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Server problems are like natural disasters to the wow community.


This is definitely underrated.


I hate that I’m okay with this head cannon. Like the San Andreas Fault, or a the volcanoes in the national park going off.


Thoughts and prayers.


Thanos finger snapped.


No one could have predicted server outages. /S


Yeah, that's why I'll never hop on the HC train. The concept is really dope. But the game was never meant to properly support it, and Blizzard isn't putting any effort into rectifying that.


I really love HC, but 2 of the 3 characters I made died to server disconnects (there is nothing funner than reconnecting to an area full of respawned enemies swarming you while your party member reconnected on a different layer).


I get some random ass DC at least once a day. I have zero interest in doing a HC toon for that reason. Blizzard can tell if someone is killed due to a DC so I don't know why they wouldn't allow toons that die for that reason to be resurrected.


I think you'd have too many people just unplugging routers as soon as they're in a sketchy spot, unfortunately.


You mean people would set up their router next to their monitor and unplug the cable when they were close?


I think so


Couldn't they just reinstate characters that die during a server wide issue, such as servers going down? That's not the players fault really. One or two or 5 let's say are all unplugging the routers but everyone else on the game hasn't gone offline then they're still dead. Surely Blizzard can tell when it's an issue their end that's caused it


Very true! But that might be more tech than they want to implement for HC, unfortunately


Same issue with OSRS. MMO and a hardcore game mode is a recipe for disaster that you gotta accept before embarking.


They actually basically fixed this in OSRS a few years ago now.


Can you elaborate? How did OSRS fix it?


An item that teleports you if you haven’t interacted in X amount of time that can be configured (2 to 300 seconds). Not a guarantee and costs a small amount of gold but has saved many hardcores


by actually trying to fix it.


crazy how nature do that


We live in crazy times indeed


But you can't give any details when someone asked how? Yeah, sounds real fixed.




Awesome, that’s about how long it’s been since I’ve played lmao


Its like life.. you're all in all the time


Same exact thing happened daily on Diablo 3 hard core. They’ll never convince me Blizzard servers are stable enough that HC characters are worth playing in any of their games.


Weird I played d3 hc a lot and never experienced a DC once in several years.


same never had a disconnect in hardcore on d3 played it a ton


I'm a hardcore... hardcore player. One thing I've always preached was how when I play HC, I see rubber-banding and other server issues that I conveniently never see when I played SC. And I have 1 gig fiber internet connected via ethernet to my console.


But isn’t it interesting? I never get a DC in non-hc but I did on 3 HC characters… two of em died that way. Unbelievably frustrating.


People get DCd all the time in non-HC though. There just isn't a real punishment for it so it's not a big deal and no one cares to keep track unless servers are shitting the bed and you get DC'd multiple times in a day.


I think you do but don’t notice or remember.


I've genuinely never had a out-of-the-blue crash in any versions of WoW. The only crashes that kill you are the ones where you're already taking damage from aggroing a mob or something like it. Sure, there are very occasionally crashes connected to a loading screen. But that does not kill you.


To give an example, disconnects have been rampant in Cataclysm Classic since launch. Stuff like jumping on an elevator, clicking a certain item, hopping on certain vehicles, or being near a pillar on a certain boss encounter has caused disconnects for myriads of people.


Yeah I lost one HC during initial release of D3 and that scarred me for life. Never doing another HC online game 


But people wished for it and they got it, so nobody should complain


People dont know what they want until they get it. When they do they realize what they wanted is the perfect abstract that can only exist in their head and not outside of it.


People actually did want HC though. Do you not realize how insanely popular it was when it was popping off? Sure, some people who died to some bs made a lot of noise about it, but the possibility of d/c or bug deaths were accepted by most on the outset.


It's still pretty popular


Community HC had an appeal system for deaths out of your control. There were moderators that reviewed each case and related evidence, for free. Blizzard is going the way of reducing customer support team to a minimum, and doesn't want to hire people to do the same stuff volunteers did. Instead they released a half assed HC, cashed in on the hype while reducing payroll costs to nothing. Good business i guess, but sucks for the players


You really don’t need to use customer support for that, juet Rez any character that died in the outage. Yes some moron will get lucky and survive something that should’ve killed them. Who cares, it’s something they can’t weaponize and it will overwhelmingly help people who wouldn’t have died if not for the dc.


Some people aren’t cut out for that game play. They like the idea of it, but this is a reality of any game where permadeath is thing. In other words “you think you do, but you don’t


>this is a reality of any game where permadeath is a thing It really isn‘t though. WoW has mobs that will stun you for 10 seconds. Quests that kill you *as part of the quest*. It‘s online-only and the server doesn‘t instantly log out your character on a dc, even if the DC is the servers fault. Games with permadeath in mind usually at least *try* to prevent these problems. Again, I don‘t mind it. It was just not the intended design and that‘s fine. And there‘s people who still enjoy it, and that‘s also fine. Hell, I completely get it. Permadeath gives MMOs something that they are usually sorely lacking: a feeling of danger.


> It‘s online-only and the server doesn‘t instantly log out your character on a dc. POE does this. It just results in people making macro's to turn off your network card and instantly dc every time they lose any hp. It's a shit solution.


yeah well POE also offscreen kills you so, you know i dont blame those people.


so i only play arpgs on HC and while i agree POE is awful in that regard. i tried the macro once, it actually ruins the experience for me and id much rather die to the off screen now. as someone who enjoys HC modes a lot, the second i can have those free outs i might as well play normal.


Yeah same. The thill comes from knowing you could lose it all. That macro essentially turns it into SC. Idk why people play that way.


the biggest reason i play HC is it slows you down and makes you engage with all the systems in the game more. the thrill is nice but im not actually playing to make it harder. i find to often i will ruin a game for myself without noticing until its to late like in POE its far to easy to death spam a boss down and never engage with it at all.


I agree with you in regards to only playing ARPGs on hardcore and having out ruining the experience, but I just stopped playing POE as a result.


Imo POE isnt a great HC arpg since its very much pass/fail. Ive kind of accepted that the thing that kills me off screen was going to get me anyways unless i played in a unfun way. I do like the shared bank tab tho. It adds some 'account progression' that def pushes me to do more runs


Most of permadeath games have tons of unfair ways to die. Especially when online, they just tell you that if the server crashes and you die, they won't help. And most people who focus on HC understand this and accept that it is part of the game mode. Those who cry about it are just people who want to prove they are big boys because "I play HC" and then cry and explain why their death wasn't fair and shouldn't count.


the server crashing is not a 'game play' issue


Yes server stability has been an issue in every online game I’ve played. I get it, it sucks, but it’s also an accepted part of playing any HC game mode. There is usually a disclaimer that your character won’t be recovered regardless of how it was lost. If you can’t handle losing your character then you really don’t belong in HC period.


Just makes the journey all the better in my mind. Everything matters, even luck.


Lmfao worst take possible


They said exactly what you just dit, and stated they won't fix it because it's fixed in retail.


Womp womp


Just think of them as natural disasters.


A natural disaster suggests it happens rarely. This is more like the frequency of rain.


rip bozos


Imagine not doing a 1 minute rollback after a server DC... Minimal and easy change that would save so many hardcores.


You can't roll it back, I just had a spectral tiger drop in that minute


Actually is extremely easy. A simple database task. But this is Activision blizzard. Where they underpay devs, fired most customer service staff and has been on milking customer mode since the merger. Bobby would kill all your grandmothers if it was no jail time and would make the stock go up


It more about the principle. If they intervened now they would have set a precedent that they would intervene in future.


Hell just hearth everyone outside of rested exp when server DC, doesn't that fix the problem? It might inconvenience a fraction of players but it's better than the alternative.


How are you gonna hearth anyone when you lose the connection lol. Rollback is only option.


Because you don't need a connection to move a character somewhere. The player characters live on the server.


They do something similar when you logout in an instance, the feature exists. 


We all know it's part of the experience. Nothing we didn't sign up for.


There is literally no logical reason for why things have to be the way they are now


Think this like a natural disaster, people are gonna die, we move on.


imagine there are some godlike overlords in our world that had the ability to easily turn back time to bring most of the dead back after a natural disaster, but simply wont, because 'these things happen'. pretty shitty overlords to say the least


Interesting reflection on reality if you think about it.


Population has to be kept in check somehow. 




Why would I be trolling?


fair enough lol


In this made up world, Why do you think overlords would be at your service to do things like that?


Because you pay them $15 a month to login.


$15 to listen to cunts?


because my and all the others money keeps them alive? edit: also because the overlords incompetence to provide stable services in exchange for our money is the sole reason we are in this situation to begin with


If everyone quit playing HC wow...... No one would care and it wouldn't be noticed in the earnings call. HC players don't bring in enough money to matter compared to everything else.


If you expected stable services that never have issues then you are completely disconnected from reality. There's no real way to help you at that point.


Sure , but these things keep happening in HC at least every month, so yeah, i can understand once or twice,but every month to say the least is wild lol


Why would godlike overlords care about money?


Shareholder value.


Yeah let's just do nothing to prevent those also, I don't disagree at all


blizz wants you to die to keep playing and pay the sub fee.


Other people "We should improve society somewhat" You "No. Let's stay in the stone age forever!"


Other people: Opinion You: Misrepresenting those opinions.


Because then people who were clearing caves then find themselves in a cave with completely full spawns


This is easily avoided by teleporting everyone to their Hearthstone location when the rollback is done.


Well no roll back is going to take place as far as blizzard is concerned nothing was lost. 


They would die anyway, and it would be perfectly deserved because you went in a cave with yellow mobs unprepared. And most characters can survive getting a few mobs on them in a cave with enough gear/engi.


This kind of thing is explicitly mentioned by Blizzard since the beginning as one of those unfortunate circumstances. It’s part of the entire appeal of playing HC


Because “easy to say” and “easy to implement in a practical manner that addresses all technical and social problems that are associated with the change” are not the same thing.




I was like. I am glad I was not playing during this server dc. Got my internet dc (first in like 5 years) this morning and died. I take it. We go again!


Eh, just go back to respawn, it’s fine. The fun in HC is the leveling, right?


When everyone dc's and blizz knows it was them they should just hearth everyone.


Back to Elwynn


Hail the victorious dead!


I wouldnt call that a victory.


Why do people actually play hardcore? Losing your character is the dumbest mechanic.


lol @ 15$ a month for this


That’s sad and beautiful in the same moment.


The amount of cope acting like it's not an issue its why it'll continue to be a dead version tbh


Welcome to era


RIP Home Depot 🫡


If there's a server wipe they should roll back those deaths




so are they getting their characters restored? this was out of their control.


They accepted this could happen and blizz would do nothing on character creation screen


Nope. It's part of the risk playing hardcore - you could die because of things you can't control. Servers, internet, power outage, etc.


Exactly. It's just as easy to die to the game as the tech. It's hardcore, no exceptions. Once you realise that, it actually enriches the experience.


Ok, hope your hardcore char always dies to a DC then to enrich your experience.


It wouldn't be the first. And I've died to everything else. It's part of the game. Blizzard never once promised a do over for anything, so why now demand it because for the nth time the servers barfed? Accept it and move on. That's the whole point.


Hell yeah brother, we go agane.


It absolutely does not enrich the experience, the people who still play HC are playing in spite of this being a huge huge drawback for the game.


The fact that blizzard cant or wont roll back to revert these deaths is why HC will be a no go for me.


Well the game is not made to be played without any deaths. Sure you can play it that way and with great reluctance blizzard gave people a space to do that but their motto is that this on the players hands not blizzard we wash our hands clean. 


What happened?


Blizzards shitty servers crashed killing a fuck ton of toons on HC


Damn, thats really sad.


Yeah it’s sad that people choose to play such a shit ruleset.


Why be an edgy hater? People have lots of fun with HC.


Because lag and things beyond their control(case in point), will ruin their experience. I’m not being a hater, it’s just illogical. I’m certain Blizzard wouldn’t even address it.


You called out the shit ruleset though. That's not the issue here, HC mode is super fun for many. Lag and "things beyond their control" is the issue, not the "shot ruleset".




Honestly, most HC players feel bad for the other servers. There's pretty much zero in the way of consequences and accomplishment. Even the dumbest player can get full raid gear by bashing their face into the keyboard enough times.


Their own fault for playing HC. Every single server has unexpected crashes in tech. It's not a blizzard issue only you fool. You love to see it though!!


How dare they play the game. Shame on them for dying


Nah blaming blizzard for their mistake and willingness to play HC with consequences is pure delusion.


Blizz poured a lot of resources to into developing HC, which we finance by paying service subscription. It's not unreasonable to expect the product that you pay, and invest time into to **work properly,** - and not completely fuck you over with no chance of getting ANY contact with customer support. how can you dickride blizzard this hard, kek




yea probably. God forbid someone in the community prefer a different game version than you lol


When you create a character you literally agree to accept the server crash might kill your character. So if you signed that you are ok with that why complain?


Because we're forced to in order to even make the character, Einstein????


Yikes 😬


I love HC, because unlike other wow versions you see many people of different level. You don’t have to hurry to play while everyone is leveling only at certain period of time, people are always leveling on HC, because they die sometimes)


It’s like real life where you can die because of someone else’s fault. A masterpiece that type of community should embrace. Their bus crashed with only a few survivors.


It's more like, you sign up to go bungee jumping but you sign a waiver saying that there can be an issue and you understand the consequences if you get injured and/or die.


Yep, that is just the way it is!


You worded it a bit harshly, but yes. It sucks but technology is not perfect. This is something that happens sooner or later no matter how much you try to avoid it.


this sub consistently has the most edgy contrarians.


And Blizz won't restore any characters despite this being their own blunder. Imagine spending all that time on your character only to have it wiped by Lizzard™ And people will still defend the small indie company. At this point they deserve to have their characters wiped from hardcore lol.


Everyone signs an agreement on HC Servers before you even set a foot on Azeroth. The rules are pretty #$@&%*! clear, so stop whining and play retail.


Gringe coment


Like I give a f.


Apparently you do because you bothered to comment it *and* responded to a comment of the comment. Lmao


People agree to it because there is no other option. It doesn't make it less braindead only because there is a clause in the agreement. A minute rollback for things like this would be insanely healthy for hardcore.


Insanely healthy is not a concept for hardcore servers. That’s why it’s called hardcore and not „maybe roll back this time“. I don’t get that stand. If you not happy with it, don’t do it. This on the other hand is a pretty simple and healthy concept.


> That’s why it’s called hardcore and not Hardcore is a term coined by blizzard from Diablo 2 that means permanent death. What you are describing is not why it's called hardcore, that is your own interpretation of it. HC in blizzard games (and many others, PoE for example), have always meant one life, nothing more, nothing less.


Just don't play hardcore then?


As a horde patriot, I send my condolences to these brave fools for their loss. I pray that in the next life, it will be to honorable combat instead


I had a situation 2 days ago where I was deep in a cave and everything stopped working. Couldn't cast, loot, hearth, /logout, /exit, /reload (didn't work) but I made the executive decision to alt+f4 then restarted the game and luckily I wasn't dead.


Leveled 4 chars to 40 and stopped back when it came out. I always wanted to return at some point but seeing that many server shutdowns lately I will probably pass for another year other than losing one of my precious characters :)


I heard Raccoon died. Raccoon. Say his name. RACCOON.


Don't play hardcore. *insert drake & lil yatchy meme*


What realm are people playing on HC classic? I logged in to an old character and it seemed pretty empty.


Hardcore is sick because everything can end in an instant.


I'm glad this happened to the hardcore players... it should happen more often and for no foreseeable reason... gms should just go around different zones as death wing and just murder everyone they can.


Thoughts and prayers 🙏


Speculation is that devs were pushing a SoD update that caused problems and SoD shares a server with Defias Pillager (where the outage and all the deaths occurred). If so, that's truly malpractice on Blizzard's part. But they have zero culpability because "you signed up for this." :(








This is why I stopped playing hardcore. Most deaths were due to DC’ing. Ruined the fun for me so I quit.


Check ur internet


yeah never had a dc playing hc for a year


Nah it was my steam deck most of the time. It had issues where it would randomly disconnect from the internet (got a replacement). Either way made me realize that I could get high up in level and lose it all since blizzard’s servers aren’t super reliable.


Check your pc


I literally said that I did in that comment? I don’t play on my steam deck anymore. I play on my gaming laptop and rarely disconnect anymore. My point still stands though. I’ve played WoW for over a decade and I’ve disconnected (along with other players) during server hiccups dozens of times. I don’t trust blizzard’s servers for something like hardcore, especially since they won’t recover your character in any scenario.


I remember NekRosh EU having a server wide DC that lasted about 30 mins, and a lot of characters died. I'm sure Blizz actually restored alot of characters that day. It was a few months ago at least but I'm sure they did.


You got any info on that? I’m not finding anything with a quick google search. Just people saying they should do a rollback.


Which server ? Is it the same out of memory issue on wow client ?


Sucks to be them!


Imma need the HC server to make a neatly filed ghost line of all DC deaths from booty bay to storm wind. Just to show the GMs how big of an issue the servers are.


Yeah well people upset about this just aren't cut to be hardcore and probably should keep to easier game iterations such as retail and cataclysm.




Hundreds of humans learn they are in fact not a main character. Beautiful.


That's reason #723892180943902 I don't play hardcore.


Theyll just roll the whole server back most likely.


You must be new here


(They won't)


Are people still playing HC? I went to log back in and saw nothing but low pop servers


on Sunday I ran a census and there was 1300 peopleø online DP ally. Last night there was 35 in ashenvale alone but didn't run census. At 1-25 it definitely feels populated, I never went to Westfall but the vast majority of deaths I've seen are from there so I'd imagine Westfall is close to full/full consistently


Yeah its usually pretty busy. So is Elwynn. I think Kalimdor on Alli side is a little less busy but thats just due to it not being easy to move between the two, and everyone and everything you need is in EK. So not much reason to stay on that side. But even then I usually saw a good few people around Darkshore and Teldrassil. Horde idk on population. Im pretty sure horde side DP is pretty dead but iirc there's an ok amount on Skullrock.


i cringe every time i see comments like this dude it’s a server, low pop is fine, if it said high pop you could also assume that blizzard thinks it’s utilization is high and there needs to be another server added


The benefit about the HC community is the above-average quality of players. We get more community out of 100 people than more transient or temporal communities, so there's life even if the overall metrics are lower.


eu stitches alliance busy