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If you keep this up, you'll have a sudden health event that starts the downward spiral and it'll be irreversible. Take care of yourself. The goal isn't extending your life but extending your health.


I'm a mail man and I basically worked this exact shift, 12-13 hours for 12-13 day stretches and then one day off. Did that for 7 years. I eventually asked my doctor for a work restriction to only work 8 hrs a day, 40 a week. I ate absolute garbage for years and didn't gain weight, but when I stopped working that schedule I LOST weight, even though I was walking at least 4 hours less a day, because I stopped eating like shit. Even though you're not gaining weight, your heart and arteries and everything else are taking the hit. That's not even why I stopped, it was the mental health that took the real plummet. Get a doctor restriction, I wish I did it years ago.


You might not notice now but you will in the future. What about buying something pre-made in the butchers? Then just add rice or pasta. How many shifts a week have you ? 12 hours is crazy especially on so little sleep. Have you tried magnesium oil to help you sleep? Rub it on the bottom of your feet


You need downtime to decompress from work before you can sleep. You’re a human not a machine. Is there a way you can work less? Your current situation sounds destructive. I wish you well.