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Why were you not allowed to look at or stand next to the top boards? WTH?


One possibility is anti-cheating procedures, although it’s a bit odd.


Yeah that’s why I think this is so funny. It was so weird haha


Were there more people around? What was the prize pool?


Prize pool is $10k, but only $1,200 for the major section win.


Sounds like some solid cash. Maybe they took it really seriously, although still no reason to be an asshole to anyone.


Anti cheating measures


Do you have loud shoes perhaps? 🤣


Maybe OP hadn't showered for 3 weeks.


That usually happens in MTG and Super Smash tournys though


Communicating moves through morse code by tapping your very loud shoes


At least you weren't counting chess pieces. They'd have pulled you to the back room and smacked your hand with a hammer.


When the running eval is high and they see you start doubling rooks.


Never split points


Casino is a good movie man


Yeah, if you’re willing to share the specific tournament you’re at, that might be helpful. For example, I’m at the Chicago Summer Open this weekend, and there are a few GMs, IMs, and FMs here. More specifically, the US Cadets are being held here as well (in the same playing hall as the rest of the tournament). And the US Cadets are playing for $10,000. So, yeah, while it is true that it is just a board game, for the top boards that are in competition for real money, it’s kinda important. It is odd that you weren’t allowed to spectate at all, but, if you were like, over their shoulders or something, and not looking at the games from a reasonable distance, I can understand the players’ annoyances, tbh. Again, I don’t know what your specific tournament is, but I’m just saying from my experience, when the top boards are in contention for serious money, giving them space is a reasonable ask.


Not to take away from your reasoning and just to clarify, the winner of the US Cadets receives $1000 *plus* a $10,000 scholarship.


I’m at the Chicago summer open. Yeah there’s real money… kinda. $1,200? I was walking against the back wall behind boards 1, 2, and 3. Funnily enough all the players on that side of the table weren’t there so I wasn’t directly behind anyone. But also, people walk through the tables in the rest of the hall, directly behind me and everyone else. So what’s the difference for them?


Chicago has seen its fair share of tournaments with cheating caught. It could be an anti-cheating measure.


TBH that’s fair. I didn’t really consider that.


Wait, so you're calling Naperville a "rural" suburb of Chicago?


That's not a small tournament. That's easily in the top 10% held here. I'm in spokane and we don't have a single titled player. All our tournaments are cycles of 10/20 dudes.


>Chicago Summer Open I did find it funny that OP calls this a "rural suburb" "hotel in the middle of nowhere." This event is at [the Hilton DoubleTree](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8076694,-88.1116505,3a,75y,117.88h,95.2t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sWFXEWoagynd27btIK5mQXA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DWFXEWoagynd27btIK5mQXA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D59.164257%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu) right across the street from the Navistar world HQ, in between a university and a trade school, directly in the heart of the [I-88 technology and research corridor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois_Technology_and_Research_Corridor#Companies). I'm not sure where the OP is from for comparison, and he's correct about being in the suburbs, but nothing about the area is rural and he is certainly not in the middle of nowhere lol.


Chicago lol


Did you slip through a rift from an alternate universe?


10 bucks OP was standing obnoxiously near to the table, almost touching the player like. I never in my life saw an arbiter energetically intervening against spectators in this way, not even with people literally hovering their head directly over the board. The kid probably made the motion "dude some distance would be fine".


Yeah there's definitely more to this.


Everything about the description seems disingenuous, exagerrated or made up


Yep, sometimes you gotta read between the lines


I was at the same tournament, and the arbiters very clearly instructed us to stand behind the top boards. He 100% was being disruptive.


Nah man. I was standing at least 3 feet behind the. Chairs.


3 feet away from someone is pretty close. That's about how close you stand to someone when you're talking with them, and definitely too close for someone who you aren't talking to.


OP close talker confirmed.


Hunt the kid down and beat them (in chess, or maybe not).


Yeah smother them (either with a knight or with a pillow)


Yeah mate them! (Either... Oh wait)


Check yourself, mate.


Yea skewer him (either with a bishop or a shish kabob)


Yeah send him on vacation (either with a bishop, or to a nice farm upstate)


Fork them kids


Great idea find his chess profile and spam challenges


now you've gone too far edit: apparently I had to add the /s


Clearly a joke 😅 what's wrong with people


Given a clear sign that you WERE disturbing the players, you should have walked away.


You’ve never looked up at someone walking through the playing hall or observing your game?


These are elite scholastic players and are playing for higher stakes based on where they are at in their life than 99.9% of this sub ever will


So every tournament I have been at the GM and IM have chairs about 15-20 feet back for spectators to watch and they have a chess set on the wall where someone helping with the tournament will update the board for the spectators.


Imagine if every time someone shot free throws in an NBA game, everyone had to leave the stadium. Ridiculous lol.


That did happen one time actually - back when the arenas were empty for Covid, a player had the one person in the audience (a mascot) shooed away for being disruptive. https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/look-devin-booker-gets-angry-at-raptors-mascot-asks-officials-to-move-the-red-dinosaur-during-a-free-throw/


Lmao it would be booker


My point exactly lol


Damn why are chess players so elitist


Most chess players aren't like this, but for those who are, it's usually because they are no-lifers and chess is the only thing they have going for them


Did Hikaru teach you that word? Chess is one of the least elitist sports in the world. There aren't many sports where you'd ever even compete right next to players of that level.


cool so why are chess players so elitist?


We don't know how Mbappé would feel about facing a 5th division player in an open because Mbappé never faces 5th division players and there are no opens in football.


Not sure why you're downvoted, you go to a big open and you have the chance to play 2650+s if you're "lucky", what other sport can that happen in


Yeah lol. This post is about a little kid. Most actual chess players are not elitist but just very unfriendly in general


not sure about sport but there's probably plenty of other board games where that can happen


How close were you to the players and were there other spectators? If there were, where were they standing? Note that law 11.5 states: >11.5 It is forbidden to distract or annoy the opponent in any manner whatsoever. This includes unreasonable claims, unreasonable offers of a draw or the introduction of a source of noise into the playing area. And law 12.2 also gives the arbiter the right to move spectators along. Mine has done that to me before when I hovered nearer to observe a claim that was being made on a board after an irregularity. He's not really an arbiter I (or anyone else) like very much, but eh whatever, I'll comply.


OP was 3 feet away.


Right, I see what happened then (anti-cheating measures aside)... I never stand that close to the top boards. I usually place myself more than a row away. Yes, this makes it a bit harder to see what's going on, but with enough observing practise and understanding of coordinates, it becomes easier to see what's going on.


You are usually allowed to spectate top boards. Getting moved on like this usually means you caused a disruption. It doesn't have to be much, it isn't uncommon to have someone who's unable to remain silent, stand still, suppress their reaction to each move. You should have moved on the first time the kid looked up at you, it was obvious you had distracted them.


Nope I was there for probably less than 20 seconds


And in that time the kid looked up at you twice. If you see that you distracted someone, however slightly, move along.


Man it’s just par for the course though. Everyone has to deal with people walking around the hall


No... spectators are allowed, but you should be respecting any player at any table who is visibly showing that you are bothering them. And it might be that you were doing nothing wrong but anyway distracted them. The player needs to be at that table. You don't, so you're the one to move if it's distracting - even if the player is being over sensitive.


It is always a treat to play top board, I am normally only ever there as fodder, normally in the second round after I have won my first game. I like how it tends to have the best tables, and the top Ten boards are usually broadcast on Lichess, I am always happy when playing up on the high boards. Spectators are annoying though, with todays fast time limits always seem to be under pressure, and people hovering around can easily break your train of thought. Normal rule is if you are winning, you are happy to see them, if you are losing you are thinking “f*&* off you vultures”


I wouldn’t blame the kid. Sometimes spectators are distracting, and also if I’m losing it’s not fun having people watch me lose. However, it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed.


That’s the rub though. This is how tournaments are. If you can’t play while being observed maybe head online?


How the tournament "was" is you were removed promptly. If you can't give people their personal space as is clear from reading between the lines, maybe move online?


What does that even mean? Players, myself included, are constantly milling about the playing hall. This was no different.


You're arguing "that's just how tournaments are" in your complaint about how the tournament was. Some tournaments will remove you for being annoying, just accept it. Why would the arbiter come running at you otherwise lol.


Not really, if someone doesn't want spectators because it is distracting, they should be allowed not to have them. Usually the DGT boards are roped off anyways


> Not really, if someone doesn't want spectators because it is distracting, they should be allowed not to have them That's not how it works, unless the spectator is being inappropriate somehow


In tournaments I have requested people to back up or stop looking because I felt uncomfortable. It definitely is a thing people do.


you can request people to do anything, sure I agree, I thought your previous message was implying something more forceful than a request.


by request I mean make them back up a few feet, which usually means them leaving


in fact it does I might be distracted or uncomfortable by the person observing my game or suspect he's in a cheating scheme and ask the arbiter to tell him to move, about the brushing signal it might be seen as rude by some people but how else are you gonna ask the player to go away?


I would never do this but it makes me feel special to play in the top digital boards


"C’mon guys we’re playing a board game" Some people think chess is a matter of life and death, I assure you OP, it's much more serious than that.


I understand your prerogative, but yeah, it’s a major open, and there’s $1000 or so dollars on the line, it’s best to not get too close. Winning $1000 means different things to different people: for some it’s just pocket change, for some it’s paying bills, and for other’s it’s like winning the lottery, but it’s mostly understood that you can’t get too close to the top boards. The TD can also assume you’re trying to whisper something to one of the players, or something of that sort. Cheating in OTB is a real problem, and I’ve seen some stupidity take place in such situations. I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing of course, but from a TD’s perspective, he has to assume anything. So yes, while you all are playing a board game in a hotel in the middle of nowhere, and that’s a correct mindset to have, for some it’s much more serious than that, and the stakes for them may be higher than you realize. I know a lot of people in my area that are titled and are struggling to make ends meet, and have to do some unethical things within the jurisdiction of the USCF. As far as the kid being pompous, he’s a kid and he doesn’t know better. Don’t let it get to you. Don’t let the entire situation get to you in general, just maybe understand the perspectives of the other individuals involved. It doesn’t seem to be a case of top board players being “special”, it’s more so the players trying to focus to win and the TD trying to avoid a scene in the middle of a round, and a kid being a kid.


This really a person by person thing. There are some players who are easily flustered and will ask for accommodations, such as keeping observers at a minimum distance. It's not a top board issue as I've seen this with middling players ~1900. I will say that in my non-medical opinion, it appears to be players in the spectrum. One funny experience I had was with a scholastic player who, while walking around was went to my board and totally invaded my personal space. We were as close as siamese twins. I looked at him like WTH and it was as if I wasnt even there. I stood up and was going to get the TD to have him back up a step or 2 when his parent pulled him back a little. Also, I saw a scholastic player who would wear those big noise canceling headphones. One who would take off his shoes during play. One adult guy who would wear these terminator type sunglasses.


But it's always a pleasure to play on the top boards but you don't have to despise other players


So… you got withing the ropes? I can image players and arbiters getting upset with getting too close at the top boards after so blatantly stepping over the ropes that are clearly there for that reason. Of course, if the top boards *weren’t* roped off they shouldn’t be bitching about it because the organization is clearly signaling that the top boards aren’t any different from the rest and can’t expect different treatment. Most tournaments I attended did have a special section for the top boards. If they couldn’t be bothered with setting something up like that, then that’s on them, not on you.


There were no ropes. I’m not that big of a buffoon that I woulda stepped over ropes that send a very clear signal.


There is a reason for having ropes around the top boards. If you dont see them, imagine them and don't get too close. I'm reading there were both money and scholarships on the line, so the arbiter did the right thing even if the organizers failed to provide adequate barriers. Arbiters and organizers are not the same in most important events.




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I have wandered up to the top boards to get a quick un-lingering look at the game positions without getting in the way or being a distraction, but I have not been told to clear out. I'm usually not around long enough to raise any hackles. I have not played in tournaments with people who are so anal about keeping people away, though. There's a fine line between keeping it quiet & civil and just being an idiot, imo.


This is quite in India (Mumbai) tournaments I've played in, organisers usually ask the spectators (players) to vacate the playing hall.


There was most likely a rule you didn't know of. Sounds like you were too close and disturbed the players, ofc the arbiter was about to back you off. If I were an arbiter I'd be particularly protective of kids sports enviroment.


Maybe it was deemed distracting to the players? Never really seen that in an OTB tournament


I’m gonna guess this was the Chicago summer open if that’s not the case I’m sorry but if that is the tournament you are talking about that was because it was the us cadet championship they are some of the best u16 players in the country so if you are talking about them they are special lol if your not I’m sorry 


Yeah that’s the tourney. I mean I’ve since learned a $10k scholarship was on the line. But also if it was that critical these players needed protected, they should have just had the entire aspen room to themselves for a closed tournament.


The DGT boards they used are not Bluetooth and have a LOT of wires so they didn’t want anybody to accidentally trip and ruin everything


Sounds like that td is bored and looking for something to do, go write a circle around all the 1's in the result box on the pairing sheets, and put a vertical line through all the 0's, that'll give him something better to do for a while 😂


chill out man, no need to be salty over a kid being a twat


I’m not that salty lol. It’s just a really odd thing. Why are the players not allowed to spectate the top board?


Playing on the top board doesn’t even mean you are that good really- assuming it’s Swiss pairing you can be there by being top of the bottom half.


it means something in the later rounds


You should have said while leaving “good luck magnus”.


Bro took the actions of a kid personally and angrily rushed to reddit for a post


Arbiter is a joke - the 5-10 US Championships that I got to attend in STL - you could come within a few feet of the board and players - they just had it roped off so you couldn’t walk behind them or between the tables.


OP said they were 3 feet away from them. They were effectively looming over the board.


> If I hadn’t of got the memo Did you just have a stroke


>Mostly cuz I was like “hey neat they get the fancy DGT boards.” How loudly did you say it? If it was audible enough to be heard by the players and potentially disturb their concentration, then yeah the arbiter was right to tell you to move away.


Can't tell if you're joking or not


Why would I be joking?


>During my game yesterday I was taking a stroll around and went over to look at the top table, the top three boards. Mostly cuz I was like “hey neat they get the fancy DGT boards.” I think the way OP phrased his post implies that he might not have been literally talking out loud, ie, he was just looking around in general and presumably thinking to himself about the new fancy boards. That said, if OP actually DID speak out loud right next to players in a live game, then your comment would be valid.


lol of course I didn’t speak it out loud lol. My bad for phrasing it confusingly.


You did not phrase it confusingly lol. I think this is just a lesson in "someone will always find something to bitch about" or "you can't make everyone happy."


Not really, they just misunderstood what op was trying to say


And pretty much everyone else understood without issue, to the point that we weren't even sure if the commenter was joking. That's not on OP for being unclear, that's on the interpreter for assuming bad intentions. I think it's a pretty clear example of not being able to make everyone happy, because someone will always find a minor flaw and use it to assume a bigger one. Exactly what happened here.


I'm not happy.


They didn't find a minor flaw, because there wasn't one. Like you said, it wasn't OPs fault. They just misunderstood what OP meant. They made a mistake. It happens to everyone.


No that was my mistake, I misread it!


Ah yes, logging on reddit dot com to complain about children these days.


Yall are fixating on the wrong part of this. It’s not the kid it’s the fact we aren’t allowed to observe the top boards.


>tells a story with great detail about a child >>gets annoyed when people focus on the detail about a child.