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“I see the bunch. The ***leader*** of the bunch. And for the first time… ***I know him well.***” ![gif](giphy|9CAkXcO7DBzmU)


# *P E A K*


“I saw him, The Final Judgment, The Time Lord Victorious, The Mad Man With A Box, He who stops the monster and for once…. **I saw Death**”


Nope Dr. Manhattan is a lot stronger than Doctor and bootstrap paradox or anything doesn't work against Dr. Manhattan.


~~Was trying to make it sound badass~~ I mean as an interaction not a battle, not that Dr Manhattan is gonna die but he saw the one who brings death to everywhere he goes even the core of the Omniverse Just imagine if Dr Manhattan saw everything the Doctor did, I won’t go into much but The 7th Doctor once dance with death itself and make the embodiment of fear…. Fear Him, that’s just an example


He probably sees madness and insanity.


Yeah that too


Depends on what you give the Doctor. In base Manhattan should be stronger but I imagine he wouldn't kill The Doctor for the same reason he didn't kill Superman (I.E he sees the universe literally warping around the Doctor and rebooting for him).


>Depends on what you give the Doctor. Nothing in Doctor's arsenal works against Dr. Manhattan. >I.E he sees the universe literally warping around the Doctor and rebooting for him). That is not the only reason the entire DC is causing the effect not those universes. And DC as a whole scales higher than Dr. Manhattan that is why he is unable to erase supes. But that won't be the problem here because doctors verse scales lower than Dr.Manhattan so even if he faces the resistance it won't matter he can override it. Of course this is the scenario where Dr.Manhattan went absolute nuts and decided to kill anyone in his way.


Nothing in the Doctor usual aresnal can work unless you really low ball Dr Manhattan and make him equal to the external, then one thing can probably work.  The Keys to time would probably still be just as effective either way.  Idk about that. The Doctor cosmology is pretty insane. There a place in Doctor who called the land of Fiction which all fictional media presides (including anything from myths to imaginary friends) and even stuff like the Lovecraft mythos resides there yet it's a lower plane of reality in Doctor who created by the gods of Ragnarok who aren't top of the verse. Even stuff like Celestis was able to use the fictional generator to bring the Elder things into the Doctor who world which does show that even Cosmologies that should be infinite can be argued to be below universal in Doctor who. Not to mention that the Doctor who world shares it multiverse with Marvel who is (probably) even with DC's. Not to mention the Doctor isn't having the universe/Multiverse change around him, he having beings that are above the multiverse and it concepts (the Menti Celes) warp it for him,  the Doctor himself even went to the Real world at one point so he actually does scale pretty close to DC with all that fiction manipulation. Dr Manhattan at the very least would still find base Doctor interesting before he blasts him lol.


Dr. Doom keeps interrupting his internal monologue by delivering his *own* monologue out loud. "I see potential... but I see arrogance. I see the flaws of a-" "DOOM SEES AN INSIGNIFICANT SMURF WHOSE OPINION IS IRRELEVANT." "... the flaws of a man capable of so much, and yet held back by his pride." "(Tries the cosmic power siphon. It doesn't work.) DOOM WAS MERELY TESTING THE POWER SIPHON. DOOM KNEW THAT IT WOULD NOT WORK. DOOM KNOWS ALL."


Need someone to animate this


Yeah doom would say something like that


“When I looked at the Homelander, I see a bastardization of the man that inspired me; It wasn’t fully his fault he became that way, but I feel a strong disgust whenever my eyes encounter him.” “In a curious way, Nolan reminds me of myself. While we do have completely different backgrounds, he reminds me that humanity can be restored even with power surpassing it”


Yes 👍


"For the first time.....I have no idea what is standing Infront of me" "Poyo!"


"There is a kindness in this one. A gentleness. Warmth. Companionship. Perhaps even naiveity. And yet, the darkest corners of existence cry out in this being's direction. Not of fear or sorrow, but as if to warn others of their folly. As if the mere act of evil is no longer an option, as this one stands in existence."


You just know Deadpool wouldn't take it seriously at all. "I see-" "I SEE BLUE BALLS!"


![gif](giphy|5yLgocnCRCdOaBGzQZ2) "Damn! When did the smurfs get a live action adaption without CGI???"


If he is inspired by the man of tomorrow, then Link would probably give off similar vibes since he too is a symbol of hope and courage. His courage is so strong that Gods can’t help but notice.


just realized my [Manhattan vs Rei](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/s/hMHwl0u6lU) post accidentally references Doomsday Clock fuck me


Damn those panels are good If only I had money to commission you...


But rei is not on death battle (yet)


Sarge and him would talk about war


“Like the kryptonian before him..this..*machine* is more man..then even the ‘men’ born into this world…for not only have I been inspired once..I’ve been given hope..by this **Optimus..Prime.**”


“I see a demon who will save not just figurative family, but biological family too and all with that family by his side”




Natsu Dragneel


I see a boy. A boy who has arguably one of the most dangerous devices in all of history, yet his very first instinct is to use it to be a hero. For the first time...I declared "It's hero time!"


Oh my god YES!!!


Exactly how it happened in this comic lmao


A lot more fair than Surfer against Martian Manhunter.


Does dr Manhattan beat silver surfer tho? I see him stronger actually... ![gif](giphy|kDlfHqGJMbiuCcGqYI)


“I look at this man, granted powers by a chance encounter with an irradiated spider. I see how this accident led to him suffering loss after loss… An uncle killed by a man he could’ve stopped. A loved one accidentally killed by his own hand. A close friend dying in an attempt to avenge his father. And yet, throughout all of it, he perseveres. Despite every loss he has suffered, this **Spider-Man** continues to risk his own life, even as his accomplishments are twisted and reviled by the public. All to uphold the lesson his uncle taught him years ago. It is… amazing.”


"No...It is...**Spectacular**"


"He might be the **Ultimate** example of a hero"


"I see a monster, a monster who's hatred transcends generations. This level of hatred truly deserves...respect" ![gif](giphy|kiJEGxbplHfT5zkCDJ)


Doctor Manhattan would probably be inspired for the first time after seeing tomorrow and the man of tomorrow.


I like to think he would be afraid of Unicron.


Tell me, does a god such as yourself feel... FEAR


TFS Vegeta: " WHO THE HELL IS IMPERSONATING ME?" ![gif](giphy|DkKrdIlSv5pyo)


Against galactus he probably sees a being of untold powers yet cannot control his own fate just like himself.


I see a woman who bends reality with words spoken backwards. It defies my understanding of the physical laws. Yet unlike me, she remains deeply connected to the human condition.


It’s essentially a fallen angel against a master of the physical world. By angel I mean Sauron


"I see a mortal. A mortal with the role of an angel. Through all his selfishness and kindness... He endears me."


Is that pit?


Goku (UI is the power of the angels)


“For the first time in my existence I think to believe in the concepts of Heaven and Hell. For the first time and only time I will feel fear for what would be considered my soul. For the first time the word Vengeance would mean to me not a man of trauma saving a city doomed to fail but a monster struck down from the heavens itself and corrupted by the most vile of Demons. I can find myself fortunate that it seems that whatever higher being exists above us does not wish for my premature erasure, for else the fight we would wage would destroy that being’s creations.” Doctor Manhattan meeting **Ghost Rider** and learning the nature of **Zarathos**.


Didn’t it happen in the button canonically? (Reverse-Flash)


" I see a powerfull warrior made from the fusion of two other powerful warrior's that swallowed there pride to stop an opponent that could not control his power ".


I feel like Vergil would just look at Dr Manhattan for a good second and then just walk past him while saying "I've seen weirder."


“I see a man, given power that could’ve easily made him a monster to all of humanity. Yet he chose to use it to protect humans, and despite the choices he had to make, at the end, he was just as human as everyone else.”


Who is this? Cole?




"As I look into the eyes of this blue creature, I don't see the simple mindedness of an average forest creature. I see the desire to be free and create freedom for other people on this planet. I see the fire of a person who's confident in himself in all the right ways. I don't see a rodent. I see the wind." "yellow ass block of cheese bruh 🥶😭😭"


"He clearly has made his mistakes in the past and yet he seems to be at peace." "You don't know the half of brother" "It is actually admirable how this destroyer this **God of War** was able to find redemption."