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Im here to bash zombie brains and open locked doors with keys. The story is just there to keep me engaged and give me new brains to bash and new keys to find. They could send me back in time to Black Plague-era England and as long as there’s brains to bash and castles to explore, I’m happy.


Medieval zombies sounds fun af. Wasn't there a game like that somewhere? I remember seeing a video of a knight fighting zombies but I can't remember what it was called. Edit: I found it, it's called Blight: Survival.


No idea what you're talking about, but I'm commenting to keep an eye on this because I'm interested if anybody knows.


I just found it, it's called Blight: Survival.


Also there is a game called “The Black Masses”. It’s janky as fuck and pricey for what you get but what you get is medieval dead island.


While not to invalidate OPs feelings, I agree this is a game you buy for gameplay. Idc how good or bad the story is I’m here to have fun


Then sent back to Jesus era with brains to bash.




I know a unga bunga when I see one


I really like the route the DLC took the story. We have a ton of other games where "oops virus got out." We don't really get supernatural zombie games. The Dying Light series already handles the scientific explanation stuff and of course they play really similarly. Kuru would be a really hard disease to keep basing games around. Just don't be in Papua New Guinea doing cannibal stuff and you're golden. The Dead Island zombies are literally dead bodies so I don't know how you could not make that supernatural. Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, and Dying Light are all living infected with zombie-like symptoms.


Actually the Dead Island zombies *are* alive. The Sewer flesh is actively devouring and growing, the nanoids are a different form of life, not undead


> Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, and Dying Light are all living infected with zombie-like symptoms. A few of the Resident Evil viruses actually reanimated corpses, like the T-Virus which reanimated a 100+ year old corpse (ancient Crimson Head) and other corpses in graveyards, and others that reanimated corpses from medieval times (RE6) and the corpses of the recently deceased (RE: Revelations 2 & mold from RE7). But yes, I agree that zombies are inherently supernatural. I'm mostly just confused by all the multiverse and reality warping stuff we see in the DI2 DLCs.


I....actually liked it lol


Same here, haven't finished it but same here


It's really unfortunate actually, because DI2 has been said to be "just another zombie game" for better or worse by many people. Now they add a little sprinkle of something else, that not only adds to the story etc, but is just pretty neat. I hope this isn't the majority opinion.


Just seeing people play this game, I'm betting half if not more aren't even paying attention to the story or even collecting/reading the journals so they don't care. The remaining half are probably split in liking it or not. Although there is room in tidying up how they're currently telling the story, I don't know why some people just want the same story told over to them over and over again. Sounds boring.


Me too the DLCs were awesome.


Well the telepathy is because everyone with active autophage dead and alive zombie and numen is part of a hive mind you're all connected together. Konstant is a good dog you better give him all the headpats, he's not a total future predicting AI nor is he omnipotent he just has a 90% certainty on many things like he didn't predict the two people on the plane dieing in the crash they were sent to retrieve us and bring us to Haus and he knew it had to be those two specifically or his calculations didn't work. He also doesn't "save their souls" in the religious sense but he does literally download their brain onto his hard drive. As for the alien stuff if you pay attention all the clues were there from the main game in dead island 2 not including the dlc. The autophage isn't of this world it's an organism of it's own class, it's infected the entire human population, the outbreak happens every X number of years when a certain celestial alignment occurs and an electromagnetic field from deep space reaches earth, it's happened before and will happen again. All of that is in the main game. Something to remember DEAD ISLAND 2 IS IT'S OWN GAME MADE BY IT'S OWN STUDIO. Of course it's going to be different. They have to use the threads and pieces of story from the old game but it IS an original story. But it doesn't change that in the old games a shady secret organization intentionally infected the islands for some nefarious reason. That's explained in DI2 as eshcaton and to cure the autophage by making numen. So it's entirely possible even though this is an original story the old games could have been leading in the same direction.


Well summarized. I would also add it's not even really supernatural just science beyond the in-game human understanding. That's what Lola, Konstant, Dr. Reed, and Eschaton were all researching.


I will say the rotten flesh planet wanting to eat everything gives me like super hard Gemini home entertainment vibes. Everyone should watch that YouTube channel and get nightmares


So much this. When people got upset about kuru not being the source anymore, it’s like… we found out Kuru is kinda like a trigger/mutation that people decided to FAFO with, without the deeper understanding we have in DI2… remember, (spoilers sorry idk how to do spoilers on mobile)Ruben discovered this DNA timebomb years ago, 25+ years. Who’s to say another lab didn’t stumble on it too and just didn’t understand what they were looking at? Not every lab shares info, they usually compete for grant funding and don’t want their projects highjacked and outdone. The guys in the forest with the kuru trigger, only touched on the bigger picture, and for all we know, Ruben had his fingers in it from afar, especially doing the long con with Tisha’s existence.


It's complicated for me. Normally I would keep the supernatural element low when it comes to zombies but the way they wrote DI2's supernatural elements feels just organic enough to make sense without really crossing the "this shit is ridiculous" border. It feels just enough within possibility to not seem too unbelievable. But then again, I'm really high right now.




Zombies are supernatural. You are playing a zombie game. I'm thankful they went out of the box trying to explain their zombie outbreak instead of being the 3759th zombie story that just goes "oh no contaminated food/random mutation of another disease"


Or "evil corporation unleashes/loses control of lab grown virus." Glad they tried something different.


I don't hate it but I agree that the dlc went left and right in terms of story, trying to be everything at once. I just think hive-mind smart / talking zombies are kinda dumb.


How do you feel about dead space in this idea


Dead space are aliens, not zombies.


I Mean I feel that, but that also feels off though when their whole thing is that they have to use dead races to create thier kind so in the idea of having just become reanimated flesh feels fair


Many animal species can copy the human speech so I wouldn't be surprised for aliens to use that to lure people. That's why I don't mind Bursters talking because I feel like they use speech to lure people more than they actually know what it means or "feel" like they're talking.


Oh I totally get what you mean them being a hive mind type deal probably have thier own language and intelligence to speak through or things would get super hard if thier was language barriers between planets and even sounds kinda funny. like the marker and it being conveyed to us. compared to something like a skin walker or similar using a similar sounding noises language noises to just bait us.


Yes, and at least for me it takes the horror away just a bit. It makes it, I don't even know what, just so different that I makes no sense. At the same time though, if someone asked me what they should've done in my opinion, I would say I have no clue and still play the game and dlcs twice through. Even if all the aspects of the information given by the dlcs doesn't feel 100%, I still like the game and will take all that information. Hell, at least they are creative, cannot fault them for thinking outside the box.


Yeah seems a bit dumb, but I know some games consider their DLC’s as non canon so I doubt this stuff would be all that relevant in a sequel. Was perfectly fine with the zombie mode and zombie cult stuff, but I don’t want them to go too far with the stuff they added in Haus.


your insane if you think the dlc for dead island 2 wont be cannon


> Was perfectly fine with the zombie mode and zombie cult stuff, but I don’t want them to go too far with the stuff they added in Haus. Same here. I hope that when we get Dead Island 3, the Haus and SoLA stuff is either heavily toned down or forgotten about. Or at the very least restricted to its expansions and kept away from the main story.


So, the thing that I'm taking issue with the story is probably the fact that, as is, it's still unfinished. Which means certain threads are yet to really come together. But I personally like how all the... let's call it "extra" supernatural elements work. I like the idea of the autophage hivemind and how numanity interacts with that, as highlighted by the slayer having a spidey-sense-este headache a new variation is getting close. I like how "immunity" is treated as a symbiosis with the autophage as possessed to the typical "immune = doesn't do anything", which was a part of DI1 and Riptide what with the player characters being asymptomatic rather than outright immune. And the fact that the liquidised remains of the zombies in the sewers is explicitly NOT DEAD (well, not inactive, you know what I mean) raises one hell of an eyebrow Then you have Haus and SoLA and we get the hard pivot. Haus being humanity surviving through transhumanisation whereas SoLA gives more context as to the nature/origin of the autopahge, IE an extradimensional force. But, again, as is, the story is unfinished. Questions are still in the air and the battle is still being fought. We might get a satisfying conclusion to it all, we might not. I'm personally hopeful.


YES. It was so cool when it was just people infected by a mutated kuru strain, like there was a reasonable explanation for all of the "zombie" behavior. Then DI2 went full bore into some pants on head shit about the kuru activating a secret immortal zombie gene dormant in all people that sounds like it was written by a middle school kid.


Yeah feels like the writers watched the walking dead, got to the part Rick says “we are the walking dead” and was like “WRITE THAT DOWN! WRITE THAT DOWN”


I was a bit apprehensive at it at first, but it just grew on me.


I don't mind it. I hated the base story of the "genetic timebomb" because after the first game's more scientific explanation and given real science, it makes zero sense. The fact that there is a supernatural element allows me to suspend my disbelief a lot more.


I tried to love it because I loved the first dead island. But an hour into the demo I just couldn’t play it. Too clunky, even more so than the first two.


I still love the game because of everything else around it like gameplay and sidequests but yeah, when it comes to the main story I definitely started losing interest more and more as it went on because of the supernatural elements. Not that supernatural elements are bad, they just didn't feel like they were written in a very compelling way compared to the early game.


The story is a bit messed up but honestly the game is so good I hardly think of it. I seriously love this game!


I’m not a huge fan of where the story has turned either. It’s not that I don’t like what they were going for, it’s just such a left turn that I feel like it’s barely connected to the lore


Amen, the game as a whole feels like it's a different game with a Dead Island 2™ sticker on it


Honestly I think Dead Island 1 + Riptide were a perfect storm of jank and fun


AMEN, how hard was it to just copy that and add a bunch of shit to it?


I don’t think they should’ve copied it but at least kept some things consistent; like I really don’t care for the new crafting system


Yes of course I'm just saying I wouldn't have minded it Yeah I hate the card system , completely removes the fun of playing different characters


I forgot about the card system 100%


Then you weren't playing it right.


Oh I used it, but I never ever changed my cards once I set them and forgot about it until that comment lol. It felt so unnecessary and inconsequential


They definitely fucked the story. It’s also totally disconnected from the first games


Agreed, 100%. It honestly feels like they only brought Sam B back just to remind people that we're still playing Dead Island and not something different. 


yeah because it's confusing af, i didn't follow any of it really, why'd they make it his complicated?




Honestly don’t even consider it part of the original universe lol it’s way too different, I know exactly what you mean.


I really wish we could have seen how the original Dead Island 2 would have turned out.


Yeah, that original trailer was everything…


I'm for it. It's different and fun


I generally don't like zombies when the reason for the zombification is paranormal (though, I understand that the origins of this is literally paranormal), with only a few exceptions, i.e. the game is fun like the NZA titles. But it's fine as well with DI2. They needed to further the story in their own way (totally new devs) and the *supernatural* stuff isn't as paranormal as literal ghosts, demons, or the like. I just hope the future expansions, if at all, would clearly explain their direction for the lore. The base game's ending was extremely anti-climactic for me.


The thing I hate is that NONE of it is explained to a satisfying level. Maybe I missed something in SoLA but HAUS felt like they had ideas and didn't explain them


Glad others feel the same way. I *loved* the game, but it was a bit or a turn-off for me. Things got complicated quickly. Nonetheless, I'd play any kind of Dead Island game after waiting almost a decade for this one to release.


Yeah honestly I am really not a fan of the direction Dead Island has gone with this new studio, the plot is so out of left field it doesn’t even feel like Dead Island anymore


Nope. It's zombies. Original zombie stories were about and from voodoo and that's where the word originated. Gawd forbid a zombie story be on theme, elsewise.


As someone who hasn't played DI2 yet all I can do is ask what the hell is going on? Aliens? Reality warping AI house? Aliens?


Nothing feels more B-Movie than an alien/altered reality plot wedged into a zombie movie. I personally love it.


Even though DI2 is fun, it looks good and it has sooo many qualities even for a game that was so long in the development hell, I will always prefer DI 1 and even Riptide. I do enjoy the fact that those games keep it much more simple plot wise. I love the dinstinct soundtracks and the atmosphere, and that could not be possible today, because like any game, DI 1 and Rt were children of that spesific era. Games have changed so much since then.


Definitely agree with you. I can’t lie how disappointed I was when I waited years to to find out what happens at the end of Riptide only for DI2 to come along and basically retcon everything and make its own virus. I actually also enjoyed the main campaign for what it was (except for that abrupt ending) but the DLC’s are just trying to hard to be weird and confusing that it’s just not enjoyable, at least for me. Truth is when Techland stopped working on the series, it became something totally different, story wise.


>  I actually also enjoyed the main campaign for what it was (except for that abrupt ending) but the DLC’s are just trying to hard to be weird and confusing that it’s just not enjoyable, at least for me. Agreed completely. The main campaign for the most part was pretty enjoyable to me. The DLCs though while fun gameplay-wise (IMO), just endlessly confused me and kinda took me out of the experience. 


Where's all this stuff in the game?




I didn't like it particularly and I didn't really understand it either, the games so insanely enjoyable though so it didn't change my opinion of the game itself, it's kind of a shame it's in there at all