the soap in this ----> dispenser here?" By the time I've dried my hands I already forgot.


[You're going to need to be more specific](https://imgur.com/a/P6RgLlU)


They forgot formic acid, ethanol, and cyanide


Do apple actually contain cyanide? Last I checked, they seeds contained amygdalin, which breaks down into cyanide in the gut. Not to be anal or anything.


Amygdalin hydrolyzes into cyanide, so some free cyanide will always be present. And since it's such a simple source of cyanide (will make it instantly in water) I think it's completely fair to say that amygdalin content counts as cyanide.


Yeah I’d never tried to think about it, but looking at the molecule the cn group is just sitting *right there*. Thanks for having more Brian than I


me llamo es brian


Amygdalin is an acetal. You have amylases in the gut that will hydrolyze it into mandelonitrile (and ultimately cyanide), but it's water-stable.


That's interesting.


Yes, if the seeds are crushed. Also the pits of peaches and other fruits. A dozen or so peach pits can be lethal.


Also formaldehyde


Also, artificial ≠ bad, and nature ≠ good. Asbestos, crude oil and heavy metals are all natural. Everything from cooking your food to modern medicine is not.


Oh no, we have no problem with that, that's organic chemistry! It's that inorganic chemistry that causes the problems. It's right in the name! ^(/s)


I am an organic chemist in an inorganic team. I will definitely quote you out of context


oh wow look at all those chemicals. It's no wonder why the experts suggest apples cause autism. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the reason for turning frogs gay. We need to alert Joe Rogen and Elon to this. The world needs to know.


When I was still working in a lab and was an ACS member, I got a magnet from them that said, "Better living through chemistry" on an erlenmeyer. It was my favorite. I'm so bummed that I lost it when one of my kids destroyed it.


shares too many ingredients with plastic, sorry, not eating this ❌🙅‍♂️


I get the idea of the post suggesting most people are uneducated in the area of chemistry so they see the word chemicals and get worried. I also see how this idea has been used as a marketing ploy by some to instill the idea of healthier products. At the same time though the notion that everything is a chemical is a tactic used by industry to downplay the potential impacts of substances that pose actual health risks to consumers. Like I said I get that’s it’s just banter but it’s a slippery slope that can potentially lead to a dismissive attitude towards real risks, especially for those who aren’t well versed on the topic.


I hate when my parents are like tHaT hAS ChEmIcAlS like yes bitch everything does, You sound ignorant.


They forgot boric acid or sodium borate. It's one of the reasons I eat apples!


Are they real?


Every one of those things listed is probably in an apple, yes. Is that your question?


This came up in my suggested posts but have no idea if this is satire, sarcasm etc, can someone explain this to me like the non chemist I am??


Everything that surrounds us is chemistry ( subatomic stuff aside). This post underlines that fact and contradicts the fear mongering of some people that would like to have something without chemicals.


OK yes I get the sarcasm, but it’s also said that one apple gives you enough pesticide allowance for one day, so enjoy your apple 🤣


This is why I hate when people say they won't use anything with chemicals "they can't pronounce"


Good guy Malic Acid getting to be eponymous for once.


All these posts achieve is to start a little circlejerk and increase the community arrogance a few notches over something so trivial as having above average understanding of chemical nomenclature. As if society isn't polarized enough. If you want the general public to have a better understanding of chemistry I suggest there are better paths than reveling in making yourselves feel smarter than others.


What chemical is "colours?"


• Naturally coloured mainly by four groups of pigments: the green chlorophylls, the yellow-orange-red carotenoids, the red-blue-purple anthocyanins and the red betanin. • Natural edible pigments are mainly derived from the secondary metabolites of plants, animals and microorganisms. turmeric, curcumin, annatto, paprika, caramel and cochineal extract are the common sources of natural edible pigments. Literal copy pasta, so searching each text will bring up the source. Also, I just found this interesting, so I'm leaving it [here](https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-811518-3.00003-X) for other nerds.




I mean, I can make an apple with a half of those and you wouldn’t guess from the flavour


I'd be very surprised if an apple is more "vegetable oils" than "sugars" by weight.


Part of my background is in chemistry. Most of my education in the field is related to metallurgy (that is my job), but I have a decent understanding of general chemistry. One week roughly one year ago, I broke down the soil from my yard (GA red clay specifically) and created a few grams of raw, mostly pure iron. I did this to prove to my S/O that the red from the clay was partially red Iron Oxide. As you can imagine, this process created lots of by-product and leftover chemicals. Being brave, stupid, and an asshole, I decided to use one particular chemical to mess with my S/O, by drinking it. I properly disposed of almost all of it, keeping just enough to mix with a very large amount of water and a little sugar. That chemical was HCl, which is pretty dangerous to drink, but *relatively* safe in EXTREMELY low doses and heavily diluted. That being said, drinking what my partner thought was a deadly solution straight from a (fake) industrial bottle in front of her was priceless. Explaining what happened to poison control was not so fun, nor was sleeping on the couch for a month. For the record, I was fine physically aside from a small amount of heartburn. A doctor checked me over two days later and said I was fine as well. Edit: I looked through my personal logs, this project started in August last year. I was finished by September, which is when the YouTuber styropyro uploaded a video that inspired me to do this.