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Today I woke up, stabbed Dante, showered, stabbed him again, ate breakfast, stabbed him again and went on a walk for 10 hours. I got back, stabbed Dante, ate dinner, stabbed Dante again, brushed my teeth, stabbed him again, read a book and went to bed. I can't wait to stab Dante tomorrow


Today I woke up, gave orders but they didn’t follow them so I smacked Grif, drove around in my jeep, harassed the Blues, said I would declare war on them, smacked Grif again cause I felt like it, then I went to bed


Makima: She walked the dogs, killed several devils without getting dirty, Her pochita body pillow was extra soft today. There's even a slight breeze. The new kendrick album is phenomenonal Guts: An average person's bad day Goku: Honestly just an average day of his life seems to be phenomenonal to him .